Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 824 Steam, Giant God Soldier

"Even if that child wakes up, he might come to kill you?"

Lu Chen asked back.

Archbishop Kural said frankly: "I am not that selfless person. I just feel that if you face the ancient gods, it will take a long time to wake up, or you may be in a state of unexplained madness for the rest of your life, and I was almost sixty at that time. I'm 20 years old, and I can live for more than ten years at most. I admit that I am lucky, thinking that when you wake up, I will have been buried in the cemetery behind the church."

"I never imagined that Mr. Lu could wake up after ten years and grow up so quickly. When I heard that you were transferred to the capital, I knew that this day was not far away."

He paused and continued: "As for the Weird Eye, after that incident, I successfully rushed to the royal capital, but I am ashamed that I was still affected and did not turn it over. It is so magical, even though its power It weakened a lot, but it continued to solidify and grow, and after a year, it grew into a god-level monster."

"Perhaps it was the favor of the Goddess of Morning Embrace. I woke up before stepping into the abyss and handed it over to the church for His Majesty the Pope to handle and contain it. Otherwise, I would not be able to help absorbing it and fall into madness."

Lu Chen nodded, "What about the burial of the truth in Ocalan City?"

When mentioning this, Archbishop Kural hesitated, but he still said: "I did it after I became a cardinal archbishop. There was originally a document recording the details, but that was my stain, and I didn't want to be caught. , until this year, I accidentally remembered this matter, and sent people to Ocalan City to request that the remaining information be destroyed, hoping to say goodbye to that matter completely."

"Does it make you feel at ease to bury the truth?"

Lu Chen asked calmly.

"To be honest, I'm relieved. When I was young, I also hated big shots manipulating the 'truth'. But it wasn't until I became a cardinal that I felt the taste of high power, and I didn't want to let my political opponents catch anything. I have the opportunity to live my life as the dirty and powerful person I once hated."

Archbishop Kural's tone was calm. He could sense the young man's faint murderous intention, but now he had nothing to defend. The church's attitude was obvious.

He is a cardinal whose life is short, and his strength is also decreasing with aging. The opponent is only twenty years old, a strong man close to the level of an angel, and the newly appointed fifth Knight of the Dawn.

When the Pope asked the other party to accept the strange origin, he knew that he had been abandoned.

But he was afraid of death ten years ago. Now that he only has a few years left, he is more open-minded. If this is the will of the church, he will accept it.

Therefore, he did not keep any servants in the mansion today, and his children were all kicked out.

Lu Chen stood up and looked around the interior of the mansion.

Archbishop Kural did not lie, he restored the truth of the matter and put his dirty parts on the table.

This is a night watchman who used to do his duty. For the sake of power and merit, he wanted to erase the witness, but for the sake of faith and conscience, he chose to keep the witness.

After successfully ascending to the throne, he wanted to completely erase his stain.

People are always changing and complex.

"Is there anything else you want to say?"

Lu Chen looked down at Archbishop Kural sitting on the sofa.

Archbishop Kural was stunned for a moment, "...I'm sorry about Mr. Lu."

After that, he closed his eyes and said, "Before Mr. Lu takes action, I still want to say something. Regarding my matter, I hope you will take it as a warning. The Night Watch cannot tolerate mistakes. One mistake may cost hundreds of thousands of people." life disappears."

Tap tap tap...

After a long time, Archbishop Kural heard the sound of footsteps retreating. He opened his eyes and looked at the back of the man at the door.

"It's not just me, you should restore the truth to the church, and say sorry to the families of those people."

After Lu Chen said that, he walked out of the door.

He was not prepared to kill anyone. Archbishop Kural was derelict in his duty, but it fell into the category of force majeure. The subsequent actions were the swing of human nature and the struggle between light and darkness in his heart.

Lu Chen was not unreasonable enough to kill someone to vent his anger. He was not the original owner, and the enemy of the original owner was not Archbishop Kural.

Rather, what is truly irrational is this world, these irrational weirdnesses.

Just like Louise's brother, mortals have no power to resist when faced with these.

Peter, an old fox, knew from the beginning that he would not kill Kural. He only wanted him to come so that he, a high-spirited "young man", could deeply understand the truth, that is, the night watchman cannot make mistakes.

One mistake will be a lifelong stain and the ruin of thousands of families.

Lu Chen understood this truth very early. He just wanted to change some unreasonable things.


The blue waves rise, rolling up the crystal white spray, galloping on the endless sea level.

There are floating clouds, and seabirds spread their wings in the sunshine and move in the wind.

Along the coast, steel buildings are stacked on top of each other and spread along the bay.

Looking inland, smoke billows from the tall buildings, and the air is filled with an industrial atmosphere that even the sea breeze cannot dissipate.

The wind was very strong today, and the waves were more than ten meters high. They were moving forward on the sea, as if they were destroying all obstacles with the power of nature.

But the front wave hit the iron wall and shattered into pieces. The silvery waves scattered in the air, and the sunlight refracted in them, with a dazzling beauty.

In front of the port, there stood a dark giant beast, nearly six kilometers long and an unknown width. It was like an iron wall parked in the deep water outside the port.

The dark giant beast has layers upon layers, and several huge exhaust vents are constantly rising with dense steam, dispersing the cold winter wind and spreading heat.

On the wide deck, there was a huge figure squatting there, almost occupying one-third of the deck. Its presence made the draft of the ship somewhat unbalanced.

In front of this huge thing like the Great Iron Wall, inside the port were excited and crazy scientific researchers looking at it.

This is a miracle in the history of industry and a miracle for all mankind.

This is the Port of Tephis, the nearest port to the north of the King of Steam and Machinery.

The people watching the ceremony at the port suddenly felt that it was getting dark. When they looked up, they saw that it was an airship that covered the sky and the sun, nearly a kilometer long.

The huge airship streaked across the sky and lowered the lift platform. Standing on it was a middle-aged man in a gray suit. He held a loudspeaker in his hand, and a line was connected to the tail, which was connected to the device inside the airship.

"Comrades, look at what you see in front of you, is it a miracle!?"

The middle-aged man has a majestic temperament, with a bit of a scholarly atmosphere of a scientific researcher. As he opens his mouth, his voice is transmitted from the airship to the entire bay.

People raised their hands and shouted, with enthusiasm and excitement, "It's a miracle!"

"It's a miracle!"

In the noisy shouts, people's words were not unified, but they could not conceal their excitement for this great creation.

The middle-aged man is the president of the country of steam and machinery, and is also an honorary professor at the Empire's Chief Research Institute.

He listened to the cheers of the crowd and said with a smile: "No, it is definitely not a miracle, because God cannot create this thing, and it is not a miracle. It is just the brainchild of millions of researchers in our country. It is industrial." Creation is the creation of science, the crystallization of our progress, - the wave breaker!"

He pointed to the behemoth ship at his feet, "Fifty years ago, we could only build a thousand-meter-class ship, but now we have built a six-kilometer-class ship. This is not only an improvement in technology, but also a breakthrough in our wisdom." , the Wavebreaker will conquer all oceans, including the Sea of ​​Nothingness!”

The crowd in the bay cheered again, and a bright girl was also smiling and waving her hands in the crowd, but her eyes were not on the president, but on the giant ship.

"God has abandoned us, then we no longer believe in God. In the new era, only the power of steel is the eternal truth. We will break through all difficulties and break the long night of this era."

The President clenched his fists and raised them upward, "Let those beings in the night accept the sanctions of our iron fist!"

The crowd was excited and chanted their praises.

The President was very satisfied with the crowd's response and said again through the loudspeaker: "Now please allow me to show you the latest model of the Empire's Titan Soldier, Titan Soldier Type IV!"

As the president finished speaking, people focused their attention on the gray-black figure on the deck of the giant ship.

It was a humanoid steel beast, its body made of layers of steel skeletons, with heavy firepower placed everywhere on its body. There was a huge box behind it, with handle-like objects left outside.

The head shape is ferocious, but it carries a strong sense of majesty. A dark mask is worn on the face of the giant god soldier, and there are no eyes.

This demon-like steel behemoth began to move after the president spoke.

The sound of the whistle exploded across the sky and the earth, and a large amount of white steam poured out from the exhaust vents on the Titan Soldier's body. From a distance, it looked like a mushroom cloud rising.

The Titan Soldier was bathed in the steam, and his body slowly moved. From a squatting position holding his knees, he released his hands and rested on the ground.

When the steel hand bones of the Titan Soldier came into contact with the deck, there was a roar of gold and iron colliding. As its bones began to exert force, it gradually stood up from a squatting state.

The steam erupting from various parts of the body became more and more turbulent as the Titan Soldier exerted its force, making a thunderous sound, as if it had thousands of energy cores gushing out power in its body.

When the Titan Soldier stood up completely, people could see that it was a humanoid steel beast that was more than 1,500 meters tall. Although it stood up slowly, no one dared to question whether it was a stupid guy.

It is twice as big as the previous generation Titan Soldier!

It can be seen that every part of his body is equipped with heavy firepower, which is at the level of aircraft cannons, and can destroy a small city after being fired.

The gray-black steel skeleton reflects a breathtaking light under the sunlight. It is bathed in steam, like a demon god descended from the world.

It seems that the operator has adapted, and its movements on the deck have become more dexterous, stretching its arms and lifting its feet. When doing these actions, the giant ship under its feet trembles and rises and falls in the sea level, causing many people to break the waves. The reader sweated a lot.

But the pilot was obviously very measured and did not make any violent movements. In the end, he just stretched his hand to his back, grasped the handle like a divine pillar, smoothly drew out the 700-meter-long broad sword, and raised it to the sky.

The sound of gears turning and the roar of steam erupting were mixed together, flying towards the bay with the wind, like the roar of a giant god.

Even though the giant soldier had no eyes, when his head turned, people seemed to feel that they were being watched, and their legs could not help but tremble.

If any clergy from the Sistine Empire were here, they would be stunned and speechless after seeing this scene, and they would angrily accuse this of being the creation of the devil.

Isn't it? The gray-black demonic steam spurts out, and every move carries the power of destruction. It is a natural killing machine, a devil born after industrial development reached its peak...a god used to counterattack the kingdom of heaven!

"Comrades, please look at the sea to the northeast."

The President spoke again and pointed to the northeast. Over there was the vast sea with nothing in it.

The Titan Soldier turned around on the deck, the turret clamped on its shoulders roared, and a series of cannonballs were fired, plowing twisted shadows in the air.


The roar was continuous, but before people heard the deafening sound, they first saw the huge waves rising from the horizon.

The huge waves that are thousands of meters high can't be covered up even if the giant steel beast blocks the view. Every attack of the giant god soldier is enough to destroy a town, and it was not developed for cannons.

The crowd saw huge waves sweeping towards the bay, and panic could not be suppressed in their pupils.

But the president's face was calm, with just a faint smile on his lips.

When the huge waves swept in front of the Wave Breaker, a large amount of steam erupted from the feet of the Titan Soldier, and the Wave Breaker sank and trembled, but the giant beast finally stabilized and did not sink to the bottom of the sea.

Under the surprised gazes of everyone, the giant divine soldier floated into the sky, bathed in white steam, like stepping on auspicious clouds!

It’s hard to imagine how much energy it took to levitate such a heavy steel behemoth, but it did it, and it was very smooth after levitating, moved forward, and left the deck of the Wavebreaker.

At the same time, the huge wave swept over, more than a thousand meters high.

The gray-black giant god soldier moved, and like a dexterous human being, it made a sword-fighting stance.

Immediately afterwards, no one could see its movements clearly. Several jet-black sword lights were slashed out, and the huge waves pressing towards the bay were split from twelve directions, bringing with them the magnificent ocean!

Even the Wave Breaker was slightly affected, but it defied the rules of physics and stayed firmly on the sea surface. Even if there was a backflow of sea water on the other side of it, it remained motionless.

The giant god soldier stood up with his sword put away, inserted the giant blade into the box behind his back, and returned to the deck.

After a long silence, the crowd burst into wild cheers as water rained down from the air.

"Steam and machinery!"

"Steam and machinery!"

"Steam and machinery!"

In the core operation room on the chest of the Titan Soldier, Chu Zihang silently operated to "turn off" the Titan Soldier. Because of his significant contribution in the research process, he was fortunate to become the first-generation pilot of the Titan Soldier IV. .

No more. Send a small gathering, there will be many things to do during the New Year, and things will become stable after the New Year.

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