After a"friendly" negotiation, Su Moyu took Priscilla back to the village where he had stayed before, and Denise followed him.

As for Orsay, he had already left here. The other party had told Denise to follow Su Moyu during this period and take charge of leading the way.

Of course, for Orsay, leading the way was fake, and supervision was real.

However, Su Moyu had never been to the organization's base, so he really needed someone familiar with the organization as his guide. He was also very happy with Orsay's arrangement.

Su Moyu didn't know what Orsay was doing. If he guessed correctly, the other party was most likely to report to the organization.

Between warriors, especially for the"eyes", they can also use the perception of the demonic aura to locate, but the way of communication between the organization and the agent has always been a mystery, and there is no description of this in the original work.

Combined with the development level of this world, Su Moyu speculated that it is very likely that domesticated pigeons or birds such as crows are used to transmit intelligence information.

However, these are all off-topic.

The originally prosperous villages and towns, after experiencing the rampage of the awakened, were left with only ruins. On the roads and in the rooms of the village, blood stains that had not yet dried up could be seen everywhere. A large number of bodies of villagers who had their internal organs emptied and died tragically were lying in a mess, and there were also familiar faces among them.

Well, it was the group of unlucky people who did not listen to advice in the morning and spoke rudely instead.

As the saying goes, it is difficult to persuade the damned ghosts with good words. Su Moyu did not have any psychological burden for the experience of these villagers. As for those other innocent people, he could only say sorry in his heart.

After all, he was not strong enough to help the world.

It was just a little emotional that ordinary villages without the ability to resist awakened people were so fragile in this world.

Even the holy city of La Pole, which had a well-organized army of soldiers equipped with full-cover metal armor and heavy spears, was no exception.

When facing ordinary demons that appeared, they could be killed by sniping with weapons, armor, and the advantage of numbers, but facing awakened ones, even the lowest ranked ones, they were just one in a crowd. He randomly found a relatively intact second floor of a house as a temporary camp, collected some bedding from other rooms and spread it on the floor, temporarily handed Priscilla to Denise to take care of, and then left the house.

Not long after, a huge pile of firewood made of various broken tables, chairs, benches and wooden furniture appeared in the open space in the center of the village. All kinds of grease were collected from the villagers' homes and poured on it, and finally a lighter was taken out to ignite it. The rising flames burned more and more vigorously. Seeing that the firepower was almost enough, Su Moyu grabbed the ankle of a corpse and threw it in.

Then he searched around the village and threw all the corpses he found into the fire for burning. This was the last thing he could do for the village.

If all the corpses were disposed of, there would be no need to worry about the possibility of corruption and the spread of plague.

It was not until the sky gradually darkened that Su Moyu finished dealing with all the visible corpses.

As for those buried by brick and stone ruins, he was too lazy to dig them out again.

He added some more wooden products to the fire and threw all the remaining accelerants into it.

After confirming that the fire would not spread, he tore off the cloth wrapped around his hands as gloves, as well as his cloak and face towel, and threw them into the fire.

He turned and walked towards the place he had chosen.

Pushing open the half-open door, he saw Priscilla sleeping soundly on Denise's legs.

Hearing the door open, Denise raised her head and raised her finger to her lips.

""Hush, keep your voice down, the child is asleep."

Su Moyu nodded to show that he understood, closed the door, walked in quietly, sat next to Priscilla, stretched out his hand, and gently stroked her hair.

"This child has been watching you busy at the window, and finally fell asleep because she couldn't hold on any longer. I can't tell that you are such an important person in her heart. However, I remember you said that you have no relatives here? Then why does she call you brother?"

Faced with Denise's question, Su Moyu also slowly told Priscilla's life experience, including the conflict between her and the organization's agents Bill and Luo Yalu, and the speculation that she was hunted by demons and awakeners today.

After listening to Su Moyu's words, Denise's face became not so good.

"I was wondering why Orsay kept asking me to slow down. If I hurried as fast as I could, I could reach the village in less than half a day. This... should still be blamed on the organization.……"

"Denise, don't you blame me for not stopping the awakener in advance and saving the people in this village?"

Hearing Su Moyu's question, Denise's beautiful eyebrows immediately raised

"Who do you think I am? You are not a soldier of the organization, so you naturally have no obligation to help a group of strangers. Moreover, although you know the existence of awakened people, this is also your first time fighting with such a being, right?"

"Yes, because I feel that my strength is not enough, so I have been avoiding encounters with awakened people.

Su Moyu nodded and admitted

"So, why should I blame you? I'm not a rigid, dogmatic, pedantic nice guy. Even if I have to blame someone, I should blame the real mastermind behind the scenes."

Although he knew Denise very well, hearing her answer in person also completely dispelled the worry that had been in Su Moyu's heart since they met, and he seemed a lot more relaxed.

"What are you going to do about this child? Are you really going to take her back to the organization and have her implanted with demon flesh and blood to become the silver-eyed witch that everyone fears?"

Looking at Priscilla's sleeping face, Denise reached out and lifted a strand of her chestnut hair, twisted it slowly with her fingers, and said with some melancholy.

"She probably didn't understand what she would lose after becoming a warrior.……"

Watching Denise's actions, Su Moyu was also infected by her sadness. Others might not understand, but he knew it very well.

Before she was sold into the organization by her relatives after her parents died and became a warrior, Denise was most proud of her long black hair and black eyes that were as dazzling as a waterfall under the night sky.

Now, they have been replaced by the half-demon's iconic blonde hair and silver eyes...

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