
Ricardo reacted surprisingly quickly, noticing the change in the wind, and bent his knees to move sideways.

But his body suddenly lost control and froze in place!


Ricardo was shocked!


A flat tentacle hit Ricardo's forehead accurately, pierced his head, and brought out a puff of purple blood from the back of his head.

The vitality of the awakened is very tenacious, even if there is a hole in the head, it will not die immediately.

Ricardo desperately urged his demonic power, trying to use the burst to free himself from the state of being fixed, but no matter how hard he tried, his body remained motionless.

The owner of the tentacle seemed to sense Ricardo's struggle and directly slashed downward.

Ricardo's body was cut in half in the middle!

Ricardo, whose vision was divided into two, finally saw the appearance of the attacker at the moment he fell down!

It was one of the four awakened who had died in the previous battle!

"How can this be……"

The consciousness completely fell into darkness.

The first male warrior No. 2, the awakener nicknamed Silver Eyed Lion King, Ricardo, was killed!

The other awakeners were also doomed. Unable to resist, they were like lambs to be slaughtered, and could only face their final death in despair.

The Northern Legion was completely annihilated, and no one was spared.

The four awakeners who came back from the dead had a large number of dark green tentacles drilled out of their bodies, dragging the bodies of all the dead awakeners over.

The tops of the tentacles split and deformed, spitting out a large amount of milky white mucus, sticking all the corpses together, forming a huge and disgusting irregular fusion body, and began to crawl quickly towards the location of Isley!


"Is Ricardo dead?……"

Isley also sensed the change in the situation behind him. His face was covered by a silver-white mask, and no emotion could be seen.

"I never thought you would end up here.……"

Raising his front hooves to crush a parasitic plant that was trying to escape, Isley set his sights on the city of Barcelona in the distance.

"Although the strength is average, this thing is indeed a bit difficult to deal with.……"

Having made up his mind, Isley began to move towards the town.


"So many awakened ones were wiped out in an instant?!"

Galadiya was shocked.

"In the end what happened?"

"Newbie, stop being in a daze."

Lafana patted Galadilla on the shoulder.

"That guy Easley is coming towards us."

""Everyone, pay attention! Get ready for battle!"

Inili shouted loudly, and at the same time, she led her team to the front of the main road in the city.

Lahuana and her team also came over.

The two strongest people, as the vanguard to fight against Isli, the teams of Royalu and Sophia provided support on the two wings respectively, and the other teams lined up in the back.

Everyone was alert and ready.

But no one, including Galadilla, noticed that several unfamiliar warriors had secretly joined the back of their team.

Dozens of minutes ago, Aiyana landed quietly in Barcelona. It was a secluded corner outside the city that was rarely visited by people.

Because it was covered by"hidden", no one was alarmed.

After leaving the board house, Su Moyu thanked Aiyana, who had regained her human form.

Seeing Su Moyu, who had completely changed into a woman except for her voice, Aiyana took out a white sheet from the storage box outside the board house and put it on her body. Her face was a little flushed, but her expression was still indifferent. Aiyana was also stunned for a long time, until she felt the touch of some warm liquid slowly flowing down her thighs, she suddenly woke up, hurried into the board house, and closed the door tightly.

"What happened to her?"

Su Moyu scratched his head and asked in confusion.

"Maybe he was tired. Even if he was an awakened one, flying at high speed for such a long time would consume a lot of energy."

Rosemary speculated

"So that's it, no wonder your face is so red, it turns out you're tired."

Su Moyu suddenly realized.

Only Lucia, who was an 'experienced person', stared at the closed door of the board room, and remembered the familiar blush on Aiyana's face that she had seen many times in the bedroom in the past. She turned her eyes to Su Moyu again, and looked him up and down for a long time before revealing a thoughtful expression.

Then she pressed her palm on the board room, leaving part of her 'mind' in it, still maintaining the 'hidden' state. She had agreed with Aiyana in advance that she would stay in the board room after arriving at the destination, after all, this battle had nothing to do with her.

As long as she did not leave the board room, no one would notice Aiyana's existence. The 'magnanimity' Su Moyu left on it was enough to maintain the 'hidden' state until the end of the battle.

"Okay, let's go, but be careful. When we were still in the air just now, I detected something nearby... It's very strange. There is no fluctuation of demonic power, but... I'm not sure whether it is a backup plan arranged by the organization or the work of that unknown creature. Anyway,……"

Su Moyu informed the others of his discovery. Lucia became curious about the strange target that Su Moyu mentioned. She originally wanted to sense it, but she was not Su Moyu. She could not use the skill of"hiding" to block the subtle fluctuations of demonic energy produced when she sensed demonic power.

In order not to cause additional variables, she had to give up this plan.

After all, no matter what kind of monster the other party is, it will show up sooner or later in the next battle.

Under the guidance of Su Moyu's"circle", the group of five avoided the"secret sentries" of all organizations, sneaked into the city easily, and waited in secret for a while. When Isley launched an attack on the city of Barcelona and Inili organized people to prepare for the battle, they quietly mixed into the back of the team.


""Here they come!"

With Inili's shout, Isley's figure came closer and closer. The huge body of the centaur, carrying the natural pressure of the Abyss, weighed heavily on the hearts of every warrior.

Looking at the warriors blocking the way ahead, Isley's sprinting speed did not slow down at all. He held up his spear, set up his shield, and charged at the crowd with the ground shaking!

It was the first time for Inili to face the Abyss head-on, and she had no confidence at all, but she couldn't show it.

As No.1, she was not only the commander of this team, but also the spiritual pillar in the hearts of all the warriors!

As long as she was still alive and fighting, even if she faced the Abyss, the other warriors would never take a step back!

Inili rushed out of the crowd first, and the rate of demon power release directly increased to the critical point of 80%. Her right arm instantly entered the awakening state and launched an attack on Isley!

High-speed sword, full power start!!!

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