Far East, Steve

"What?! We encountered an attack from the Southern Abyss during the campaign against Rosemary?!"

In the meeting room of the organization, a man in black read out the intelligence message that had just been delivered to him, and the whole audience was in an uproar.

Lemoto frowned, looked at the man in black who was in charge of intelligence collection, and asked

"Edgar, how is Lucy Ella doing these days?"

""Master Chief, please wait a moment."

Edgar took out a notebook from his pocket, flipped through it for a while and replied.

"According to the intelligence regularly sent back by the surveillance personnel, Luciela is relatively well behaved. Apart from frequently patrolling the territory she has designated, no other abnormal movements have been found, nor has there been any conflict with the soldiers in the outer border area of her territory."

Closing the notebook, Edgar continued

"However, due to the special nature of Lemonywa City, the people are extremely xenophobic. Any behavior that may arouse suspicion will be reported to the city guards by the people. As a result, my people have suffered heavy losses, so it is difficult to carry out intelligence work in the city. Therefore, we still have no information about the city. We can only collect some insignificant peripheral information from several cities around it."

"Humph, if it weren't for Lucy Ella, this ungrateful city would have been destroyed by the demons we sent out.……"

A low-ranking man in black couldn't help but speak up.


Lemoto interrupted the other party directly, looking unhappy.

"Uh, sorry, Chief, I just……"

The man in black who had just spoken suddenly looked unhappy, and he immediately knelt on one knee and apologized.

"Myat, this is the last time I remind you. There are some things that we should keep clear among ourselves. Fortunately, there are no other soldiers present this time. If you can't control your mouth, the consequences... I don't need to say more."

"Yes... yes... I understand, Lord Chief, I will never do it again... Never again.……"

Miat was shaking like a sieve, and beads of sweat the size of beans flowed out from his forehead and dripped down his skinny cheeks.

"Okay, you can go down now. What happens next has nothing to do with you."

Lemoto waved his hand, signaling him to get out.

"OK...OK, Chief.……"

After receiving the approval, Miat breathed a sigh of relief, stood up in a hurry, and left the conference hall in a mess.

Seeing the wooden door of the hall closed again, Lemoto winked at Edgar, who immediately stood up from his chair, walked to Lemoto's side, bent down and waited for instructions.

Lemoto leaned over, leaned close to Edgar's ear, and whispered

"Find a chance to get rid of him. His character will sooner or later cause more trouble. He is not suitable for working in the organization. In addition, after this meeting, send a message to the Empire. Just find a reason and say that Myat died in the line of duty. Let them transfer Lulu back to take over Myat's job."

It was because this idiot couldn't control his bad mouth that the organization had to get rid of several very obedient and useful tools.

Although soldiers are just consumables for the organization, they should be used where they should be used. Such meaningless abandonment is also a huge waste of organizational resources.

After all, it takes a lot of time and energy to cultivate a handy and powerful tool. It is not that easy.

"I understand, Chief, leave it to me."


Edgar returned to his seat, and Lemoto nodded.

"Let's continue. What else did the intelligence say? How are Surante and Lulutia, who were in charge of the crusade against Rosemary? Did the crusade yield any results?"

"Yes, my Lord."

The man in black who was in charge of reading the intelligence continued

"After Surant and Lulutia met Rosemary at the target location, Surant fought against her alone. Rosemary was defeated and fled, and Surant and Lulutia followed closely behind."

"Lucia, who had a far-away pupil, also followed under the instruction of Almida. In the end, only Lulutia returned. After meeting with Almida, she asked the organization to send more people for rescue, but was rejected by Almida."

"According to Lulutia, they were on their way to chase Rosemary when they were attacked by Luciela who suddenly appeared, and Lucia was also in her hands."

"Surante stayed behind to cover the retreat, which allowed Lulutia to escape back. That’s all, my Lord.

After reading the intelligence, the man in black bowed again, handed the intelligence document to Edgar, and retreated back into the crowd.

"Edgar, if you have any opinions, please tell us."

After hearing Lemoto's question, Edgar carefully read the content of the intelligence again, and after confirming that no important information was missing, he stated his conclusion.

"My dear leader, colleagues, since this is just a briefing, there are still many details that have not been explained. I can only speculate based on the existing information."

"Hypothesis 1: It was an accidental incident. It was just luck that caused the expedition team chasing the defector to collide with the Southern Abyss who was patrolling the territory."

"The second hypothesis is that this is a trap for the crusade personnel. Rosemary may have reached some kind of consensus with the Southern Abyss, whether actively or passively, so she deliberately exposed her whereabouts to lure the organization to send a crusade team to encircle and suppress them. She then led the crusade personnel to Lucy Ella, who would deal with them."

"These two speculations are also the two most likely ones. However, other reasons cannot be ruled out, although the possibility is not great.……"

"That is, someone in the expedition team, or someone in the organization, has had contact with Rosemary or the Southern Abyss, and is using the expedition as a cover to achieve some purpose. Is it for the organization's"eye"? Or for the only existing male warrior? Or is it just for the Southern Abyss to publicize its presence? Or does she have some new plan?"

"Of course, as I said before, without conclusive evidence, all of this is just speculation. I'm done, Chief."

"Thank you for your hard work, Edgar.

Lemoto nodded and looked at the people in the organization.

"Regardless of the cause of this incident, we have indeed lost a male warrior who has just returned to the organization, as well as the strategically important"Eye". We must not be careless about the movements of the Abyss."

"Immediately notify the top five fighters to gather in the area, and let Lulutia lead the way to the scene. The main purpose is to investigate, and try not to conflict with the Abyssmen, so as not to attract the attention of the East and West, and take this opportunity to attack the organization."

"Yes! My Lord Chief!"

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