Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 806 Night Attack

Under the night, on the outskirts of Luoshuang City, the cold wind howled like an inexplicable whisper.

As soon as Clement, who was covered in scars, returned to the dormitory, he heard complaints from his roommates.

"Can you be more upbeat? Coming back at this time is very disturbing to people's rest."

Sleeping on the left side of the room is a blond boy named Nilf Selden, who comes from the family of a marquis in the empire. He was sent here for training as a pride, and his results have always been among the top five.

Usually, the relationship between him and Clement was not very good or harmonious, but recently his roommate didn't come back until after midnight every day, which was really disturbing his dreams.

The training during the day is hard enough for them. Naturally, they don't have the habit of staying up late when they return at night. They usually fall asleep before ten o'clock and get up before six o'clock the next morning to ensure that they are full of energy for the new day of training.

Who can bear to be woken up in the middle of the night once a day, especially those of them who have been trained to be more vigilant. When they hear the creaking of the door, they wake up directly from their dreams.

"Sorry, I'll pay attention tomorrow."

Clement said apologetically, he also knew that it was not good for him to do this.

Not only Nilf, but also other classmates also have some opinions on themselves, because this dormitory is connected, two people live in one room, girls live in the same room, boys live in the same room with boys, he When the time comes, Nelf is not the only one who wakes up sometimes.

"Oh, forget it, Clement, go to sleep quickly. You are injured again. Master Yideng is really too harsh on you."

Nilf turned over as he complained, feeling sleepy again and not ready to talk any more.

"Sorry, I'll just take a shower and go to sleep."

Clement whispered, walking to the bathroom on the side of the room.

He put the cold sleep on his face to clear his somewhat hazy mind, lit the candle in the bathroom, and looked at his face in the mirror.

It was a rather delicate face of a young man, but now it had conspicuous bruises, which were left when Master Yideng taught him a lesson at night.

Clement's hands were grasped on both sides of the bathroom counter, and his knuckles were turning white from the force.

After Master Yideng talked to him two days ago, he originally wanted to be patient a little longer, but Master Yideng's harshness towards him did not diminish after that, but instead became more demanding.

Obviously he has been working hard and his results in training are not last, but he still has extra training.

He rolled up his sleeves and washed the swollen area with cold water, asking ten thousand reasons in his heart.

The classmates also thought that he always did wrong things, but was he really that unbearable?

His family has forgotten him, his sister did not reminisce with him even if he passed by, his classmates laughed at him, and Master Yideng severely punished him...

Clement looked up at the face in the mirror. The expression was extremely ugly. It was really ugly.

In a daze, he seemed to hear the gentle voice.

No one loves themselves, so you have yourself.

After that conversation, Clement sobered up and realized that his exit statement was ridiculous.

This is a secret location of the church. The children who are sent here either successfully survive to become elite night watchmen, sign a confidentiality agreement and leave here to work in various parts of the empire, or they commit suicide when their trainers cannot bear it.

There is no option to quit and return home, because the secrets of the church are more important than anything else. The Church of Morning Embrace cannot allow a mortal who knows the location of the guardian inheritance to return to normal society, because the mortal's self-protection ability is too weak, which means that the secret is not safe .

Clement suddenly discovered that this place was not an elite training academy that people yearned for, but a prison. Master Yideng was the strongest jailer, and no one could exit early and escape his control.

At least, that's how he felt about himself.

As the manager here, Master Yideng knew his identity, so he trained himself redoubled.

"How about...kill him?"

Something seemed to be whispering in the darkness, and Clement was startled and looked around.

He has learned about the night side. Was that an illusion just now, or was it really something? ?

Clement washed up, patted his face, shook his head violently, and shook off those bad thoughts. He told himself to persist, one year, and as long as he persisted for one more year, he could become a night watchman. .

At that time, he will no longer rely on the family that abandoned him, but will rely on his own efforts to regain a foothold in the empire.

When I returned to bed, it was already late at night, and it was so quiet that something seemed to be jumping out of the darkness.

Clement was lying on the bed, unable to sleep, and he thought about the dreams he had had in the past few nights.

There was a woman in the dream who was so beautiful and gentle, soothing my soul.

But he felt that the content in the dream was dangerous, and always felt that it was eroding his spirit.

Clement originally wanted to tell Master Yideng, but after thinking about it, Master Yideng was a special night watchman. There was nothing weird that could make a monster under his nose. It was probably because he was too tired.

If he told Master Yideng recklessly, he might get another scolding, and he didn't know how terrible additional training he would receive.

When he thought about it, he didn't dare to say it, but he didn't dare to fall asleep for fear that he would have that dream again.

Although he was so comfortable in the dream, he felt inexplicably wary. He was not the kind of person who loves and lusts, so how could he have such dreams continuously.

Could it be that I am really in need of love and long for someone to care about me?

Clement was lying on the bed, turning around. Suddenly, Nilfo across from him suddenly sat up and looked at Clement.

Clement was startled and subconsciously prepared to apologize, thinking that his frequent turning movements were causing his roommate to not sleep.

But Nilf frowned, "Something's wrong, Clement, get up quickly!"

As if to confirm Nilf's words, the next moment, Clement heard a loud noise, the ground was shaking, and the wind was roaring.

"Emergency evacuation!"

What came next was an old and familiar voice, that of Master Yideng.

Nilf moved quickly, put on his clothes and jumped to the ground. He moved cautiously and quietly to the window and looked out sideways. Clement had just gotten out of bed.

"Hush, we are under attack here. Clement put on his shoes and follow me."

Nilf put his finger in front of his mouth, turned around and pulled up Clement, who had just put on his shoes, and gently opened the door.

In the corridor, the doors were opened almost in no particular order. There was no sleep on the faces of the boys and girls, and their reaction speed was extremely fast. They were well-trained.

"There are more than a dozen people, they should all be extraordinary people, and they are traveling faster than us."

One of the silver-haired girls said, because it was night, she took off the bra binding, and under the cloth, you could see the girl's graceful figure.

"Lalatina, you have the best eyesight, are you sure?"

The person who asked in a low voice was the yellow boy who currently ranked number one in training, named Ye Qiufeng. He was also from a noble family and was a family friend of Lalatina's family.

"Master Yideng was restrained by someone. The loud roar just now should be the sound of their fight. There are not many people outside the manor, but it is enough to pose a threat to us."

A blond boy spoke. He was Roosevelt, who was ranked third in training and came from an earl family.

The boys and girls in the corridor were leaning against the wall, moving in an orderly manner, and the exchange of information continued.

"Go to the weapons depot. We can't outrun them in the wilderness. We must meet them at a location we are familiar with."

Lalatina spoke calmly.

"At the Stonehenge in the back courtyard, we can divide into small teams and conduct raids while roaming."

Ye Qiufeng said, motioning for everyone to follow him, opened the window at the other end of the corridor, and jumped out. This was a shortcut and a blind spot in the direction of the enemy's advance.

Clement looked at the scene in front of him in a daze. He wanted to ask why everyone was so calm. They were clearly facing an extraordinary person, so why did they immediately think of attacking?

Judging from the traveling speed of those people, they should only be security-level extraordinary people. This was what confused him the most.

Master Yideng had obviously been knocked away just now. If he could contain Master Yideng, there must be a special one among the enemies.

In such a raid, why would there be security-level extraordinary beings involved?


Is it an exercise?

Clement comforted himself in his heart, thinking that there would not be such a stupid enemy.

If the Eternal Night Church found this place, there would be no reason to do this?

Shouldn't it be a special-level way to contain Master Yideng, and any high-risk night watchman can come and instantly kill students like them who have not yet tolerated their weird origins?

Clement was full of doubts, but when he looked at the calm-looking classmates, he suddenly understood.

Of course, what they can think of, their classmates who are better than themselves can also think of it, but they have no choice now. Whether the enemy appears that can kill them instantly, or it can barely compete, it is not up to them to decide. .

Because the strongest combat force here has been contained, they have no choice but to protect themselves, and these proud students do not want to sit still and wait for death.

"Clement, don't be in a daze, watch your steps. If you fall tonight, you will die."

Nilfo pulled Clement and let him avoid the small pit at his feet.

When they arrived at the weapons depot, the group of boys and girls quickly selected the weapons they were usually familiar with.

Ye Qiufeng chose an oriental long sword, Lalatina chose a long whip with iron thorns, Roosevelt chose a broad-bladed hunting knife, and Nilford chose a knight's two-handed sword. They are weapons that no one is allowed to use in sparring. Only when you practice your moves can you face the dummy.

This group of teenagers responded extremely quickly. It only took less than two minutes from being awakened in their sleep to going to the weapons depot to fully equip themselves.

Clement saw that everyone had chosen their weapons, and he also took a short knife. After holding the weapon in his hand, everyone felt more at ease, but Clement's heart was still beating fast.

Because he knew that if the enemy was the Eternal Night Church, then the other party's sure target tonight was actually himself.

When he thought about this, when he thought about death, Clement felt a little weak.

"Hurry up, they are less than 300 meters away. We have to reach the Stonehenge in the back yard early."

Ye Qiufeng shouted in a low voice, leading the team to run ahead.

Clement's legs were a little weak, and he gradually distanced himself from the team. However, Nilf realized that something was wrong, so he turned around and pulled him to run, "Can you be more courageous? If you fall, you will be killed directly."

Clement was startled when he heard this, and he ran a little faster, arriving at Stonehenge with his classmates.

Lalatina leaned against the cover, slightly squinting her blue eyes in the night, "The dark clouds blocked the moonlight, so I couldn't see clearly."

"There are kerosene lamps here."

Clement raised his hand and said that he was sometimes trained at Stonehenge these nights, so he left a light under the big stone not far away on the left.

"Don't light the lamp, it's not good for us."

Ye Qiufeng said, it can be said that they grew up in these areas, and they can walk through Stonehenge with their eyes closed, but the enemies are different. With everyone's vision limited, the dark environment is beneficial to them.


Ye Qiufeng whispered and gestured to Lalatina and Roosevelt. The next moment, the three of them took action almost simultaneously.

It is hard to imagine that they are just ordinary people who have not yet tolerated their weird origins. The speed and power of their attacks are not inferior to those of security-level extraordinary beings.

In the dim environment, the three of them succeeded in killing two invading enemies with one blow.

Ye Qiufeng shouted: "Form a team nearby and disperse, don't fight head-on!"

After getting closer, Clement could see clearly the clothes of these people, uniform black cloaks with the emblem of the half moon printed on the cloaks, they were members of the Eternal Night Church!

He felt someone pulling him next to him, it was Nilf, "Let's go, don't be surrounded."

At the same time, in the distance, Master Yideng was confronting a man in a bright red cloak on the rushing river. The two fought for hundreds of miles. Under the deliberate restraint of the other party, he was getting farther and farther away from the children's manor.

The other party was a special-level priest, and an extremely powerful special-level priest, which was slightly overwhelming him.

Master Yideng did not ask questions. It would be useless to talk more. The location of the place guarding the inheritance was exposed. Everything stopped. He could only do what he could do.

He had already appealed to the capital for help, but his heart was heavy. The Eternal Night Church was definitely not the only one coming. The other party was an attacker and was fully prepared. Even if two special priests came, it would not be surprising.

The seeds of the empire are probably in danger, but more importantly, Clement is still there.

Master Yideng didn't know if the other party was attacking the guardian inheritance places in various places tonight at the same time, but if he only came here, it meant that there were also people from the Yongye Church among the church's senior leaders. It was really bad news.

On the other side, outside this old manor that combined Eastern and Western styles, there were several figures standing in the dark shadows.

"What's the point of doing this? Wouldn't it be more convenient to kill them all or take them all away?"

Someone spoke.

"Foolish, His Majesty the Pope wants to be alive, and the Guardian is also useful to us. This is the fastest way to find out who the Guardian is."

"But our people are being wasted, being killed by a group of boys and girls who have not yet obtained extraordinary power."

"Doesn't that just show their uselessness? Being able to make significant contributions to the church is their only remaining value."

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