Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 855 The Origin of the Land Abandoned by Gods

When Peter saw this, he no longer stopped him. He was just greedy. In fact, there was no point in creating and drinking again and again.

"Although that divine envoy-level monster was strong, it couldn't stop me. But at that time, I was unlucky enough to encounter the old god again. His will blocked my retreat route, so I could only dive all the way. Finally found it here.”

Peter recalled, "The strange thing is that when I entered this space from the sea water, the film did not stop me, but if I wanted to get out, I would be blocked. I have no clue at the moment."

Lu Chen frowned, "Did Clearapus force you into this place?"

He had just listened to Mr. Bolton's narration. Although Bolton himself was in a coma at the time, he felt that he might have been pressed into this place by the ancient god.

It was even more obvious when it came to Peter. Lu Chen didn't think that Clearapus would not be able to catch up with Peter in the deep sea. If he really wanted to obliterate him, Peter would not be able to escape from the Abyss of Nothingness.

Thinking back to himself and Clearapus's counterattack before his death, why did he send himself here?

"From the physical appearance and my understanding of the old gods, it should be Clerapus, the one Mr. Lu said he chopped to death."

Peter smiled and said that he felt it was time for Lu Chen to wake up.

"I'm also very surprised why he sent me to this place because of his counterattack before his death."

Lu Chen said that he was no longer joking.

"Okay, let's just assume that Mr. Lu really succeeded."

Peter looked at Lu Chen as if he was caring for a wounded child. Who in this world can kill the ancient god?

Even the first pope of the Morning Embrace Church, as a guardian, failed to accomplish this feat.

Lu Chen didn't want to discuss this issue with the other party, so he changed the topic, "Has this place been mentioned in the scriptures?"

Peter nodded and said, "Actually, there is. In some lost notes of unknown origin and considered unreliable by researchers, it was mentioned that this place should be called the Abyss of Nothingness."

He continued: "I used to think this was just a fictitious legend, but I didn't expect it to actually exist. Then the things recorded in the lost notes would be more credible. This place is probably one of the origins of the old gods. "


Lu Chen noticed the keyword.

"Well, the reason why I say it is one of them is because after seeing this place, I think those untestable lost notes may have greater credibility. Regarding the origin of the old gods, there are three places. One is the Abyss of Nothingness. , it is rumored to be in the deepest part of the Sea of ​​Nothingness, and the location will change with the flow of the ocean."

Peter held out two fingers, "The second is the Sea of ​​Eternal Night Stars, described in the Lost Notes. Located in the boundless starry sky, there is a place where no light can shine in from any direction. It is the purest place of darkness and eternity." The night is dark, but the space inside is infinite.”

"The third place may not really exist, because I can't think of any ancient god who would be related to this place. The Lost Notes only mentioned the name of this place, and did not say that an ancient god was born. The name of that place Soul burial soil.”

Lu Chen found that his world exploration level had actually increased a little, and he was a little excited. He asked curiously: "What can we infer? Where were the ancient gods born? Aren't there four old gods in total? And why? Will there be only three places?”

This was his biggest puzzlement. In Chu Zihang's analysis, the relationship between the old gods in the Dark Temple was not good. If they were not born from the same origin and there were only three places, wouldn't it mean that there are always old gods? "Born" in one place?

Peter drank tons and tons of the beer he created and said with a pleasant voice: "First of all, the place where we are now is mentioned in the lost notebook as the place where the old god Clearapus was born. And there is a high probability that Niederhor Tower, the old god who represents death, was born here."

He said seriously: "As for the process of their birth, of course we have no way of knowing. After all, it is recorded in most lost notes or scriptures that the old gods existed at the beginning of the world. Were they conceived in this space? Whether they were born or whether the outer realm descended from the place abandoned by God through this space is impossible to verify. We can only know that their initial manifestation in the world is related to this place."

He continued: "The Sea of ​​Eternal Night Stars is the birthplace of Asacheris, the god who represents darkness. The old god Haquist, who represents fear, is not sure. If the soul burial ground really exists, maybe it is The place where He was born."

Lu Chen listened thoughtfully to Peter's words, and at the same time relayed these contents to Chu Zihang, who had been idle recently due to the armistice between the two countries, and wanted him to help him refer to it.

"Is there a possibility that these ancient gods were not born in the land abandoned by the gods, but are outsiders?"

Lu Chen "deduced".

"This possibility also exists, but it is too long ago for us to verify. In fact, it does not make sense to us. In every era, the first thing humans have to consider is how to survive."

Peter spread his hands. He had not been interested in these things since he was a child. If he didn't need to learn as a pope, he would probably be illiterate in this area.

Lu Chen pondered for a moment, "By the way, why is our continent called the Land Abandoned by Gods?"

When he first entered this world, he thought that God was referring to the old gods, but he felt that it did not make sense because those old gods were not friendly existences to humans. Whether they were the Church of Morning Embrace or the Church of Eternal Night, they I wish the old gods had "abandoned" mankind.

It's better to simply ignore humans and ignore them.

But later he got Irina's guardian suit and found that the guardian suit was actually created by another god, and the name didn't sound like an old god.

Moratos, the God of Justice, sounds like a serious god, not something that will lose SAN value.

Peter and Bolton glanced at each other. After a pause for a few seconds, Peter said: "Mr. Lu probably hasn't gone to the third floor of the library to read it. There are documents there that can only be read by the Knight of the Dawn level and above. One of them talks about this thing."

"Why is it so secretive? Even mortals know that the nickname of this continent is the Land Abandoned by Gods."

Lu Chen wondered. When he first learned that mortals also knew the name of the continent, he was very curious and asked people about the origin of the continent's history, but no one could tell the reason.

Just because everyone calls it that, it seems to have become a default name.

"Because it would subvert people's beliefs, so whether it is the Church of Morning Embrace or the Church of Eternal Night, no one below a certain level will know the truth. After all, we believe in the Goddess of Morning Embrace, and they believe in the Goddess of Eternal Night."

Peter explained: "The truth is that neither the Goddess of Morning Embrace nor the Goddess of Eternal Night is the deity that people imagined. I personally once doubted the authenticity of the existence of the Goddess of Morning Embrace, but later I discovered that she may really exist, but she may not be A different god from the old gods.”

He paused and continued: "...I know it may sound confusing to say this, and many people cannot accept the truth, but based on my personal inference, the Goddess of Morning Embrace may be one of the old gods."

Lu Chen was not surprised. Chu Zihang helped him analyze this conclusion as early as in the Dark Temple, "Then what is the origin of the name of the Land Abandoned by the Gods?"

"Literally, we have been abandoned by God."

Peter sighed, "From the clues in the lost notes, we can conclude that before the old gods ruled this land, there were real gods, but because of some things, they left this world and never came back. .”

"Is it because you were expelled by the old gods?"

Lu Chen asked curiously.

Peter shook his head, "How could I possibly know this? It was a much longer history. Judging from the results, the gods abandoned this place, so this is called the Land Abandoned by the Gods. It is a place where poor people struggle to survive."

There was silence in the house for a long time, Bolton's face was expressionless, it was obvious that he had known this truth for a long time.

It would be better to say that every Knight of the Dawn knows that there is no god in this world who can save the suffering, but they still have faith, not for the goddess of morning embrace, but for the common people.

While several people were talking, a rustling wind sounded outside, and a shuddering force of death swept across the border.

If this room were not built and maintained by Peter's ability, ordinary creations of extraordinary beings would have turned into dust long ago.

Although he blocked the power of annihilation, the will of the ancient god still echoed in this space. Bolton, who was the weakest, looked a little pale. Before he met His Majesty the Pope, he encountered a tide of annihilation. , almost completely out of control.

Lu Chen also heard some unclean sounds in his ears, but he had just hacked to death an old god not long ago, and now he was not surprised by such sounds and mental pollution.

He stood up and stretched, and his bones made a popping sound. "Then there is no result? In the end, I can only choose to fight."

Peter's expression changed, "Mr. Lu, don't think too hard. We need more time to observe. We cannot break through that barrier. If we disturb the ancient gods sleeping here, none of us will survive."

Of course, he also tried to break through the membrane, but no matter how much he used his abilities, he couldn't get through it. It was a rule. If he wanted to break the rules, he would have to have at least the power of an old god.

In addition, there must be the will of the ancient god to "open the door"

Lu Chen was actually not unfamiliar with the current situation. Rather, he was very familiar with it. Based on his simple brain circuit, he understood that this was actually the "Nibelungen".

If there are rules to open the door, it will be easy to get in and out. If there is no power to open the door, then he will... break through violently.


Time flies, spring goes quietly, and summer comes.

The explorers of the God's Abandoned Land are advancing their main missions in an orderly manner. Many explorers in each space have completed the main mission of the final ring, obtained the qualification to return, and left the God's Abandoned Land happily.

This group of explorers didn't have much idea. They just felt that the water in this world was too deep and they couldn't grasp it. They had better escape early because their lives were at stake.

Not many explorers of the origin space have left, because Boss Lu actually spoke on the world public channel some time ago, saying that the sales of strange origins will continue, and interested parties will wait until he completes the purchase.

The happiest person right now is our Miss Kaka. Although she originally learned that Lu Chen was not dead through a private message, after selling the weird origin, she no longer had that refreshing source of income.

After many contacts, she actually had a good impression of this good-tempered boss. Naturally, she hoped to cooperate more in the future. She didn't want Lu Chen to die under the deep sea like that.

The explorers of the origin space became surprisingly tough. Even the supporters did not return directly because they still hoped that Lu Chen would lead them to dig some fertilizer mines after he came up.

Of course, in daily life, the supporters are very strict and will not show up in front of the public at all.

Through the team channel, Lu Chen also learned that the main mission of Hui Liyi and others had advanced to the fourth ring, and he was about to welcome a new ring of missions.

The second round of the main mission, after he killed a large number of weirdos and investigated the original owner's deeds, was not completed directly. Instead, a new mission was launched when the time limit expired.

[The third ring of the main quest: The Liberator]

Mission content: Within eight natural months, leave the Abyss of Nothingness in the Hidden Snow Area and return to the land abandoned by the gods.

Mission Difficulty: Normal ~ Nightmare

Mission reward: Open the fourth ring of the main mission, a treasure chest of fairy-level random props.

Failure penalty: obliteration

This is a rare mission where the penalty for failure is erasure, and the difficulty is not low. Lu Chen has now learned to infer the attitude of the space from the content of the mission.

At present, it seems that Space does not want to retire in the Abyss of Nothingness, but is eager to let itself go out to promote the progress of the world.

Or maybe the origin space felt that it had a chance to break through this time, and it didn't want the pioneers to be passive and slow down, so it set a time limit.

The reason why the difficulty of this task is not fatal is because Lu Chen feels that the ancient god cannot kill him instantly. In addition, the space may take into account his divine forbidden state, and the upper limit is set to a nightmare.

A few months have passed, and Lu Chen has absorbed the strange origins of the divine envoy level that he had previously obtained, as well as the strange origins that he merged through refining, which made his strength improve by leaps and bounds. Emperor Wu successfully climbed to the third level of the Saint King. superior.

His personal attributes have also grown rapidly. Each of the four main attributes has increased by 2 points. Now, under normal circumstances, his highest physical attribute has reached 185 points. If the active skills of Wild Hunting Skill and God Eater Ring are turned on, He can add 3 more points to his main combat attribute.

In other words, within thirty seconds, he can fight with the ancient god. Although there is still a gap in attributes, he can probably fight back.

All the changes in Lu Chen's body were seen by Peter and Bolton, as if they were watching a pervert.

Because Lu Chen absorbed the strange origin so fast, so fast that it was contrary to common sense. Peter even thought for a time that he had mistaken the guardian, and that Lu Chen was the real son of destiny.

"Mr. Lu, is it okay for you to absorb it like this?"

At this moment, Peter began to believe that Lu Chen had really killed an old god. The aura on the other person's body felt terrifying to him, reaching a level never seen before in human history.

Lu Chen just finished killing an angel-level monster and grinned, "I feel very good."

As long as his Martial Emperor Level reaches a higher level, he can activate equipment skills and try to violently break through the Abyss of Nothingness.

Let me just say that I have been suffering from lumbar muscle strain recently. I didn’t spend as much time typing every day as I did a few years ago, but I don’t know why it hurts even more when I run around. So I took some time to do some exercise. Acupuncture to see if it gets better.

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