Just as Lucy's two tails were focused on whipping Su Moyu, a figure suddenly attacked from behind, aiming at the back of Lucy's neck and slashing with a sword!

Lucy didn't even turn her head, and blocked the sword with a lift at the root of her tail.

But the hem of the red dress she was wearing was unexpectedly lifted up, and as expected, it was cut by a sword.

It was Rosemary who had returned.

When she stepped into the battlefield, she drew her sword and joined the battle without saying a word.

Seeing that the sneak attack was ineffective, Rosemary did not hesitate at all, and swung the sword again, slashing at Lucy's body with all her strength.

Rosemary's sudden appearance successfully attracted Lucy's attention. The tail that was frequently attacking Su Moyu was instantly greatly reduced in flexibility.

This also gave Su Moyu an opportunity to avoid the attack route of the tail and once again shortened the distance between him and Lucy. With his right arm disabled, Su Moyu could not use sword skills, but he still wanted to provide a distraction for Rosemary who was responsible for the main attack as much as possible.

"You… ruined my dress! This is my favorite one!"

Looking at the tattered skirt, the originally calm demonic power in Lucy Ella's body began to boil like boiling water!

The thick demonic energy in the air turned into a physical impact and exploded instantly, directly knocking Rosemary and Su Moyu back several meters away!

"Rosemary! Come to me! Quick!"

Su Moyu, who had finally stopped, shouted loudly.

Rosemary was not injured and was about to rush forward to fight again, but was stopped by Su Moyu's shout.

After taking a look at Lucy Ella, whose body was changing shape, she gave up her original idea, sprinted a few steps around, came to Su Moyu's side, and stabilized his shaky body.

"Here, take it."

Su Moyu stuffed the secret medicine distributed by the organization into Rosemary's hand, pointed to the backpack that was left not far away, and whispered

"Rosemary, listen to me. Meeting the Abyss of the South here is also part of my plan. I will be responsible for holding her back here. Wait for you to leave first, and then I will find a way to get out."

"You still have to keep hiding yourself, but don't stay in towns. Even if you use secret medicine to eliminate your demonic power and avoid the detection of the Eye, the organization's spies are almost everywhere where humans gather. Remember to hide in a mountain forest where few people go, so as to completely avoid the organization's search."

"Are you kidding me?!"

Rosemary looked at Su Moyu in astonishment.

"That's the Abyss! How can you stop her by yourself?!"

"Rosemary, believe me, I have never lied to you, right? I do have a way."

He pointed at the backpack again and continued in the other's puzzled eyes.

"There is something very important stored in it. Give it to Denise when you have the chance. After I get out of this situation, I will think about it and contact you again."

"So, before Lucy Ella gets serious, leave quickly. No matter what happens, don't look back and don't worry about me, otherwise, neither of us will be able to escape. Finally, do me a favor and put the bones of my right arm back in place."

Rosemary was not a pedantic person. She looked at Su Moyu solemnly, held down his twisted right arm, and twisted it hard!


The broken and dislocated bones were forcibly twisted back to their original positions.

"I hope you really didn't lie to me, and didn't just make up this excuse to save me. If you die here today, I will definitely find a way to avenge you in the future."

"Don't worry, I won't die. I haven't lived enough."

Although his face turned pale with sweat from the pain, Su Moyu still tried to show his confidence that everything was under control.

The shadow of a huge body was looming in the dust and smoke raised by the demonic energy.

Su Moyu patted Rosemary's shoulder and nodded to her.

Rosemary didn't say anything more. She increased the rate of liberation of her demonic power and ran deep into the forest. When she passed by the backpack, she picked it up and put it on her back.

Lucy Ella's awakened body gradually appeared in Su Moyu's eyes. It has a cat head and a human body, slender limbs, sharp claws and double tails, and has an indescribable strange beauty.

But no matter the size or the demonic power, it is stronger than the awakened one he had seen before, and the level of strength is completely on a different level.

It's like the gap between No. 1 and No. 47 among warriors.

Standing in front of Lucy Ella's awakened body, Su Moyu had a moment when he couldn't even think of resisting.

"Leaving you alone? Aren't you going to run away?"

Su Moyu didn't say anything, but silently raised his sword and took a fighting stance.

"Oh? It seems that you want to sacrifice yourself to cover your companions' retreat. It's a good idea, but unfortunately, you know nothing about the power of the Abyss!"

Luciela crouched like a real cat, her back curved in a beautiful arc, gathering strength, and then suddenly rushed out, rushing straight at Su Moyu!

Full perception!

Predict the opponent's attack route! Concentrate on using the steps of shrinking the ground!

Don't attack.

Instead, dodge in advance!


The lightning-fast figure passed by Su Moyu!

Just as he was about to turn around, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in many parts of his body at the same time.

Wherever he looked, there was an uneven gap on the outside of his thigh, waist, and even on his arm.

This is... bitten?!

How is this possible?

I clearly avoided it?!

Lucyela turned around after landing, and in the mouth full of sharp teeth on her tail, she was slowly squirming and chewing something

"Hmm? Your meat tastes weird, doesn't it? It's different from other warriors I've eaten... I don't think I've ever eaten anything like it~"

She shook her tail and swallowed the piece of meat she had bitten off, then lowered her body and got ready.

"Well, it's not bad, but it's too little, so let me eat a few more bites!"

The awakened body shot out again!

Such a huge body, but the speed is extremely fast and extremely flexible. Every time it lands on the ground, the remaining power can always cause a huge change in the terrain.

If you are not careful, you will die.

The gaps on Su Moyu's body are constantly increasing. Although he has avoided Lucy Ella's attacks every time, her tail can always take away pieces of fresh blood and flesh from Su Moyu's body.

Su Moyu has no time to use his demon power to heal the defects in his body. He can only choose to stop the bleeding first.

The constant injuries have caused the meat on his legs to gradually become scarce. The deepest wound has even exposed the white bones, which seriously affects Su Moyu's movement speed.

This can't go on!

Otherwise, he will really be eaten up bit by bit by the"big cat" in front of him like a fish!

Having made up his mind, Su Moyu began to look for opportunities and prepared to make a final fight!

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