Except for Skuvara and the dogs he controlled, and Fei Jie, who had not yet fully recovered from her mental breakdown and was taken back, who stayed in the hotel room to take care of Niong, all the people who came to the auction followed Dazonie into the venue.

He took a brand new suit and underwear handed to him by Dazonie, changed into it, and put on a new pair of leather shoes to step on it.

The incident happened suddenly, and there was no clothing store nearby. Dazonie could only take a black suit prepared for the bodyguards to help Su Moyu out of an emergency, and promised that after the matter was over, he would find a well-known designer to tailor a suit for Su Moyu.

Su Moyu did not refuse, nodded, took a folding chair from the other bodyguards, unfolded it and sat down.

Dazonie ordered others to check the interior of the venue to see if there were any other survivors.

All the gangs in the city were mobilized, blocking all the roads out of the city, even the sewers, and a large number of people were sent to the streets to check all suspicious people.

Su Moyu didn't move, crossed his arms, and thought about the problem with his body.

There was no abnormality in the body, but there was no conflict between the demon power and the mind energy. There would be no problem using the two powers at the same time.

But the strange thing was that Su Moyu couldn't remember when the balance was reached.

When fighting with Feitan, it was natural to use two abilities that were originally incompatible.

Moreover, under the increase of mind energy, the demon power seemed a little too active, and even had a vague feeling of wanting to get out of his control.

This was not a good sign.

Su Moyu guessed that it might be because after stimulating the mind power, the life energy contained in it stimulated the instinct of the demon consciousness remaining in his body.

He used the"Room of Requests" to eliminate the wounds on his body that could not be healed by the implant surgery, resulting in a part of that instinct being completely integrated into his personality, so he did not notice the change in his mentality.

Instead, he changed his code of conduct bit by bit in a subtle way.

Of course, all of the above are Su Moyu's guesses. Before there is solid evidence, all conclusions are just inferences.

‘We need to find a way to solve this problem. How? Use the Room of Requirement again? It should be fine, but... now is not the right time.……’

Su Moyu thought about this and suddenly felt something.

"Huh? Mr. Surant, here……"

There is a stranger's heartbeat!

Melody, who had been guarding Su Moyu, also noticed something and took out the flute and put it to her lips, ready to play at any time.

"Now that you are here, don't hide it, come out."

Su Muyu, who was sitting on the stool, still maintained a calm attitude and spoke calmly.

"Wow, what a keen observation."

The originally flat ground suddenly became rippled like the surface of water.

Then, a bald man with a deformed appearance and wearing only briefs emerged from the ground.


"do not move!"

""Raise your hands!"

The other bodyguards quickly pulled out their guns and pointed them at the man.

But the man didn't even look at them, staring at Su Moyu sitting on the chair, and laughed twice in a gloomy voice.

"I am the earthworm of the Yin Beast, and you are the bodyguards of the Nosra family, right?"


Is this the Yin Beast that the ten old men are proud of?

He has a good temperament. Apart from Kate and Kurapika, this guy is the one with the most obvious temperament among the Nen users he has seen in the Hunter World.

"Put down your guns, the other party is an honored guest."

Dazonie, who had finished other things, also ran over and quickly asked his subordinates to put away their guns, and he walked up to chat.

"Mr. Earthworm, I am the captain of the Nosra family bodyguards, and they are all my subordinates."

Wiping the cold sweat from his head, Dazonie continued

"Since you are here, I believe the Tenth Old Man has also received the report from our clan leader."

"Of course, although I had expected that someone would cause trouble at the auction, I didn't expect that the other party would be such a dangerous guy like the Phantom Troupe."

"The Ten Old Men took this matter very seriously. They knew that they were not easy to deal with. Therefore, in addition to the full deployment of our Yin Beast troops, they also hired professional killers and issued a high reward. As long as one member is killed, there will be a reward of 2 billion Jinni."

After saying that, the earthworm took another look at Feitan's body on the ground, paused for a while at the spider tattoo on his back, reached out from his briefs and pulled out a bank card with the emblem of the Ten Old Men, and threw it to Dazonie.

After the other party hurriedly took it, he continued to speak

"This card has no password. It contains 2 billion ringgits. The ten old men asked me to bring it to you. Since you can kill a member of the brigade, the bounty is yours. I will take the body away."

After saying that, the earthworm's body slowly sank into the ground, and the body and head held by his hands also sank into the ground.

At the moment when the earthworm's head was about to enter the ground, he suddenly stopped, looked at Su Moyu who was still sitting on the chair, and spoke again

"By the way, what's your name?"

Although he didn't know what the earthworm was up to, Su Moyu was not worried about whether the other party would have any plans.

After all, with his current strength, it would be easy for him to get rid of the earthworm.

"Me? Surante"

"Su Lante... I remember, your strength looks very good. Among these people present, you���The strongest one, I think this guy should die in your hands, right?"

Su Moyu nodded, acknowledging the other party's idea.

"As expected, if you want a higher position and like fighting and killing, then contact the ten old men and join our"Yin Beast". It's a waste of talent to stay in such a small family."

"……I'll consider it."

Faced with the olive branch from the earthworm, Su Moyu's attitude remained calm.

"However, I have a little advice for you."

"Oh? Advice? Why not tell me about it?

The earthworm's head, which was buried in the ground, jumped up again, and a look of interest appeared on its deformed face.

"Don't underestimate the Phantom Troupe. The guy I killed is as powerful as a professional hunter with a star level. I think you should understand what I mean."

Su Moyu put down his arms around his chest, leaned down, stared into the earthworm's eyes, and said seriously.

"Star Hunter? I see. I will tell my colleagues.

Earthworm nodded, but he was still quite confident in his own strength.

"Although the Phantom Troupe is brutal, we Yin Beasts are also experts in killing people. Leave the rest to us, Hohohoho~"

The earthworm monster laughed and completely sank into the ground, disappearing.

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