Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 857 The Holy Son of Eternal Night

In the central core area of ​​the Titan Soldier Type IV, the dark steam core turned red. The high temperature softened the specially made core of precious metal and became extremely unstable.

The heat was spreading, and from the outside, it looked like magma-like cracks spreading in front of the gray-black demon god's chest.

The steam spewed out from the joints around the giant soldier's body all turned black and red, like a devil coming out of hell.

Chu Zihang's hand speed was extremely fast, and without stopping, he pulled the other joystick to the limit. Suddenly, another layer of aura of death was wrapped around the giant god soldier, extending to the giant steel blade in its hand.

The steam core output is increased to 500%, and the power of the strange origin furnace is released to 80%!

With the chilling whisper in his ears, Chu Zihang entered a 100% synchronization rate!

Something as gray as mud and flesh stretched out on the steel skeleton of the Titan Soldier, as if it had transformed from an inorganic life into a twisted monster, full of violent and crazy power.

It was said that it was too late, but it was too fast. All the changes of the giant god soldiers happened in two seconds, so that the strange giant baby who was attacking fiercely had not yet reacted.

When its fat giant hand hammered down again with the power of the night, trying to break open the big toy's chest, a steel hand bone tightly grasped its insubstantial shadow-like arm.

The forces of death collided, weirdness and weirdness intertwined. A red light lit up under the gray-black demon god's mask. In the next moment, the giant blade rolled upwards.

Thunder roared, rainwater flowed backwards, and explosive black and red mist surged up.

Cutting off the giant baby's weird arm with one knife, the ferocious steel giant dropped the giant blade in his hand and got down on all fours, running on the ground like a cheetah.

The offensive and defensive positions were instantly reversed. The giant baby strangely looked like a baby at this moment, being dismembered by the gray-black demon in various violent ways.

It makes a cry-like sound, harsh and shuddering, but the hunter will not feel pity or fall into madness.

No... maybe the hunter has gone crazy.

Mountains and rivers shattered, powerful air currents set off rain curtains, dispersing dark clouds in the sky, and high-temperature steam obscured people's vision, as if providing a final curtain for this brutal killing.

Two seconds later, as the ground shook, the Titan Soldiers stopped moving, and the world seemed to be quiet again.

The rain curtain that was swept into the sky fell back, mixed with the slowly rising steam, fell on the steel magic shell, and turned into hot water mist.

The strong wind passed by, blowing away the smoke and dust, revealing the dilapidated giant soldier standing there. The rain continued to cool down, and finally began to gradually slip off the steel body.

In the deep pit in front of the giant god soldier, there was only a mixture of weird origins left, with almost no self-awareness and weakened to the extreme.

"How are you!"

Xia Mi worriedly shouted on the team's public channel. She was stunned by the violent battle just now. Although she had known about it for a long time, she did not expect that her husband would still have such crazy energy after marriage.

"It's okay, you can come here."

Chu Zihang's voice was impermanent as he peeled off the hot flesh and blood threads in the cab. His golden eyes were slightly dim, showing a bit of exhaustion.

There was darkness in the cab, all the dashboards exploded, and the weird origin furnace under him gradually cooled down. He controlled the battle in perfect time.


The emergency ejection device was activated. Because the shell had just experienced high temperature and seemed to have been re-welded, Chu Zihang used the most violent ejection method to activate the steam bomb inside the armor.

The cockpit popped up and everyone else was safe, but this Titan Soldier Type IV was considered scrapped. It might be easier to return it to the factory for repairs. It might be easier to replace it with a new one.

"Why are you still acting like this!"

Xia Mi rushed over and was so angry when he saw Chu Zihang with an unstable expression. That was a life-threatening act!

"Everything is under calculation. The theoretical output value of the steam core can reach 500% within five seconds. Before the weird furnace core is fully liberated, 80% of the power can be safely reached within four seconds. It took me less than three seconds to resolve the battle."

Chu Zihang explained seriously, "The value of this level of weirdness is greater than the cost of this Titan IV type. We should have overfulfilled the task. We don't need to compensate for national assets. After removing the weird core, there will be new ones." models for me to choose from.”

Xia Mi was so angry that she couldn't speak. She hated Chu Zihang analyzing academic theories with her at this time. It almost made her want to bite him.

But looking at Chu Zihang's paralyzed face, she couldn't lose her temper because this man's mood swings were basically invisible.

In the end, she could only snort and turn her head.

The rain curtain gradually fell back, and the steam condensed and dropped after rising, turning into a heavier rainstorm.

Chu Zihang was silent for a few seconds, then took off his coat, which was still dry due to the high temperature, and put it on Xia Mi, "Go back, this is the last mission, we are going to the Sistine Empire."

Xia Mi didn't turn his head and didn't look at Chu Zihang at all.

Chu Zihang thought for a while, then hugged the girl from behind, "Won't do it next time."


Xia Mi spoke coldly.

Chu Zihang hesitated, "Next time... I'll finish the theory with you first, and then start the operation."

Xia Mi:? ? ?


When the summer wind gradually turns colder, the maple leaves in the fields turn red, and the pace of autumn is coming quietly.

The Sistine Empire, in a gorgeous underground palace.

Under the bright lights, the shadow of the man in a black cloak was stretched out on the smooth white stone slab.

Beside the pillars, there were devout priests standing, with their hands folded on their chests, chanting in low voices, which echoed continuously in the hall, with a mysterious and sacred sense of religion.

Everyone stared intently, waiting for the important scene.

Outside the door of the hall, there was a young man wearing a black suit. His blond half-length hair was neatly combed. He had a strong body and a handsome temperament.

A pair of blue eyes looked at the black iron door, seeming to be able to penetrate it and see the scene inside.

That is the road to glory, the road to heaven, the road to power.

He, Clement Oral, comes of age today.

Behind the door is everything he can have, a status and power that is inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people, a powerful extraordinary power, and everything he has ever desired.

He has experienced suffering, ridicule and setbacks, gone round and round on the journey of life, and finally arrived here.


A soft female voice sounded behind Clement, and some people walked in high heels without making any sound.

Clement was not surprised by this. He had already passed the stage of being surprised. He just nodded slowly, "A little bit."

Mona walked around to Clement, stretched out her hand to help Clement straighten his collar. After thinking about it, she pulled her hand down again, "Maybe the collar is too tight. Will it feel better this way?"

Clement looked at the woman wearing a black veil, and complex emotions flashed in his eyes for a moment, "Much better, thank you, Your Majesty the Pope."

Mona looked at Clement again and nodded with satisfaction, "Very energetic, our Holy Son, get ready for the most important moment in your life."

She stretched out her hand with black gauze gloves, and Clement raised his arm knowingly, letting Mona's hand support him.

The black iron door opened silently, and there was no light gathering at this moment. The two stepped onto the dark carpet and walked towards the main hall.

The religious whispers in the hall became even louder. The Sin Archbishops lowered their eyebrows and nodded, but no one dared to show any strange emotions.

Standing at the end of the hall near the throne, Su Liuer, the Priest of Sins of Lust, stood at the front. The beautiful eyes under the brim of Su Liuer's hat looked at the two people on the carpet and bit her lower lip.

The two people on the carpet walked all the way to the steps of the throne. Mona stopped and did not go up the steps. She turned around and looked at the believers of the Eternal Night Church.

Those present were all first-class priests and above. If the Church of Morning Embrace saw this scene, they would probably not be able to sleep at night.

Because there are more than 800 first-class priests in the hall, and there are close to 70 special-level priests.

This means that the Church of Eternal Night is fully capable of fighting head-on with the Church of Morning Embrace, and is by no means just a rat that can move in the gutter.

From an intuitive numerical comparison, the backbone of Morning Support Church seems to be stronger, but one thing is that some of the people present are members of Morning Support Church...

After Mona looked around, her eyes finally returned to Clement, "Clement, today is the day when you come of age. As a guardian and the Holy Son of Eternal Night, I want to ask you..."

She paused and looked directly into Clement's eyes, "...Are you ready?"

Looking into those dark eyes, Clement subconsciously wanted to dodge, but he held back and nodded: "I'm ready."

Mona said nothing and looked directly at Clement, making Clement feel a wave of pressure.

This is his most important day. The other party is right, he wants to gain extraordinary power, but at the same time, he also wants to know whether he is a guardian or not.

Although a series of actions of the Eternal Night Church showed an attitude that he was the real guardian, he heard that his sister had successfully mastered the guardian suit.

So, will there be two guardians?

Then... why did I become that substitute?

After a long time, Mona spoke again, looking at everyone, "I know that some of you don't agree with today's ceremony, and think that I am raising a tiger to cause trouble."

As soon as these words came out, the priests present stopped even reciting the scriptures and became silent.

The Sin Archbishops felt strange in their hearts, but no one dared to speak.

Clement's heart skipped a beat. If his mental quality hadn't improved by leaps and bounds over the past six months, he might have been trembling.

He forcibly gave himself psychological hints to calm himself down, at least to keep his expression calm and not break into cold sweats.

Mona looked at Clement again, "Maybe we have done things that made you unhappy. It is normal for you to have hatred in your heart, but I also believe that you are a person with self-judgment. After you have seen the truth, you should Know how to choose.”

Mona patted Clement on the shoulder, "You are an adult today. You can choose to ascend the throne, absorb the weird origin prepared for you, and get the glory you deserve, or you can turn around and leave. No one will stop you this time."

Mona's tone was unhurried and her voice was soft, but Clement still felt strong pressure.

He never thought that his intentions had never been concealed, but on today's occasion, Mona would say such things so straightforwardly.

Does he have a way out? Is there any choice?

"Clement, raise your head. I have said many times that a man must hold his head high and his chest high. At this point, you always disappoint me."

Mona spoke again, making Clement tremble inside.

Clement took a deep breath, raised his head, and looked at Mona with a somewhat complicated look.

This woman taught him a lot, and she took good care of herself in the past six months. Sometimes he would be confused about his own situation.

Whenever he was confused, he would think back to what happened that night and those classmates who died in front of him.

Mona sighed, "You are too cowardly."

Clement didn't know how to respond. Usually this woman always encouraged him, but that was no longer the case today.

Mona walked around Clement, "You know, Clement, the truth is always cruel."


Clement is confused?

Before he could react, there was a slap mark on his face, and he looked at Mona with a blank expression.

Mona's expression was no longer as gentle as before, "How many times have I told you not to be led into other topics!"

Clement felt guilty for some reason. He opened his mouth and closed it again.

"Clement, do you think that after I find that place, I won't know the real situation there?"

Mona's voice was like a demon whispering, "Do you think I don't know the true inner nature of those young people? I never deny that we were executioners that day. Maybe you think I am hypocritical and trying to change the concept, but Killed them..."

She lay next to Clement's ear and whispered: "...It's you."

Clement felt his anger rising and even forgot that he was a mortal, but he found that he could not move and was imprisoned by invisible power.

"Is not it?"

Mona strolled on the carpet, and none of the priests present dared to speak.

"You knew why we came from the beginning, but it wasn't until your last classmate died in battle that you wanted to stand up and admit your identity."

Mona's voice was unhurried, with a hint of chill, "And I knew from the beginning, little Clement, that you are the person we are looking for. It was not a test at all to see who the guardian was, I just wanted to see you. When will you stand up?"

She walked back to Clement, looked at the ferocious and painful face, stretched out her bare hands to caress him, "But you didn't. You were a coward. You didn't wake up until the end. It was too late."

There was a look of disappointment on her soft cheeks, "I'm not afraid of your hatred, I just hope that you can grow through pain, but now you have disappointed me so much. You are still the coward. You are hesitant even with such a simple choice." .”

She retracted her hand and shrugged somewhat inappropriately, "How can such a person be a guardian?"

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