Starting from the world of martial arts

Chapter 3 Little Goldfinger

As Su Fan's new orders continued to be issued, not only the Su family's manor, but also the several villages near the Su family's manor became busy. Especially the village where the Su family manor is located is even more busy. There are only a hundred households in this village, but half of the people are tenants of the Su family.

Su Fan's first order was to promote farming techniques. These tenants actually knew about it a long time ago, and they all eagerly learned from the old farmers of the Su family.

The rest of the villagers naturally wanted to learn, so Su Fan treated them equally.

The Su family is an outsider. The Su family's manor was established by Grandpa Su Fan 20 years ago. As an outsider, because of the low rent these years, he has received gratitude from the village and nearby villages.

Naturally, Su Fan has no reason to stop such a strategy. After all, he knows that in this era, the power of the village clan is not small, and the imperial power does not go to the countryside. He also hopes to get this invisible right.

In fact, in recent years, most of the rights in the several villages near Su Zhuang have been controlled by the Su family. Although there are clan elders in the villages, the Su family is very fair in doing things, so they have always supported the Su family.

This is a good thing.

Therefore, the reputation of the Su family has always been excellent in Huayin County.

Su Fan also naturally wanted to maintain this good reputation, not to mention other things, in the future in the Huashan faction, the higher-ups would take a look at it, of course this was Su Fan's own imagination, as to whether it would be, it is unknown, but this is just Su Fan Everything you do is effortless.

With the strong support of Su Zhuang, the training of farmland cultivation, livestock breeding, and guard training is in full swing.

Su Zhuang's money is also flowing out, and ordinary people feel distressed, but Su Fan doesn't care, because it's just the early payment.

Wait until the harvest, then there will be more.

As for the number of shops in the city, the number of shops is also increasing, and the monthly income will explode. When the strength of the Su family becomes stronger, Su Fan plans to get involved in the wine making industry, which is an excellent business.

Apart from these, Su Fan himself is also actively responding to the upcoming Huashan faction acceptance meeting.

Regarding the Huashan School's apprenticeship criteria, he has already sent someone to understand that there are three steps for the Huashan School to accept disciples.

The first is to check his identity. First, Su Fan is very relieved, because his background is definitely the favorite of the Huashan faction. He is at the foot of Huashan and is a landlord.

Generally, such disciples, after being accepted by Huashan, would give some tribute to Huashan faction instead, which was also one of the income of Huashan faction over the years.

The second is to feel the bones and check the root bones. Su Fan can't be sure about this, but even if the root bones are poor, his identity is enough to enter the outer sect of the Huashan School. As long as he can cultivate his cheats, his cultivation speed will not be worse than that of some extremely talented people.

The third is to test the disciple's heart and courage.

It may be different every time, but it is roughly the same. Su Fan believes that this will not trouble him at all, but during this time, he still tries his best to exercise his body.

Originally, his body wasn't very good. Looking at his grandfather and father who died early, he knew that his genes were not very good.

But after Su Fan traveled through time, he paid great attention to his body, so he immediately went to a doctor to take care of him, and then exercised.

At the same time, he also learned Wuqinxi from a famous doctor in Xi'an Prefecture.

Wuqinxi is not the internal strength of Jianghu, but a method of health preservation and exercise. It was passed down from Hua Tuo of the Three Kingdoms. Su Fan used the golden finger to cheat. Now he has been practicing for a year, and his health is very good. The eleven-year-old grade is strong The calf, no one objected to saying that he was thirteen or fourteen years old.

Of course, the reason for this effect, besides taking a lot of decoction, is his golden finger.

This golden finger was also discovered by Su Fan one month after he traveled through time. It wasn't a system, nor was it an artifact. In Su Fan's words, it was just a hanger without much use.

A transparent villain appeared in his mind, which seemed to be a copy of him. As long as he wanted to learn something, this villain would evolve and learn.

After the villain evolves, it will fall into his soul.

It is an on-hook learning software.

After this year's exploration, this thing, if it is useless, is naturally impossible. After all, it can speed up his learning. Now he has learned all the knowledge of that scholar.

With his current knowledge reserve, there is absolutely no problem in getting a scholar. This is the function of hanging up.

But it only has this function, and it cannot improve the strength, such as adding something to make the physical body stronger.

Just like a sword technique, the villain can evolve in his mind, but Su Fan still needs to practice constantly if he wants to use it in reality.

But this process can be shortened, just like a martial art master personally pointing him out, this is the effect, and even pointing out the one that is most suitable for his cultivation.

The role of the hang-up villain is currently only these.

Through exploration, this hanging machine does not run 24 hours a day, it seems to be related to his energy, every time he goes deep into his mind, it takes about an hour or so, this transparent little person will slowly disappear, and at that time he The whole person will fall into fatigue.

This is also a disadvantage of hanging the machine, it can only run for one hour a day.

However, Su Fan is already very satisfied. After all, this machine is of great help to him. Not to mention other things, if Wu Qinxi does not have a machine, it will take him five years to learn it by himself. able to reach the present situation.

On the side of the hang-up villain, Wu Qinxi has evolved into the realm of Dacheng, and his body has almost reached Xiaocheng. This is also because his body is too small, and some of them cannot be cultivated.

Even so, the strength of his arms is not as strong as those grown-up men.

Moreover, he felt that the Wuqinxi could also strengthen the muscles and bones. Maybe he could improve his bones after practicing to a great extent. This year, he only studied Wuqinxi, and he didn't learn any other martial arts.

One is because they will join the Huashan faction in the future, and the second is that the hanger is not very efficient.

"There is one month left before you can join the Huashan School, and the Wu Qin Xi is coming to an end for the time being."

After running the machine again in the middle of the night, Su Fan showed a bit of fatigue on his face.

"However, the recipe for the nourishing soup also needs to be obtained by hand."

As the name suggests, the Yangshen Soup is used to nourish the mind, and it is also in the hands of the famous doctor in Xi'an Prefecture. This Yangshen Soup is effective for Su Fan's cheating. After drinking it, it can increase the power of operation for half an hour.

But this nourishing soup costs ten taels of silver for a pair, which is not cheap.

Of course, Su Fan knew that the cost must not be so high. After all, famous doctors also want to make money. Su Fan's idea was to get the other party's soup recipe.

Then pair it yourself, and the cost can be saved.

Although he is rich, but in the future, he will learn more and more money when practicing kung fu.


The sword energy of the Huashan School soars to the sky hall.

"Junior Brother, look, there is news from Junior Brother Lin that a group of bandits have come from the Qinling Mountains to rob and kill passing merchants. Many affiliated merchants of the sect have come to complain."

Ning Qingyu called for the letter and passed it to the junior juniors below, with a bit of sternness in his eyes.

"Senior brother, what is the identity of these gangsters? How dare they provoke our Huashan faction?" Yuan Qingming looked suspicious. Huashan is connected to the Qinling Mountains. , They did not dare to do anything to the affiliated merchants of the Huashan faction.

"Hmph! Junior brother Lin said that this group of gangsters is not weak, and the three masters all have first-class force."

"What? Three first-class?"

Several Huashan elders present were not calm anymore.

First-rate warriors are already high-level people in the Jianghu. The top big schools like the Huashan School are all high-level elders, and some second-rate sects are even the pillars.

Even if it is as strong as the Huashan faction, there are only twenty first-rate warriors now, and if three first-rate warriors appear all at once, they can all form a first-rate force.

"And according to Junior Brother Lin's observation, the three of them seem to have martial arts from the same sect"

Ning Qingyu once again uttered a piece of news that shocked everyone, and everyone's expressions changed.

Did they have any fear of these gangsters? Just kidding, their Huashan faction alone could hang and beat them, and with the Wuyue Sword faction, even Shaolin Wudang would be very afraid.

What they are really shocked about is that it is definitely not easy for one to cultivate three first-class forces.

This kind of inheritance definitely belongs to the top sect, with the power of this far-reaching inheritance.

"Brother Sect Leader, do these three people know their origins?"

Those who can cultivate to the first-class level, and they come from the same sect, are obviously not casual cultivators in the Jianghu. The first-class casual cultivators in the Jianghu are almost all individual practitioners, and almost no pairs, let alone three people.

Everyone is selfish. If you get the legacy of your predecessors, will you tell others?

Impossible, maybe they were taken away before they practiced.

Ning Qingyu's face was gloomy when he heard the younger brother's question: "Junior brother Lin said that their martial arts methods are very similar to that family."

That family, although Ning Qingyu didn't say which one, but everyone knew it, and all of them were filled with anger.

Over the years, their Huashan faction has been trying to break through the boundaries of Shaanxi, but they have been stopped by them, and even suppressed secretly.

It can be said that for their anger, the Huashan faction has long been there, but they have been afraid of their strength and prestige, so they have been unable to act.

Seeing them making trouble for them secretly again now, all the elders of the Huashan sect were extremely angry.

"Senior brother in charge,,,"

"Shut up!"

Ning Qingyu knew what this junior brother Xiong wanted to say, so he glared at him directly, and didn't give him a chance to speak. Now the Huashan faction's strength is indeed not much worse than the opponent's, but their Huashan faction and the Demon Cult are watching them covetously.

There can be no mistakes at all, or you will fall off a cliff.

"That's the end of this matter, Junior Brother Yuan, you take a few Junior Brothers to help Junior Brother Lin, pull it out there, and none of the three will be left behind."

Ning Qingyu said coldly.

"As for Junior Brother Xiong, the sect's three-year disciple acceptance conference has arrived, and this time I will leave it to you."

After speaking, Ning Qingyu directly left the Sword Qi Hall.

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