Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 889 Lu Chen: Am I being targeted?

Lu Chen wasn't surprised when he heard this. He didn't expect the circus to eat all the food. Anyway, he didn't have to worry about selling the weird origin. He could make more money by selling it to a large adventure group.

"Then I'll sell you three copies..."

Lu Chen drank a glass of wine and spoke, but before he could finish speaking, Lain suddenly raised his hand.

"Brother Lu, wait!"

Rhine's expression changed, and finally he showed a bright smile, "Our deputy leader contacted me and said that he would take it all, no installments are needed, he will cover it all."

Lu Chen had a strange look on his face, "I heard that your adventure group is free to move around. Why are you so covered by the superiors?"

He had heard rumors about the circus from other explorers before. It was a very loose organization. Later, he talked with Fox and probably understood the inside story.

Because many of the members of the circus may be adjudicators, the origin space will not put the members of their adventure group into a certain world together. In fact, because the level gap between the members is too large, it is impossible to enter a mission world at the same time.

Even if they are of the same level, they often enter the world alone to perform tasks. Rather than being an adventure group, they are more like a gathering place for everyone to gather together.

Under such circumstances, the members of the adventure group usually do not have much communication. Fox said that after joining the adventure group, he has never even met the leader of the group. There are many people who only know their names but have never met him. .

The deputy leader of the circus is an animal trainer. The last time Lu Chen met him, he was a gentle and gentle gentleman. Unexpectedly, he cared about his circus members.

"The deputy leader is different. He is a good old man. Didn't I say that? He will also give classes and tell us things to pay attention to in various worlds."

Rhine waved his hand and explained, "Of course, if he pays, we will also have to pay him back, with 20% interest in each world."

"This is really an old loan shark..."

Lu Chen sighed with emotion, drank the wine in his glass, and then smiled and said, "I want to learn!"

"By the way, I called Brother Lu here because I wanted to tell you some information."

After talking about the transaction, Laing talked about his original intention of asking Lu Chen.

"What's going on? There's going to be another battle for special world qualifications?"

Lu Chen wondered curiously. He had always been obsessed with worlds like Zhetian. Although the open world was more dangerous, it also meant that he could obtain good things that exceeded the upper limit of his own strength.

Rhine shook his head, "No way, this kind of world won't happen that often. You have to know that people will die in the competition for special qualifications. High-level explorers can't withstand such consumption. Brother Lu got the ticket to the world that covers the sky last time, which means that Once this door is opened, you may be able to queue up for subsequent worlds in the same series, or enter with the props you obtain.”

He continued, "I'm looking for you today. It's the captain who sent me a message, asking me to remind you."

"The leader of the circus!?"

Lu Chen was a little surprised, "Joker?"

Rhine nodded, put away his bold smile, and turned serious, "Someone is watching you."


Lu Chen frowned. This was not good news, especially since the person who provided the information was the leader of the circus, who was a ninth-level explorer!

The person that the other party will pay attention to is definitely impossible to defeat.

"Did you kill a kid who violated the rules in the God-Forsaken Land?"

This is one of the territory of the circus, and the room is absolutely soundproof, but Rhine still cannot use professional terms, which is a habit he has developed over the years.

"That guy was quite difficult to deal with. I was able to kill him in the end because of some luck. The old god gave me an assist. It was like playing with fire and burning myself."

Lu Chen said, "Oh, I remembered, he seems to have recruited me. The illegal explorers also have their own adventure groups?"

Rhine ordered another batch of wine on the touch menu, "They have their own alliance, and the largest forces among them have basically escaped the control of the space. I don't know the deeper information, because the deputy leader said we don't Need to know.”

He continued: "In short, what the leader means is that you are being targeted by the people over there, and it is very likely that extraordinary means will be used to target you."

Lu Chen was a little confused, "Why? That's not the case, right? According to Brother Lion, they should be quite powerful. Maybe there are ninth-level explorers. Why would they go to war over a piece of trash?"

Lu Chen still knew the current situation of the space. Not to mention the loose organization of the violators, the gathering was a group of ruthless and cold-blooded people. Even if it was a normal adventure group that loved each other, if someone below him died, it would not necessarily cause the bosses above him to die. attention to help take revenge.

"It's probably not for revenge. Those people have no feelings at all. They probably think you are a threat, Brother Lu. The cost of killing you is very low now."

Rhine's voice was low and slow.

Lu Chen pondered slightly. If those violators could get his information, they might have guessed that he was a pioneer.

"How did those people enter the mission world?"

Lu Chen asked curiously.

"Most of the low-level violators are still within the system of the space. It is easy for us to hunt them down, and there are also cases where people get lost and find their way back. The origin space is still very tolerant."

Rhine said, "At high levels, after being extradited by those big forces, they are basically out of control. They cannot enjoy some benefits of the space, such as system menus, combat auxiliary data analysis and other functions, but they will not be banned from speaking. When human beings are wiped out, when they enter the world, they naturally do not teleport through space, it is their unique method."

"The requirements of those big forces for these violators are also very simple, which is to let them improve rapidly according to their abilities, just like the land abandoned by the gods. I guess it must be very suitable for the violator that Brother Lu saw."

Lu Chen listened thoughtfully, "So, can they know which world I will enter?"

"It is absolutely safe in the space. Brother Lu, your identity is also very safe. We all know that it is impossible to locate people like us through the way in the space. But if you enter the mission world, what you enter will There are other explorers in the world, and if they know you, it’s hard to tell.”

Rhine looked solemn, "Those top people have abilities beyond our imagination."

Lu Chen was silent for a moment, then grinned, "If I can beat you, I'll chop him to death. If I can't beat you, there's nothing I can do about it, right?"

Lai Yin also smiled, "Brother Lu is really optimistic. I came to you, naturally, not just to remind you. Our leader said that I will give you something. You can consider whether to accept it."


Lu Chen asked curiously.

Lai Yin took out a suit button and handed it to Lu Chen.

After Lu Chen took it, he checked the details and found a row of question marks. The space did not provide identification or function prompts.

"To be honest, the leader probably wants to use Brother Lu as a tool and bait to catch a wave of fish, but you will indeed be in danger yourself. There is no harm in accepting him."

Rhine actually didn't know the specific function of the button, but it was probably the group leader who set the coordinates on it.

Lu Chen thought for a moment and put away the button. He could feel the kindness of the circus.

He may indeed be a bait, but what the other party said is also true. Once a force majeure accident does occur, he will have many backup plans.

"Okay, let's get down to business. It's true that none of our group leaders have cared so much about our group leader. Sometimes I even wonder if you are a relative of the group leader."

Rhine teased.

Lu Chen was still thinking about the Violator Alliance. After coming back to his senses, he remembered another thing he had to do today, "Do you know any craftsmen who can make fairy-level equipment? I want to customize some pieces of equipment. .”

Lai Yin picked up the wine that was delivered and took a sip, "Brother Lu, do you have fairy-level rare materials?"

"There are Shia vibranium and Clark green gold. I wonder what kind of equipment these materials are suitable for?"

Lu Chen consulted and said that he had learned the secret weapon in Zhe Tian, ​​and he actually knew how to refine weapons, but his secret weapon was to use one weapon to defeat ten thousand methods, and the refining aspect was all used for regicide.

In terms of building equipment, not only one or two metals are needed, but other materials are also needed. He wants to leave it to professionals.

"I remember, didn't Fox recommend it to you? It's the one behind the block, Lao Wang. His craftsmanship is very good. I still get my armor from him."

Rhine took a sip of the ice-blue wine and said.

"Old Wang? He can also use fairy-level equipment?"

Lu Chen recalled this man. He had once built a sacred object-level Liuyun Battle Armor from the other party.

"You're looking down on others, aren't you?"

Rhine smiled and wiped the wine from his beard, "Old Wang has even built immortal equipment. Fairy equipment is nothing. Please flatter him and let him give you more discounts."

Lu Chen was a little stunned. He didn't expect that Lao Wang was still a big boss. It seemed that there were some supporters who should not be underestimated.

"By the way, how many materials do you have? If you want to build good and practical equipment, three to five kilograms each is not enough."

Rhine asked.

"Not much. Xia's vibranium weighs about 26 or 7 kilograms. Clark's green gold is less, just over five kilograms."

Lu Chen replied.

"...Brother Lu, you have really redefined 'not much'. Forget it, I won't ask any more questions. Just go and communicate with Lao Wang. He usually likes to use rare metals for the auxiliary materials required for crafting, and the cost is the best. Also paying with rare metals will be more favorable than directly using Origin Coins or True Spirit Souls."

Rhine reminded, feeling really depressed inside.

They are both at the seventh level, so why is the other party so rich?

"Thank you."

Lu Chen stood up and said, "If there's nothing else, I'll go to Lao Wang's place first."

"Go ahead, let me drink for a while. The higher your physique is, the harder it will be to feel it."

Rhine smiled and did not hold back.

Lu Chen turned around and walked out of the room. There were 500 more inheritance crystals in his storage space. They were taken out by Rhine through the circus team warehouse and provided by the deputy leader of the animal trainer.

Fox no longer has to find himself to pay in installments, he only needs to pay back the money within the group.

Looking for the path in his memory, Lu Chen went to the alley and soon saw the broken house at the end.

An old man was wearing white clothes, sitting leisurely on a recliner and smoking a cigarette. He looked unattractive and had rough hair, just like an old man at the entrance of the village.

The sign next to it is still engraved with, "Only accept orders from epics and above."

"Young man, it's you, aren't you dead?"

Lao Wang exhaled a puff of smoke leisurely and raised his eyes to look at Lu Chen.

Lu Chen's mouth twitched, "Old sir, I'm alive and well, and I'm here to buy equipment from you again."

"Tsk, tsk, last time I saw you, you didn't seem to have a long life. It seems that you have been in good luck recently."

Lao Wang sat up straight and knocked the ashes from his cigarette, "Tell me, what are you going to do now? What materials do you have?"

Lu Chen looked at the old man in front of him. He didn't pay attention when he came last time, but now he found that he couldn't see through him.

This is just a supporter, but he is actually stronger than himself! ?

"I currently have Shia vibranium and Clark green gold. What equipment are suitable for making from these two metals?"

Lu Chen asked, not daring to underestimate the supporters on the first level of World Tree.

Thinking about it carefully, Fox once told himself that many of the backers were people who failed the advanced missions continuously and were eventually kicked out of the ranks of explorers. This meant that there were backers at all stages.

Theoretically, at the highest level, there may be backups with the strength of an eighth-level explorer.

"Oh? These two metals are not easy to work with. If you want to make high-quality equipment, you need a lot of them."

Lao Wang took another puff of dry cigarette and said slowly.

"Xia's vibranium weighs more than 20 kilograms, and Clark's green gold is less. Five kilograms is enough for how many pieces?"

Lu Chen asked.

"Cough cough cough——"

Lao Wang coughed for a while, and smoke spewed out from his nose and mouth. "Wait, wait, how much did you say?"

Lao Wang looked at Lu Chen as if he had seen a ghost. But he remembered that the last time this kid came was not long ago, right?

It had only been a few months since the other party was able to obtain sacred object-level materials. Not to mention the fairy-level materials, which weighed several dozen kilograms! ?

Lu Chen did not repeat himself, but with a wave of his hand, he took out the rare metals and suspended them in the air with his spiritual power.

Lao Wang's eyes widened, and he looked at Lu Chen as if he were looking at a monster, "Did you kidnap the supporters of the mining area!?"

As he said this, he denied it to himself, "No, we wouldn't have that many supporters just by looting us. Have you entered a world where multiple dimensions have descended and looted other people's supporters as well?"

Lu Chen was noncommittal, "It's almost the same. It's just that time is tight and I don't have any supporters to continue to make a fortune."

"You're really good, you're a werewolf."

Lao Wang sighed with emotion, stood up, and waved to Lu Chen, "Come in with me. It seems like you don't bring your own drawings. Let me tell you about the things that can be made from these two metals."

Lu Chen followed Lao Wang's footsteps and walked to the dilapidated small house. He saw Lao Wang placing his hand in front of the door. After opening the iron door, there was a strange cave.

After Lu Chen entered the room, he felt as if he had passed through a thin film. Suddenly, he saw an underground workshop with endless horizons. Various furnaces and forging equipment were neatly placed in various areas. Inside.

The air was filled with various smells, and Lu Chen felt some energy escaping, which was obviously the fluctuation of rare materials.

"Young man, welcome to my workshop."

Lao Wang turned around, grinned, showing yellow teeth, and said with a smile.

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