Before becoming a warrior of the organization, Isley was a member of the nobility on the island continent.

His family worships strength, so when Isley was very young, he received a full set of martial arts training, not only hand-to-hand combat, but also the use of various weapons, guns, swords, and crossbows.

After his family was attacked by demons, all members did not flee in a hurry, but led by Isley's father, fought tenaciously with them, and even chopped down many demons.

But unfortunately, the characteristics of the demons themselves, coupled with their endless numbers, eventually destroyed the entire family.

Isley, the only survivor, joined an organization that was recruiting volunteers and claimed to give people the same power as demons in order to avenge his family and relatives.

After Isley joined the battlefield, he almost crushed the body of the parasite in a crushing state. Every accelerated charge would destroy a large amount of the opponent's body tissue.

Before it could heal, it turned the gun head to attack again, continuously consuming the opponent's strength.

And Isley himself was hardly hurt at all.

Although his awakened body was huge, his posture was like that of a centaur in mythology, which made him extremely flexible. The attack speed of the parasite's tentacles was so fast that they could not touch his body at all.

All the frontal attacks were blocked by the shield.

Even if there was damage, it would be repaired instantly by Isley's ability of"demon power materialization", leaving no chance for the parasite to take advantage.

However, no matter how much the parasite's body was torn into pieces by Isley, it did not seem to weaken at all.

‘What is this guy's weak spot? '

A shot pierced through the opponent's body, followed by a sweep, separating the part of the opponent's body that had not been destroyed by him before, followed by another shield charge, which slammed the piece of flesh against the rock before it hit the ground, and smashed it into meat paste together with the parasitic plants inside.

Looking back, countless green nematode-like parasitic plants emerged from the wound, opened their front mouths, and spewed out a large amount of white mucus.

The mucus quickly changed color and hardened the moment it came into contact with the air. In just a few seconds, the missing body of the parasite was reconstructed!

But this time, Isley keenly discovered that the size of the opponent's body had already shrunk.

‘It doesn't matter if there are no vital points. '

Raise your guns, charge, attack!

‘Then I will rely on time to wear you down until you die. '

But Isley also missed one thing.

At the back of the battlefield, the dry bodies of the four Awakeners who had died were being filled up by small groups of parasitic plants that sneaked in from the center of the battlefield.

Four pairs of dark golden eyes that were originally lifeless and without any vitality also lit up again at this moment.

As for the other Awakeners, including Ricardo, they did not feel that their bodies had been secretly invaded by parasitic plants in the previous battle.


In the sky, a shadow slid down rapidly and fell into the forest.

"Miss Aiyana, we are very close to Barcelona, let's change shifts here."

Su Moyu, who maintained his awakened state, waved the four pairs of wide wings behind him, landed steadily on the ground, and then put down the mobile cabin that originally belonged to Lucy Ella.

At this time, the form of Su Moyu's awakened body was very different from before.

In terms of body size, it was directly expanded, and the originally straight horn was divided into two, winding backwards.

The visor split from the middle, protecting both sides of the cheeks, showing a humanoid face that was 60% similar to Su Moyu's body and covered with fine scales. The six eyes, one big and two small, remained unchanged, the two arms turned into four arms, and the single tail turned into two tails.

From the center of the chest cavity to the shoulders, bone pieces similar to shoulder armor and breastplate proliferated.

The six limbs extended from the joints to the fingertips , in addition to the original scales, an additional layer of armor has also grown.

The eight wings on the back are larger, and the scales on the wing membranes have become more obvious.

Considering Su Moyu's appearance at the moment, it is more appropriate to say that he has dragon wings rather than bat wings.

Su Moyu stood to the side of the board house, restrained his demonic power, and changed back to human form.

Denise also opened the window in time and handed a white jumpsuit to the naked Su Moyu.

However, when he put the clothes on, he found that this seemed... not his uniform?

Why is there a neck collar for female warriors to cover wounds?

Also, what's the matter with the obvious ups and downs on the chest? ? ?

Reached out and pinched it.

It turned out to be a cushion? ? ?

Su Moyu knocked on the window quickly

"Hey, Denise, did you take the wrong clothes?"

"That's right, look at the logo on it."

Su Moyu reached out and turned the collar over, and looked at the wavy sword mark on it that belonged to Surante.

Denise, who had tied her big golden waves into a ponytail and had long bangs on her forehead, raised the corners of her mouth and said with a smirk

"During this journey, Rosemary and I discussed that since we have decided to sneak in as a soldier to help, your male identity will be very conspicuous, and this level of disguise is necessary."

"No, I've already said it, with my stealth ability, I can sneak into the team without anyone noticing during the battle and definitely won't arouse suspicion. The neck collar can cover my Adam's apple, but what's with this chest pad?"

"Because there is no soldier with a chest as flat as yours."


"Don't worry, but���It's just a piece of clothing. Come in quickly. I need to put makeup on you. Although your facial lines are indeed quite soft, you can still see the male characteristics. If there is a soldier with particularly keen perception, you will be exposed, right? Hurry up, don't waste time"

‘These are all excuses, I think you just want to play with me! '

Su Moyu had no choice but to push the door and enter the board room. At the same time, Aiyana, who had taken off all her clothes and was only wearing a white sheet, also came outside, released her demonic power, transformed into a harpy, grabbed the handle on the top of the board room, spread her wings and flew up.

Su Moyu, who was sitting firmly in the board room, also extended his"mind" and used the skill of"entanglement" to completely cover the board room. Then he followed Aiyana's claws and wrapped her whole body.

Then, he activated the skill of"hiding" and eliminated the demonic fluctuations of everyone.


Aiyana frowned.

Although it was not the first time she felt the so-called"thought", the feeling of being tightly wrapped around her body without leaving any gaps still made her hum softly.

She subconsciously rubbed her legs, trying to relieve the strange feeling there, but when she found that this action would not only not relieve it, but would aggravate the feeling, Aiyana had no choice but to give up and force herself to ignore the senses of her body, concentrate her attention, and fly quickly towards the target.

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