Su Moyu's face looked a little ugly, and his grip on Denise's hand slowly tightened.

What a... vicious method!

It can be said that he is using one person's life in exchange for another person's increased chance of success!

Moreover, it is his roommate who he lives with day and night!

Although it is impossible to be sure whether this is intentional by the organization, the consequences will always affect the rest of this warrior's life.

It is equivalent to driving a wedge of"absolutely not awakening" into the consciousness of the young trainee.

What a conspiracy to kill two birds with one stone, and the price paid is just the cheap life of a trainee who has not yet become a trainee of the organization.

Staring at Priscilla sandwiched between him and Denise, Su Moyu decided to ask her thoughts again.

"Did you hear that? Priscilla, even so, do you have to become a warrior? If you change your mind, I will find a way to take you away from here."

Priscilla shook her head.

"Even if becoming a warrior leaves a huge wound on your body that will never heal, does it matter?"

"Brother, I have made up my mind and I will not change it. No matter what happens, I must become a warrior. In this way, no matter where you go or what you do, you will not have to be separated from Priscilla.

Even after hearing such a terrible fact, Su Moyu did not find any fear in those chestnut eyes.

"Okay, let's continue. Today is the last time."

""Well, OK, brother."

Su Moyu touched Priscilla's head, squeezed Denise's hand a little harder, then let go of his hand and went down to the ground.

He walked to the door, first put his ear to the door and listened carefully, then carefully, trying not to make any sound, opened a crack in the door, looked around, and after confirming that there were no surveillance personnel in the corridor outside the door, he gently closed the wooden door.

Looking back at Denise, she had raised her head and closed her eyes. After a moment, she opened them again, looked at Su Moyu, and nodded.

Very good, there were no soldiers around who were very close.

He walked to the table, moved the backpack to the position of the small window, blocking the window with little cover, then untied the knot on the side, took out a wooden box wrapped tightly in animal skin and cotton cloth, opened the lid, filled with cotton wool for insulation and a large amount of ice, and took out a syringe made by himself, which contained blood drawn from the heart of the demon.

In the village that had been destroyed by the awakener, there was a This bar is not small in size. Deep in the cellar where the wine is stored, there is also a pile of ice cubes that the owner hired people to transport from the Far North. It is usually used to chill the wine and improve the taste.

When cleaning the bodies in the village, Su Moyu accidentally discovered this cellar. The wine and other things had been dragged away by him as combustion aids. He also took away some of the ice cubes and made an ice box.

As for the blood, it came from the large group of demons that he had killed in the forest.

Because it took a little too long, a large part of the blood in their bodies had been lost.

Su Moyu could only pick out some of the relatively intact corpses, dissected them one by one with a dagger, took out the heart, used the demon power to perceive, found the blood that still had a certain vitality, extracted it with a syringe, and put it in an ice box for preservation.

In the next two months, after explaining the reason for doing so to Denise, Su Moyu began to inject the demon's blood into Priscilla's body in trace amounts many times.

He and Denise confirmed that there was no abnormal reaction at the same time, and then slowly increased the dosage.

"Priscilla, hold on."


Priscilla responded, stretched out her arms, and buried her little head in Denise's chest, not looking at Su Moyu's movements.

He rolled up Priscilla's sleeves, held her forearm tightly, made the veins bulge, and inserted the needle of the syringe accurately into them. He pressed the plastic bottle with his fingers and slowly squeezed the purple liquid in.


He pulled out the syringe, took out a piece of clean cotton wool from the ice box, squeezed it into a ball, and pressed the needle hole to stop the bleeding.

Priscilla also raised her head, her eyes were slightly red, but she didn't shed a single tear.

Denise stroked Priscilla's little face with some heartache, and comforted her.

"Priscilla is such a good and strong child~"

"Yes! I'm very strong! I will definitely be able to help my brother in the future!"

Rubbing her eyes, Priscilla nodded vigorously. After packing up the things at hand, Su Moyu took out his mobile phone from his backpack, sat down on the bed, checked the needle hole on Priscilla's arm, and found that there was no blood flowing out, then he asked

"Priscilla, do you remember what your brother told you?"

"Remember, never believe what those men in black say."

Priscilla looked at her brother seriously, shaking her clenched fist in front of her to show that she remembered it very clearly.

"Just remember, if you encounter anything in the future that you can't decide, and I'm not around, go find sister Denise. She is the person you trust the most. Do you understand?"


"I think the organization will start the surgery tomorrow, so……"

Su Moyu raised his phone, turned on the selfie function, and moved closer to Priscilla and Denise, locking their figures in the camera.

"Priscilla, smile and keep a thought for yourself as an ordinary human being."


Press the camera button to freeze the smiles of the three people forever in the picture.


As Su Moyu expected, the next day, the demon flesh and blood implantation operation was carried out as scheduled.

After watching Priscilla fall asleep after drinking the black potion, she was sent to the operating room by the organization.

Su Moyu originally wanted to go in with them, but no matter what excuse he used, he was rejected by the organization without exception.

In order not to arouse the suspicion of the organization, he could only suppress his restlessness, choose to stand guard at the door, and pray for Priscilla silently.

About an hour later, Priscilla and other little girls were pushed out by the organization on a flatbed cart, ready to be sent to the arranged dormitory for observation.

This time, Su Moyu did not choose to give in, and took Priscilla, who was still in a coma, back to Denise's room and took care of her personally.

The organization did not refuse this, but solemnly warned Su Moyu that if Priscilla showed signs of losing control of her demon power and awakening during the transformation process, he should not have any fluke mentality, and must take down the other party's head before awakening.

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