"Huh? Why are you still standing there like an idiot?"

Denise, who had already unbuttoned her clothes and lifted up her shirt, saw Su Moyu still standing there with a dull look in his eyes. She tilted her head and spoke

"Don't waste time, hurry up, if you go back too late, the kid will get suspicious."

"Ah? Oh...Okay, but, Denise, are you sure you want to do this for me?"

Su Moyu, who was suddenly awakened, asked hurriedly.

"What else? I've already made up my mind, so don't hesitate. We've already come to this point, so there's nothing to worry about, right? Come on."


Su Moyu nodded and began to take off his clothes.

"Don't worry, Denisa, I will never let you down."

"Yeah, I understand."


About half an hour later, Su Moyu and Denise returned to Priscilla's room hand in hand.

After the door of the room was closed, a figure slowly emerged from the darkness.

Lulutia, wearing only a white tights and bare feet, covered her mouth that could not be closed. In her eyes, shock, surprise, excitement, and a hint of envy were intertwined.

Lulutia, who was leaving the organization tomorrow and returning to her own base, had some new insights on the use of the Sudden Rain Sword. After asking the people in the organization about Su Moyu's residence, she originally wanted to come to him to discuss it, but who knew that she saw such an exciting scene.

Seeing Su Moyu coming out of the room alone, Lulutia was about to come out and say hello to him, but found that the other party had already trotted all the way to a very remote location. Lulutia did not speak, and her heart was repeatedly entangled for a while. In the end, curiosity and gossip prevailed and she followed quietly.

Then, in the flash of the door, she saw the appearance of Senior Denise.

After a while, Lulutia, who was across the wooden door of the room, seemed to hear some strange sounds, but she didn't dare to really go over.

In the case of repeated torment in her heart, half an hour passed in a flash, and the door was suddenly opened. Lulutia was startled and quickly shrank into the corner.

When the footsteps of the two people passed her position, Lulutia slowly poked her head out, followed carefully behind, and watched the two people return to the original room.

Could it be that...

Senior Denise and Senior Surante... are actually in this kind of relationship?!

No way...

It's really...

I saw something incredible!

Lulutia didn't know how to describe her current mood. She bit her fingers, suppressed the excitement in her heart that wanted to cheer, and returned to her room quietly.

Thinking of the voice she had just heard vaguely, and thinking of some knowledge taught by the organization, Lulutia's pretty little face instantly swelled into a ripe red apple, and she threw herself on her bed and rolled back and forth with the quilt in her arms.

All night, Lulutia couldn't calm down and sleep well.


The next day, Su Moyu said goodbye to Priscilla temporarily and officially embarked on the journey to pursue Rosemary.

After leaving the organization for a certain distance, Su Moyu pestered Denise and got a kiss goodbye. After being rewarded with an extra kick, he was contentedly heading towards his goal.

"Sorry to have kept you waiting."

At a fork in the road, Su Moyu met the partner that the organization had arranged for him, who was No.8's Sudden Rain Sword, Lulutia.

"It's nothing, Senior Surante, let's go."

Lulutia nodded, silently followed Su Moyu's footsteps, looked at the other's back, thought about the question she had been thinking about all night, opened her mouth, and asked what she was thinking.

"That, Senior Surante……"

"What's wrong, Lulutia?"

Su Moyu didn't stop, but just tilted his head back slightly and asked casually.

"Between you and Denise-senpai…………"

Lulutia's voice, which was as small as the flapping wings of a mosquito, stopped.

"Hmm? What did you say? I didn't hear you clearly?"

"No, nothing, I just want to ask where you are going to go first.……"

The awkward feeling suppressed her curiosity and gossip, so she couldn't ask the question in the end, and could only find an excuse to get away with it.

Lulutia, whose face was already flushed, was like an ostrich in danger. She lowered her head and tried to bury her face in her chest to hide her embarrassment.

Although Lulutia was very strong in battle, she was still a little socially anxious on weekdays.

Being able to make up her mind to talk to Su Moyu about sword skills in the evening was the biggest concession Lulutia could make to herself.

Now she was asked to ask such a private topic to a senior who she had just met for a short time...

It was really a bit embarrassing.

Su Moyu didn't notice this little episode, but took out a map given by the organization from the interlayer bag on the side of the backpack. It marked the location and routes of all the villages and towns in the area where Rosemary might be hiding, as well as the area of various mountains, forests, lakes and other environments around.

The content is very detailed and the accuracy should be high. Except for the lack of longitude and latitude, it can be used as a tactical map.

Unfortunately, this is not a complete topographic map of the island continent, but only a small part of it.

I rubbed the corners of the map with my fingers and lifted it up. Not only is the map blurred, but my fingers are also stained with black ink that has not yet dried. It is very likely that it was copied not long ago.

‘The organization must have a complete map of the island continent. I have to find a way to get it in the future. The one I bought from the traveling merchant before has too many errors and is not accurate. In addition, if I can find a map of the war continent and water routes,……’

Thinking this way, Su Moyu also added this crucial item to his future action plan.

Then he took out another booklet, opened the cover, carefully checked the contents, and compared them with the map.

The booklet contained all kinds of information about the awakeners that Su Moyu needed.

These two things were given to him by the talents of the organization before he set off, and he hadn't had time to look at them carefully.

Hmm? Where is this?

Su Moyu's eyes fell on the edge of the map, and he took another look at the contents of the booklet. A very dangerous plan suddenly came to his mind.

If he implemented this idea according to his previous strength, I'm afraid the final result would be a life-or-death struggle, but now...

Touching the surgical wound on his abdomen, he could feel that the part of the demon flesh and blood taken out of Denise's body last night was steadily devouring the original mutant flesh, and then transforming into his own more powerful power!

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