Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 784 Use magic to defeat magic?

"This is an Aika zinc horse with extremely strong endurance."

Early the next morning, Wang Tao guided Lu Lin onto the carriage, while introducing this kind of thing to Lu Chen.

It is a long distance from Jinkelan City to Ocalan City. If it were an ordinary carriage, it might not be possible to reach it even if it takes a month. Therefore, the journey is tiring, in this country and at this time, it is very appropriate.

"Shall we go by carriage?"

After Lu Lin boarded the car, Lu Chen saw Wang Tao press a small button under the curtain, which seemed to be able to isolate the sound from inside and outside.

Wang Tao shook his head, "Archbishop Guerra is very eager to see Mr. Lu as soon as possible. Although the Aikazinma travels fast, it is still not as fast as it. It takes two weeks to reach Ocalan City. We have other 'transportation methods'"

Wang Tao smiled mysteriously, "Mr. Lu will see you soon."

Lu Chen glanced at the carriage, "Don't you have to hide it from my sister?"

What the other party was talking about should be some kind of extraordinary power. As a traveler, Lu Lin would definitely find out. After all, Lu Lin knew the distance between the two places and she had studied in Ocalan City.

"As a family member, as long as a confidentiality agreement is signed, there is no problem with this level of extraordinary power. Besides, I have read the information and found that Miss Lu is a devout Morning Support believer. She should be happy for the miracle to come."

Wang Tao explained, extending his hand to signal Lu Chen to get in the car.

Lu Chen didn't ask any more questions. It was obvious that the other party wouldn't talk to him about too many secrets here. He would have to wait until he got to the headquarters of Morning Support Church to find out everything.

They spent nearly two days in the car, during which they stopped in a town and rested overnight.

On the second night, Lu Chen's consciousness discovered that the carriage procession paused for a moment outside a large city that was more developed than Jinkelan City.

In front of the convoy is a dark pillar, the top of which looks like a spire above a church.

Wang Tao got out of the car and chatted a few words with an old man who was also wearing a black windbreaker and handed over some documents and certificates. The old man in black got out of the way and muttered something beside the four- to five-meter-thick pillar. A strange wave appeared. around the pillars.

Wang Tao returned to the carriage again, instructed the convoy to move forward, blindfolded Aika Zima, and rushed straight towards the dark pillar.


Lu Chen understood part of the mystery. Although the "energy" driven was very abnormal, it ultimately caused fluctuations in the laws of space. The carriage did not crash into a pillar, but passed through a certain tunnel.

The tunnel was dark and long. About ten minutes later, after emerging from the other end of the tunnel, they had arrived at another land.

"Mr. Lu, we have arrived at the outskirts of Ocalan."

Wang Tao reminded.

Lu Chen covered the sleepy Lu Lin with a blanket, got off the carriage, and looked at the wilderness in front of him.

Behind them, there is also a dark pillar, which should be used as a transmission node.

To the rear, there is an endless wilderness, with several burned-down ruins vaguely visible, and the air is filled with an undetectable strange aura.

The outskirts of Ocalan were exactly where the divine disaster broke out ten years ago, and "Lu Chen" was the only survivor.

In front of them, there was a bright light, completely different from the bustling Jinkelan City. Even though it was more than ten miles away, the noisy sound was carried by the wind, and even ordinary people could hear it.

This is a big city that is at least five times larger than Jinkelan City. There is no place like the lower city. The people living here are decent and have a bright future.

Wang Tao did not disturb Lu Chen, thinking that this was the emotion of a young man from the countryside when he saw a big city for the first time.

After a while, Lu Chen got back into the car, and the convoy moved forward again, heading towards the center of Ocalan.

We didn't stop until we arrived at the residence arranged by the church, an elegant two-story classical villa.

"Sister, wake up, we are here."

Lu Chen pushed Lu Lin to wake up. She had been sleeping very hard before. It had something to do with the special incense in the car, which had the effect of sleeping and calming the mind. Obviously, the night watchers didn't want this ordinary girl to know that the "miracle" was coming. The way.

"Huh? Here we are!? How many days have I been sleeping!?"

Lu Lin was a little surprised and confused, subconsciously thinking that she had not woken up.

"Miss Lu, don't be surprised. As mentioned before, it's a small miracle."

Wang Tao smiled and said, "Mr. Lu and we still have some entry procedures to go through. We are tired of traveling. Miss Lu can move in first. The furniture here has been arranged."

Lu Lin looked at the luxurious house in front of her, feeling a little unreal. Happiness came too suddenly, and she felt like she was living in a dream for the past two weeks.

But after the joy, she felt a little worried and looked at Lu Chen, "You won't take my brother to a strange place, will you?"

"Don't worry, Mr. Lu is our special guest. He will return home before the zero hour bell rings."

Wang Tao is always polite to ladies.

"Sister, go and rest first. It doesn't matter to me."

Lu Chen smiled kindly, but in the eyes of the other night watchmen, it looked like the cruelty of a demon.

Lu Lin hesitated for a moment, but still didn't ask any more questions. She just said, "I have to come back soon."

After bidding farewell to Lu Lin, I did not take a carriage for the rest of the way, because the magnificent Gothic building, Ocalan Cathedral, was only two streets away from the villa.

The sacred white doves danced and circled in the night sky, and finally stopped at the spire of the church. Two by two, they seemed to be whispering in the night wind.

Wang Tao dismissed the other team members and took Lu Chen into the courtyard outside the cathedral. There was a large green space and various sculptures and fountains, exuding a peaceful and sacred atmosphere.

Entering the interior of the church, rows of candles illuminate the empty hall. It is now eight o'clock in the evening, and the believers have all left, returning home for dinner, ending the day's work, and spending time with their families.

But inside the church, Lu Chen saw that there were still some men in black in several corners, patrolling solemnly. All of them were extraordinary people.

Wang Tao led Lu Chen through the rows of prayer seats, to the corner at the back of the church, and climbed the stairs to a place where only internal clergy could go.

The stairs under my feet are constantly retreating, and the shadows reflected by the light of the candles are moving forward.

Neither of them spoke, and they reached the top of the church. At the end of the corridor on this floor, there was a pure white door, and a priest stood in front of the door.

The priest wears a monocle and has gray hair. He looks to be in his fifties, but his figure is still strong. There are slight bulges on both sides of his waist, which should be some kind of hidden weapon.

He stood there, solemn like a statue in the shadow of the candlelight.

Lu Chen took another look at the man and saw that his main attributes were above 147, which made him a sixth-level high-level explorer. His mental attributes were also very high, reaching 149 points.

"Hello, Mr. Lu, you can call me Father Anderson."

The tall white man nodded towards Lu Chen. His eyes and expression did not change. There was no enthusiasm or hostility.

"Lu Chen, hello."

Lu Chen nodded.

Wang Tao bowed and retreated, obviously his mission ended here.

Father Anderson pushed open the pure white door and saw the light of candles. In the dim light, inside the gorgeously decorated room, at the desk next to the window, an old man in gray robe was sitting quietly. There, the quill in his hand was put down, as if he had just stopped working.

The old man looked like he was in his seventies, with pale hair. He was a white man. His face was very aged, but his eyes were bright and clear.

He has a peaceful temperament. Perhaps in the eyes of ordinary people, he is a gentle, holy, and wise elder. But in Lu Chen's view, there is a strange aura lingering about him, which is not very negative. , a chilling aura of madness.

But essentially, it seems to have the same roots as Lanis.

"Hello, Mr. Lu. It's been a hard journey, and it's really rude to come to you so late."

The old man stood up. His height was about 1.75 meters, but he gave people a tall feeling. "Let me introduce myself. I am the provincial archbishop of the Noah's Province branch of the Morning Embrace Church, Sirius Guerra."

Instead of the old charlatan that Lu Chen had expected, he came up and said something like a lost lamb. The other person seemed like an ordinary hospitable old man, apologizing for the impromptu meeting late at night.


Lu Chen nodded.

Archbishop Guerra seemed to be very surprised when he saw Lu Chen's words and deeds. He walked around the long table and looked around Lu Chen, "It turns out it's true. You survived and became a transcendent."

"Can you explain what a transcendent is?"

Lu Chen asked.

Archbishop Guerra gave Father Anderson a look, and he asked Lu Chen to sit down on the sofa beside him while he went to make tea.

"It is very complicated to explain what a transcendent is, so why not start with the most basic questions and answer them for you."

Archbishop Guerra's voice was unhurried and he was obviously very good at communicating with people.


Lu Chen knew that he wanted to reveal the extraordinary side of this world.

"The first is the night watchmen. Mr. Lu should have seen some unusual things during the disaster that year. Those things were ominous, terrifying, and went against the 'common sense' of the world."

"When ordinary people see those things, there is usually no possibility of survival. They wander in the night, spread fear and madness, and erode humans. They are unkillable or extremely difficult to kill. There is no corresponding Even the strongest soldiers will die at their hands."

At this point, the candlelight in the room fluctuated slightly, and the old man's shadow swayed. His voice was low, "They are weird and mysterious. It is difficult to explain these things in one or two sentences. Mr. Lu only needs to understand that they are supernatural." Just exist. Fortunately, in despair, humans have the blessing of the Morning Embrace Goddess and have found a way to fight against them."

The old man's voice paused, "...use their power to fight against them."

Lu Chen was a little dumbfounded. Isn't this just using magic to defeat magic?

He might have guessed what was going on with the night watchers.

"The original source of power was given to us by the Goddess of Morning Embrace. Our ancestors used this power to hunt strange things, deal with mysteries, face those indescribable things, obtain their origins, integrate into themselves, and become stronger."

Archbishop Guerra took the tea poured by Father Anderson and continued: "Today's night watchmen, each has mastered this extraordinary power to fight against the monsters in the darkness and wait for the arrival of dawn."

"Extraordinary power? Is it a weird power?"

Lu Chen smiled.

Archbishop Guerra's expression froze and he sighed, "Actually, Mr. Lu is right. The Holy See's use of this power is far from glorious. That's why the existence of the Night Watch is a secret, because the believers cannot know that the originally sacred The Holy See, the actual 'holy' power is 'dirty'."

Lu Chen was a little surprised. He didn't expect the old man to be so calm. He thought he would be angry.

"Don't be surprised. This is something that every extraordinary person in the Holy See knows very well. As Mr. Lu thought, borrowing the power of weirdness is not without cost, because weirdness itself is the embodiment of the will of the old gods. Now, when you accept it, you are also being eroded.”

"As the integration of that power deepens, the night watchmen will gradually hear sounds they shouldn't hear. However, this process, based on our historical experience, has become more controllable. As long as the night watchmen are determined, they can If he survives it, when he successfully resists, he will completely digest the strange power and will no longer be affected by the will of the old gods."

Lu Chen didn't ask what would happen to those who were not determined. Just thinking about it, he knew that they would probably lose control and go crazy.

"In the Night Watch, we usually divide them into five stages, and draw a comprehensive and systematic division based on the original strength of the absorbed weirdness and its current strength."

Archbishop Guerra stretched out his finger, "The first level is the security level. It is responsible for handling incidents that can only cause disasters on the scale of villages and towns. This level is also the most numerous among the night watchmen."

"The second level, the dangerous level, is responsible for dealing with incidents that can cause disasters on a rural or county scale. The number of night watchmen at this level is much smaller, and they are generally only stationed in churches in big cities."

"The third level is a high-risk level, responsible for events that can cause devastating disasters to small cities. Generally, provincial and district churches will not have more than ten people like this."

Hearing this, Lu Chen raised his hand and interjected: "Why do you name the members of your team after these?"

Archbishop Guerra glanced at Lu Chen meaningfully, "Because this not only describes the danger they face, but also describes themselves..."

Lu Chen understood that the higher the level of the night watchman, the easier it might be for him to lose control. The high risk means that he is at risk of losing control.

"The fourth level is the special level. There is something special about this level. Generally, those who can become special level night watchmen have completely overcome the influence of those unknown powers, so the probability of them losing control is very low, and they can handle most sacred disasters. And there are no more than a hundred such night watchmen in the Sistine Empire."

As he spoke, Archbishop Guerra paused and spread his palms, "The fifth level is the divine envoy level. As the name suggests, it is like the spokesperson of the Goddess of Morning Embrace in the world, with power close to that of a god. Such an existence, Xi There are only two people in the Sting Empire.”

"who is it?"

Lu Chen asked curiously.

"His Majesty the Pope, and the President of the General Inquisition."

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