Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 803 Protecting the Place of Inheritance

The sky in winter always seems a little dark, and a lone bird flies south, and two calls are heard from time to time on the horizon.

Luoshuang City is located in Haibei Province, in the southernmost part of the Sistine Empire.

This is a small, clean town, and just like its name, it is in a state of frost and snow all year round.

In this desolate winter day, it is even more cold.

On the outskirts of Luoshuang City, where the main town is, there is a large-scale building. It is difficult to say what style it is.

Like the result of the collision of Eastern and Western cultures, the design of the courtyard is in Gothic style, and there is a statue of the Goddess of the Morning Embrace. However, the main buildings in the center seem to be out of tune with this era, like legendary temples from the Lost Era.

A young man of about seventeen or eighteen years old, with a strong build, sat on the wall of the courtyard, looking at the lone bird in the sky. The cold wind blew his cheeks and his brilliant short golden hair, and seemed to dye his brows with a trace of wind and frost.

If you look closely, you will find that the young man's face and the part covered under his collar have a less conspicuous dark green color. He was in a daze for a while and sighed.

Other teenagers passing by saw him sitting on the wall and greeted him unfriendlyly, "Crane tail, why are you still in a daze? Do you want to continue to be beaten this afternoon?"

After hearing what his peers said, the young man looked a little unnatural, jumped off the courtyard wall, jumped to the other side, and left in despair.

His name is Clement Oral, and he is the second son of the Oral family.

The Oral family had a duke in their ancestors. It was not hereditary, but the descendants were quite successful. In this generation, the current head of the family also has the title of marquis in the empire, and controls real power. He is considered a popular figure.

Clement could be regarded as the young master of a big family based on his background, but instead of enjoying the feasting life in the royal capital, he was sent to Luoshuang City when he was seven years old, and came to this damned place.

This building in the outer suburbs is not as simple as it seems to outsiders. Although it is a little dilapidated, every brick and tile has a history of thousands of years. It has always been a place where Morning Embrace Church secretly cultivates talents.

This place is not like those seminaries. The children sent here will receive the best training since childhood, from fighting to learning the knowledge of the night side. As for theology and general subjects, they have become the least important.

This is a place to protect inheritance. There are only a few similar places like this in the Sistine Empire.

Anyone who knows the place of guardian inheritance knows that at least a quarter of the special night watchmen in the Sistine Empire have stayed in these places. They are the cradle of the Morning Embrace Church to cultivate top night watchmen.

Children who are sent to such a place are often given high hopes by their families, hoping that there will be a person in the family who can truly control the power, who can consolidate the family's power.

But Clement didn't think this was a good place, because life was too difficult, even more difficult than the life of the ascetics mentioned in the scriptures.

And he also knew a secret here. The real purpose of the so-called guardian inheritance place was not to cultivate powerful night watchmen, but to cultivate a more important existence - the guardian.

Within the various systems of Morning Embrace Church, anyone who wants to come into contact with the dark side will learn the corresponding knowledge and understand the classification of the characteristics of the Night Watchmen, and most people who study seriously will know that some Night Watchmen are very special.

That is the Transcendent. Transcendents are born with strong spiritual resistance. After awakening, they have great strength and advance rapidly. Many people eventually become special night watchmen, and there are even cases of directors of the Inquisition. , he became a divine envoy.

But while everyone is familiar with the Transcendent, there is another special existence that few people know about, or even if they have heard of it, they only think it is a legend.

The Guardian is known as one who comes in every era, and is favored by the Goddess of Morning Embrace, the chosen one.

Legend has it that as long as the guardian can grow up normally, he can directly accommodate the special-level weird origin when he reaches adulthood and become the top combat power of the Morning Embrace Church.

Not only that, the guardian's unreasonably powerful talent, or the talent given by the goddess, allows him to integrate into the weird origins almost unlimitedly, reaching the level of a divine envoy as quickly as possible.

The director of the Inquisition has already set a record for the speed from entry to becoming a powerful person at the level of an envoy, but the legendary guardians are much faster, and even if they reach the level of an envoy, their growth rate will not change. slow.

The only thing that comforts the weirdos is that guardians tend not to live very long, and few live past fifty.

"Clement, you're late again, hold out your hand."

Clement wandered to the playground behind the courtyard in a daze and heard the scolding.

Standing in front of him is an old yellow man with no hair and wearing orange cloth. He is the manager of the place that protects the inheritance. It is said that he has abandoned his surname and given name a long time ago. Now everyone calls him Master Yideng.

The old man has an old face, a thin body, and a pair of bright eyes. He does not have the kindness of ordinary old people. He looks very stern. The boys and girls here will feel trembled when they are stared at by those eyes.

Clement stretched out his hands obediently, and Master Yideng took out a white ruler and hit Clement's already swollen hand, which made him gasp in pain and his brain was no longer confused.

"After the lecture is over, I will run another twenty miles and be back before dinner, otherwise I won't have to have dinner."

Master Yideng took back his ruler and asked Clement to stand in the line.

There are a total of more than 20 boys and girls on the playground, with more teenagers, but it is difficult to distinguish the girls here, because they all have short hair, wrapped around their chests, and have a somewhat capable atmosphere due to years of training. , the skin is not much better in this bitter cold place.

Among this group of people, Clement was not of the highest origin. The girl standing on his left, who was only a little lower than him, was said to come from a duke's family, and her grades were among the top three among the children.

As for himself, as those classmates said just now, he belongs to the tail end of the crane here.

Clement is not really without talent, he just doesn't care much about anything, because he hates this place from the bottom of his heart, and he is not interested in becoming a night watchman.

Because he is an outcast in the family, his status as a shadow puppet has been basically declared from the moment he was sent here.

He knew more secrets than ordinary people, so he was suffering internally.

His the true guardian.

When he was seven years old, a big shot from the Morning Embrace Church came to the family and took away his sister. In the same year, he came to this poor place.

Because the existence of guardians is very dangerous, whether it is for those weird and mysterious items or for the Church of Eternal Night, they are eager to obliterate the existence of guardians, especially the latter.

Clement didn't understand it when he was a child, but here he also learned about politics, and he did well in cultural classes. He gradually understood that the church needed a shield as the first target under the curtain.

He was sent to the place to protect the inheritance, not because the church and family were optimistic about his talent, but because he came out to protect his sister from death.

Since he understood this when he was twelve years old, he has stopped working hard, because no matter how hard he works and how good his results are here, no one from his family will come to see him.

He has been removed from the list, perhaps regarded as a dead person by default.

As for his sister, she now holds a high position in the Holy See, and it is said that she will be selected as the only saint of the Morning Embrace Church this year.

In the royal capital, he lived a comfortable life, was sought after by thousands of people, and loved by his parents, but he, Clement, had nothing.

Some of it is just physical torture now.


Thoughts were racing in Clement's mind, and the gasping in his mouth was getting louder and louder. At the end of the afternoon fighting class, he was still the worst performer, and he still had to run twenty miles in twenty minutes.

The young people studying here have never been exposed to the strange origin. They have only strengthened their bodies through constant tempering. Therefore, this distance and time limit are not something that can be easily achieved, although they are already stronger than most imperial soldiers. .

Clement is not an outstanding player among his classmates. This time limit is an impossible task for him, but he still has to run, otherwise Master Yideng, who is always targeting him, will definitely be more harsh.

By then I won’t be able to eat dinner, and maybe I won’t even be able to sleep.

Running along the river bank in the suburbs, Clement suddenly saw a luxurious carriage running towards him in the distance.

He didn't take it to heart at first, but the next moment he saw the clan emblem hot-stamped on the curtain of the carriage, his heart trembled.

I saw a silver unicorn on the big red curtain, which was the emblem of their Oral family.

Is there someone at home?

Somehow, Clement temporarily forgot how scary Master Yideng was and stopped.

The carriage also stopped under the control of the driver wearing paladin armor. In the wilderness, the cold wind blew on the young man's face, and he was silent for a long time.

The knight got off the carriage and stood as straight as a javelin, as if he had received orders from the people in the carriage.

A hand as white as jade stretched out from the curtain and slowly lifted it up. The girl stepped out elegantly, refusing the knight's support. For a moment, the originally dark sky seemed to become even darker because she looked eclipsed.

The girl's seaweed-like golden hair spread over her shoulders. Wearing a pure white strapless dress, the beautiful collarbone is looming. The material of the skirt is as white as transparent and slightly reflective, just like angel wings, but not exposed at all.

The hem of the skirt curves from low to high, and is slightly puffed up gracefully, revealing the girl's slender legs as white as jade. The corners of the skirt are dotted with diamonds, like countless beautiful morning dews.

She wears a forehead ornament representing the sun, and a thin platinum chain makes her slightly curly hair look pure and beautiful. There is a sun diamond hanging between her eyebrows. It is extremely beautiful and dazzling. The light seems to be alive, like the sun. Amazing.

But the girl's eyes are as calm as the sea, and the diamond between her eyebrows has not taken away any brilliance. She is as beautiful as the legendary goddess who came to the world in the scriptures, mysterious and pure, making people want to hold all the beautiful things in the world in her hands. Feet, just to make her smile lightly.

Clement was a little reserved for a while. He was still wearing a patched rag, and because he was too tired after being punished yesterday, he went to bed without washing it at all.

Damn it, he was obviously born into a noble family, but he felt ashamed in front of the people in front of him.

No, this is our family's car. Could it be that after so many years, the family finally softened and remembered me and wanted to take me back, and the beautiful girl in front of me was my fiancée?

"Clement, you have grown up."

However, the girl spoke the next moment, leaving Clement a little stunned.


He asked uncertainly, is this his sister Irina Olar, the annoying freckle-faced ghost when she was a child?

The beautiful girl with blond hair nodded, expressionless, "It seems that your memory is still so bad. From the human skeleton, you should be able to judge what I will look like when I grow up, just like I can recognize you at a glance."

Clement felt a little agitated. Fortunately, he didn't ask what he was thinking about just now, otherwise it would really be...

He calmed down and was about to ask his sister why she came to Luoshuang City and whether it had anything to do with him, but the voice of Master Yideng came from the distance.

"Clement, you have missed dinner time."

When Clement turned his head, he saw Master Yideng walking strangely in the wilderness. He crossed the distance of one mile in a few steps and came to his side.

"Your Highness the Saint, do you have any orders when you come here?"

Master Yideng put his hands together and saluted the blond girl.

"I was just passing by and wanted to borrow a book from the collection here."

Irina returned the greeting with a calm voice.

"So, please come with me."

Master Yideng said, looking at Clement, "Keep running, you still have four miles to go."

Having said that, Irina boarded the carriage again without looking at her biological brother. Master Yideng led the way and drove towards the ancient building in the wilderness, leaving only Clement in a mess in the wind.

He stood for a moment, felt his body getting cold, and ran against the cold wind.

What, I think too much.


The royal capital, Duke Uesugi's residence, in the oak-white castle.

Someone finally got up slowly. Lu Chen looked at the sky outside. It was already close to noon. It had to be said that he was rarely lazy in bed, and it was extremely rare to get up at this hour.

But you can't blame him. If you want to blame, you can only blame the youngest daughter of Duke Uesugi.

Yesterday, he was more than just a wanderer returning home, he was simply in heaven.

After saying goodbye to Eriki, he opened the window and jumped back to his own mansion while the people in Duke Uesugi's mansion were not paying attention.

He's obviously here to find his wife, whom he married, so why does it look like he's having an affair?

He and Eri had made an appointment to "encounter" at Morning Embrace Church, and the detailed business meeting would be discussed in the library. At this point, Eri had not gotten up yet to show up, and the servants of the Duke's Palace had knocked on the door several times to ask for permission. I'm afraid that my young lady is sick.

If he doesn't leave, I'm afraid the old Duke will come to visit his daughter.

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