Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 821 The truth, two old gods

The boy usually loves sports, but he is still young after all. When faced with two adults who are obsessed with them, it is impossible for him to shake him. Instead, he is dragged along the ground.

His heels plowed long traces into the soil, and he kept calling his parents' names.

But that was of no avail. He shouted loudly for help, but in the crowd, he was the only one who was awake.

There were so many people, but the boy felt a little lonely. The world was so quiet and scary.

After an unknown amount of time, the crowd approached the darkness of the wilderness. The boy and his family were on the periphery of the crowd, and he could barely see what was there.

An eyeball covered with bloodshot eyes was floating in the air, and an unknown and strange force was spreading. The eyes of people who approached became red, their expressions became fanatical, and they walked towards the eyeball resolutely.

"No, no, no! Who will help us!?"

The little boy shouted, but no hero came, and they were approaching death step by step.

He can run, but what about mom and dad?

The only one who can help his family is himself.

Why, why do we encounter this kind of thing?

The little boy regretted in his heart. If he hadn't pestered his parents and said he wanted to travel to Ocalan City to visit his sister, wouldn't everything have happened?

For a moment, there was a void in his heart, and he felt the cold and crazy whispers becoming more intense, and his clear black pupils gradually dilated.

The little boy bit the tip of his tongue and woke up. His little face turned red from suppressing the pain. He grabbed his parents' hands desperately. Because the ground here was more solid and not soft soil, he successfully stopped the car.

And the crowd at the front has already approached the red eyeball.

The first woman who got close to her eyeballs piously stretched out her hand, explored her own eyes, and dug out her own eyes alive. Gurgling blood flowed from both sides of her face, but she seemed oblivious and did not feel any pain.

Then, she knelt down under her eyeballs and lost her life inexplicably.

Lu Chen could find that the power of this eyeball was slowly increasing slightly, and the nerve endings floating behind it seemed to be extending, as if they were about to breed blood and flesh.

When the little boy saw this scene, he was so frightened that he clenched his hands tighter. He didn't want his parents to get close to the eyeball.

Lu Chen was not as ignorant as Ji Wujiu imagined. He had been in the church library with Leng Yue and knew that there were various ways to increase strength.

Most weirdos rely on spreading fear, harvesting people's emotions, and savoring the special points in the soul to strengthen its own power.

But there are also some weird ones, "life is very ritualistic", they need to trigger certain conditions in order to achieve the purpose of increasing their strength.

The specific ritual and method of killing are related to the source of the weirdness and the ancient god who gave birth to it.

Lu Chen felt that this eyeball did not seem to be a weird thing formed independently, but rather like it was peeled off from some kind of "creature". After it came out, because it only had one eyeball, it seemed to have a different obsession with the creature's eyeball. read.

Perhaps from the weird point of view, it just makes everyone become like it.

Lu Chen turned his perspective and saw a figure running towards him from the other side of the wilderness. It was Archbishop Kural who had gone and returned.

He seemed to have recovered, and wanted to take action to suppress the eyeball again. The aura of a top-notch night watchman rose up around him. That weird power, as well as Archbishop Kural's body movements, allowed Lu Chen to judge that his strength should be Just like Master Yideng.

This is almost the strongest existence among the standing special-level night watchmen. Except that he is not the opponent of the Four Knights of the Dawn, he should belong to the first echelon within the church.

"I must take you back, and if I can't, I will destroy you here."

Archbishop Kural spoke, knowing that the strange thing in front of him could understand what he meant.

What makes Lu Chen strange is that this eyeball does not seem to be the opponent of Archbishop Kural in his prime state. It is supposed to be just a special-level weirdness. How did it become a divine envoy in the end?

He patiently continued to look down, and just when Archbishop Kural was about to destroy the Weird Eye, a new mutation occurred.

The bodies of those mortals who walked toward the eyeball began to turn red and melt like blood. The closer they got, the faster they melted.

Archbishop Kural originally rushed to the side of the strange eye, but his skin began to turn red and his flesh and blood continued to surge. He quickly used the strange power in his body to resist, and flew back, confused. Look where the weird eye is.

I could see the nerve endings of the eyeball fluttering, and the slender tendrils of flesh were exploring the void, as if they were looking for a nest, and seemed to be sending out some signal.

It can be seen that the red mist continues to spread and wrap around the eyeball, finally forming a twisted, weird and indescribable shadow.

The shadow was about eight meters high, and was considered small among the monsters Lu Chen had ever seen, but the aura it exuded was swallowing up the sky and the earth, like the incarnation of the sea of ​​blood and the source of fear.

In the cathedral of Ocalan City, the huge pipe organ sang without any wind, playing high-pitched and passionate music. The bright candlelight in the hall turned from bright yellow to red, rippling with the sound waves, like a dancing enchantress. , to welcome the arrival of God.

All the night watchmen's expressions changed. They looked at the huge pipe organ and listened to the exciting and weird music. The atmosphere of fear spread overwhelmingly.

In the Morning Embrace Church, people from top to bottom came out one after another to look at the source of the aura outside Ocalan City.

The district bishop in gray robes looked solemn and his voice was slightly trembling: "Holy... disaster, that is not something we can handle. Please ask the royal capital for help!"

Although he said this, he still called two high-risk night watchmen and ran to the suburbs with him.

At this time, in the city of Ocalan, it was no longer only the people near the suburbs who were affected. They all froze in place, their skin turned red, and then began to stiffly twist their bodies, kneel on the ground, and kowtow to the inexplicable existence in the suburbs.

Even the safe and dangerous night watchmen lost their minds and stood there in a daze, completely unaware of what was happening.

The district bishop and two other high-risk night watchmen rushed toward the suburbs, but before they even approached the edge of the city, they felt their bodies and minds were out of control.

Fear sprouts in the heart like a seed, constantly growing, trying to burrow upward into the person's mind.

The extreme level of fear is complete domination. The three high-risk transcendental beings instinctively stopped at the edge of the city, but their bodies began to lose control. They took a step forward and kowtowed, like a pilgrimage to see the gods.

"Kazakh...Yigunong...Sabong and Pu'er...Ximika..."

A noisy, unexplained sound echoed between heaven and earth. This sound began to spread from the wilderness and spread to the entire Sistine Empire.

The figure of the red mist is becoming more and more solid. It is difficult to describe its body shape. Its various parts are constantly changing, and mortals cannot look directly at it.

Lu Chen was at the center of the perspective and could feel that the eyeball's own will was being erased and replaced by a stronger master.

Archbishop Kural, who had retreated far away, looked shocked and said in a dry voice, "Old God... Haquist."

Lu Chen only learned the identity of this indescribable mist through the words of Archbishop Kural. This was actually an old god!

He had read it in the church library before, and it was recorded in the lost notes that there once were four ancient gods in this world, also known as the old gods and the four evil gods.

They are, representing the mad old god, Clearapus.

The old god of fear, Harquist.

The old god representing darkness, Asacheris.

The old god who represents death, Niederhor Tower.

The old gods are called old gods because they no longer appear in this era, which means the rulers of the past.

But just because they no longer appear does not mean that they are no longer there. Rather, they have been observing the movement of the world until the end of this era.

And this eyeball actually belongs to the old god Haquist!

There are many legends about the old gods in the lost notes in the Church of Morning Embrace, but many of them cannot be tested. After all, no one can verify the authenticity of the contents of the notes. People who have seen the ancient gods are generally dead.

One of the notes records that one of the eyes of the old god Harquist was lost.

Who dug out his eyes is unknown, but it is said that the old god Harquist was one-eyed and had been one-eyed in the First Age.

Just one eye of the old god is already a top-notch special weirdness, and it has been missing for two eras. One can imagine how powerful the old god himself is.

Seeing this, Lu Chen didn't wonder why this strange origin was of the divine envoy level, because it was born from an ancient god and had extremely strong growth potential.

But what he is now wondering is, how did the predecessor Lu Chen survive in this situation?

And Archbishop Kural was able to settle this matter in the end?

Although this is not the complete arrival of the old god Haquist, it is just a projection, and it is definitely a heaven-defying existence at the level of divine envoy. Even if Peter rushes over, he may not be able to suppress it. In the end, this matter actually happened. Stopped at Ocalan City?

Under the projection of Harquist, the mortals had no ability to resist at all. They knelt on the ground and intertwined their fingers devoutly in prayer. There were expressions of fear and happiness on their faces, mixed together. It seemed that Chilling.

They maintained this look and posture, and turned into blood-colored mist one after another, floating towards the center of the red mist, with only their empty clothes falling to the ground.

The little boy looked at this scene in horror. When he looked directly at the ancient god, his whole brain was about to explode. He was distracted for a moment and did not hold his parents.

The man and woman walked forward, as if they had entered the death zone. They didn't go more than ten meters before they knelt on the ground and made the same gesture as everyone else, gradually turning into blood mist.


The little boy came to his senses in pain, saw this scene, and realized that he had made a big mistake. He did not catch his parents, so he lost everything.

He collapsed and knelt on the ground. His naturally strong spirit continued to collapse. Faced with the erosion of the ancient god's will, his brain gradually fell into complete chaos.

Haquist's projection stretched out in the wilderness, and his eyes gathered together, observing everything in the world, and finally stopped on the little boy.

A tentacle condensed with red mist passed through the void, pointed at the boy's eyebrows, and submerged into it, as if it wanted to dominate this human being with absolute fear.

The boy's body turned red. If he lost to the fear in his heart, he would turn into blood mist like the others. However, he rolled on the ground in pain while unconscious, but did not collapse.

It seemed that the boy's abnormality aroused the interest of the ancient god. He moved forward, wanting to see for himself what was special about the boy.

It is very easy for Him to want to kill people, but for Him, it does not matter whether it ends a life or not. The "mind" of the ancient divine sect, whether a mortal or an extraordinary person, can never be understood.

Just as the red mist moved forward, a second force appeared in the void, and Archbishop Kural in the distance was too shocked to breathe.

I saw a group of gray-black mist surging, so quickly, it penetrated into the red mist.

Harquist burst into a whisper of unknown meaning. Even though he couldn't understand it, Lu Chen still seemed to feel that the ancient god was angry.

The gray-black mist and the red mist merged, and the high temperature between the friction caused a raging fire in the wilderness. Haquist's projection gradually dissipated. In the end, all the power converged, and only the star remained in the wilderness. Eyeballs floating in flames.

The eyeball seemed to have consumed too much power, falling slowly, and the breath became dull.

At this time, Archbishop Kural looked at this scene in surprise, "Is it... the one who took away Harquist's eyes!?"

It wasn't until the fire spread that Archbishop Kural gradually came back to his senses. He cautiously approached the center of the fire, picked up the black iron box, re-infused the power of the seal, and put away the eyeball.

People in the city of Ocalan gradually woke up and didn't know what happened just now. They only saw the fire rising into the sky on the outskirts.

After the district bishop and two other high-risk night watchmen came to their senses, they rushed towards the suburbs.

Archbishop Kural put away the eyeball, waved his sleeves, and strange power spread across the wilderness to put out the fire.

He saw several high-risk night watchmen coming from afar, his eyes changed, and he was about to leave.

After taking two steps, he unexpectedly discovered that there was still the breath of living people here.

He turned his attention to the ten-year-old boy lying on the ground, his face darkened by smoke, and walked towards him.

He stretched out his hand and put it on the boy's head, paused for a moment, then leaned over to pick the boy up and sighed.

"Is this a special person from the royal capital?"

The district bishop of Ocalan City arrived and saw Archbishop Kural standing there. There was no more weirdness raging on the scene. He thought that the other party was a special night watchman from the royal capital to support him.

"Kural Morris, hello."

After Archbishop Kural introduced himself, he handed the boy to the other party, "This is the only survivor. He may have some mental problems. Just follow the normal procedures. I have urgent matters to return to the capital."

In the wilderness, the flames of the border were still burning, and the boy fell into endless torture.

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