Starting from Zero

Vol 15 Chapter 2: Kill the Buddha!

I set my hands on the index: First, the demon now has members such as Dalun Hades; second, the demon has always hoped to obtain the status of heaven and earth; third, the demon is gathering troops; fourth, the demon cannot be united with you Combat. With these four, what do you think they are planning? "

Erlang Shen and the North Pole King looked at each other, and then asked, "So we ca n’t doze off in fighting Buddhism?"

"It ’s not that we have to decide whether to fight or not. Jade Emperor ca n’t justify it anyway. Besides, this time is indeed a golden opportunity, so we must fight, but we must pay attention to the protection of the rear, and we cannot do too much. Passive, at least a lot more reserve teams, and also to protect important places to avoid unnecessary losses. "

"Good, I will report to the Jade Emperor immediately." Polaris Jun took out a finger and folded a paper crane and threw it into the sky, and the paper crane immediately flew up and disappeared into the distant sky.

I watched the paper cranes fly away before I said to Erlangshen and Polaris: "I'm not looking for two people just for the sake of the demon."

"I know you're an unprofitable person. Let's go, what do you want us to help?"

I smiled at Erlang Shinto: "In fact, it is not a big deal, but I hope that after the battle begins, the two can command the heavenly soldiers to give us some benefits."


"It's human life." I said directly: "You also know that our adventurers are different from the way you cultivate, and the benefits of killing the enemy are very great for us. So I hope that the heavenly soldiers will seriously hurt the enemy in the battle. Just keep your breath and let my people come to an end. "Although the experience value of" Zero "is calculated as the percentage of effective damage, the reward for the last hit is also quite a lot, so the last one to destroy the enemy Locals can get a lot of experience points. But these are inexperienced places, so let them kill the enemy. It is better to leave the last shot to us.

Erlang Shen agreed after thinking about it for a while. It is not a big deal anyway, and he can still show me his favor. Why not do it?

After leaving Erlang Shen and Polaris Jundi, I left the cloud, and there was nothing wrong with me anyway. There is a mess in the Xiuyuan City below, and those Buddhist players are demolishing their houses and smashing things. According to their land The idea is that Xiuyuan City does not belong to them immediately, so if it can be moved or moved, it will be taken away or sold, and if it cannot be brought, it will be demolished or burned.It cannot be left to us anyway.

I flew to the top of Xiuyuan City and watched with interest the people in Buddhism who were selling hard labor. The corner of my mouth smiled proudly. Because my enclave was low, some people in Buddhism saw me. A player Pointing at me and shouting, "Huh! We won't leave things to you. It's useless to see you."

I spread my hands and smiled lightly. "You don't have to worry about me, you are free."

"Aren't you angry?" The people stopped in surprise with their strange expressions.

"Angry? Why should I be angry?"

"Aren't you angry when we hit you?"

I deliberately asked the question and asked them: "Anyway, the system will help me repair the land, and I have not lost, why should I be angry?"

"The system will fix it automatically?" A player yelled, "Don't be kidding. This system requires money for everything. How can it help you repair the city for free? You just want to stop us from smashing your land."

"Then you continue to be well, I don't care." In fact, I have already laughed in my heart. The "Zero" landlord system is a simplified version of the "Nüwa" landlord, and its functions are still very powerful. It's not that easy. For example, like the current way of deliberately destroying the ground lost in the agreement. Others have long thought about it. So the system also compensates for this situation. That is the transaction in the agreement. Items have a protection function within three hours after the transaction takes effect. Anything that is smashed to the ground will be automatically repaired. Of course. This repair is really not free. "Zero" is a financial bomb. How can there be a free lunch? The cost of this repair is really not me, but who smashes it. When the vandal account balance is insufficient, the system will automatically start random auctions of the equipment on his body. If it is sold out and you continue to smash, then start deducting your experience points And the ground is very powerful, you can go back to Xinshou Village if you can't smash a few things.

The following idiots obviously don't know that there is such a setting, and they don't seem to pay attention to their own accounts. After all, the funds in the game do not belong to the battle data, so if you do n’t check them specifically, they will not be displayed. But I think Someone should be wrong.

Sure enough, I didn't even laugh before I heard a scream of surprise coming from me. "Well? Where's my helmet?" A player who helped the Buddhist monk to find his helmet everywhere, apparently the account has dried up. The system is running out Sell ​​other equipment.

Someone cried out before the voice was over there. "Oh my God! Where is my sword ?! Where is my sword? That is the equipment of the Holy Spirit!"

In the city, the situation was disordered instantly, and people and things kept disappearing, and even some people started to lose the second item. Until then, those talents reacted and began to check the data. As a result, their own land money has become zero, and Some inconspicuous equipment has been lost a lot.

Looking at the people below in a mess, I ca n’t laugh in the sky. People like them who want to drill the system and in turn are pitted by the system are not one or two. I have seen many more. The guys below suddenly thought When I got up, I was still in the sky, and someone immediately pointed at me and asked, "Did you steal our equipment?"

"Haha! A bunch of fools. Look at your system information records!"

After listening to my words, those guys started to check the information record together, because that thing is mostly useless information, and 90% of the players are set to not display the status, so no one knows what happened. When they check the information, they immediately get angry. Yes, but the fire returns, but no one knows who to fire to. Smashing things is their own smart behavior, not that I let them smash. The system responder or the sub-forum and the system help can see it, and things There are warnings when you are born. If you turn off the information, you ca n’t blame it.

Although they are ignorant of themselves, human beings are always unreasonable, interests are the truth, and those that are not in my interest are irrational. Based on this view, the following guys have begun to blame me rightly. It simply means that I knew that there was such a rule early in the morning without telling them, and as a result they suffered heavy losses. As for their own unreasonable behavior, they were collectively and selectively forgotten.

I just scoffed at them with a slight smile, not angry, nor scolded at them. Since the last time I quarreled with the generals at the base, and announced that the dragon family has officially become a race, I feel that I am very thin about many things. It may be because the dragons are too intelligent and distantly physical. In my opinion, humans are already close to ants, so they will not care about them. Pastors in churches often say that God loves the world, those God probably thinks the same way as I do! However, our tolerance is limited to the general aspect, and I don't care about human life and death on the issue of interests. After all, we are no longer human.

The following people scolded themselves vigorously. I smiled and reminded: "The one-hour limit is coming soon. Forced transmission also costs money. Do you not want to lose one or two pieces of equipment?"

As soon as I spoke, the following people immediately calmed down, one by one scolded me while running outside the city, and they will be deducted again if they don't run. Many people have already started to lose their equipment, and they will definitely lose more money if they deduct the money. Equipped with multiple places.

After deliberately stimulating my city, the city was quickly removed, and I brought all my people into the city. The city's grounds and buildings were automatically repaired after we entered. But I didn't plan to occupy this place for a long time. City. The location of this repaired city is not significant for our guild, and the size and architectural style of the city are difficult for our international guild to accept. I plan to sell it to others after the battle is over. Ground guild, anyway, I don't want land.

We prepared the time for the Seal of the Throne of God overnight, and everyone was reluctant to assemble the troops, but due to the rush of the Seal of Time, it still felt a bit messy. Although I still want to wait for a while, when the troops are ready to fight again, but The fighting sentiment between the two sides has been unsteady. From time to time, there are small-scale conflicts between the personnel of the two sides, and they cannot suppress it!

Early in the morning. I was discussing specific battle arrangements with the eagle. Suddenly I heard a bell ringing from the mountain, accompanied by the misty Brahma. "Are they going to start?" The eagle looked at the mountain and asked me.

"Ghost knows." I looked at the heavenly soldier in the cloud. "We don't move without moving above, anyway, without the heavenly soldier to support us, it would be dead."

Eagle asked me with some worry: "What if this is a medium-sized large spell being prepared?"

"Then you can rest assured." Just pointed to the cloud. "Heaven has a spell shield. If it is an offensive spell, they will react faster than us."

"Okay. I'll let everyone hold back first."

"Slow." I was pulling and preparing to send the order to the eagle. "There is some movement on it. You first let everyone prepare, maybe it's time to fight. I'll go up and see the situation." After that, I flew up first.

Three Buddha statues flew out of the virtual space on the top of Wutai Mountain, and Erlang and Polaris also flew from the clouds on this side, and I quickly followed from below. They merged with them. The two sides were close to only ten meters away. The stop stopped. A Buddha on the opposite side made a puppet with one hand on his chest. "Dear heaven gods, what would it be like to lead my soldiers around the mountain without cause today?"

Erlang Shen smiled. "Wallace Buddhas don't tell us some scenes. We know the situation of your place, you also know what we do, and it's useless to be polite."

"Well ... I'm compassionate! I don't want you to wait for the immortal class, but you still can't kill people, pitiful and sorrowful!"

This guy from Wallace is very nice to say, in fact, he is scolding the heavenly gods to become immortals and can't forget the earth. When did they themselves forget it? No Buddhist show? The desire to raise the Buddha's gate is a kind in itself, and it can also be classified as the main cause of human beings.

After listening to the words of Wallace, the Polaris King said immediately: "Don't say that Wallace also said those useless land, things must not be good today. If you know how to advance and retreat, just surrender and save land We bother. "

I didn't expect Polaris Jun's attitude was so tough, I didn't really see it before. This old boy has a pretty temper.

Another Buddha beside Wallace said very angry: "Although my Buddha is compassionate, it is not bullying. Lead the soldiers to retreat, otherwise don't blame me for protecting the Buddha.

Gan Tuo? Are these two the kind of ground fighting Buddhas? I couldn't help looking at these two guys carefully. The inspection results did not see any difference between them and other Buddhas. These Buddhas' clothing is almost the same style, even if there is no difference, I ca n’t see it anyway. Come out. In addition, these guys also have a unified line, which is the kind of baggy line. As for their facial features, there are no extra features except for a relatively round face.

"What's wrong with Yan Tuo?" Erlang Shen proudly said, "I'm not as kind as your Buddha's door all day and evening. We are just as powerful as the Buddha. Your Yan Tuo is only good at fighting Buddha. Our 800,000 heavenly soldiers also It's not looking good. "

There was nothing to talk about on both sides, and the tone was one after the other. This hopeless conversation soon entered into an irreconcilable state. The lead Warraff took the lead and did not want Erlang Shen to be prepared and immediately hit him. Get up. Polaris and I watched the Erlang gods get started and said nothing more. I threw a flashlight and went out. Then I rushed to one of the Yantuo.

The thing I threw out was turned around a few times, and then suddenly went up with a sharp whistle, and then blasted a huge image of a thorny rose in a high-altitude blast. This thing is the blasting expert Crystal Chocolate The place where it was developed is said to be something she made after watching an old movie called Shanghai Beach, anyway, this thing is very convenient to call it brother.

The signal blew loudly. There was a shouting and killing sound immediately below. The heaven soldiers also followed. The pace was well matched.

Brothers don't need to worry, I just want to focus on dealing with this Tudor in front of me. People are only dedicated to fighting the Buddha. It is still the kind of combat power that is very terrible. I am not an opponent by hard output alone, but I have no intention to He fights.

"Little dragon girl, cloth array." One night, the throne of the Seal of God was cooler than the magic pet. Now I'm level 999, and I'm full of strength. It's only two thousand levels if Yantuo is fierce. There is heaven to give the land special skills and medicine against Buddhism, and this gap is not insurmountable.

When in Japan, he and Tianzhao did not know how many times they have done it. Our magic pets are already familiar with such people who bully people and land less, and they do n’t have to worry about cooperation. When the little dragon girl leaves Fenglong space, she splits her head and covers her face. Di Zhao threw a bunch of spells according to that Tudor, followed by a golden light array.This thing was modified by the skill that was brought back from heaven.It is said that it specifically restrained Buddhist mana.

Suddenly a golden light ball lit up around that Tuo. The dragon girl's spells were blocked, but in the end, the magic array hit the protective cover, but it seemed as if the cold water had been squeezed into the oil, and two bangs were heard. Things exploded together.

The little dragon girl said happily: "The thing that heaven gave to the ground really was the magical land of the Buddha. I didn't expect the effect to be so good."

The Yantuo did not expect that his invincible defense status was easily destroyed and quickly pulled back. But he suddenly felt the danger behind him, and suddenly looked back at a large group of flames and rushed forward. Scared, he hurried down to the next Fortunately, Long Yan rubbed his head and flew over, but a flame below accurately covered the Yantuo. A fireman flew out of the flame soon, but his clothes had been burned After wearing several places, his face was blackened.

Dragon Dilongyan and Eastern Land flames have different types of fire spells, so there is no special restraint for Buddha and Xianmen people, and it will not be completely invalid.At least this Yantuo was obviously burned.

"Despicable, there are so many ...!" He tried to scold me, but was wrapped in another flame before he finished speaking, forcing him to stop and focus on the defense.

Everett chased Tutu with a scorching heat wave and slashed it. Although the Tudor's flame resistance was not bad, it couldn't stand continuous high-temperature burning! Everett's combat effectiveness is actually not high, but the actual combat effect of his land is better than many of my magic pets. This is all because of the geothermal collection caused by his high temperature. Imagine if you let your body be scattered with a whole body. Thousands of degrees high temperature kindergarten children fight, do you think you have a hope of victory? This is the case with Everett. His ground fighting is actually very ordinary. But his temperature is too high, and no one dares to stay beside him for a long time, so many tricks are not used, and many masters are forced to wave. It's the same now. This Tudor is the same, chasing the ground and flying around by Everett, there is no way to approach it.

"That's all right." Amenis suddenly made her appearance in the air, then let go of her body, and the occultation behind her land was Ling Ling and Xiao Chun, standing side by side. At this moment, the spell of their two places was just completed.

After chasing the ground, Eifrit suddenly disappeared in place, one black and white two light **** separated from Ling and Xiaochun's staff, first gathered together, and then turned into a black and white light ball, spinning high. Rushing towards Yantuo.

Suddenly, a golden light shield appeared again around that Tuotu, and then began to make a defensive posture. He was fighting fiercely with Warren Raffles and shouted: "Don't pick up. "Live." After saying this, Wallace made a big cut with the sharp-edged and two-edged sword of Erlang because of distraction.

I was about to pick up the land. Although I heard the reminder, it was too late to flash. The light ball hit the golden mask, and then penetrated like a layer of thin paper, and hit the land directly. Palm. A bright line appeared between heaven and earth, and then a dazzling light ball shone at the middle point of the bright line. At that moment, the surrounding area became white, and even the sun was compared. The sound of the explosion exploded after the light passed. The shock wave arrived, and all the people were blown away by the shock wave at the venue, but Erlang and Polaris are both masters. It is not easy to leave the two Buddhas on the opposite side. After all, we have to put things on the ground ourselves, and we have prepared in advance. Hurt yourself.

The explosion in the sky quickly spread, and a light blue ground mask rippling from the explosion circle. It first hit the ground on the ground, and then it was like a mountain pressing down. When the mask touched the ground, the big tree They all fell to the ground as if they were squashed, and even Xiyuan City, which was far away, was beaten down, and several houses were down. Fortunately, it was a long distance, and the entire city was not flattened, otherwise it would be sold without land. .

The power of the explosion was slightly unexpected. Ling and Xiaochun themselves were scared. This black and white mixed technique was used only three times before, and almost every time they killed the boss of the master level, but we ignored an issue. We used to use this trick before our level was not high. But now it is different. Our level has risen, and the magic power has also come up. Moreover, the power of Ling and Xiaochun is not the sum of the two powers, but the relative power. Multiplying, so each time the two people increase their power, the total power of the ground will double in the end. This can be calculated in proportion. Now the power of the ground explosion is at least several hundred times the previous one. No wonder it will be so scary.

The Fenglong space has been opened, and Amenis flew in with Ling and Xiaochun on one side. The power was just great enough, but the shortcomings are also obvious. The enemy does not die is you. This trick will take them both. This land's mana was drained, and now it can't even sustain the flight.

The people in the sky were stunned, and it took nearly ten seconds for the Erlang **** to respond. "Zi Ri is a good place. I did not expect that today's first glory will actually get you."

Just now that the battlefield Yan Tuo who was fighting with us has been bombarded with no residue, this time I and the Buddhist monk can be regarded as completely invincible! But I'm not afraid, anyway, leaning against a big tree to enjoy the cold, I have a heavenly covering, afraid of him having a ball.

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