Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 896 The Modern Western Federation

Time: July 15, 2009 AD.

Location: West Commonwealth, Maine.

In this bitter cold land in the north, even in summer, the wind is slightly cold, and only the sun hanging high in the sky blooms with warm light, as if it is about to enter people's hearts.

Eriyi was walking on the busy street, and her ancient-style dress was manipulated by her to change its appearance into a modern style.

Familiar and unfamiliar cars were passing through the road, and people were passing by the red-haired girl.

Some people would turn around frequently, amazed by the beauty of this red-haired girl, but no one dared to come forward and disturb her.

There are many high-rise buildings, and people in the city are always busy and busy with life, but they don't know that this world has already received a group of people who can easily subvert the country.

Eriki had just spoken to Xia Mi, who was currently in the Xia Kingdom in the east, far away from her by the ocean, and the two of them were not dropped into the same place.

I don’t know if it was a coincidence of fate or the intention of space, but she came to this city.

This planet was almost the same as the Earth in her memory. On a news screen, she could see a map of the world in a flash.

Except for the different distribution of countries, except for the big countries in the east and the federation in the west, there are not many differences in the landforms, except for some sporadic defects.

But now we can see that the large country that once dominated the east, the behemoth that ruled hundreds of small countries, is constantly shrinking. The parts marked in red on the news map are all lands that have been ceded to the Western Federation.

Patriots who stopped to watch the news always talked with their friends around them and felt proud of the prosperity of the Western Federation.

It is rare to see people with oriental faces on the street, so Eryi's presence is extremely conspicuous. Those people look back at her not only because of their appreciation of beauty, but also with a hint of surprise.

The Easterners in the Western Federation were either the few Easterners who were transferred to the International before the war in the early years, or the prisoners of war who were transferred after the war. After being released humanely, they were not allowed to be repatriated, and finally stayed in the Western Federation for resettlement.

As for those Easterners who originally stayed in the Western Federation, their lives are not much better now, and they are often discriminated against by Westerners.

Judging from Eri's temperament and behavior, she seems to be a person with a good life.

The newsman on the big screen talked eloquently about the emerging international situation, using standard English.

Eriyi's English was not very good at first, but she only needed to spend one hundred origin coins in space to master any basic language on earth.

"Yesterday at 3:50 in the afternoon, Xia Kingdom's monarch Ji Sheng has authorized the signing of the latest contract to cede the island country area in the western sea of ​​the empire and the three northwest provinces. The demobilization of personnel is already being arranged..."

"...The war compensation is 2.3 billion taels of silver, and the contract performance is expected to be completed on October 23rd..."

"...President Cormier has held a press conference and pointed out that East and West should develop friendly and win-win cooperation, and there should be no more wars in the next five years..."

Eriki stood under the building, looking at the big screen, listening to the newsman's narration, and thinking quietly.

She breathed the fresh and cool summer air here, "Is this the place where Godzilla... once stayed?"

Today is the weekend, so many couples came out to relax and go shopping. They stopped under the building.

The boy talked about the form of the world, and the girl agreed perfunctorily, so the boy wisely took his girlfriend away and headed to the entertainment business district.

"Tsk, it seems that you have given in. I thought the barbarians in the East were so tough. How much territory have they ceded in the past few years?"

A young man took out a cigarette from the tin box, lit it, and said with a smile to his friend next to him.

"Isn't it? We don't even need to fight. We only need to sail the mothership group to the bay and let people negotiate. Every time, we can make Xia Kingdom make concessions. It is said that those small eastern countries that originally belonged to Xia Kingdom are all here. I’m secretly communicating with the Federation and want to jump over.”

Another man lit his cigarette by the fire of his friend, who was well-dressed and respectable.

"Hey, tell me, are those Eastern Monkey martial arts and secret blood warriors real? Are they really that mysterious? There are people who can jump tens of meters high. I don't know if they are called Qing Gong or Superman."

"So what if it's true? What era is this? Even if he can jump dozens of meters high and knows the so-called light kung fu, can he be faster than a bullet? Can he withstand an aircraft cannon?"

"That's right. As for the new weapons tested in the Gobi last year, Xia Guo didn't immediately surrender after using them. They are just primitive people and are not in the same era as us at all."

"Huh? How did I hear that that weapons experiment might not be a simple experiment, but to complete a strategic purpose?"

The man put down the cigarette in his hand and was reminded of his thoughts by his friend's words.

The friend was puzzled and patted the man on the shoulder, "I told you to stop browsing the Internet for those things that are not available. Do you believe this kind of gossip? People on the Internet make up everything just to attract people's attention. It’s just traffic.”

He sneered: "A strategic purpose? There are no human habitations for hundreds of kilometers in the Gobi Desert. It is perfect as a testing ground. What do we need to destroy? If we insist on a strategic purpose, it is to scare those yellow-skinned monkeys in the east. "

The man also smiled after listening to his friend's words, "That makes sense. We are doing this for humanitarian purposes. If we don't try it on them, just trying it in the Gobi Desert will be enough of a deterrent."

The friend nodded, "Let me say that this new conceptual weapon is still stronger than the atomic bomb. Even with our own technology, it is difficult to intercept it, but it is actually not bad. The monkeys in the East can jump tens of meters high, but they It can't fly into the sky, the power of the atomic bomb radiates over a wider area, and what really crushed them was the atomic bomb in the later stages of the war."

The man smiled and said: "I heard that when Xia Guo was defeated three years ago, there were many other... oh, secret blood warriors. They refused to accept it and wanted to continue fighting. It was really laughable. Each one of them even used a knife to attack Charge on the battlefield.”

"Isn't that right? I'm full of passion, but it's not as hot as gunfire. I guess they've all been brainwashed. I heard that Orientals are very particular... Well, I've learned a little bit about that idiom before, oh. ,loyalty."

The man's friend joked.

"Are you a fool to charge at a tank warship with your flesh and blood? Thinking about it this way, I still feel a little sorry for Dongfang's fool."

The man laughed and coughed again because he was choking on the smoke.

At this time, a middle-aged man wearing a military uniform with a slight limp on his face and a burn scar on his face walked by. He tapped the cane on the ground and looked at the two young people.

The two of them put away their smiles and did not dare to make mistakes in front of the man in military uniform. They were suppressed by the faint evil aura on the other side.

"Sir, what can I do for you?"

The young man felt that the other party was looking at him and his friend, so he asked cautiously.

"After hearing your conversation, I just feel worried about the future of the Federation."

The man took out an old small iron box from his chest, took out a cheap cigarette from it, and lit it with a match.

The two young people were trembling with fear. They didn't know why they were so reserved. Although they didn't know each other, they felt that it was neither right nor wrong to leave at this time.

The middle-aged soldier took a puff of cigarette and glanced at the two young men with cold eyes, "Is it ridiculous to serve the country with loyalty?"

The young man did not dare to speak, and even the people who were standing around to watch the news did not dare to speak out, because this middle-aged man looked like he had been on the battlefield and killed people.

"Isn't it ridiculous to rush into artillery fire with a body of flesh and blood?"

The middle-aged soldier shook his head, "That's not stupidity, that's courage."

He pointed to the scars on his face and his lameness, "I was sitting in a Yiliang main battle tank and was overturned by a secret blood warrior."

Everyone present opened their mouths, astonished and couldn't believe it. A main battle tank weighed at least thirty tons. How could anyone possibly overturn it?

Are the secret blood warriors in the East really superhuman?

The middle-aged soldier took another drag on his cigarette, stubbed out the cigarette butt, put it back into the iron box, and put it in his pocket, "Also, why do you think the whole city was in emergency evacuation last year?"

A young girl in the crowd couldn't hold back her curiosity. She raised her hand and asked cautiously, "Isn't it because of the air raid avoidance drill?"

The middle-aged soldier sneered, turned and left, "Just take it as such."

He couldn't say because he would be court-martialed.

But he knew that the large-scale city-wide emergency drills in five consecutive cities southward, starting in Maine, were all real.

It's just because there was an incredible Eastern man who escaped from the research institute in the suburbs of Maine.

He had met that man once on the battlefield. Although the man should be considered a teenager in terms of age, he believed that all those who went to the battlefield should be considered men.

And that man was simply a warrior god on the battlefield.

Before going to the battlefield, he was so confident in the Federation's high-tech legions that he thought this was a war that did not need to be fought.

But when he left home, his grandfather gave him numerous instructions to be careful on the battlefield, saying that the secret blood warriors from the East were definitely the rulers of the battlefield and had ruled the world for thousands of years. It definitely makes sense.

He didn't listen to his grandfather's words and volunteered to go to the dangerous battlefield. He didn't even see how the man approached the tank corps, and his tank was blown away.

Maybe he was lucky. The man had just taken out the knife and just knocked over the tank he was driving with some kind of punch. Fortunately, he did not die on the spot. After the local war ended, he climbed out of the tank and made his own way. Apart from him, there was no survivor in his regiment.

In front of the building, many people felt disappointed because of the middle-aged soldier passing by and dispersed one after another. Only the red-haired girl still stopped.

"It turns out that in the eyes of these people, you are just fools..."

Eriki murmured softly as she walked through the streets. She wanted to visit the suburbs of Maine and see the research institute that she didn't know was still there.


Dongfang, Xia Kingdom, the imperial capital.

There are clusters of antique buildings, and the hawking sounds of vendors on the streets are endless. The doors of restaurants are still open, and customers come in and out. Those who enter are chatting with clear eyes, and those who come out are swaying and holding hands.

The girl in the brothel waved to the young man below on the balcony, the singer played the piano, and the building was full of singing and dancing, and people were intoxicated.

Some of the carriages on the road were moving slowly, some were moving quickly, some people were frowning in the carriages, and some were feeling numb.

This is the most prosperous place in Xia Kingdom, but there is also a hint of heaviness on the surface of prosperity.

The girl in a goose-yellow dress put her hair into a hairpin and walked nimbly among the crowd. She stopped at a roadside stall and said, "Boss, please bring two bunches of candied haws."

The dusty vendor wiped the sweat from his face with his sleeve and said with a smile: "Okay, I'll give it to the girl, Chenghui, two cents."

Xia Mi took out a small golden bean, thought about it, split it several times in his hand, and handed the tiny particle to the vendor.

The vendor was stunned for a moment, and was about to say that he couldn't ask for that much, but when he looked up, he found that the beautiful girl he had never seen before had already walked away.

Xia Mi walked on the street, biting candied haws in her mouth one by one. Her gait and behavior were not out of place here at all. She looked like a lively rich daughter, and occasionally exuded the air of a royal princess. deportment.

She is far more accustomed to integrating into this kind of ancient oriental city than Eryi, because she has lived in this era for a long time.

"How I wish I could drag a certain piece of wood around here and go shopping, but he went to ancient times on his own."

Xia Mi muttered to herself, looking at the palace in the distance. The architectural specifications and patterns were familiar to her because she and her brother had once ruled in a place like this.

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