Why is this happening? Is it because of the loss of the host?

The flesh ball was shrinking faster and faster, and in the blink of an eye it had shrunk by one third.

Su Moyu was a little anxious, after all, this flesh ball was an important item that determined whether he could gain more power.

Suddenly, a crazy idea flashed through his mind, but it was not in line with his usual style of doing things.

Seeing that the flesh ball had shrunk by half, Su Moyu made up his mind.

‘Damn it! Let's fight! '

He did it right away, lifted up his clothes, tore off the bandage on his abdomen, and exposed the wound left by the implant surgery. He used a knife to pick up the sutures, and used his left hand to open the wound that could not heal. Then he made a strong cut on the shrunken surface of the meat ball, grabbed the meat ball with his bare hands, and stuffed it directly into his body!

The meat ball seemed to have sensed the new host, and more than a dozen tiny tentacles grew out of the cut, spreading around, and deeply penetrated into Su Moyu's flesh and internal organs!



Unprecedented pain!

Tens of times more intense than the pain after the implant surgery!

Su Moyu stuffed the rolled towel into his mouth and bit it tightly, his eyes wide open, his muscles bulging, his hands with blue veins bulging tightly grasped the edge of the stone slab in front of him, making a"click, click,"shattering sound.

The demonic power began to run around in his body uncontrollably.

The demonic power from the meat ball collided with the original demonic power in Su Moyu's body.

With Su Moyu's body as the battlefield, they madly strangled and devoured each other and fought for territory.

Moreover, this external demonic power was constantly trying to destroy Su Moyu's spirit and reason, tempting him to awaken.

This made Su Moyu suffer. Although he disdained the so-called temptation, every large-scale collision of demonic power made his eyes almost pop out of his eye sockets, and even squeezed out the two red beauty contact lenses used for disguise and fell on the stone slab.

The chaotic demonic energy continued to spread from his body, and the black dye that was originally painted on his hair was also shaken off by the gushing demonic energy, revealing a head of long golden hair.

Fortunately, this process was not long, and it lasted for about ten minutes before the battle inside the body came to an end.

The meat ball taken from Rosemary's body successfully devoured and assimilated the original demonic power in Su Moyu's body. If there were warriors who were good at sensing demonic power at this time, they would find that the nature of the demonic power in Su Moyu's body and the demonic energy fluctuations emitted were very similar to Rosemary.

Spitting out the towel that had been stained red by bleeding gums, loosening his palms, and dropping gravel all over the ground, Su Moyu sat down on the ground.

Feeling the surging power in his body that was completely different from before, and the upper limit was constantly increasing, he couldn't help but laugh out loud.

""Hahahaha... Hahahahaha!"

Although it was just an untested hypothesis, Su Moyu made a judgment at great risk, but he succeeded in the end.

Although he couldn't make an accurate judgment on his current strength, he was sure that if he fought with Denise again, he would definitely be able to... last for thirty seconds? The originally hearty laughter died out in an instant...

He shook his head, forcing himself not to think about Denise's monster-like strength, and picked up the needle and thread from the stone slab.

Sew up the stomach first.


At night,

Rosemary felt like she had a very long dream. She dreamed of the scene when her parents and brother were killed by bandits when she was a child, the scene when she was sold to the organization by the villagers, the scene when she was still a trainee, and then, she kept fighting, fighting, and fighting. She dreamed that she became an awakener, but was still beheaded by Denise with a sword!


She woke up from her sleep with a start and sat up from the bed.

What happened? Where am I?

The gentle evening breeze made Rosemary feel cool, and she realized that she was naked?!

"Oh? Already awake~"

Rosemary turned her head to look at the place where the voice came from, and saw a guy wearing a cloak and covering his face with a scarf, walking out of the forest with a pile of firewood and a big sword in his hand.

Seeing the sword mark etched on the sword, Rosemary frowned.

"That's my sword, give it back to me."

As if he hadn't heard me, the other party walked to the burning bonfire, threw a few pieces of firewood in, stuck the sword into the ground, and then sat down on the pile of firewood beside him.

"Didn't you hear what I said? Give me back my sword!"

"Before that, are you sure you want to talk to me naked?"

The guy raised his hand and pointed, and Rosemary saw that her clothes were neatly folded at her feet.

She lifted the quilt and stood up, lowered her head to confirm that there was no sign of damage or breakage on the sutures on her body, and then put on her clothes in front of the other party without any hesitation. She pulled the collar that could cover the wound on her neck flat, and without even wearing armor, she walked straight to the campfire and reached out to draw her sword.

The other party did not stop her, but just raised his hand to take off the hood and watched her actions silently. After getting the weapon again, and seeing that her eyes and hair color had not changed through the reflection of the mirror-like smooth sword body, Rosemary quietly breathed a sigh of relief and slowed down her mood a little. Then, she noticed that the other party also had blonde hair and silver eyes?!

"Who are you? A soldier of the organization? What's your ranking? Why are you in my area?"

Seeing the other person's blond hair and silver eyes, Rosemary subconsciously thought that he was a soldier of the organization. But after she asked this question, she suddenly realized that under his cloak, he was not wearing the uniform of a soldier of the organization, and even the weapon on his back was not a normal sword.

This discovery made Rosemary tighten her grip on the hilt of the sword, and her expression gradually became serious.

As far as she knew, there was only one kind of person who would dress like this, and that was……

"A warrior who betrayed the organization?"

"Relax, there's no need to be so nervous. Besides, are you going to attack your savior?"

Sensing Rosemary's vigilance, the man didn't seem to have any intention of attacking her. He just spoke in a very casual tone.

"You almost awakened, but I took great pains to pull you back from the edge of your limit. I want to hear a word of thanks. This request is not too much, right?"

Almost awakened? Pulled back?

Rosemary immediately recalled the scene before she fainted, and quickly released a trace of demonic power to sense her body.

Although the power was weakened a lot, she no longer felt like dancing on the edge of the limit. The movement of demonic power was smoother and more natural, without any sign of disobedience. It was as if she had returned to the state a year ago, as if... her whole body had been refreshed?

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