Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 860 Violators will send their souls to others

The sky is swaying with white light, but it does not bring warmth to people's hearts. It is not the light of the sun, but the light born of the ability of extraordinary beings, that is, weird power.

No matter how bright the appearance of an ability may seem, the essence that drives it is ultimately the source of weirdness.

Irina stood above the royal capital, wearing a pure white dress, and the white gems dotted between her eyebrows covered her slightly frowning eyebrows.

In the Church of Morning Embrace, there is no way to recover a person who has gone crazy. When a person is crazy, he is crazy, and when he collapses, he collapses. The only person who is likely to return to normal is himself.

If they can survive the whispers of the ancient gods, they will naturally become the so-called Transcendents.

Now that night is falling, all order is collapsing. The royal capital is still stable under the protection of many night watchmen, but she can't imagine how bad the world is now.

On the street, people were coming and going. The sober people were running wildly to go home, and the crazy people were running to nowhere. They were fighting, killing, howling, crying, and they didn't know what kind of terrible mental hell they were immersed in.

A little girl of six or seven years old ran on the street and lost her shoes. She seemed to be separated from her parents. She was wearing a silk pink skirt and holding a Rilakkuma not much smaller than her in her arms.

She was so scared that her shoulders could not help shaking, but she did not dare to cry, because the people around her were scary, and the sounds in her ears were also scary. She just saw someone making obvious noises, and was rushed up by a crazy person. shredded.

She walked timidly on the street with her bare feet, looking at this crazy world.

The white glow of the sky was no longer necessary, for the city lit up with a new light, a blazing fire.

The little girl staggered, her white feet guessing the broken glass on the ground as she screamed, tears streaming down her face, and she hugged the Rilakkuma doll tightly.

The crazy people around looked at the little girl who screamed in surprise. Some of the people who looked at each other seemed to have seen some terrible monster and ran away from each other. Some seemed to have seen the most hated enemy and rushed towards her. Go up and cut the opponent into pieces with a thousand knives.

Some of the people who looked at the little girl fled in fear, while others approached her with ferocious expressions.

The little girl hugged Rililakkuma tightly and retreated to the corner. Her sanity was still there, and she was extremely frightened when she saw the well-dressed adults approaching her with ferocious expressions.

"Zoro, Zoro, help me."

The little girl's voice was filled with tears. She couldn't find her parents, or in other words, she was abandoned by her parents after they went crazy. Solo was the only one around her.

Solo was her little bear. She went to watch a play with her parents. There was a hero named Solo in the play. She hoped she would have a hero.

That hero used to be her father, but now that her father is gone, she only has Zoro.

The population of the royal capital is the densest in the Sistine Empire. More than 30 million people gather in this big city. Even the night watchman here is the largest, and there are also the saint Irina and the director of the Inquisition. But There is no way to take care of every place.

Some of the people who are driven mad by the whispers in the night are not really in irreversible madness. As long as the night dissipates and the whispers are eliminated, they can still return to normal.

At this time, they were just affected by the ancient god's will, and their five senses were hallucinated. The world they saw was different.

"Zolo, Zoro——"

The little girl hugged Rilakkuma tightly, tears falling on the plush, longing for a miracle to happen.

Suddenly, when those people approached her, the Rilakkuma in her arms really moved, and those who were walking towards her also stopped, as if they were afraid of something.

The little girl looked at Zoro in her arms with joy, "Zolo, Zoro, it turns out you are real!"

Her puppet, her hero came to her rescue.


But before she finished her next call, she saw Rilakkuma's head suddenly turning 180 degrees, condensing the cloth around his neck into a twist, and a pair of dark glass eyes looking straight at her, Like a seducing ghost.


With the sound of velvet tearing, Rilakkuma's mouth, which was originally sewn with black thread, opened the crack and spit out white cotton, like a grin, and a strange feeling came to his face.


The little girl screamed, instinctively sensing danger, and threw Rilakkuma out.

As a result, Zoro rolled around on the ground a few times and climbed up nimbly. He looked around with his teeth and claws bared, and the light in his glass eyes was extremely aggressive.

It is crawling on the ground, and the weird aura on its body is getting worse. It is a twisted weirdness born under the will of the ancient gods, people's negative emotions, and some strong expectations, and its first target is always related to it. "Owner"

Just when it was about to jump towards the girl, a black boot stepped down from above.


It fell flat.

The black boot was grinding on the ground left and right. The owner stepped forward again, walked towards the little girl, stretched out his hand, "Are you okay?"

When the little girl looked up, she was no longer afraid. She felt that this is what "Solo" should be like, a hero in her life.

What a handsome big brother he was, more handsome than the leading actors in all the operas she had ever seen.

She was frightened and wanted to throw herself into the hero's arms, but before she could take action, she was hugged by a pair of soft arms around her waist. At the same time, she felt some slightly flat softness on the back of her head.

"Little sister, I will take you home."

Xia Mi picked up the little girl and said with a smile.

Chu Zihang looked at the flames rising in the city, "This is just the beginning."

The long night has fallen, but people have not yet seen the old god who represents darkness. He seems to be hiding in the dark night, observing all living things, but it seems that he has not come at all. This is just a prelude to his awakening.

The world is in chaos, and negative emotions such as despair, madness, and fear are constantly growing. Weird people are reborn in the will of the ancient gods. The night watchers can no longer maintain order and have to deal with the strange massacre of humans.

At this moment, Irina is sitting in the royal capital, responsible for the central dispatch. Although the light generated by her ability does not have the ability to dispel weirdness, the existence of light can always dispel the fear in some people's hearts.

Ji Wu Jiu, on the other hand, urgently took out two mysterious items from the display room of the Morning Embrace Church headquarters and went straight to the palace. He was responsible for the internal security of the palace.

Peter once told him that if one day the world falls into turmoil and the old gods come and the era comes to an end, priority must be given to ensuring the survival of the king of the Sistine Empire.

Ji Wujiu asked why, but Peter just smiled and said nothing, saying that they would not be so unlucky and that by the end of the era, they should have retired to the grave.

Now Ji Wu Jiu felt that if Peter really died, he would want to dig him out of the grave, and he would only speak half of what he said!


In the soul burial ground, not long after Lu Chen left, the wandering souls in this world continued to gather.

They were torn apart, mixed, absorbed, and integrated into the indescribable creatures.

The creature stretched its body and looked through the void with one eye. The power of the gods stirred in the space, making him intoxicated.

The scarlet single eye kept turning, sometimes glancing to the left and sometimes to the right, as if there were two wills controlling it.

But after a while, the one-eyed creature gradually calmed down, and the indescribable creature spoke again, speaking in human language.

"Ancient this so..."

His one eye kept turning, but became more and more dexterous, and the arms on his indescribable body also began to move, as if they were adapting to the body.

"It's so boring. I should have known better. God is a boring thing..."

He muttered to himself, began to walk in the soul burial soil, and gradually rose into the air, heading towards the exit of the God's Abandoned Land.

"Fortunately, this world is not boring. There are so many wonderful dramas about to be staged, and there are so many interesting people who will be hunted by me..."

On that indescribable body, a pair of hands spread out, like undulating invisible lines, like an artist playing the piano.

When he passed the exit of the Soul Burial Ground, passionate music played in the world, and fear spread from the depths of the earth.

Each thread is connected to the souls of the people born on this land. As the strings fluctuate, whispers of unknown meaning spread to people's minds.

The indescribable body moves forward like a fluid as it leads from the center of the earth to the upper level of the continent. It switches between virtuality and reality, and God's will rolls up to lock on a man who has almost reached the ground.

He gave Lu Chen a chance, not only last time, but this time the other party also failed to grasp it, because he was at a critical moment not long ago, but Lu Chen could not find his hiding place.

So now the positions of the hunter and the prey are reversed, and it's his turn to hunt down the ultimate hunter in space.

He is now Harquist, a violator, and a soul sender. As for his original name, he has long forgotten it.

Half a year ago, he was killed by Lu Chen like a clown, but he also got clues about Haqvist. Through the soul parasitism mode of Haqvist's dependents, he recursed upwards and finally came to the soul burial ground. .

In the burial ground of his soul, the strange and parasitic souls of his spirit continued to increase. It was a silent and subtle process, and finally completed the ultimate evolution in front of the old god who lost an eye.

He parasitized an old god and has seized the dominance of will today!

He knew that Lu Chen had killed Clearapus, the old god who represented madness, but he also understood what method Lu Chen was practicing.

This is something that is easy to deduce. Lu Chen triggered the divine ban to accomplish this miracle. Although his current combat power is not comparable to that of half a year ago, the divine ban cannot be triggered just because he wants to.

In this situation, he has a clear advantage and should be eliminated before Lu Chen continues to grow.

After all, he has personally reached the upper limit of this world, and as a practitioner of traditional skills, Lu Chen still has greater potential if given time.

And during the last battle, the soul sender had already gained experience and knew that he could never fight with Lu Chen in the same attribute state. There was indeed a gap in the combat skills of the two sides, and in the state of the same attribute panel, Lu Chen would always be stronger. One step ahead of your opponent.

Even if he now occupies the body of the ancient god, it is equivalent to possessing a Boss template. This pioneer is a real monster, and you must know that the opponent is only at level five!

When he saw the Pioneer for the first time, he realized how outrageous the Pioneer was, and some fear arose in his heart.

In the past, he had killed countless adjudicators. He felt that the adjudicators were all weak insects. He heard from his seniors that the pioneers were scary, but he thought that the pioneers of the same level should be like that.

It wasn't until I met this man named Lu Chen in the Land Abandoned by the Gods that I realized that my thoughts were naive. If this was a seventh-level pioneer, I was afraid that he would be traced back to his origins in the first confrontation. of beheading.

But at this time, after he parasitized into the body of the old god, he integrated his own abilities and became stronger than before. In the process of continuous synchronization, his strength will gradually increase.


The Sistine Empire, the royal capital, and the headquarters of the Morning Embrace Church.

Most of the night watchmen were sent out to maintain order within the royal capital, or sent out to other provincial cities to deal with the strange people who began to wake up as the night fell.

There are many weird things that are usually in a state of silence. They slowly absorb the negative emotions of people in this world as nourishment, take root, sprout, and grow wildly at this moment.

People were coming and going inside the church, and Sister Sylphy's high heels clicked loudly. Finally, she felt it was difficult to move, so she threw her favorite shoes aside.

She recorded the situation in each district and reported it to her superiors. She also arranged the allocation of night watchmen in a continuous manner. Although she was only responsible for a part of the people, she was still under great pressure.

The cardinals within the church have all dispatched to the main provincial cities of the Sistine Empire to kill those weird and stable people who have begun to cause chaos.

People are realistic at all times. When their abilities are limited, some people will always be saved first, and some people will always be given up by default.

Many explorers in the royal capital also gathered in the church. Most of them were paddling and did not want to take risks in the dark night.

Many people have completed all the main missions, but have been deprived of the right to return on their own. Their only goal now is to wait for the passage of time, because after completing all the main missions, the stay time is limited.

When the time limit is reached, the explorer will be forcibly teleported.

Normally, explorers are very resistant to this, because they don't want to leave after completing the main mission, which means there is still money and water to be fished in the world, but this time is different, they really can't leave, and they are looking forward to returning. Hope burst into tears.

In the cemetery behind Morning Embrace Church, there are devout believers who suppress the uncomfortable whispers in their ears and pray for the martyrs who died here. Among them, there are the most people in front of the Imperial Blade inscription, and there are many of them. Be an explorer.

"Boss Lu, can you come back?"

Kaka was at the forefront and just had to kneel down in front of the inscription and shout.

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