Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 832 I finally understand why everyone loves mining

In the mining area, on the mining area convergence device, the lid was opened, and the word "Get rich by mining" popped out, and it was immediately covered with a mouthful of sand.

He stared at the ground around him dumbfounded, as if it had been turned over ten thousand times.

And the roar of the thunder god was still coming from the distance. He couldn't see who was fighting at all, but the impact that erupted in the center of the battlefield made him terrified.

The invincible sword intent spread across the world, making his scalp feel numb, "Damn it, the boss is fighting with someone!"

He had seen Lu Chen's strength before, so he was shocked at this moment. What kind of existence could be so inseparable from Boss Lu?

When facing the Glorious Adventure Group, they didn't feel that Mr. Lu was so violent.


Continuous shock waves shook the earth, making 'Get rich by mining' afraid to look any further, and quickly retreated. He originally only came out to tell Mr. Lu about their mining progress and estimated time.

Who would have thought that when he came out, he found that the sky had changed, so he quickly retracted and opened the external observation device in the mining area convergence device type I, so that it would be more convenient to eat melons.

Lu Chen and the Gray Mist Violator naturally had no spare time to pay attention to the actions of the supporters, and if the Gray Mist Violator knew what the supporters were thinking, they would probably curse.

God is so indistinguishable that he is about to be blown away!

The body he is currently controlling is a divine-level strange origin with immortal properties, and is wrapped in a fine protective coat like a layer cake. Theoretically, he can withstand thousands of fatal attacks.

But the enemy he faced now was so violent, like the God of War in the myths of the heavens, with aggressive murderous intent, peeling off his coat layer by layer.


After another confrontation, the regicide in Lu Chen's hand slashed across the gray mist offender's body. At the same time, with the help of inertia, he unexpectedly raised his leg and whipped his side. With the blessing of Dou Zi Mi, it was like a divine axe!

The blunt attack knocked back the gray mist violator. Lu Chen instantly adjusted his body shape, lowered himself slightly, and spit out a large amount of red mist from his mouth, spreading around like a cloud bomb.

The gray mist violators are constantly weakening, like an onion being peeled open layer by layer. With the next cut, Dou Zi Mi is activated, blessed by the ultimate intention of life and death, and the regicide cuts straight to the final core.

The gray mist drifted away along with the red mist, and the knife passed like a breaking tide. The dust and mist between the sky and the earth were separated together, revealing Lu Chen who had passed by the violator.

Behind him, the object in the center of the gray fog was finally revealed. It was a curved gray armor piece that looked a bit like the fingernails of some creatures.

At this time, the cracks on the nail continued to spread, making a clicking sound.

"I'll be back, and next time, that's the end of it all."

The voice of the gray mist violator came from within the armor. The next moment, the armor completely exploded and turned into dust in the air.

Lu Chen put away the regicide and frowned. He didn't seem to kill his real body. This was just a puppet controlled by the violator.

The mission status of the space has not been refreshed, which means that the gray fog violator is not bluffing.

Of course, Lu Chen was not sure that the violator he encountered this time must be his target.

According to Leng Yue's hint, he felt that there might be more than one violator entering the God-Forsaken Land this time.

After fighting for a long time, he used all the God Eater's long CD active skills, but in the end he only killed a puppet, which made Lu Chen a little unhappy.

But he is not worried. He does not think that the true strength of the gray mist violators will be much stronger than what he saw today, otherwise the opponent can completely kill him with his "body", and there is no need to play such a trick.

He stretched out his hand to gather the dust from those armor plates and felt the power within them. It seemed strange, but it was controlled by the violator, or...parasitized?

His current sword intention is still in the realm of life and death for the soul, and there is no way to trace the source. Otherwise, even if what is in front of him today is just the will of the violator, his sword intention can still connect with the original body and kill it.

But that kind of realm is still too far away from him now. It would be better to say that he has no clue at all.

He checked the situation of the God Eater and found that the growth progress had increased to 8.76%, which could be regarded as confirming the true identity of Gray Mist, but the weirdness had not escaped. He had a certain degree of divinity, but the will of the ancient god seemed to have been replaced and occupied. the will of the offender.

This kind of ability is quite strange. The other party may be like a fish in water in this world.

If it is allowed to grow, it will probably be very bad.

Lu Chen looked at his judgment task. The upper limit of difficulty was death, which made Lu Chen a little irritated. He thought that arranging the violators might need to be put on the agenda as soon as possible.

For this reason, he felt that he should first meet up with Chu Zihang who was far away in the land of steam and machinery.

Their team's influence and development on the world is gradually expanding. As long as some conditions are met, they can consider starting to officially conquer the world.

"The boss is awesome!"

While Lu Chen was thinking about it, he saw an aircraft coming over with a man named "Getting rich by mining" sitting on it, his face full of amazement.

"What are you doing out here?"

Lu Chen cares about his "employees" very much. Each of his supporters is someone who can create value for him.

'Getting rich depends on mining' was embarrassed for a moment, and quickly put away the aircraft and landed on the ground, "Report the situation to the boss. According to our capabilities, this mining area with only half of it left will be completed in about seventeen days. This After a while, the boss can shrink the mining area convergence device and take it with him."

Although the mining area convergence device is very strong and cannot be broken by seventh-level explorers, they do not dare to just leave it carelessly in the wilderness.

What if after the mine is finished digging, you find that you are surrounded by explorers from other dimensions when you come out?

It must be the safest to be with the big boss. Now all the supporters are doubting that Lu Chen can even defeat the Pope of Yongye Church.

"I understand, you go back first, I will collect it and take it with me."

Lu Chen thought for a moment and then called out, "Making fortunes depends on mining." "By the way, what is the market price of Xia Vibranium and Clark Green Gold in space?"

He wants to know his exact income so that he can feel more confident.

'Making a fortune depends on mining' pondered for a moment, "The value of these special metals is difficult to estimate in terms of origin coins. If converted in terms of true soul souls, Xia Vibranium is about 300 true soul souls per kilogram, and Clark Green Gold is about 300 true soul souls per kilogram. It’s more expensive, about 350 True Spirit Soul.”

Lu Chen was a little silent after listening to this, which made 'Getting rich by mining' a little uneasy. Could it be that the boss was unhappy?

In fact, it was just the opposite. Lu Chen was a little stunned.

One kilogram costs 350 true spirit souls. Isn’t that close to a low-rated fairy-level equipment? ?

And there are currently nine kilograms of Shia vibranium and two kilograms of Clark's green gold in his storage space, including the rewards from side missions and the final share given to him by his supporters...

Lu Chen felt that he was a little overwhelmed, but it must be a lot anyway.

According to preliminary estimates, he might be able to obtain 267 kilograms of Shia vibranium and five or six kilograms of Clark's green gold in the end.

Damn it!

No wonder the supporters like mining and the profits are so high! ?

You must know that this is a job that can be done without taking risks or fighting. Just imagine if these 13 backup workers had not hired foreign aid and discovered a "fat mine" similar to the mining area in front of them.

If they mine a total of 200 kilograms of Shia vibranium, excluding the part of the surrendered space, there will be 20 kilograms left. Evenly distributed, it is equivalent to everyone getting a piece of fairy-level equipment!

And in a large open world like God's Abandoned Land, there are many mining areas. If they dig them all, wouldn't they have to mine them all?

It’s no wonder that seventh-level elites like the Glorious Adventure Group are willing to help guard the mining area. If they sign a contract similar to theirs, and when the supporters of the fairy space finish digging the mine, they will receive more than ten kilograms, which will definitely be a huge profit. Full.

Even for a seventh-level adventure group, it is difficult to say that one world can obtain ten pieces of ordinary fairy-level equipment. This is almost the reward level for breaking through the world.

Lu Chen suddenly discovered the core competitiveness of Origin Space. No wonder there are certain advantages after high-level. That's not it. It can't be used for anything. It ranks first in mining, but Origin Space is extremely rich.

Just like he had redeemed the God Eater in the merit store before, this is the best equipment created by the supporters. Origin has trained a large number of supporters, which is equivalent to filling up the logistics, which can be used by high-level explorers. The equipment is often better than in other spaces, so it certainly has advantages in fighting.

"Boss? Thirty-seven points is really the maximum. You have to consider that we still need to rent things and the basic income of each world, otherwise we will really not be able to survive."

"Getting rich depends on mining." Seeing that Lu Chen was silent for a long time, he thought it was because the other party was too young, so he said anxiously.

Lu Chen came back to his senses and patted the young man in a white sweatshirt seriously, "Friend, what do you call me?"

"Getting rich by mining" is a bit confusing, and to be honest, being insulted by such a vicious person makes me feel very embarrassed.

"I, I, my name is Wang Tiezhu, the boss can just call me Xiao Wang."

Wang Tiezhu spoke anxiously.

Lu Chen nodded, "Brother Xiao Wang, dig quickly. After you finish digging, tell me where there are any high-quality mining areas, and I will take you to grab them."

Wang Tiezhu was a little confused, and when he came back to his senses, he was a little surprised, "Is it okay?"

He also knew of several rich mines, but they were either occupied by the Final Space or controlled by the official forces of this world, so they did not dare to take action.

The places where we mined before were all poor mines, and we could only dig out a few kilograms.

He originally thought that the boss would be disdainful of mining and would be too lazy to work as a guard all the time. Who knew that the boss would be so easy to talk to.

The origin space is very complicated in this regard. On the one hand, there are many people, including explorers, who like mining. On the other hand, those who are stronger do not look down on miners and believe that relying on strength to gain income is the right way.

This time, after they dig this rich mine, it will be enough to meet the minimum limit of space arrangement. Usually, the supporters get their share and just want to call it a day and go home. After all, the mission world is too unsafe.

Even though Lu Chen didn't say it, they could more or less guess that the other party might have come to help because he had a mission. Of course, this was all tacitly understood, and the share-sharing contract had to be signed.

As for the backup people, they would have died long ago if nothing happened.

I thought that the other party had completed his mission and was ready to start exploring the world. Unexpectedly, Mr. Lu actually became interested in mining.

Lu Chen patted Wang Tiezhu's shoulder seriously, "Of course you can, go back and dig, wait until you finish digging."

Of course he is not interested in mining, he is just interested in making money.

There is actually a misunderstanding in Wang Tiezhu’s thinking. Perhaps some explorers who are keen to become stronger through fighting do not think highly of mining supporters, but if they have the strength to take care of their supporters’ mining and obtain a stable share, few will Don't be tempted.

Just like the Glorious Adventure Group, which is probably the strongest group in the Fairy Space, they are still willing to be bodyguards here.

If you want to eat this bowl of rice, you must have the top combat power in the current world to support the explorers in mining.

Those who don't come to be bodyguards, who say they look down on mining support workers, and who say they want to explore the world, kill powerful enemies and pick up treasure chests, are sour grapes.

Lu Chen discovered that these rare metals were so valuable, so of course he had to mobilize his employees to make a profit.

He even had the idea to rob the supporters from the Final Space, and then rob them again before the supporters from the Fairy Space returned.

Oh, the non-infringement contract is only for one month, and Lu Chen didn't say we'd never see each other again.

It's not that he is greedy, it is actually that this thing is too valuable, and it is also made of materials, which is definitely easier to sell than finished equipment, because buyers can find supporters to build the perfect equipment according to their own needs.

"Big brother, you are busy, I will go back to mine."

Wang Tiezhu was in high spirits when he returned, eager to tell his fellow miners the good news immediately.

Lu Chen used his magic power to push the land over again and turned it into flat soil. The fertility of the land might even increase a lot. He felt that he was really a dutiful Knight of the Dawn.

After collecting the Mining Area Convergence Type I into the wheel sea, Lu Chen went to the church in the local province and informed them to appease the people, saying that he had solved the weirdness in the darkness.

He didn't have time to listen to these people's rainbow farts, so he returned directly to the royal capital through the Delivi Pillar.

There is only one thing he has to do next, and that is to search frantically for the high-end weird origin, and use the God Eater to absorb it, so that his strength will continue to improve.

Kaka had already informed him in a private message that she had arrived in the Royal Capital and was on standby at the Morning Embrace Church headquarters. She would tell him in detail about the strange situation at the level of the divine envoy.

By the time Lu Chen returned to the capital, the long night had been dispersed and the light of dawn had fallen. Ji Wu Jiu was standing at the entrance of the Delivi Pillar, quietly watching Lu Chen walking out of it.

Lu Chen's thoughts changed. Could it be that Ji Wu Jiu was suspicious of him because he made too big a move there?

Or did you say that you went out to relax, but came back too quickly, and the other party was confused?

But Ji Wu Jiu just glanced at Lu Chen, his eyes beckoning him to follow, "Mr. Lu, you came back in time, something big happened."

The party is gone (*)

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