Starting from Zero

Vol 15 Chapter 13: Greedy money also has to use your mind

"Jade Emperor." I said very earnestly: "This task I think the Bank will still play a great role, so we are a cooperative relationship, how can we be embarrassed to collect labor costs?"

Jade Emperor is black and I am not white. I directly point out our cooperation relationship like this. If he talks with us about labor costs again, it is equivalent to paying labor costs on the premise of acknowledging the cooperation relationship. Even if we collect labor costs, it is too Nothing to say.

The Jade Emperor clearly understood what I meant, and immediately stopped talking about labor costs. "That being the case, I can't help it. Let's discuss the issue of prisoners of war and the wounded now?"

I nodded. "This is good."

The Jade Emperor asked, "What do you think should be done with prisoners of war and wounded?"

Rose said on my behalf: "I think the prisoner of war and the wounded should be distinguished first. After all, whether the wounded can be cured is still two different things. Besides, the investment in the treatment process is not small, not that it can be calculated."

"This is a certain road. What do you think should be handled specifically?"

Jade Emperor seems to have decided to listen to our tone first! Rose said very cleverly: "Let our guild pick out what we can handle first, and then hand over those that we don't have the ability to deal with. As for how Heaven likes to deal with it, it depends on the interest of Jade Emperor. You can train yourself. "

Jade Emperor smiled and said to me: "You really have a great wife!" Rose and I have a ring of love, so we can all know that we are married, and Jade Emperor is no exception.

I smiled and said, "Xie Yudi compliments, then as a gift of yours. Is it acceptable to accept my wife's suggestion?" This is called a snake hitting the ball, anyway, it is Jade Emperor who first said it out, and then he would go back to the original point and start again. discuss.

After all, the Jade Emperor is a leader of great powers, and this kind of grace still exists. Besides, we still have many opportunities for cooperation in the future. The Jade Emperor originally meant to win over our land, so he didn't entangle with us at all and just nodded.

On the face of it, we have just been given a right of choice. In fact, this benefit is very great. Strictly speaking, the wounded among the captives are the true fighting power of the Buddhist monks. Most of those who are not injured are non-combatants. Such people are useless to go back. The right of preference allows us to easily select those who are powerful. Find out first, this is very important to enhance the strength of the army.

After the wounded were dealt with, the wounded were partially captured. I said to the Jade Emperor: "As for the remaining captured prisoners, we think it ’s enough to distribute the contributions of everyone. Our guild will get about 10% of them. The remaining nine Chengdu is all heaven. "

The Jade Emperor nodded: "I have no problem with this, just do what you say."

I smiled and said, "Then the captive part is over, and the rest is the supplies. According to the general understanding. The distribution of supplies is based on the contribution of the battle, but we will have other ideas."

"Speak to hear." Jade Emperor does not seem to care too much about this.

Rose said according to our prior consultations: "An item has different values ​​in the hands of different people. For example, the emperor's jade seal, in the hands of the prince who is fighting for power, it represents a country, but in the hands of a farmer It's just a very valuable piece of jade. This jade emperor should be able to understand? "

The Jade Emperor nodded: "I can understand this, just like the monster Lidan. For the monster, it means hard work. But to our gods, it's almost like poison."

Rose said: "Since the Jade Emperor can understand, it is easy to handle. Our opinion is divided according to the role that various items can play in the hands of the two sides. We analyze each item's value in the hands of both parties and whose Give it to anyone who has a large value in the hand, and if it is the same, divide it as an item for counterweight first, and wait for the difference in height to be completed, and then fill in the missing items with these items without price difference. .If this kind of item is not enough, I recommend that the extra party exchange it with other items or something. In short, let these items maximize their value. "

"Good. This method is good." Jade Emperor apparently did not expect such a distribution method before, so it really made Jade Emperor's eyes bright.

After the general direction is set, the Jade Emperor and we will have nothing to talk about. Of course, the specific assignment of each item will not ask the Jade Emperor himself. He just walks the scene. We opened the door and invited the three guardian beasts in, and started to study the status assignment of everyone afterwards.

In fact, this aspect is also relatively easy to handle. The guardian beasts were originally scattered creatures, and they had no status concept, so they did not care about their status. The attitude of the court of heaven is also relatively lenient, giving the three major protector beasts the true protector beast title and setting their status on the water blue slightly higher than the four holy beasts. According to this title, their status is basically within the scope of China. It is already possible to go sideways, and coupled with their own strength, there should be no one with a bad brain to play with them.

On the premise that both sides are not too nervous about this identity, this matter has simply passed, and then we returned to the celebration site and started to participate in the celebration as if nothing had happened. After everyone was busy, I quickly led someone to surround Tai Pingxing. I didn't want to rob, but to end him. Jade Emperor has clearly instructed that all the distribution of the seized materials and personnel will be given to Taibai Venus, which means that Taibai Venus now holds a lot of rights. Under the premise of not violating the Jade Emperor's policy, Taibai Venus has a fairly high degree of control. If we want to get more things, we must tie Taibai Venus.

Regarding what Taibai Venus likes, I already knew very clearly from Erlang Shen, and the rest of the work was nothing more than what he wanted. According to the information provided by Erlangshen, we were both flattering and gift-giving, and soon we were too dizzy for the platinum star. With a sigh of relief on our side, our distribution is much easier.

After we got Taibai Venus, we started to distribute various materials and personnel overnight. Under the arrangement of the heaven court officials, we first arrived at the place where the captives were placed. The injured captives were parked separately according to their physical condition, and the least injured people were locked up with all those who were not injured.

"This is where the prisoners are kept?" Su-mei asked us, holding her nose. "How can it be so bad in just two days?"

I explained: "This was originally the cell of the Buddha's gate, but now it's for the people who are holding them."

"No wonder!" Su-mei turned to Hawk and Hongyue and said, "Are the target types confirmed?"

"Of course." Hongyue nodded. "I've seen it several times."

"That's good." Su Mei continued: "Fastly find the people who need them, whether they are willing to join, anyway, we have a way to make them their own."

After Sumei finished speaking, we went into the jail together, and then acted separately and checked each cell. As long as it was a symbol, all the people we needed were pulled out. Finally, we gathered them outside the prison and compared them comprehensively. Send it back, leaving only the approved number, and then go to Tai Pingxing to apply for the removal of these people.

Too white Venus was beaten by us without knowing the southeast and northwest, and nodded without seeing it. We did n’t know his nod, and the most fierce master in jail almost brought us up. Why is it almost? Because we do not dare to take away the famous masters like the Golden-winged Dapeng Eagle. After all, there are few fools in the heavens. It does n’t matter if there are few unknown masters. If these people in the top row disappear, the emperor Don't bother us if you bother!

After the wounded captives were taken away, it was the turn of the unharmed captives. In this part, we also have detailed screening rules. According to this rule, we will quickly select the required personnel.

After all the captives arrived, we didn't take them away immediately, but we seized them. Among them, auxiliary and combat professionals are all handled separately. All the combat professionals were escorted to Isinger by the people we invited to the court, and the auxiliary professionals were escorted to our new 6 floating islands by our own people. These people have different uses, but the specific operation Very troublesome. We have to wait until we have time to go back to deal with these people. For the time being, we can only raise food waste!

It is time for personnel to solve the problem of supplies. Too platinum star originally thought that we would quarrel with him one by one for more than ten days to distribute everything, but we did not expect that we would throw a list directly to him.

The things we want are bulky, but the number is not large. One of the most outrageous is this Ziyun Mountain. For Tianting, there is nothing unusual about a floating island. Tianting still has hundreds of uninhabited floating mountains. Even if the size of Ziyun Mountain is reasonable, it is just a slightly better floating mountain. What a rarity.

Intelligence is very important in business activities. Our bank will have two spies, Erlangshen and Polaris Jun. We have already investigated what is needed in the heavenly courts, so we need to know what is valuable. People in heaven do not care, they think we are good at talking!

This Ziyun Mountain is pointed up and down and thick in the middle. Basically olive-shaped. Starting from the thickest circle in the middle, the whole mountain was excavated into layers of birthday cake, layer by layer, for a total of eighty-one layers. It is said that the number of layers is the Buddhist allusions corresponding to the one-to-nine reunification of the Buddha's gate, so only eighty-one layers have been created. According to our land measurement, the usable area of ​​the eighty-first floor is approximately equal to more than three times the total area of ​​the Twin Cities in Isinger, and this is still the external area. If we emptied the entire interior of the mountain, the area of ​​the largest floor alone would probably have more than three times that of Essinger, plus the eighty floors above. Just imagine how big it is. Of course, it is not so easy to completely hollow out such a large mountain. Fortunately, the bank has a good industrial foundation, which is nothing more than spending more money.

In fact, we want Ziyun Mountain for other purposes, mainly because there are large fruit forests on the mountain. Buddhas don't plant apples. They are all **** fruit. They are the kind of fruit that I often go to heaven to grab. Although the area of ​​this fruit forest is not large, it is good that it has seeds, as long as it is cultivated by our science. I believe it will soon be available in large quantities.

In addition to this Ziyun Mountain, we also need some lower-level equipment. Of course, this is relative to the equipment of the heaven. Even if these equipment are not top-notch among players, they are at least excellent. Besides, we still have enough weapons to arm the entire guild. We are very satisfied with this choice, and even the Venus is very satisfied. Why is Saturn too satisfied? Because the things we took belonged to the standard equipment in the library of Buddha's equipment, it can basically be regarded as the worst type of equipment in the equipment library. The heavens basically took these things as broken and gave them nothing to give away.

The third column on the list requires all the Buddhist materials of the Buddhist monk. Of course, we are referring to those things that can be cultivated. We are not interested in those confusing the scriptures of ordinary people. The requirements in this respect are too white and Venus has begun to show a little embarrassment. After all, there are a lot of things in Buddhism that are very powerful, and this heaven wants, but he was quickly convinced because the classics can be copied. Anyway, we don't have to keep the original, just copy a copy and pk. Too Platinum Venus heard that we were only going to make a copy, and we didn't count this into the request directly, so that we could get something else. It seems that the previous up-front investment was not wasted. Too platinum, anyway, knows that it will give us some benefits in return.

The latter hydrogen bomb content is relatively more complicated. The above mentioned are all special items that are specific to the piece, of course, these things have also been selected long ago. In fact, our people have been cleaning up supplies after the battle. At that time, we have marked the things we need, so we can get the list out in the throne of God Seal in such a short time. The Venus is not sure what these things are, so there is no way to make a decision immediately, so he has to show them one by one, and only he nodded to take them away. Fortunately, most of these items are things that are not needed by Heaven and are very useful to us, but there are also some items that we urgently need and want from Heaven. At this time, we need to use our gagging technology.

The Bank ’s think tank and diplomatic corps have adopted a disruptive tactic for Taibai Venus. Everything that is needed in heaven is avoided as much as possible. It shows the importance of such things to us, and at the same time expresses that the needs of heaven can be replaced by other items. Of course, it's best to engage in too much platinum, and I feel sorry for them than give us all sorry for their saliva.

Busy until the next morning, too white Venus finally confirmed everything, this old fairy came to me and wiped with sweat: "Xianxian always thought he was the most able to say in the heavenly court. Today I know that there is a heaven outside These guilds are even more powerful than the sparrows. Noisy, I have eyes full of Venus. Now I am not too white, but too many Venus, eyes are full of stars! "

"Ha ha ha ha! It's too white to tell a joke, how can they be so powerful?"

"Also said no!" Too Venus secretly gave me a shot. "Don't think that I don't know, that gourd mixed Yuan Jindan is also the number one treasure in the heavenly court. He is an optional thing that you say can be replaced with other elixir. The truth tells you what I am It ’s all clear, just pretending. Who asks me to eat people short and eat the softest! "

"You're welcome, you're welcome." I looked around and no one hastily stuffed a space ring in the past. As for the contents, no one could guess. In fact, there are a whole thousand dishes in the ring. That's right, Cui cuisine. The Venus is too delicious. Although his fairy art can already break the valley, people do not necessarily eat to fill their stomachs, otherwise there will be no such thing as mouthfuls. Venus is too greedy, but heaven is better than earth, except that there is no kitchen. The gods do n’t eat anything, except for the occasional celebration party to eat some fruit. Taibai Venus is also a close friend of the Jade Emperor. There is no chance to steal food from the lower world. That's awkward. The gift I gave is everywhere in the world, but most players do n’t know too much platinum, and even if they know it, no one dares to give such a high-level dish and such an ordinary gift, so only my information network is spread across the Three Realms. Only the lucky ones have the opportunity to knot the platinum star.

The ring dishes that are given to Taibaijinxing are made by the professional chefs of the guild. The materials were brought back by the players who went out to level up, the cost was almost zero, and the benefits of too platinum star feedback were absolutely incalculable. This transaction was really worth it.

I understand now, "Zero is not a fighting game, it is actually a real world. Although the gods have a strong fighting force, they are actually flesh and blood. They all have their own preferences. Just find the right path. Any **** can play. I want to walk by force in the game. That's not to think at all. Although the game system is open for the upgrade mode after a thousand levels, that experience value, even if you play for a hundred years, you will not rise to more than 1,500 levels. The basic level of the immortal is one thousand, most of which are above one thousand five hundred, and the system has no intention to let players defeat them directly. As for the **** of the earth like Mother Earth, don't even think about it, you will not even have a look in your eyes.

Although everything has been settled with Venus. However, the specific handover took a lot of time. The heavenly soldiers and the things they wanted to take away were too many, and it took a whole day to complete them. When they are all gone, it will be our time for the Seal of Throne.

I first invited the four sacred beasts through the relationship between the three great beasts, and then I asked them for two things. The first thing was to help me move the entire Ziyun Mountain over Steel City. We need to fully upgrade this floating island, and we can save a lot of things if Fushan is close to the factory. The second thing is that we asked the four holy beasts and the three big protector beasts to help us make a permanent outer layer reinforcement for the entire Ziyun Mountain, so that we won't break the floating island when we make holes in the mountain , And the defense power of the floating island will be greatly improved in the future.

After the four sacred beasts left, Bi Ling and Azure also left together. The young couple are getting more and more slimy! Silver Snow is now the guardian of our guild, so she still stays to help. The system limits her fighting conditions. In many cases, she cannot participate in the battle, but there is no stipulation that she cannot do other things, such as helping us to build a new mobile fortress.

The surface of Ziyun Mountain has too many Buddhist gate buildings and ritual formations. Most of them can no longer be used. The magic circle is like a door lock of your own house, and the existing magic circle is left by the Buddhist gate, although the Buddhist gate is almost finished now, but Rulai and the lead are not found, who knows when they will Come out? It's hard to worry about giving the keys of your home to others, not to mention the ones holding your keys?

The work I arranged for Yinxue was to remove all the Buddha's sculptures and buildings without harming the mountain itself, and also to destroy all the magic arrays so that we could reinstall the new defense magic array. Even if the new law formation is much lower than the original one, at least the enemy does not have my house key, so there is some guarantee of security.

The destruction is always faster than the construction ~ ~ It only took one day for Yinxue to make the building and the Buddha statue into powder, and the defense magic circle was also cleaned up. Su Mei's design drawings have also been completed. In addition, our guild's construction team has advanced equipment and manpower. As long as the materials keep up, it can be completed in a week. As for Yinxue, of course she couldn't sit idle. Because of her energy consciousness, I arranged her to work with our guild researchers to design a defensive magic array. I believe that the magic array completed by the white jade unicorn, which is the best at using energy among the three beasts of the gods, will be better than the original method of Buddha The array is better.

However, our birthday did not last long. On the day of the Ziyun Mountain project, Taibaijinxing rushed to Isinger to find me. After learning that we were here, he rushed to this side again. .

"It turned out to be too white!" I started saying hello all the way. "How come I'm here today? Isn't it the last thing I've eaten?"

"Even if I finish eating, I dare not leave Tianting without permission!" Tai Pingxing said anxiously: "Hurry up and go to Heaven, Jade Emperor urgently calls."

"What happened again? Is Ruga back?"

"If you don't come back, but the demon has started."

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