Starting from the Greyhound, seventy-two changes

Chapter 234: Demon Summoning Banner


In the labyrinthine rock passage in the underground palace, Chen Ku led two elders in the sect and continued to move forward towards the correct route to the ‘Xia Wang Palace’.

At the same time, he used his mind and spirit for two purposes.

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He looked at the seventh awakened transformation diagram.

The blank scroll.

It symbolized that he could have one more grid for transformation.

After thinking for a moment, he replaced the red-tailed bee. This little bee could be used as a scout bee to explore the news in the underground palace at critical moments.

Then, he carefully looked at the second major innate magical power that he had gained because he had cultivated the seventh transformation diagram.

Thinking back to the beginning, he had the first innate magical power ‘Fetal Transformation Chain Form’, which brought him so much benefit and effect. Now the Jiaolong, Sibuxiang, and Erlang on his body are all from the fetal transformation chain form.

The new creatures produced after the fetal chain are much more powerful than the ordinary monsters.


Finally, I have a second innate magical power.

"Monster Banner?"

Chen Ku looked into the sea of ​​consciousness and saw that under the seventh transformation diagram, a banner as big as a thread and three or four feet high appeared, flashing colorful light.

The flagpole was like a beam, and the flag was waving. There was a hazy sky above it, as if there were two black and white airs. In the black and white airs, there were green tadpoles swimming back and forth. It seemed chaotic, but there was a mysterious law.

"This image is really a bit like the meaning of the demon banner in mythology."

He appreciated it in his heart.

Then he saw tadpole characters hanging from the demon banner. After several changes, they fell into Chen Ku's eyes and presented characters that he could understand and recognize.

[Demon Summoning Banner]

[This is a supreme magical power. The banner is embroidered with a spell to summon demons from all over the world. When the banner is waved, all demons from all over the world are attracted.]

[There are two ways to use it:

One is to drive it directly with great magic power. The greater the magic power, the more demons can be summoned.

The other is to drive the prohibition with a formula. This banner has a total of 18 formulas, corresponding to the 18 prohibitions in the demon summoning banner. If you can cultivate 18 formulas, you will be able to summon and drive the immortals, demons and beasts of the 18 realms.]

[The first level formula training conditions: first level cultivation, ordinary qualifications, ten demons of the first level]

[The second level formula training conditions: second level cultivation =, medium aptitude, ten second-level demon evil spirits]

[Third-level formula cultivation conditions: third-level cultivation, upper-middle aptitude, ten third-level demon evil spirits]

[Fourth-level formula cultivation conditions: fourth-level cultivation, superior aptitude, ten fourth-level demon evil spirits]

[Fifth-level formula cultivation conditions: fifth-level cultivation, Tianjiao aptitude, ten fifth-level demon evil spirits]

[Sixth-level formula cultivation conditions: sixth-level cultivation, rare aptitude, ten sixth-level demon evil spirits]

[Seventh-level formula cultivation conditions: seventh-level cultivation, super-quality aptitude, ten seventh-level demon evil spirits]

The following formula cultivation conditions are also deduced by analogy.

Chen Ku's mind flashed, looking at the cultivation conditions of the first seven levels, in terms of aptitude, he had already reached the cultivation conditions of the seventh level formula, but his cultivation and evil spirit were not enough...

[The owner of the picture has met the cultivation conditions of the first four levels of formulas. Are you willing to consume ten first-level evil spirits, ten second-level evil spirits, ten third-level evil spirits, and ten fourth-level evil spirits to cultivate the first four levels of the prohibition formula of the demon summoning banner at one time? ]

"Then let's try to see what the first four levels of formulas have?"

Chen Ku thought:

"Practice for me."

Before he cultivated the seventh change diagram, he had more than ten fifth-level evil spirits on his body. Now that he has unlocked the seventh change diagram, there are only a few fifth-level evil spirits left.

But the evil spirits below the fourth level are countless, and there is enough reserve.

Zila la la~~~

It was visible to the naked eye that forty evil spirits flew out from Chen Ku's four realms of evil spirits and sank into the demon-summoning banner, and then...

Four strings of dark green tadpole characters fell into Chen Ku's mind and turned into messages.

At this time,

Chen Ku finally understood why practicing this formula requires "qualification" conditions. The difficulty of understanding the first four levels of the formula is no less than that of a unique martial art.

If it were an ordinary person, even if he was told this formula, he would not be able to practice it without excellent qualifications and comprehension.

Fortunately, Chen Ku now has super-grade qualifications and dragon talent. Almost in the blink of an eye, he completely understood, digested and mastered the method of performing the first four levels of the formula.

[The owner of the diagram has successfully comprehended the formula for manipulating the first four levels of restrictions of the demon-summoning banner. He only needs to find a place, lead the demon-summoning banner into the void, and shake the banner to randomly summon the demons from the four realms within a radius of 400 miles and detain them in the demon-summoning banner]

Looking at this line of text.

Chen Ku comprehended the formula of the four levels of the demon-summoning banner in his mind, and suddenly knew how to manipulate the demon-summoning banner.

At this time, re-examine the role of the demon-summoning banner.

He couldn't help but whisper to himself:

"Isn't this just casting a net to catch fish? Put the demon-summoning banner like a net somewhere, wait for the passing demons, and then collect them..."

As for what to collect them for?

That's even a question.

Of course, it's to kill them and turn them into evil spirits. The entire transformation diagram was born around this purpose. After the fetal transformation chain, the magical power of the demon-summoning banner appeared. Isn't this clearly asking him to "kill all the demons in the world"?

"That is, we are in the underground palace now. Otherwise, we should try the effect of this demon flag to see how many demons we can attract at once?"

Chen Ku forced himself to suppress his eager heart.

It's better to get the Xia King's treasure first and then explore this magical power.

Suddenly, while walking, I found a wall in front of me. It looked ordinary, it was an earthy red rock wall.

But Chen Ku kept reminding him, saying:

"Master, senior brother, be careful. That wall is an illusion. If you accidentally touch it, you will be teleported to the 'Wind Yang Formation' among the eight shocking gods."

"Feng Yang Formation?" Qin Yuxian paused and said thoughtfully: "I have long heard that among the four heavenly kings under the Xia King back then, there was a leader from the 'Tongbing Valley', nicknamed 'Jingshen' The "Heavenly King" has this nickname because the "Eight Gates of Shocking Formation" he mastered is not only a military formation that can be used for marching and fighting, but also a world-class martial arts that can be used to cultivate the body. ”

"The eight-door Jingshen Formation in this underground palace is actually a martial art?" Chen Ku couldn't help but be curious: "How do you say this? Are you asking for advice from senior brother?"

Qin Yu first looked at Shan Lingguan and smiled.

He signaled to the junior uncle that you should explain it to the younger junior brother. After all, you are his master.

Shan Lingguan slowly walked towards the Feng Yang Formation and said to Chen Ku: "You are now a five-level meridian, so you should know the name of the next level, which is the sixth level, 'Array'."

"Of course we know this..." Chen Ku not long ago experienced the power of the 'Four-Nine Sword Formation' on the champion in the world of martial arts.

It seems that a large formation is arranged inside the body.

"After the fifth realm, the sixth realm formation, as the name suggests, is to connect the large and small meridians in the body, and even some subtle and invisible meridians, like a large formation, so as to achieve a single move. If you move your whole body, once you take action, the human body formation will continuously provide power."

Shan Lingguan said slowly:

"Naturally, the 'formation level' used to arrange large formations in the body is the higher, the better, and the more powerful, the better. You must have seen the power of the champion's 'Four-Nine Sword Formation', right? The Forty-nine Sword Formation was originally a large formation called the 'Zhuxian Sword Sect'. Once it was successfully deployed, it was said to be able to kill even immortals. The reason why the champion was able to achieve what he did later was certainly due to his There are other reasons such as talent and the fate of the times, but they are inseparable from the fact that when he was in the sixth realm of 'Array', he deployed the 'Four-Nine Sword Formation', a large formation capable of killing immortals, in his body. "

Chen Ku already understood.

"Is it possible that these eight-door Jingshen array can also be arranged in the body?"

"Yes, the so-called Eight-door Jingshen Formation is used to set up military formations. They are called the Sky Covering Formation, the Earth-carrying Formation, the Wind-raising Formation, the Cloud-falling Formation, the Flying Dragon Formation, the Tiger-wing Formation, the Bird-Flying Formation, and the Snake-pan Formation. , it is based on the changes in the image of heaven and earth, dragons, tigers, birds, and snakes, but in the final analysis, it is still among the eight wonders opened by life, injury, death, and Du Jing. "

Shan Lingguan nodded, and then talked about a past event:

"The Jingshen King of the Tongbing Valley has successfully built an eight-door formation in his body. It is said that every time a door is opened, it can be blessed by a large formation. If all eight doors are opened in the body, the physical strength can be maintained until it is difficult to At the level of imagination, even the immortals will have to retreat three points at that time. In a battle, the Jingshen King once opened all his doors and kicked an immortal on the cloud to death. "

"So powerful?!" Chen Ku's eyes showed longing and asked: "But I don't know who is stronger and who is weaker among the eight-door Jingshen array and the four-nine sword array?"

"It can be said that they are indistinguishable, but because the two formations are essentially different, there is also a big difference. The Four-Nine Swords Formation is mainly about killing. It can continuously draw murderous energy to restore the formation during the battle. The champion of that year was Because of the "killing to stop killing" characteristic of the Four-Nine Sword Formation, one person can lead three thousand light cavalry directly into the 'Golden King' camp thousands of miles away, and win consecutive battles."

Shan Lingguan said:

"As for these eight-door formations, they are extremely demanding on the physique of the cultivators. Every time they are used, it is equivalent to overdrafting oneself. Just imagine, if all eight gates are opened at once, the power of the eight formations will be fully blessed. If a person does not have a unique foundation and physical support, he will basically open eight doors at a time, and his life will be shortened by ten years. "

Chen Ku is awe-inspiring.

This sounds like a technique that uses overdraft of life force to gain powerful strength.

"However, it also depends on who the person is? Even if the average person has cultivated to the eleventh level of martial arts, he is just an ordinary body. How can such a body withstand the pressure of the eight-door formation... But if it were changed It will be different if you become the 'Huntian Tyrant Body' of our Huangjue Sect."

Shan Lingguan said with a hint of pride:

"The hegemonic body achieved by our Huangjue Sect's Hun Tian Hegemony has a solid and thick physical foundation, which is rare in the world. It is a perfect match for this 'eight-door formation'."

Listen to what Shan Lingguan said.

Chen Ku's heart immediately started beating.

He clearly knows the location of the 'formation stone' in the Xia King's treasure. As long as he refines the formation stone, he will be able to master all the formations in the Xia King's treasure. Naturally, this also includes the ability to evolve into the 'Unparalleled Formation'. The Eight Spiritual Formations of Martial Arts'.

If it is as the master said.

The Huntian Tyrant Body can withstand the pressure and consumption brought by the Eight Gates Formation, wouldn't it...

A match made in heaven?

But just when he said this.

Then Shan Lingguan knew that behind the wall was the Feng Yang Formation, but he still deliberately walked towards the Feng Yang Formation.

"Master, be careful! There is a formation behind it!" Chen Ku reminded repeatedly, his face slightly changed.

"Junior brother, don't worry, my uncle's Hun Tian Ba ​​Ti has been cultivated to the seventh level, which is in line with the image of wind and thunder. If it is another large formation, it may be a bit troublesome for my uncle, but this Feng Yang Formation will not only not hurt my uncle's 'Black Wind Body', but may be helpful."

Qin Yuxian said on the side:

"We will wait here."

"But..." Chen Ku was still worried.

"Don't worry, if there is something, I will go in immediately. Even if there is really danger inside, with the combined efforts of my uncle and I, we can get out." Qin Yuxian said.

!" (End of this chapter)

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