"Senior Li!"

When Jin Guang came to Su Fan's cave again, he seemed a little excited. He had been in touch with Su Fan for three years, but he didn't get any response. He immediately knew that the other party was probably in retreat.

For high-level monks, it is likely that more than ten years will pass after a retreat, so three years is a normal thing.

"Golden Friends"

Su Fan looked at the other party's tone of reverence, and greeted him calmly. Since he took out Ziyun Pill last time, the other party's attitude towards him has changed.

Ziyun Pill is a third-tier top-grade panacea, and an alchemist who can refine Ziyun Pill has already stepped into the ranks of a fourth-tier alchemist in alchemy.

A fourth-tier alchemist is a master of alchemy in the world of cultivating immortals, not a third-tier alchemist as Zheng Guo thinks.

Tier 4 alchemists, in the world of cultivating immortals, are already high-level. Even sects at the level of overlords will not easily ignore Tier 4 alchemists.

After all, the fourth-rank alchemist, many Jindan monks, will treat him as a guest of honor.

To be able to refine Ziyun Dan is to be a prepared alchemy master, even those golden elixir cultivators under the command of big forces are cautious.

Jin Guang is just a casual cultivator in the Zifu. Although he has pulled up a not weak team over the years, the strongest team is only himself, a monk from the seventh level of the Zifu.

Facing Su Fan, a preparatory alchemy master, there was no comparison at all, and respect was taken for granted.

"Senior Li, there is already news about the Xuanyang Nuanyu you asked me to check last time."

"Oh! It's true"

When Su Fan heard this, he was overjoyed. In a big country like Wu, there is no shortage of Xuanyang Nuanyu, but this kind of treasure needed to open up the Zifu is still controlled by those big forces.

Su Fan, an outsider, couldn't find out at all.

If he wanted to inquire about news from those chambers of commerce, it would be impossible for him alone at the sixth level of the Zifu, unless he revealed his level of alchemy.

But this is not in line with his previous plan.

So he thought of Jin Guang, a local snake. After all, this person has been in Wu for a hundred or two hundred years, and there must be some channels for him to inquire about news. It must be easier than him.

Sure enough, he was right. In just a few years, the other party found out what he wanted.

"Senior Li, I learned from a former fellow Taoist that there is a Xuanyang Nuanyu in the Tainan Chamber of Commerce in East Eagle City"

"East Eagle City?"

Su Fan knew very little about Wu Guo.

"Yes, this East Eagle City is located in the southern part of Wu Kingdom, a city for cultivating immortals, and it is a fourth-tier city controlled by Xuantianzong,,,,,,"


Su Fan knew that this sect was second only to the sect of Yuan Dingzong, the overlord of the Wu Kingdom. There were four Yuanying stage monks under the sect, and the strongest Supreme Elder was said to be a great monk in the late Yuanying stage.

The strength of the sect is not weak, and it has formed an alliance with the Qingmu sect to jointly fight against the Yuanding sect.

Xuantianzong's sphere of influence is mainly distributed in the southern part of Wu State.

"Tell me about this Tainan Chamber of Commerce?"

Tainan Chamber of Commerce, Su Fan has heard of its name. In Huoling City, there are shops established by Tainan Chamber of Commerce.

But it was only heard, and Su Fan didn't know the detailed information.

Fortunately, Jin Guang, a local snake, was different. He quickly told what he knew.

At this moment, Su Fan also knew what the Tainan Chamber of Commerce was. It was a large commercial organization composed of several chambers of commerce.

They are not only active in the southern barren state, but also in Tiannan state next door to the southern barren state. This is a cross-state level business force.

The strength is so strong that even Yuan Dingzong, who is at the overlord level of the Southern Wilderness, dare not easily provoke it. It is said that there are more than a dozen Yuanying stage monks behind the Tainan Chamber of Commerce.

Of course, Jin Guang didn't know if it was true, because his level was too low after all.

However, this chamber of commerce has its offices in various cities and towns in the state of Wu. In Huoling City, there are several large building shops.

It can be seen the strength of the Tainan Chamber of Commerce.

The local forces in the Wu Kingdom may be jealous and hostile to the Tainan Chamber of Commerce, but for Su Fan, he doesn't care, and he is even more pleased.

The stronger the Tainan Chamber of Commerce is, the more complete it will be, and the easier it will be to get what he wants.

It's nothing more than spending a little more Lingshi.

As for the spirit stones, he just brought back nearly 100,000 spirit stones from the Su family, as well as ten second-order spirit peaches. There is no shortage of spirit stones at all.

The market price of Xuanyang Nuanyu is only 60,000 to 70,000 yuan, all he lacks is a channel.

Now that Jin Guang has brought him news, then he will go to East Eagle City and contact the chamber of commerce.

As for the price to be paid, Su Fan believed that a Xuanyang Nuanyu didn't need to cost too much, and it wasn't an auxiliary treasure for forming alchemy.

If you are not afraid of trouble, in fact, after 30 years, when the auction conference held in Huoling City, there will definitely be this Xuanyang Nuanyu at the auction.

"Do you think the Tainan Chamber of Commerce will sell Xuanyang Nuanyu?"

Su Fan looked at Jin Guang and asked.

"Yes! Why don't you sell it? They are the Chamber of Commerce. As long as they can afford the price, they will definitely sell it. Although the treasures I used to open up the Purple Mansion were not purchased from the Tainan Chamber of Commerce, they were also purchased from a Chamber of Commerce."

"These chambers of commerce are all of the same species. As long as there are enough spirit stones, they don't care who you are?"

Jin Guang naturally knew what Su Fan was worried about. For auxiliary treasures like opening up the Zifu, various forces would control them, and would not easily sell them to outsiders. Even if they were sold, there would be various requirements attached.

Only at that kind of auction will there be no conditions, and the highest bidder will win.

But these chambers of commerce are different, they are all about doing business, as long as you have money, he doesn't care what your status is.

He has already felt this point, which is why the local sects will be hostile to these chambers of commerce, because the appearance of these chambers of commerce will make those sects lose a lot of means.

Su Fan nodded and said, "When the time comes, fellow Daoist Jin, please come with me to East Eagle City."

"Haha! It's okay, it's my honor to accompany Senior Li."

Jin Guang nodded quickly when he heard the words, although it would be a waste of time to accompany the other party, as an ordinary Zifu monk, he would not bother at all.

But Su Fan, who is a prepared alchemy master, has a good relationship with him, which is a great thing for him and his hunting team.

So now, he will do his best at the request of the other party.

Su Fan naturally knew what the other party was thinking. He knew that the other party wanted to please him, and he didn't care. In his eyes, these people were good outsiders.

Jin Guang's team is not bad in ability and strength. It will be even better if they can be absorbed into the Su family.

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