Starting from Zero

Vol 14 Chapter 49: exploded

I really did not expect that the evolution of fire drills would bring such great benefits. Since the previous two crystals have evolved, it means that other crystals can also evolve. Exactly now, fire drills have evolved into flame-based magic guide stones, and there is no way to absorb energy anymore, and the energy absorption channel is just transferred to the ice crystal.

Although there is a blue dragon helping us to control the degree, when Bai Yuqi Lin died, after all, he was in the state of protection of the gods and beasts, not to mention that after soaking up the essence of the sun and the moon for so long, its basic energy was too great, and I absorbed it. After a while the ice crystals were full again. Even the attributes were too late to see, and quickly began to charge the poisonous spar, but the result was full instantly. Fortunately, I'm not the only spar. I have other summoned creatures. I quickly connected the energy channel to the queen worm on my forehead. I believe that her ability to absorb energy is much better than the spar.

It really did the same thing as I thought. The queen worm's absorptive capacity is obviously better than the spar. It is like a bottomless pit, and the excess energy swells into the energy vortex like a black hole in space. I can take advantage of this time. The throne checked the condition of the two spar.

Both ice crystals and poisonous crystals have evolved into magic stones, and they have also caused changes in the summoned creatures. The original summoning creature of the ice crystal is the frost star, and can only summon one. This time, after the evolution into the ice-based magic guide stone, the summoned creature became a fusion star, and the summoned number also increased to seven.

The shape of the fusion star is similar to that of the Frost Star, and it is a light cluster that seems to be constantly disintegrating outwards, except that the Frost Star is blue and white and the light is relatively strong, while the fusion star is earth gray and bright. not tall. but. Don't look at the appearance of the fusion star, it is actually much stronger than the frost star. Frost Star can only freeze the target, or provide me with frozen defense, basically does not have substantial attack power. Fusion Star is a thorough attack weapon. Its ability is to allow objects to enter a condensed state. That is, the fourth form of matter relative to solid, liquid, and gaseous substances. Regardless of the substance, as long as it enters the condensed state, its physical properties will change greatly, the most important feature is the volume collapse. For example, a one-cubic steel ingot, once it enters the condensed state, will immediately shrink into a piece that is less than one tenth of the original volume, and will break when touched. Fusion Star can put matter into a condensed state, and then cooperate with my attack, I believe that some things that could not be cut before can be easily solved.

After reading the ice crystals, I looked at the properties of poisonous crystals again. This thing evolved into a toxin-based magic guide, and the summoned creature became a creature called a magic fairy. I tried to summon a few magic fairies, and these little guys are still the same as the previous fairies. They are all cute little girls with a pair of beautiful butterfly wings behind them. I have to say that something is different, that is, the clothes and equipment have changed.

Fairy ground weapons are miniature bows and arrows, but they are mainly auxiliary creatures. The small arrows have little effect except for disruption. As for the costume of the goblin. It should be a beautiful dress that looks the same as usual children's clothes. However, the magic fairies evolved this time are very different in these two aspects. First the magic goblin is no longer a bow in his hand. It's a staff. This small staff is not as long as my palm, but considering the height of the magic fairy, it can already be regarded as a normal size magic wand (the magic wand refers to the kind of stick used by Harry Potter). However, it may be to match the general appearance of magic fairy children. These magic wands are all beautiful, and there is a chicken heart-shaped gem on the tip, which is like the magic wand that children hold and play at Christmas. In addition to weapons, the costumes of these magic fairies have also changed. Simple dresses turned into princess skirts, and the colors also became gorgeous. If it weren't for their wings, they might have been mistaken for little angels.

Although it seems that these little guys belong to the type of cute dead dead, but the reality is that they belong to the type that does not blink. The attributes of these little guys actually say that they are all advanced classes of toxin department mage-elemental mage.

Light Master Elemental Master may not be easy to understand, but it is actually very simple to say. Poison is actually the use of chemical reactions to make abnormal changes in the human body. When poison research is upgraded, it becomes chemistry research, so the advanced mages of the toxin department are actually chemists, but in the game they are called elemental mages, meaning mages who use the law of transformation between elements. In addition, the game is a magical world, not as simple as the chemistry in reality, so their actual ability is to transform the elemental composition of your body, and even rearrange the chemical molecular structure of a part of your body. This ability is scary, because they can turn your soft skin into hard diamonds and your hard bones into a pile of powder.

True red, they have been watching these evolutionary creatures by my side, and now they are all startled when they know the capabilities of magic fairies. Imagine, if you fight well with the enemy and suddenly your joints are fixed, what will happen? The main component of the human body is carbon and nitrogen. Carbon can be aggregated into diamonds or graphite by magic fairies alone. Hydrogen and oxygen can be combined into water, and nitrogen is directly released into the air. Once a person is attacked by them, the body will break down almost immediately. Of course, they are not invincible. Decomposition requires the energy and time of the Seal of the Throne. It is impossible for them to suddenly turn a gas into a battle. More cruel than normal attacks. That's why I say that these girls who look like little angels are actually little devil who kill and don't blink.

Come to gold coins and real red, they see these little guys are very cute, and want to hug, but then think about it or forget it. It's not fun to be affected by their mana.

"How are you feeling now?" Qinglong asked suddenly.

"OK," Yin Xue replied.

I also nodded: "The absorption can keep up."

"Ready, I want to speed up."

"Why? We have reached the limit of absorption." Yin Xue said nervously.

Qinglong's voice is beyond doubt. "Because I can't control it anymore. This energy polymer of your land is disturbing my time. Seal of the Seal of Throne, I can't control it anymore."

"How come so fast?"

"It's to blame that you didn't count on your body to be able to repair the peak time, if it weren't for me to help you. And Ziri helped you digest part of it, and now you have died and died. "

"But you're out of control right away, and we'll still die together by then."

Rose asked: "What if we go up to help you absorb?"

Yin Xue shook her head: "My transmission control can only be targeted at one person. If you come up together, I will not be able to control it."

I thought for a while and said, "That's all we can do, it's all up to us for luck!" Then I summoned all the summoned creatures, and then asked them to lean on one by one. The leading transmission is Ling. Although she is not the highest in the magic pet, she has loyalty and has the closest connection with me and the widest transmission channel. Using Ling as a relay station can transfer energy to other summoned creatures, so that I can transmit power to multiple magic pets at the same time. Absorb energy as quickly as possible.

After everyone formed the transmission network, the power on my side began to pass out quickly. Before, it was one by one, I don't think so much. Now transmitting power to all my summoned creatures at the same time, it's almost like pouring water into a black hole.

Qinglong saw that we were ready and did not wait any longer, and the energy channel suddenly increased. I could clearly feel a surge of power. Fortunately, I have a lot of summoned creatures. After the power is evenly distributed, I can barely keep up, but all the meridians on my body are punished like explosions.

The current system has cancelled the experience value display. Only a progress bar is left, and if the specific numerical value is still displayed, I can definitely see that value is turning rapidly at the speed of a horse race at this time. But even if I did n’t show it specifically, I knew that some of that energy was being converted into my experience, because the progress bar was becoming longer to the naked eye. Two minutes later I heard the upgrade prompt, and after more than a minute, I heard the prompt again, and the interval between the upgrade prompts became shorter and shorter. Qinglong obviously can't control those energies, I can feel that the energy in my body is out of control. However, I am not afraid.

The only consequence of the excess energy is the explosion. Although this blast force is great. But for the player, it is nothing more than hanging out once, dropping a level or two. As for here, I only worry about Bi Ling, Yin Xue and Qinglong. But with Qinglong's cultivation, the energy explosion hasn't hurt him. Bi Ling may get hurt, but it won't be too serious, not to mention Qinglong should protect him. As for Yin Xue, she is a master of energy, and it should be no problem to avoid energy explosion. Anyway, she only acts as a conduit now, I am the container, and the real explosion is also my explosion. At most, she was injured because of her standing near her. As for myself, this has been upgraded several levels in a row, even if the bombing and resurrection failed to lose two levels, it still makes money. So I hope it's best not to fry now, but it's okay if it's really fried.

Think about it or say to Rose: "In case of any precaution, leave this place first and stay away."

Qinglong reacted when he heard it. "Yes. Mother, you go first."

Bi Ling glanced at Qinglong, but maybe because it was a dangerous time, she didn't care about the title, she just said, "What should I do if I leave Yinxue?"

Qinglong hurriedly said: "You can leave me with more power to protect her! I will definitely protect you here, so I can't control it."

Bi Ling nodded for a moment, and then evacuated with Rose. After all, Yinxue was the chief of the Kirin tribe, and she was still worried about the tribe. By the way, she let Biling inform those who are Kirin as far as possible. Bi Ling also knew that there was not much time for the throne of the Seal of God, and no longer wasted, and she quickly notified the Qilin tribe to retreat. Rose nodded to me and took everyone to leave quickly. She is a very sane person, knowing that this time I am at most a problem of earning more and earning less. There is no danger, so I have not left a white loss level.

The unicorns are all beasts. Although the strength is high or low, they are not too bad. One runs faster than the other. It's all gone in a while. A big unicorn mountain, no unicorn in less than five minutes.

Qinglong bowed his head and said to us: "The state has been withdrawn, and there are only three of us left. Now you two listen well. Ziri is an adventurer (that is, a player) who has the ability to immortalize the soul, so he explodes. Most of it is the loss of some strength (actually the drop). Counting the power he absorbed today. He actually made it. "This guy was clear. "So, for a while, Patriarch Kirin should not think about the idea of ​​protecting Ziri Earth, just send extra power to him, and it is better to explode one than to die with two people. Besides, Patriarch Yinxue, once you explode, you are insane. Extinction, but Ziri can be resurrected, so it is not cost-effective to die together. "

Yinxue nodded: "I understand that I won't do stupid things." She said to me and said, "I'm really sorry for you and your friends, and I want you to help me die."

"Miss Yinxue said where the land is. Most of our members just lose a little strength and won't really die. Some people won't even lose their strength. They have two chances of resurrection twice a day, just once. It doesn't matter at all. "

Qinglong said: "After a while, it will explode. Patriarch Yinxue, you only have to pass all the power to Ziri, and then I will protect you with my own strength, so even if Ziri explodes, it will not hurt us. Both. "

"Understood." Yin Xue answered with gritted teeth, and she now began to feel that her body was almost overwhelmed.

"Be prepared then! I will try to stick to it. The two of you will absorb as much as possible, so that the loss will be smaller."

Qing Long said no more, and he didn't have much energy. We can only endure as much energy sprint as possible. However, watching his strength and level rise madly, is also full of joy. What we feel now is probably the so-called pain and happiness!

Qinglong's control force is getting weaker and weaker, the energy is already on the edge of out of control, the blue air around the air is flashing everywhere in the air, even the airflow becomes weird. . Qinglong finally couldn't help but said, "I can't control it, are you ready?"

"All right." I answered first.

"Okay." Yin Xue nodded.

"Then I count one, two, three, and when I count three, Yinxue you throw all your energy on Ziri. Then I will open my own protective enchantment to protect you. Then, let ’s start. Three is now. "

I saw a ball of white ground suddenly flying out of the sculpture in front, and the last little bit of that sculpture disappeared. After the light group entered the body of Silver Snow, it seemed that it was not affected at all, so it went straight through her body and entered my palm. As soon as Bai Guang was out of Yinxue, a barrier of scenery appeared between me and Yinxue, and bounced me directly. The energy entered my body in an instant, and then passed back. Although I wanted to intercept as much as possible, I couldn't control it. If I look at it from the perspective of a third party, I will definitely be able to show myself, and the summoned creatures linked to me will all become white light clusters, only a rough shape, specific things Can't see at all.

However, I cannot see the third party perspective after all. I only felt the heat in my hands, then the whole body, and then it turned black. When my eyes light up again, I am in a blue world. This is the waiting area, where game characters die will be sent here, but I rarely go here, after all, there are really few sacrifice times after entering the game.

In fact, now I can change the trumpet of Silvermoon to go online, but I don't know how long it takes for the energy to burst. Generally, a powerful explosion is not instantaneous, just like the atomic bomb. The physical destruction time after the explosion is five minutes. The ghost knew whether this energy explosion would leave high temperature or something in place. In case I blew up the trumpet as soon as I went online, it would be a loss. So it might as well wait a little longer.

It's useless to wait, just go offline to go to the event, but now Skt has already brought a group of members of the Zilong clan to the restaurant. These guys are all rice buckets. They just died in the game just now. They don't have a trumpet. They will be online at half past one and just come down to eat. After playing with them for a while, I ran back and went back online, and the picture immediately recovered.

"How long has the Seal of God been so long?" Rose had stood beside me.

Yinxue held my thanks. "Thank you very much, otherwise I will be less ferocious this time! And thanks to your large capacity, which delays the energy absorption time of the throne of the Seal of God, I will also absorb a lot of energy."

"Haha, petty, I'm not working for nothing. I get no less than you!"

In fact, I'm telling the truth. The only large size that was just used was Ziri, but the two can be upgraded together. At present, the silver trumpet has 898 levels, and the large size of Ziri has 999 levels, even if the level of death is deducted. As long as it is upgraded to one level, it is one thousand levels. This is still because of death. I should have been forcibly upgraded to a thousand levels by those energies, but I just hung back and fell back. But anyway, I soon hope to reach the 1,000 level. However, although the system has now clearly told everyone to open the upgrade system of more than a thousand levels, the problem is that the digital experience of the day is enough to make you unable to rise to a level in the first half of the year. Fortunately, this is not absolute. Players who understand "Zero" know that the first half of "Zero" is upgraded by experience, and after 800 levels, it is basically upgraded by special tasks. Of course, these tasks are often difficult to complete!

I looked at the current level, and I was still very happy. How to say it's almost level now. As for the attributes, we can't see them for now. The magic pet and the summoned creatures are all in the summoning cooldown, the seal of the throne, the time of the seal of the throne, and the short time of the seal of the throne, I am still a bare rod commander.

Looking around, I sighed, "It's a shame!"

You didn't understand what I meant at first, but after seeing what I saw, I understood. What I am talking about is a pity. This Kirin Mountain was pretty beautiful at first, but the explosion just burned all the plants near our location. Even the water in that lake was blown dry by the blast before. The pit is there.

Qinglong said indifferently: "What a pity? The mountain has not fallen down again. Those trees and grasses can be grown in a few years if they are replanted. If you are too slow, you can consider asking a master of the plant system to help I gave birth to it and it grew in a few hours. As for this lake, I can fill it up immediately. "

"That's what it is!" This is not the real world, and it is easy to destroy the reconstruction work.

Bi Ling suddenly said to Qinglong: "Before, there was no time for the Seal of the Seal of God to settle accounts with you. Now it is time for you to explain what happened before?"

"Explain? Explain what?" Qinglong still didn't respond a bit ~ ~ Of course it was explained ... Explained ... "Bi Ling's voice grew smaller and smaller, and finally she could hardly hear." Explain why you called me . "

"Oh, you don't say I've forgotten it, mother. We haven't met yet!" Qinglong said and was about to pounce again, kicked aside by Bi Ling. But this time it hasn't changed.

Qinglong seemed to be very happy when he was beaten, and said with a smile: "Don't you listen to Zi Ri before, did they tell us where we came from?"

Bi Ling gave a glance at Qinglong before she said, "Yes, I heard it, but what does it have to do with your title?"

Qinglong said earnestly: "This is very simple! We are from later generations, and you will leave some items in the later generations. I am the son of you and your father, but this is a secret, not many people know . "

I looked at Qinglong in surprise, and then looked at Bi Ling. Not to mention, these two guys really look like humans. "Well ... excuse me, Bi Ling, are you male or female?"

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