Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 877 I seem to have gone home, right?

Chu Zihang glanced at Xia Mi, "We also have external energy, which should be enough for me to drive it for ten minutes."

Xia Mi looked away, "Don't even think about it, then I might as well use my power on that kid above."

She didn't want Chu Zihang to enter this terrifying machine at all. Chu Zihang had just shared the details of this mecha in the team channel. After reading it, she felt that this thing was very bad.

Enough for you to drive it for ten minutes?

You can only drive for ten minutes!

As expected, he is a cold-faced lunatic. Considering the upper limit, did he budget from his own death node from the beginning?

"You can't do it. The power of the earth cannot reach the stars, and Clement's power seems to be enough to deal with the old god. What we need to prevent is other things."

Chu Zihang analyzed calmly.

"Boss, are you worrying too much? I don't think this handsome little golden retriever is quite strong. And didn't you also say before that the terminator of the era is this old god who represents annihilation? As long as Clement can succeed , doesn’t that mean that mankind has passed the end of the era?”

Kaka was a little confused. She felt that the situation had been developing in a good direction.

First of all, looking at the reactions of Chu Zihang and others, Boss Lu is probably still alive. Based on her understanding of that outrageous man, as long as the opponent cannot kill him instantly, after months of fighting like this, Kaka will not He thought Lu Chen would be killed by his opponent.

This is equivalent to solving the problem of the old god Harquist in disguise. Clearapus is dead, doesn't that mean it's over?

Chu Zihang looked at the boundless night and said, "You have forgotten one thing. It is still dark."

Griffin frowned as he listened to the conversation of several people. He was not sure why these people knew so much secret information, "Mr. Chu, do you want to say that the old god who represents darkness may not choose to end this era? "

"Isn't it possible? Didn't He also use the will of darkness as a buffer to help humans resist the will of other ancient gods? The body of the Goddess of Morning Embrace also shines on the earth, and it seems that she wants more people to survive."

Eriyi is puzzled.

"This is something I can't figure out, but scholars from both the East and the West have a common understanding, that is, there is nothing good about the old gods."

Chu Zihang explained in plain language that he always felt that the old god who the world knew the most about, had the most records about, and had the most incarnations gave people an uneasy feeling.

Because you can't figure out his purpose at all. In comparison, the other old gods seem much more straightforward.

Chu Zihang's words made everyone feel heavy, and Griffin was a little curious, "Do you have other energy sources that can drive this machine?"

"We do have other preparations, but this machine must be left to me to use."

Chu Zihang glanced at Xia Mi, ignored the other's explosive gaze, and said.

Griffin hesitated, "Mr. Chu, you are indeed an outstanding ace pilot, but this machine is different from the traditional prototype. It is more corrosive. We have done experiments before and estimated that it can control the prototype." The ace pilot of the plane cannot control it at all, and will only make it go into a runaway state."

He pointed at himself, "Maybe I didn't mention it in the academy, but I am the most experienced pilot in the past, and I should be the best in terms of resistance."

He thinks what Chu Zihang just analyzed makes sense. If it is driven by energy, they should indeed have backup preparations, but that should be controlled by him.

Chu Zihang is a young man. Even though he has talent, he does not think that the opponent will be more resistant than him.

"Don't worry, Dean. I absorbed the weird origins in the Sistine Empire, and I am among the best among the special ones. Trust me, I will last longer."

Chu Zihang continued, "And that energy drive is not stable. Only with our cooperation can we exert its greatest power."

Griffin frowned in thought and glanced at Xia Mi, "I remember you are the daughter of the Xia family. How do you have the power of the earth?"

Natsumi's identity is set as a rich girl, and for Hashiri's identity, she is of a very high background. She belongs to the revolutionary nobles in the country of steam and machinery. However, she is currently a mortal and her influence has declined after she retired from the political circle.

Griffin is not a fool. After listening to several people's conversations before, he captured the key points. For example, the energy seems to be provided by the Miss Xia family, and shouldn't Xia Mi be a mortal?

Even if you gain extraordinary power after coming to Sistine, you should not have the ability to fight the old gods.

Xia Mi was a little embarrassed, "Luck, luck, I got something related to the soul burial soil."

She fooled around with Chu Zihang's help. Griffin's suspicion was not a big problem, but they Explorers couldn't reveal their identities.

Kaka was listening thoughtfully to the conversation of several people. She looked at Eli Yi, Chu Zihang, and Xia Mi with a strange look on her face.

She actually wanted to ask if these people were fans of a certain novel. Not only were they very similar in costume, but they also acted similarly.

But in the land abandoned by the gods, at this moment, it was obviously an inappropriate question, and she could only hide her gossip.

If you think about it carefully, there are still many fans who like the works in the space and act under the title. For example, the name of the glorious adventure group, many of whose members are the characters in a certain hypotension treatment game.

Another example is Mr. Lu’s nickname Godzilla. This is a common thing.


In the Evernight Star Sea, the battle between Lu Chen and the violators has become intense.

The time for both of his equipment skills has expired, but his offensive attitude remains.

If there are others watching this battle from a distance in the Evernight Star Sea, they may feel a little happy.

Haquist's huge body was floating in the void. Compared with it, Lu Chen's figure was as small as a bug. Every time he charged and was repelled, it was as if he was easily slapped away by the huge thing. .

But he exudes a dazzling red light, is magnificent and violent, his indomitable fighting spirit makes people look at him, and his invincible sword intention makes people tremble.

With huge differences in attributes, not only did he not struggle to survive, but he was constantly looking for opportunities to attack.

This man is not consuming his own power without any intention, but is cultivating his invincibility to fight to the death. Through the stimulation of his potential in temporary states, he occasionally begins to experience bursts of power.

In the soul sender's detection skills, you can see several of Lu Chen's main attributes, which sometimes jump sharply and increase by one or two points.

Every time these main attributes changed, he would feel a little frightened, fearing that the other party would enter a divine forbidden state.

Because he knew the CD of the opponent's equipment and skills, Lu Chen should be in a vacuum now, and there should be no more temporary status changes.

Lu Chen fully activated his own blood. Not only was the Mystic Blood of God boiling, but the Blood of the Medium True Dragon beneath the Mystic Blood of God was also roaring.

A pale golden thunder coil appeared on his body surface, looming under the blood evil fighting spirit. Under the blessing of Xing Zi Mi, every thrust was as powerful as thunder. When the sword was drawn, the sharpness of the regicide cut through the fearful will, and chopped off To the body of the old god.

Despite being at a disadvantage, the excitement in his eyes was getting stronger and stronger, and he seemed to have vaguely found that feeling.

Although he is still far from entering the Divine Forbidden City, he can indeed mobilize the deep potential in his body from time to time to erupt with power.

Maybe it was only a second or two, or even less than half a second. This was a great success in his exploration.

Lu Chen contacted Chu Zihang in the team channel and asked him to try his best to control the situation outside and help him delay time.

He didn't want to be wiped out because of the failure of the main mission during the battle with the soul sender.

And their team also has backup, but they have to take some risks. If he really can't enter the Divine Forbidden City, or if his guess about Haqvist is wrong, he will let Eriki become the deputy leader. identity, use team rally skills to pull him back to the land abandoned by the gods.

The team gathering skill with a cooldown time of three mission worlds is the highest priority teleportation skill. It is assisted by space and is 100% successful. Lu Chen feels that it can be teleported even in the forbidden areas of the world. Coming out, the mere barrier of the Evernight Star Sea cannot stop this skill.

But if you do this, it will be equivalent to bringing the battle back to the land abandoned by the gods, and the soul sender may not open his eyes and give priority to killing his assistant, that is, Eri Yi.

In Lu Chen's calculations, with his current basic state, plus the skills of the two pieces of equipment, and Eri Yi's Divine Blessing, he would have a chance to kill Haquist in a decisive battle within 60 seconds.

He was not sure whether he could kill the violator, because the opponent's ability was weird, and his sword intention was not enough to kill the root cause through phenomena.

He had once killed all the clones of the Black Fox Empress in the world of fox monsters with his sword intent, but these were two different concepts.

Because he understands the formation process of the other party and the principle of the clone, through the specific negative aura of the bitter tree, he can trace the clone of the other party.

What he killed at that time was actually the main body, which was equivalent to diverging from the source. It was much simpler to find the clones related to her.

The soul sender, on the other hand, has no way of capturing the form and location of its true body.

Lu Chen must use conceptual sword intent to move from the edge to the inside, from shallow to deep. His current understanding is not enough.


During the long night, the shock waves of the battle in the star sea continued to sweep across the earth. The strong wind howled, bending the trees, and the gravel rolled on the ground.

Twelve hours have passed since Clement broke out. From an even match at the beginning, he gradually took the initiative in the battle and powerfully attacked the core of the old god who represented annihilation.

The gray crow made a harsh whisper, and it was obvious that he was angry at this tiny human being. He felt that he was offended.

Only by relying on the objects left behind by those world travelers, could a mere human being be able to fight against him to this extent.

Clement's expression was indifferent, and his eyes, one black and one white, gradually dimmed. His soul had been burned for more than half. Although his combat power was not affected, his energy and spirit began to decline.

The current superficial advantage is just an improvement after he gradually becomes familiar with fighting enemies of this level.

It's very inappropriate. During the battle, he was not thinking about how to protect the people and fulfill his duty as a guardian.

Every move he made seemed to be done at will, without any thought, but in his mind, he began to recall scenes from the past.

He knew that this might be a normal phenomenon during the burning process of his soul. The memories and visions he saw were only the last.

It's the instinctive reluctance deep in his soul that he doesn't want to forget the beauty of the past.

He may have really grown up, and even started to have an old mentality, so he started to recall from the earliest scenes.

When he was a child, he ran on the playground and played football with his friends in the capital. He and his sister cooperated very well, but they always lost more than they won.

He remembered that his sister beat him, but in the fragments of memory, he forgot that her sister would hold his hand and run through the sea of ​​flowers in spring, that she would help him when he broke the vase, and that he forgot that he left the capital on the day. My sister ran after the carriage for a long time...


Like a bubble, every time he recalled something, it disappeared like a bubble bursting, wiped from the depths of his soul, and used as fuel for the Guardian suit.

He recalled the first time he met his classmates at the place where he protects the inheritance. The proud children introduced themselves proudly. Some would speak out about their family in a high-profile manner, while others would speak out their names in a low-key and shy manner. Don't mention last names.

They trained together, dozed off in cultural classes together, and were punished together, but in the end, they were the only ones who were gradually punished.

He remembered that when he was twelve years old, he realized for the first time that he was a substitute and a shield.

He remembers his roommate Nilfo complaining about his snoring at night, he remembers the water that Grace handed him when he was exhausted, and he also remembers how the girl died in front of him that night...

Dead, everyone died, because of the Eternal Night Church's raid, because of their own cowardice, and because of this damn world.

After his strength grew, he had many opportunities to kill the woman, and in the end he could easily kill her. However, when the guardian dagger approached the white throat, he turned around again.

Because he suddenly remembered that day in the bathhouse, the way Mona looked at him when she was talking made him feel very familiar. He never knew why it felt familiar. The moment before he made a move, he remembered that it was when his mother looked at him when he was a child. gaze.

He admitted that at that moment, he felt... love that he had not experienced in a long time.

He is not qualified to talk about his sister. They are indeed siblings. He is also an indecisive person and a coward.

He hated his own cowardice, his own indecision, and his inability to fulfill his promise to his friends despite making up his mind.

He can only do what he should do to prove that his friends' care and protection for him are meaningful, and that his existence is meaningful.

So he grabbed all the Guardian suits from his sister and went to the feast of death.

His youth had been confused, troubled, and decadent. Until today, he felt confused.

But the young man thought differently today, so he became fearless, killing gods when gods blocked him, and killing demons when demons blocked him!

He still remembers...


As if the last bubble in his mind burst, the young man stood blankly in the sea of ​​stars, looking around the dark starry night.

Beneath his body was the old god's body that was riddled with holes, pierced to death by the guardian's dagger, and fell to the earth.

The young man looked at the dagger in his hand and his eyes became dazed.

Who am I?

There were no more bubbles in front of his eyes, and there were no more scenes.

Amid the cheers of the crowd, the young man was pulled by the earth and fell silently, as quietly as if he had fallen asleep.

I seem……

Are you going home?

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