Starting from Zero

Vol 16 Chapter 21: Big change

Since it's so important, it's a fight. "Yueyue suddenly took the amount of protection and quickly flashed back. Yeyue said with a smile:" What are you afraid of? " I didn't open my eyes. "

"Huh. Don't you make such dangerous moves scary?"

"Since I'm desperate, I don't need these restraints. Today, let the master see the true power of the son-in-law's descendants." Ye Yue said that the figure had disappeared in front of us. He ran into Yeyue head-on, but Yeyue passed through them without any pause, and those people put their offensive posture in place.

The king and I followed quickly, and looked at the fixed human figures by the way as they passed by. You never know the full extent of things until you see them. Yeyue's petrochemical skills require energy, which means that it cannot be infinitely petrified, but just now these people have not been petrified, or not all petrified. They are petrified only in a small area of ​​the brain, that is, their brain Was petrified. This kind of local petrification obviously saves magic and energy than the whole petrochemical, but it requires a high degree of concentration, which is quite a brain-intensive thing.

We chased Yeyue forward all the way, almost all of us met this kind of fossilized fossil, and we finally caught up with Yeyue until we reached a stone gate. I didn't expect that there was a stone statue guard in this ghost place, and what surprised us was that the hidden places on the two guards were actually labeled with our guild, which was obviously a normal version of the Golem sold by our guild.

The bank will master such high technology of making dolls and statues. It is actually a wasteful practice to use it alone. Therefore, we have made some simplified versions for sale, which is also a good income. I just didn't expect that one day I had to deal with the golem created by my guild. Although this is a simplified version, in fact its combat effectiveness is not too low, otherwise it will not slow down Yeyue.

"Flick me away." The king yelled and rushed forward, Yeyue twisted flexibly to the side of the passage. The king jumped straight up and kicked his legs forward on the shoulders of the golems in the first row. He knocked the golems to the ground with an impact, then raised his hand and sword one inch below the golem's chest. In the left position, just listening to the boom, the golem bounced. Followed straight down again and never moved.

The golem behind wanted to rush forward, Ye Yue suddenly tangled up from behind, tied the golem with his body, and then crossed the golem's shoulder from the back to the same position with a sword in front. This demon The image followed and crashed to the ground.

Some of the pros and cons of the Bank's own production are naturally clear. This type of model sold to the outside world is a thing that has a back door in advance. As long as the bank is a player and has certain strength, it is relatively simple to kill them. It ’s just that a golem is still a golem after all. The hardness is naturally higher than the player ’s armor, even if you know the weakness. If the sword is not sharp enough, there is still no way to take it.

"That's it, the goal is behind the door. Boss, what you said, the rest is left to you." Xin Yin said as he took out a cloth and started to blindfold himself.

"what are you doing?"

Xin Yin had no intention of stopping the action on her hands, and she was still tied with a blindfold there. "I may not be able to do this when I see the situation inside. So it is better to cover your eyes first. What can I do to trouble you as a boss?"

"Fuck, don't you have to blindfold it so early?"

"I'll feel guilty if I look at it more." The heart was blinded, and he fumbled to my back. "Okay, open the door."

"Really, there are so many things to kill a person." The king complained and went up and kicked the stone gate out of a large hole. This guy has been fighting for so long, the attack power has risen higher than mine, even the thickness of the stone gate has not blocked his attack.

After breaking the stone gate three or two times, we entered the interior together. This is an ordinary room. A little girl who was only six or seven years old was sitting at the carved princess bed opposite the gate. A white princess dress with that lovely face. It really makes people want to go and kiss. Of course, this is my love for cute children. No (want to go to the corner to draw a circle).

There was still a person standing in front of the little girl's bed, the night that came in before. I'm wondering why I haven't seen him since I came in! I was waiting here. I looked around, except for the two of us in the room, and there were no target characters.

"Hidden heart, what about the goal?"

"Boss, that's it." Yeyue, who put on his goggles again, pointed at the little girl.

"Ah? Isn't the target person a middle-aged person? Why is it so small? It's even changed in gender! Is it camouflage?" I knocked on my ring. "Strange, hasn't my anti-illusion ability lapsed?"

"Your anti-illusion ability has not expired," said Ye Ye. "Because this is a little girl."

I turned my head to look at Yeyue in doubt, Yeyue reminded me very simply: "High-order deformation."

I nodded clearly. "You are so talented! Some people even know how to transform, and they can practice such a partial spell to such a high level."

Metamorphosis is actually not too difficult to see in "Zero". Most mages will, especially female mages. The reason is not how useful this spell is, but it is particularly fun. However, meeting and fine is not a concept. Basically, the metamorphosis learned by players is the first-level metamorphosis, which can only be applied to dead objects and ornamental animals. The level of failure rate is surprisingly high, except that it is not very useful. Although the top-level metamorphosis also belongs to the anti-level spell, few people have the energy and time. .

However, although the metamorphosis is difficult to practice, once you have trained it to the top, the combat effectiveness is undoubted. what? Don't you know what's so great about transfiguration? If you think about it, you will understand. There are actually three main uses for Metamorphosis. The first and most common use is for ally enhancement. Crowd

, "Zero" not only has the limit of carrying capacity, but even if there is bound to be full. But one thing that can be carried indefinitely is ornamental animals. Imagine that you go to raise a large group of puppies first. What about transforming them all into dragons with deformation? Although a dog-to-ground dragon is not as powerful as a normal dragon, it can't hold up more dogs! It's amazing that most players have a dragon, but you can carry it infinitely. As long as there are more than a hundred dragons, sweeping away a small city is a matter of flick. In addition to strengthening small creatures to fight for themselves, you can also strengthen teammates, such as turning a low-level warrior player into a Titan giant. Even if he doesn't have a skill, he can still die by taking his foot. Or you can consider turning the mage player into a big demon, which not only enhances mobility and resistance to attack, but also boosts output.

In addition to strengthening the ally, the second function of Metamorphosis is to weaken the enemy. Is it amazing to see your enemy carrying a dragon? Never mind, turn it into a gecko! Are you bullish on the enemy's class division? It doesn't matter, it's ok to turn him into an elemental creature of the opposite system. If he is a fire mage, you can turn him into a water element man, and ensure that he can't throw a magic. If the enemy is an archer, you turn him into a snake. There is no hand to see how he shoots arrows. In addition, it is said that deformation can be learned to a trick called the ultimate reduction spell, the effect seems to be able to reduce any creature to a single-celled creature. Absolutely anti-sky spell.

Of course, in addition to the above two main uses, the third use of deformation can not be ignored. The third trick: variants. Are archers worried about not enough arrows? It doesn't matter, we will change. Picking up a stone and pinching the mud can shoot, anyway, what is it? Just change into a feather arrow and shoot. And in melee, you can wear a cloth robe to fight. Without load, your attributes will be fully displayed, and the sensitivity will be greatly improved. what? You said that the robes were not defensive? That's not easy. Just turn the cloth into steel before the enemy attacks. Or simply turn the enemy's sword into a cork strip. It's better than changing yourself.

All three anti-sky abilities are the final form of the metamorphosis. Although the effect is exaggerated, but only if you can practice it. Unfortunately, no one seems to have reached that level yet. Otherwise, my first combat force will definitely let him squeeze.

"I didn't expect to meet a master of metamorphosis here, are you?" I asked looking at the night.

"It's me." Another little girl who was exactly the same as the disguised little **** the bed stepped out, just to see if she looked like she had used transfiguration, because I don't believe a child under eight years old can have Such sharp eyes.

"So what were you originally? Scary female ogre?"


"Otherwise, what do you do with transfiguration?"

"I ...!" The other side was annoyed by me, but she soon remembered that it was not a time to argue. "Let's discuss it. You will give up this task. We will repay you after the guild."

I shook my head. "Do you know what task I took this time?" I continued after seeing her shaking her head: "Thousand-level mission, do you think I will give up?"

She lowered her head for a moment, then slumped the staff. "Although your mission is important to you, this mission is equally important to us, so we will not give up. To kill him, you must defeat me first."

"Ha ha ha ha! This is the funniest joke I've heard recently. Is it too much for the two of you to stop me?"

"It should be you overestimating yourself." The little girl-like girl suddenly winked at the night. Fortunately, I also saw this wink and immediately put on alert. It's just a pity that I really underestimated the strength of the other party. But this can't blame me, after all, I have never met a player who specializes in metamorphosis before, and has almost no knowledge of the magic of this level of partial door.

After I put on a defensive posture, the little girl suddenly pointed at me with the little wand like a pointer. "Lamb metamorphosis."

When I saw her movements, I wanted to defend, but she didn't hit anything. I didn't see any energy or anything flying towards me, but suddenly I had a problem with my sight. The picture in my eyes suddenly split into two, and what the two eyes saw was completely different. Although it was the scenery in the room, the content was incoherent, as if one eye was looking to the left and the other Looking to the right.

"Be careful." I only heard the cry of II, and then I saw that he jumped to the right from the sight of my left eye, but he did not enter the sight of my right eye, and II saw from the left eye. The edge broke out. I haven't figured out why I have visual blind spots. I saw Yeyue suddenly appeared beside me.

Suddenly, the moon has grown a lot, and it looks like a giant. It is really tall. However, I clearly know that Yeyue will not suddenly become larger, so the other way around, the correct answer is that I have become smaller.

"Master? What's wrong with you? Is this you?"

"Well ..." I just wanted to open my mouth to speak, but it turned out to be this kind of sound that shouldn't appear. Instantly I understood everything. Fuck, I've been turned into a lamb! I saw the incoherent picture just now because the sheep's eyes couldn't see what was right in front of me. Now I can see through the left eye that II was fighting against the night. Just now the night must be when I became a sheep and had no ability to fight back. The sudden attack killed me, but I did not expect that the level of the magic pet I brought was too high, and his degree could not have the raid effect at all, and was stopped halfway. I quickly switched to psychic contact mode. This thing does not rely on the vocal cords, so even if it becomes a sheep, I can still correctly convey my will to any of my calling creatures. "Of course it's me!"

"Ah! It's you!" Ye Yue reached out and hugged me after receiving a reply. "Oh. You look so cute."

"Let me down quickly, a few of you will hurry up, and I should be able to change back to kill the woman ...!" I whispered before I finished speaking. I suddenly returned to my original shape. "Well? Why?

came back? "

Yeyuedao: "When it may be used against the enemy, the effect time will be shortened according to the strength difference between the two sides. Otherwise, isn't the transfiguration invincible?"

"This is already a pervert! If it weren't for my magic pets, it would become a lamb skewer!" I jumped out of Yeyue's arms, and turned to look at the little girl with interest. "Are your skills pretty good!"

"What do you want to do?" The little girl suddenly realized that she had no guarantee at all after the night was entangled.

"Nothing, I just want you to see what is the true metamorphosis. Beastization." My body suddenly began to grow taller. The limbs also became thicker. The armor of the dragon followed my changes and changed its shape. Soon, a werewolf with full body armor appeared in place. "Hey, this is called metamorphosis. What does it mean to be a sheep. It is more fun to become a big wolf. I said, shouldn't you little red hood start crying and running away?"

"Don't be too proud. It doesn't make any difference to me to be a werewolf." As she pointed her at me again, I was afraid of being turned into a sheep again, and hurried to the side, then rushed towards her. It's a pity that the metamorphosis seems to rely on gaze lock, it can take effect as long as it can be seen. I only rushed to her within three steps, and the spell came into effect when I flew towards him. My huge body in the air became a little hamster that could be placed on the hand. And that little girl actually used a staff as a baseball bat. He flew me back in one fell swoop.

Take my defense. Not to mention being knocked by a mage's wand, even if the barbarian warrior slashed it with a board axe, it would at most remove one third of his health. But now that she hits me, my blood volume has hit the bottom. If it wasn't for me and the pet, I would have been knocked directly by her.

"Master, are you okay?" Ye Yuefei catches up and catches me still flying in the air. When I came to Yeyuedi, I just wanted to understand that now I am also a little hamster. The defense is not calculated based on my normal data, but is calculated as a real hamster. A hamster was hit by her in such a way that she had to hang up, so just now I was drawn only in blood skin.

"Fuck, I have such troublesome skills!" I quickly jumped down from Yeyue's hand again, and returned to its original shape after a few seconds. Anyway, I tried to figure out the other party ’s aging effect twice. Her transfiguration had a aging effect of 20 seconds on me, and it seemed that the time of the Seal of Throne would be shortened after my werewolf, probably because I became a werewolf After the gap between the power has widened. Immediately after I changed back to werewolf form, I said to the second: "Don't let that guy get in trouble with him, the others will come with me. I'll see if her transfiguration can work."

The little girl was really scared by my words, but she still had the magic when she saw us rushing up together. "The sky is deformed." This time, as before, there were no visual effects, but those of us who rushed forward encountered a different situation.

Rushing at the forefront of the night, Yueyue instantly turned into a butterfly, then stopped in place, seeming to be a little confused about his condition. The king turned into a stone halfway and hit the girl's leg. Then it fell to the ground. I felt a lot higher suddenly, but I couldn't see what I had become. Xin Yin followed me and was hit, turning into a snake crawling up on the ground. Secret opportunity to see the heart I saw my body. After a brief observation I basically confirmed that I had become a giraffe. The only unaffected person among the people who rushed up was Sha Yezi, who is a soul form. Close to ghosts. There is no entity at all, so Transfiguration is useless to her. It seems that although the transformation spell is very useful, its shortcomings are also obvious, and it is almost overcome by the nihilistic creature.

Sha Yezi rushed to the little girl's side very smoothly and controlled her. The few of us could only circle in the same place. After about seven or eight seconds, Yeyue returned to its original state. The king and I recovered almost simultaneously after ten seconds. Xinyin hadn't recovered after about two minutes, which may be the reason for the huge gap. That little girl is cruel enough. After being controlled by us, we turned ourselves into a huge star iron, which is known to be hard and scary. We didn't really know what to do with her for a while. What's more, she is performing a transfiguration on herself, which means that the recipient is willing to accept the transfiguration. In this way, if she counts her mana to maintain the transfiguration automatically, it may not be possible to maintain this state infinitely.

After about five minutes, Xinyin finally returned to its original shape, and the night was also forced by my magic pets to the corner to break through, and we could only watch us walk to the guy they were trying to protect.

This guy who was turned into a little beauty should have been a wretched middle-aged uncle, but he looks a little too innocent now. No wonder Xin Yin said he couldn't move, but it didn't pose a problem for me. The biggest difference between dragons and humans is that we can completely control our feelings, which means that we have feelings. But it can be suppressed at any time. Not to mention just a long and cute little girl, even if there are ten more of them, I can just cut them down, not to mention that I already know that this little girl who looks like a beautiful girl is actually a wretched uncle, let alone care.

The mission requirement is to hide the heart to complete the assassination mission. But he couldn't move, so I could only hold his hand to help him complete the assassination process. After the opponent was turned into a little girl, the strength and defense also became a child's level. After I was knocked out by a knife, I held it with my heart in my hand and easily got it. It wasn't until this time that I knew that the death of the original creature would cause Morphology to fail.

You can open your eyes now. "I patted Xinyin to remind me.

Xinyin opened one eye carefully and glanced at the bed. Now a wretched uncle was lying there, and he immediately opened both eyes safely. "Really, I blame the transfiguration wizard. I turned such a wretched uncle into an innocent little beauty. I can't get rid of the land. If he has always been like this, I will get him straight. "

"Have you received the task completion prompt?" I asked directly.


Got it, what's wrong? "

"Then why didn't I receive a prompt to complete the task?" I just said that the situation is not normal. My task is supposed to have been completed. I should receive a prompt now, but I haven't waited for a long time.

"No, right?" Xinyin showed his hint a little disbelievingly. "I'm really done!"

"But I did not receive anything!" I showed him my consciousness, and the last message was received in the morning.

"A ghost! Will you be able to complete the task if I need to go back and hand in the task?"

"What are you waiting for?" I pulled up the corpse and threw it directly into Fenglong Space to give evidence, and then greeted the pets. "The mission is complete, don't fight with him, let's go." At this time, the fire shortage just arrived and rushed to the door. Unfortunately, they arrived late. I asked with a smile: "Are you going to fight?"

Huohuang looked at the blood-stained sheets and then stepped back. "It is no longer necessary."

After walking past Huohuang, I thought about it and stepped back, and then stretched out a hand. "Make a friend? Although I just ruined your mission."

The fire shortage generously shook hands with me. "It doesn't matter, our mission is a hostile mission, I understand."

"Are you interested in joining our guild?" Huohuang's performance made me think he was a friend, at least he was a man of great ability. Of course, his strength is not weak, but his skills are too poor. If you can join a big guild and get the support of the guild to play a few advanced skills, then his strength will immediately improve several times, and our guild happens to be a guild with a special building such as the Magic Research Institute, as long as Fire famine is willing to join, and it won't take long to become a frontline fighter in our guild.

Huohuang was a little surprised by my invitation, but he shook his head. "These are my good brothers. I can't leave them alone."

"You can join together." I said very seriously: "Of course, the premise is that they have passed the screening of our bank."

Fire shortage still shook his head: "I would not join even if someone was brushed off."

I smiled. "Then I can't do anything about it. The standard for joining the bank has always been lacking, and bringing in an inappropriate candidate for a master is also a failure."

"I can understand." Huo Bran smiled indifferently, then turned into the room, and I went out with the magic pets. In fact, I didn't invite Huohuang just for him alone. Although this sun and moon deities is a small guild, its strength is not weak, at least in terms of combat effectiveness. Especially the main members, we can say that all of them are masters, but this guild has some serious problems. For example, show partial division. The average fighting power of this guild is not even lower than our guild. But the show was seriously unbalanced, and almost all fighters were in the guild. At least I didn't see the auxiliary staff. It is a miracle that such a guild can hold up until now, but there will be problems later. Advanced players are simply burning money in the late stages. They didn't have any auxiliary staff at the guild. In the end, they might not even have the money to buy supplies, let alone show. Before the fire shortage, I could n’t afford to lift my head. This is also the reason. A high-powered mage like him can go to the next level. It ’s because the guild ca n’t afford the high-level skill books because it has no money. The combat performance was almost a mess. Even if he can use a wide range of spells, we won't be able to complete the task so easily. But anyway. I don't want people to force me.

As soon as they left the cave, the two female ninjas came over. "Done?"

"I'm going to hand in a task. Can you come with us? Let's find a hotel to sit down and talk about?"


Although it is a hostile relationship. But we do n’t know exactly where the thing is going, we both have bad luck. So they had to choose to cooperate temporarily. Of course, as soon as we find out where things are going, our partnership will instantly break.

After teleporting back to the city, I secretly handed over the task. I received a task completion notice after he finished the task. It can be said that the difficulty of this task was not as difficult as expected. We were worried that the task would fail. Really thanks to the partial situation of the Sun and Moon theology. As long as they have sufficient funds in the trade, it is us who failed.

Xin Yin returned to Isinger after completing the task, and I followed the two female ninjas to a nearby pub to order a private room. After the voice of the service quit, I said, "My identity doesn't need to be introduced, you should know. So can the two introduce yourself?"

The two women didn't move at all, looking at me like two sculptures.

"Since it's about to cooperate ~ ~ Even if it's temporary, you two should show a minimum of sincerity? How can we talk like this silent one? At least you must tell me how to call them ? "

It may be understood that it is impossible to continue without speaking. The weaker female ninja first introduced and said, "My name is Honglian Liuwu."

"Red Lotus Phoenix," another woman answered.

Damn, this more powerful female ninja is so arrogant. "Are the two sisters? They don't look like it!"

"Does this have anything to do with you?" Honglian Phoenix said very straightforwardly: "First, where did you get that thing? First, make sure we got the real thing from you."

I recalled it slightly. "It should still be true when you are robbed, because it was just taken out of the space of Dalun Pluto and has not passed through the hands of others, and Dalun Pluto knows how to identify this thing. It is necessary to put a fake in her storage space. She cannot know in advance that we can grab things from her storage space. "

Honglian Phoenix immediately asked: "That is, when I snatched things from you, is it still true?"

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