"Cough cough cough……"

Su Moyu coughed and spat out a mouthful of blood. Although Denise didn't use her full strength in this kick, she still caused him serious injuries.

"Denise, I haven't given up yet... so the fight isn't over.……"

"Surrender? Okay, I will beat you until you surrender."

He took back the sword that was against Su Moyu's chest, watched him climb up with great difficulty, frowned and said

"You should release your demonic power. This little injury will heal quickly. Don't tell me you can't even do this?"

"Of course... I can do it!"

The dormant demonic power in the body suddenly boiled up.

The eyes did not change color?!

This time, Denise was really stunned. No matter whether it was a warrior or a demon, once the demonic power was released, the pupils would turn golden, without any exception.

Except for the awakened ones, but Denise had never considered this aspect at all. If

Su Moyu was really an awakened one, it would definitely be a shame among shames. The discomfort in the abdomen quickly disappeared under the nourishment of the demonic power. Taking advantage of the moment when Denise was stunned, she opened the belt buckle tied to the dagger on her thigh with her left fingers, wiped the leather sheath hanging diagonally on her chest with her right hand, and swung her hand!

Three flying knives flew towards Denise's chest!

At such a close distance, Denise had no time to swing her sword, but she took a step back with her left foot and turned her body to the side, easily avoiding the flying knife.

The ineffective attack was also within Su Moyu's expectations, as the flying knife was originally a feint to attract the opponent's attention!

The moment Denise dodged sideways, Su Moyu's right hand had already firmly grasped the metal arm guard worn on her sword-holding right wrist, and with the sudden burst of demonic power, he took advantage of the situation and pulled it towards his arms!

Su Moyu's unexpected action actually brought Denise's body over!

The dagger held in his left hand was aimed at the back of Denise's neck and stabbed straight down without hesitation!


There was a sound of wind in his ears, and Su Moyu found that the world in his eyes was instantly turned upside down, followed by a feeling of weightlessness, and then his back touched the solid ground.


Su Moyu felt like a piece of dough stretched out by a ramen chef, slammed hard on the chopping board, and then bounced up again. His whole body, including his brain, was paralyzed and out of control.

Then, he was kicked out by Denise again.

Fortunately, he was not high off the ground, and he rolled several times on the ground before stopping. He was covered in dust and lying on his back. His eyes went black and his mind was dizzy. It took him a long time to wake up. He stared at the white clouds floating in the sky, and felt the tingling pain in many parts of his chest and the soreness and weakness of the muscles and joints of his right hand along with the frequency of his breathing.

At least four or five ribs were broken... Bone...

This is with the cushioning of the stab-proof suit.

The elbow and joint of the right arm... seem to be dislocated?

Under Su Moyu's conscious control, the demonic power in the body has been gathering towards the chest, stimulating the bone cells to heal faster.

Thinking back to what happened just now, it was really incredible. He had obviously tried his best, but he was still unable to survive a single move in front of Denise who had not yet released her demonic power.

It seems that when the gap in power is too great, it is simply a fantasy to rely solely on skills to make up for it and narrow the combat power level of both sides.

Denise ignored his weight of more than 160 pounds. She grabbed his wrist with her backhand and threw him directly into the air, then pierced him hard.


" Ka-ka...

""I give up!!!"

A gust of wind caressed his face! Su Moyu watched with his own eyes as Denise's right foot stopped abruptly next to his face!

If he had been a second slower in giving up, his face would have come into close contact with Denise's boots.

Cold sweat broke out on his forehead. Seeing Denise retract her right foot, Su Moyu breathed a sigh of relief, but inexplicably recalled the scene he saw in the room last night.

Going barefoot... that's not impossible... forget about the boots... he's not a masochist……


Denise pulled Su Moyu by the back of his collar and dragged him to a big tree. She asked him to sit with his back against the tree and slowly recover. She then stuck her sword into the ground and sat down leaning against it.

"Tell me, how did the demons come from?"

"Hmm...how should I put it?……"


A flying stone was deeply nailed into the tree trunk behind Su Moyu, and was only less than a palm away from his head.

The warning was self-evident. If he dared to say a few more words, there was no telling where the next stone would hit him.

"When humans are parasitized by an unknown creature in the brain, they will mutate.

The parasitic humans will have an extreme desire for the internal organs of ordinary people and their bodies will be broken and deformed, eventually turning into so-called demons.

"He revealed all the information he could about demons in one breath, but Su Moyu chose to conceal the information that the demon parasites were created by the organization.

He was not sure what Denise's current opinion of the organization was.

If he rashly stated this fact without evidence, it would likely have a counterproductive effect.

Therefore, Su Moyu planned to test Denise's bottom line first.

The broken ribs no longer hurt.

Su Moyu's left hand began to grope and press the joints of his right arm to check the damage.

Denise's face looked a little solemn. If what Su Moyu said was true, then wouldn't it mean...…��

"How can you prove the truth of this statement?"

"To be honest, Denise, I don't have any evidence to prove it. After all, the parasites will not produce any demonic power fluctuations before they combine with humans. Once they invade the human brain, they will immediately merge and assimilate with it. There is no difference in appearance. Believe it or not, it depends on your own judgment for the time being. Hum!"

With a muffled groan, Su Moyu bent the slightly dislocated elbow joint back to its original position, then supported the ground with his right palm, held the armpit with his left hand, lowered his shoulders, pushed up and pressed down, and the demonic power burst out, exerting force at the same time!



A very shrill scream made Denise's expression stunned for a moment.

Damn it! He used too much force!

The dislocated part was pushed back.

But the bone of the upper arm was broken!

Looking at Su Moyu who was kneeling on the ground with his arms hugged and trembling in pain, Denise reached out and pressed the slightly swollen and painful temple, with a face full of speechlessness.

What kind of person is this...

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