Starting from Zero

Vol 16 Chapter 46: Old knowledge

It doesn't seem easy to teach Di Tans how to pick up girls, but the boss, there is no need to do everything in person. Open the guild communication crystal and contact the army god. "Hey, Lord Staff, help me make a census of who the women's association is most likely to deal with."

"You mean to find the person who knows most about girls, right? Needless to say, so elegant, I can understand."

"Yes, yes, help me check it."

"The people who are most adept at dealing with women's issues in this bank are called No. 1 in the world, and their profession is the Dark Knight. This kid currently has 14 lovers. He has pursued 170 girls since joining the club six months ago, with a success rate of over 90%. And, after the breakup, the girl still reluctantly resigned to him, and there was no feeling of jealousy and complaints. I judged that he was a master in this regard. I just checked the national population management system and it turned out that this boy He is actually a student in the Department of Psychology in Medical College. "

"Studying psychology? That's no wonder!" I nodded. "Where is he now?"

"In South America."

"How did he run there?"

"It's not the kind of tourist route you opened in South America. It's in the expansion stage now. People like him are just right for this."

"Ok, I need him now. When can you get him to me as soon as possible?"

"where are you?"

"European Temple of Darkness."

"That's in Germany. If you're not in a hurry, use the teleportation array to turn around one stop at a time, and you can reach you in 19 minutes and 40 seconds."

"Okay, let him come over right away."

The calculation of the army **** is accurate. The world's first stepped into the dark temple on the throne of the seal of God at the time said by the army god. The clergyman who had been notified had introduced him into the temple. As a result, when he pushed open the door, we saw the leading dark dwarf girl running away shamefully. This guy is so awesome, it's only a few steps from the gate! This can be soaked in one, really dissatisfied!

"President, what is calling me so urgently?"

I looked at this world first. I have to say that his appearance is indeed very lethal, with a high nose and big eyes, and there is a bit of evil in his handsomeness. Usually, this kind of man has a great lethality to women. Most of the men in the world value women's looks, and women are not the same as men. The handsome appearance itself has won the favor of women. Plus evil temperament. Then it will stimulate women's curiosity and motherhood more, so that women will be attracted to it unconsciously. This is an innate advantage. Of course, this alone is far from reaching women. This appearance advantage can only increase the advantage, but it is not the decisive factor. The key is to look at the way people deal with things. This is the key. However, since this guy is studying psychology, it is not much worse in this regard.

After examining this guy, I reached out to Di Tans. "This is Lord Ditans, Lord of the European Dark Temple."

"I've seen Lord God." The world first immediately performed a knighthood. He knew such a big-class bsp; I immediately said to him: "The world is the first. I heard that you have some means to deal with women's issues. ?"

"Ah? ..." The world stunned for the first time, I didn't expect I would ask this. He smiled awkwardly. "This ... Barely enough! Is this related to calling me?"

"Of course." I immediately pointed to Di Tans. "Master Di Tans fell in love with Eros in Europe, but Eros did not respond to the pursuit of Master Di Tans, so I need your help to guide Master Di Tans how to launch this pursuit."

"Oh, that's the case!" The world's first turned around Di Tans immediately, then nodded his head: "The President and Master Di Tans rest assured, this should not be difficult. Master Di Tans can look like It's very good. So there are no shortcomings in this regard, all that is needed is to make some adjustments in the method. I believe that since Master Di Tans can become a master god, his intelligence should not be low. It will be learned quickly. "

"That's good." When I saw Di Tans being said to be in full bloom, I immediately patted the shoulders of the first place in the world: "Then I will leave it to you. After I leave, you will be responsible for guiding Di Tans here. How does an adult pursue God of Love. "At this point, I whispered to the first ear in the world and whispered:" During this period, you can blackmail him for more benefits. No matter what you can hit, it is yours. Don't be soft, this guy has a lot of fat, and it's okay to kill a few more knives. "

The first person in the world immediately looked at me in surprise, I gave him a meaningful look, and then turned to Di Tans and said: "I also transferred you the most outstanding person in this area, you can't go without Tell me? "

"What are you going to extort from me? Don't take it too far, every time you **** comes here, my land will sink three feet, and the locust crossing is not as lethal as you!"

"Not to ask you for something, but to work with you to fight a war."

"Who recruited you again?"

"Freedom League."


"They are just one of them. This time they might become a World War! But you are the Lord of Darkness. You know this kind of thing better than me. When the corpses are on the battlefield, you and I will be full of gold."

"May the whole world come to hell." Di Tans held out a hand, and I immediately held him with him.

"As long as your dark temple can stand firm to my side, I guarantee that your **** will have enough souls for you to lead."

"Happy cooperation."

First in the world shivered beside him. "I now know why you are all party bosses, but I can only be a brother now!"

I and Di Tans smiled at him together: "Because you don't have the kind of fierceness that takes human lives seriously."

"I'll be honest as my playboy."

I looked at Di Tans again, and then said: "I will send someone to discuss with you specifically about the specific content of the battle, and now we will determine so for the time being. I still have something to do, and I need to take a step first.

One said, he will help you. "

"Come on. Get out of here! It hurts to see you, you vampire!"

I was thrown out of the Dark Temple by Di Tans, but I still got a promise from him to support my battle and a lot of land benefits, and I also got one of the best eggs Yet. How to say this time I made a lot of money.

After leaving the temple, I had to run several places continuously, and turned over the task list given by the **** of the army. It seemed that I had to go to Egypt to negotiate with the European temple of light. The **** of **** really wanted to exhaust me! Fortunately, there will be a negotiating team in the bank to help me out a lot of tasks, otherwise it will be tiring to rely on me to run alone.

The European Temple of Light is, of course, closer to the French Temple of Light than the Egyptian side. But considering that the current situation in the Temple of Light is too chaotic. So I decided to go to Egypt first. Today our guild still has little power in Egypt. So it ’s more troublesome to think about it in the past. Fortunately, an Iron Crusade enclave is next to Egypt. I borrowed an Iron Crusade land transfer array to pass there first, and then rode a bird across the border to enter Egypt.

It was already late at night when I got to Egypt. But this time I was looking for it. It ’s not a player. It does n’t matter if the throne of time is sealed. The problem is that I suddenly remember that I do n’t know where the gods in Egypt live! To be honest, the temples of Egypt are full of places. But that's not a place to live. It's just a place where people worship the gods. It has nothing to do with God. I think about it. There should be only one **** that can be found directly, and that is Horus.

Horus is the **** of the city in Egyptian mythology, and the Egyptians believed that Pharaoh was the incarnation of Horus in the world, so this Horus is a bit like the Chinese Emperor Star and is directly in charge of the earth god. Since you need to be in charge of the earth, you cannot always stay elsewhere. So even though other gods are hard to find, Horus is still in the world.

I was just about to ask someone where I could see Pharaoh, but the ring of love suddenly rang. "Husband, I have received three of them."

"Then take them to Isinger to get familiar with the environment, and I'll pass by half done."


After disconnecting, I teleported to Cairo. It's much more deserted than when I came here last time. The horrible flow of people I encountered when I came to Egypt last time is terrible. Although there are many people now, at least it does not affect normal walking.

After exiting the teleportation hall, I directly found the gatekeeper outside the gate. "Hi! Remember me?"

"Are you the one riding the golem on the last day of God's election?" The guard apparently remembered me.

"You have a good memory! Ask me something."

"what's up?"

"What do I want to see Pharaoh do?"

"Pharaoh didn't see everyone on the ground. Is there anything important for you to find Pharaoh?"

"I'm actually looking for Anubis, but I don't know how to contact him. So I want to ask Pharaoh if there is any way to contact him." In fact, the commandment city of this guild is connected to the Egyptian Grand Temple Communication magic items, but that thing is an alarm line set up to prevent someone from grabbing the ring of commandment. Only the alarm ability can not talk. As soon as I touch the gadget, all the Egyptian gods will bring the guy to the commandment city. This is a bit like a fire alarm button. You're not good at reporting a fire to see someone in the fire squadron, right? So I ca n’t use that thing even though it can contact the Egyptian god.

The guard heard that I was looking for Anubis and surprised me immediately. Then one of the guards said, "If you want to see Lord Mummy, you don't need to find Pharaoh. We also know how to contact you."

"Oh, really? Then please help."

"Come with me." The talking guard took me all the way through the city streets to a very humble building.

"What is this place?"



"Slaughterhouse." The guard repeated. "A lot of creatures die here every day, so Lord Mummy God will send dedicated servants to watch here. If you have a way to find another psychic, you can see the servant, and you can definitely find the mummy as long as the servant helps Lord God. "

"Then don't bother, I will be psychic myself."

"Then you go in, I'll go first." The guard turned and left, and I entered the slaughterhouse.

This place is slaughtered a large number of creatures every day to meet the needs of the entire city. In "Zero", the freedom of the city and the food consumed by players are not directly refreshed, but animals or plants are generated first, and then processed separately. To say that it is different from the real world, at most it is that the program is simplified.

I walked into the building alone, and the **** smell that almost came out of the door after I opened the door almost did not smoke me out. "Wow ... it tastes great!"

"If there are thousands of animals bleeding in your house every day, it will not taste better than here." A **** butcher stood with a machete in front of me and shook the sword and asked me: "Then you arrive What are you doing here? "

"I came to see Anubis's servant."

"Servant of the mummy god? We don't have a minister here. If you want to worship God, there will be a **** statue in the backyard."

"Can you show me?" As soon as I said the opposite guy was going to open his mouth to refuse, but his expression quickly reversed, because I was holding a small piece of gold in my hand. "I believe you are a nice and hospitable person."

"That's what it is. Who doesn't know I'm Gufsta is the most hospitable person. You can watch it if you want." He almost took the gold and grabbed it. Although this kind of freedom has no fighting power, killing them for no reason will lead the city defense team to the ground. So it's best not to cause trouble.

Look on the golden ground. The butcher politely sent me to the backyard. Then I went back to work. Anyway, there is no value here, it is not worth looking at me beside. In fact, as soon as he brought me in, I was taken aback by the sight in front of me, and I saw that it was like a small square

In the center is a stone statue of the goddess Osiris, and below the stone statue is a werewolf monster sitting behind each table. I know this monster. It's all in Anubis. Few people in Egypt don't recognize this creature with a jackal, because Anubis himself also has this shape. But different from Anubis's Reaper Legion. These guys are terrible though. But at this time, he was quickly recording something there while holding a quill pen. It's exactly like a civilian.

In contrast, these six tables sit on the ground monster. The scene in front of the table is even more shocking. The whole yard was packed with all kinds of animals. Or the animal soul. These poor little things either had no head or had been laparotomy. It looks scary anyway, but at this time they are all lined up in that order, walking to the table one by one and talking in order.

I was curious and walked to the front of the team. Anyway, these souls don't take up space by themselves, even if I overlap them, there is not much problem. Because our dark attributes include psychic powers. So I can clearly see what these little things and these monsters are doing.

The target I am focusing on is a sheep. Its head seemed to be shaky around his neck. It always feels like falling down, and there is still a long viscera dragging under the belly. At this point it came to the first table, and the monster behind that table took out a card. Then asked without looking up: "Name, race, cause of death."

"Well, the race is a goat, and the cause of death is being slaughtered."

"Next." The monster on the first table noted that the cards in the back hands were placed in a long wooden slot on the table next to it. This wooden slot is like the box used when blocking poker cards. It's just a bit humble. The monster sitting behind the first table put the card from one end of the box, and the monster on the table pulled a card from the other end. It can be seen that there are a lot of cards in this box waiting in line, obviously there are still many animals waiting. As soon as the goat saw the card being delivered to the second table, he immediately ran to the line behind the team in front of this table.

At this moment the monster on the second table was asking a cow. "Do you have any grievances?"

"Yes, I was killed by the butcher. I helped the host's family, but now I am old, but the host sold me to the butcher. The butcher killed me and sold my meat to others. I am so wronged. . "

"You have been a cow in your life. Of course, you have been killed and eaten meat except for your work. What a grievance. Go to the next table to line up." The card was stuffed on the third table again.

On the third table at this time, there are also cows. The monster took a crystal and pressed it on the bull's head, then took it back and looked at it. "The goodwill index is seventy-four. The malicious index is three. Okay. Go to the next table."

The cards were passed all the way to the last table. The last monster took the cards to check them, then stamped them with a crystal like a stamp, and handed them to the animal in front. "Hold this." The animal disappeared with the card as soon as it took it.

Anyway, I still have the name of King Yan Luodian of the 11th Yan Luodian in China. If I don't understand what this is doing, I'm an idiot. They are clearly classifying the souls of the dead, and the Chinese palace of Yan Wangdian uses the same office style, but they are much better than us. The souls of death creatures on our side walked to Fengdu City by themselves, and then the yin and yang roads of Fengdu City diverted the dead souls of the dead to different Yanluo Temples according to the busy conditions of the temples. Service, opened an enrollment point directly in the backyard of the slaughterhouse. I have to admire this guy Anubis, he is so dedicated!

"Hey, do you know me?"

The six monsters who were lowering their heads suddenly looked up at me, and then one of them suddenly recognized me. "Are you ... the picker?"

"Fortunately, someone knows me." I nodded. "It's me. Can you help me contact Anubis?"

"Master Anubis is not here now."

"I know he's not here. I mean contact him. I'm going to see him."

The monster said, "I mean the grown-up is not in Egypt now."

"What? He's not in Egypt? Where is he?"

"We don't know about this."

"Then who is in charge now?"

"Of course it is Lord Osiris. Lord Anubis is only the spokesperson for Lord Osiris. Since Lord Anubis has something to do, of course Lord Osiris must manage it himself."

"Then let me know about Osiris."

"We still have work to do ~~ ~ That monster took me a blank card from the first table, and stamped it on it." Take this directly to the past and go there Let me ask other servants for help. "

"That's okay, too." I took the card and saw that the picture in front of me was dark and the surroundings had completely changed.

The bright sky just disappeared, replaced by a dark zenith. There is bleak land everywhere in the darkness like night. Although there are a lot of plants everywhere, they are almost dead. Several huge teams of undead slowly moved toward the distance like a river, and at the end of the team stood a tall and majestic temple.

"I didn't expect Osiris to live ..."

Before I finished speaking, I was pulled into the thorns by a dark shadow. Fortunately, the full body armor I wore was hung up as a beggar if the mage's robe was not good. I was just struggling, but suddenly a strange and slightly familiar voice sounded behind me.

"Don't move, it's me."

I glanced back, I didn't recognize it at first glance, and after waiting a few seconds, I suddenly remembered it. "It's you!"

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