Starting from the world of martial arts

Chapter 571 Martial Arts Newcomer

After getting Su Fan's ancient technique, Lu Gang happily left the martial arts hall. Su Fan was standing on the second floor, looking at the hall below. The practice room on the first floor of the original martial arts gym became the core practice room.

There are mainly some advanced students, shock fighters, these advanced students are considered elite students of the martial arts hall.

There are hundreds of thousands of students in the martial arts hall, but only a few hundred people have reached the advanced level.

In one year, it is actually not easy to go from an ordinary person to an advanced student.

These people are almost all students from ordinary families. As for those with good backgrounds, after practicing Shiduanjin, relying on the resources provided by their families, they can quickly reach the physical limit of warriors.

These students from ordinary families can only bury their heads in cultivation hard, although their cultivation speed is not as fast as those students from good backgrounds.

However, the martial arts school pays more attention to these students, because these people cultivate entirely on their own, and do not have external resources to improve their physical fitness.

In this way, their talents are even more outstanding.

The martial arts school needs manpower, and the future Qingyang Palace needs disciples even more, so the martial arts school attaches great importance to these senior students.

For these students, the martial arts school has sent more than 20 instructors to guide them, and even Lu Chen is the biggest chief instructor inside.

From time to time, I start classes, give guidance to everyone, and teach them how to practice.

"There are really a few good seedlings"

Su Fan looked down at the hundreds of people below. Although not all senior students came to the martial arts hall to attend classes, they were the most diligent ones.

After all, their physical fitness is the closest to that of warriors, so they naturally want to improve quickly so that they can reach the level of warriors.

Everyone came from ordinary backgrounds, once they could become warriors, they would instantly change their family situation.

"Yeah! Luo Feng's disciples are also here."

Su Fan was a little surprised when he heard the conversation of the students below.

"Brother Luo Hua, you have improved again in the past few days. Now your punching strength has reached 900. The only difference is your speed and nerve response. I am afraid that you will be able to become a warrior in a short time."

Beside Luo Hua, a young man with an extremely explosive body said with envy.

"Hehe! Niu Hua, you boy, don't make such an expression, you think I don't know but your strength is higher than mine, but the speed is a little slower"

"However, when you practice the twenty-fourth form of Shiduanjin, your speed will naturally increase. By then, you will be stronger than me."

Luo Hua looked at this guy who was as strong as a calf, and couldn't help but rolled his eyes, don't look at this guy's naive look.

But after getting along with each other for a long time, they all know that this guy has a bad stomach, he looks simple and honest, but he is very cunning.

In the beginning, they were fooled a lot.

Of course, everyone was joking, but the relationship with each other is very good. Although Luo Hua said that Luo Feng is the eldest brother and his family is the wealthiest, he didn't show it, and he still looks like an ordinary family.

The eldest brother Luo Feng has disappeared for a year, and there is also news from the Extreme Martial Art Museum that his eldest brother probably died in the ruins.

Although Luo Hua was extremely sad, he also knew that he couldn't fall down. The elder brother left a lot of wealth, but it made a lot of people covet him.

Fortunately, there is a limit martial arts school, no one dares to ignore it.

But the elder brother's enemy, the high God of War, is very troublesome. These days, he has been looking for trouble with them.

Thanks to his prudence, and with the help of the wealth left by his previous elder brother, he became a shareholder of the national bank, became a director of the bank, and hired several war gods to protect his parents.

It made the home a little bit safer.

But Luo Hua knew that if he wanted to keep his family and his family's wealth, he must have strong strength.

Their Luo family was originally an ordinary family that was struggling with food and clothing. It was the eldest brother who became a warrior and continued to improve his strength, becoming the god of war in one fell swoop, and was able to make such a fortune.

At the same time, it also made him, a cripple, stand up.

The Luo family needed strong force, so Luo Hua worked harder to cultivate.

He started practicing Shiduanjin after his elder brother healed his broken leg, but at that time, he was not keen on it. After all, there was a powerful God of War in the family, and it was not necessary for him to be so powerful.

He prefers to travel in the financial world.

But the eldest brother suddenly disappeared, and even faintly died, so he had to change his ambition.

In the past six months, he has worked very hard, and he also learned about Qingyang Martial Arts from his elder brother, so he joined Qingyang Martial Arts immediately.

The Qingyang Martial Arts Academy did not disappoint him. In just half a year, he became an advanced student from an ordinary person.

As long as he reaches the level of martial artist, he can use some of the treasures left by his elder brother. At that time, his strength will definitely improve faster.

As long as he has the strength, by then, he will have enough strength to protect the family.

Of course, he hoped even more in his heart that he could join the Qingyang Martial Arts Academy, not the Qingyang Palace.

He became a shareholder of the national bank and became a director. Naturally, he heard a lot of news. The owner of the Qingyang Martial Art Museum is a powerhouse beyond the God of War.

Beyond the God of War, there are only more than 50 people in the world, each of whom is a well-known figure.

This is the man who runs the Qingyang Martial Arts School, and it is said that it is for the purpose of recruiting disciples.

Luo Hua had already inquired about what Qingyang Palace was. It was said that it was a Taoist palace gate before the Great Nirvana.

That person is the disciple of Qingyang Palace. He wanted to revive Qingyang Palace, so he founded a martial arts gym and recruited disciples.

If he can become a disciple of Qingyang Palace, then even the enemy of the God of War, the eldest brother, will definitely not dare to do anything to the Luo family.

So in the past six months, he spent almost most of his time in the martial arts gym, and it was this hard training that gained the favor of the chief instructor of the martial arts gym, Instructor Lu Chen.

Come and give him advice often.

He also knew that instructor Lu Chen was the most trusted person who surpassed the God of War master.

Luo Hua is a smart person, so he naturally knows how to do it.

Of course, not only did he practice hard, but at the same time in the martial arts gym, he deliberately made friends with some talented companions, especially those who worked hard in Shiduanjin.

These people, in his eyes, are his future partners.

He is different from his elder brother, who likes to walk alone, that is because his elder brother is a spiritual teacher and has enough strength.

Luo Hua knew that he was not as good as his elder brother, so he chose another option.

The Luo family has the wealth left by the eldest brother, he can train some warriors, warriors who are loyal to the Luo family.

For the past six months, he has been observing and found many people, and Niu Hua and others are his chosen targets.

These people are all from ordinary families, and their conduct is very good. They are not ungrateful people.

This way of self-cultivation, they will not become white-eyed wolves.

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