Starting from Zero

Vol 16 Chapter 55: Infernal Affairs

Although the other party was blocked in the alley by acquaintances, I couldn't use my face to let her be released, because these acquaintances were the **** ghost dancers, the boss of the first pro-Japanese force in China.

"It's troublesome!" When I ran to my destination, I saw that those people were around my goal but there was nothing I could do. If it were normal, I could just rush in and blast them all like a duck. After all, it is no surprise to them that my combat effectiveness is to enter the flock. However, if I did this at this time. That is the sheep into the wolves, torn to pieces is the lightest.

"Hum, you run again!" The ghost dancer smugly blocked my target and laughed at the other side.

"You don't want to succeed." The woman stubbornly held back a strange object and desperately stepped back. Unfortunately, the wall behind her has blocked her in this position.

I frowned and looked at the wall trying to figure out a way. Unexpectedly, someone was photographed suddenly behind. Startled me, I turned back and saw an unexpected face. The woman standing in front of me was the one who had been blackmailed by me for fifty crystal coins. I didn't expect to meet her here again. When I saw her going to talk, I quickly covered her mouth and pulled her aside to avoid being seen by ghost dancers. I don't have the ability to hit so many of them now.

"Are you Ziri?" The woman asked me with excitement.

"I can wear it so you can recognize it?" I always thought that nobody would recognize me. The main reason is that I am now a poor man. You should know that I usually wear a gorgeous set of magic dragons. Suddenly, it is difficult to associate me with the previous appearance, but I did not expect to be recognized by this woman.

Listening to my admission, the woman jumped up in excitement immediately. "I didn't expect to meet a big star like you. By the way, how do you dress like this and scramble around here? Did you pretend to play?"

"Fuck. I want to play and use disguise? I'm doing a mission. I've been stripped of equipment because of restrictions!"

"Doing tasks? Can you count me as one? I heard that the rewards for your tasks are very generous." The woman turned her head around quickly, and immediately regarded me as a humanoid reward.

Although I couldn't take her to the mission, I suddenly thought of an idea. "I'm a locked task. You can't participate. But I really need your help now. In this way, I'll discuss it with you. Do me a favor and come back and wait for the task to be completed. When you come to Isinger, I will give you a reward . "

"What reward?"

"Choose one from three. Ten thousand crystal coins, a six-hundred-degree magic pet egg, a medium-level enchantment suit suitable for your attributes. You can choose one of them."

"Can I join the Frost Rose Alliance?" The woman asked excitedly.

"I can't guarantee this. The income requirements of our guild are very strict. But if you really want to participate, I can give you a score of 50."

"What grade?"

"People who enter our guild first become pre-members. At this time, they basically do not enjoy the benefits of the guild, and then the guild will give a certain assessment. There are ten major items. A total of one thousand points, as long as they can pass eight One hundred percent can be converted to a full membership. Giving you fifty points is equivalent to relying on 750 points. This is the limit I can do. "

"Can't you give more points?"

I anxiously looked back at the growing tension in the alley, and finally reluctantly agreed: "One hundred points. Is this okay?"

"What about those three rewards?"

"If you successfully join the club, you don't need it. The standard configuration of our guild is much better than that. You can choose the other two."

"Okay, I accept." Although the woman was a little greedy. But people are full of joy, "Say, what do you want me to do?

"Come with me."

I first sent the woman to a grocery store next to me and bought a bunch of smoke bombs, and then we went around behind the wall behind the alley. Briefly explained the woman. She also quickly understood my intention, and I gestured one or two or three with my fingers. Then she pulled two smoke bombs with her and threw them across the wall.

The ghost dancer and the man over there had already fought with the woman, but because it was one more fight, and the woman's combat effectiveness was also very poor. So the ghost dancer himself didn't do anything, just let a few younger brothers go up and do it. It also gives us plenty of time for the Seal of the Throne. If he didn't pretend to be the boss directly at the beginning, he would have completed the task before we were ready.

The smoke bomb that suddenly flew into the crowd was a premium product with added materials. When the woman bought it, she did not feel any distress. Anyway, I promised that all her expenses could be reimbursed. And double the compensation for her, the better the land purchase for her, the more money she earns, so when I asked her to buy a smoke bomb, she immediately chose the most expensive hybrid magic crystal smoke bomb. This thing tops the price of a dozen ordinary goods on the ground. But the effect is the same, not only the smoke and fog. And with a weird smell, those people shed tears and nose. Each one coughed up and couldn't stand upright.

Just when those people were confused by the smoke, I had climbed up to the wall, and then sat upside down. Back to the smoke zone. Let the woman hold my feet to stabilize me. Then I relaxed my waist and fell back. The whole man hung upside down from the wall.

not bad. My target instinctively retreated to this wall because the enemy was attacked by the smoke. As soon as I fell down, she appeared to me. I quickly made a gesture without saying a word, and then stretched out my hands. I did not expect that she did not come by herself. Instead, I gave the thing in my arms to me first, and I hugged the thing to do a sit-up, straightened my body up, and handed it to my helper under the wall. Following me leaned back again and grabbed each other's hands. Pulling hard upward also pulled her to the top of the wall.

This set of actions looks simple. It's all about waist strength. For the average person, I guess there is absolutely no way to bring someone to do sit-ups. But I can do it.

After people and things were in my hands, I ran out with my target first, while my collaborators stayed behind and continued to throw smoke bombs, and were responsible for continuing to interfere with the opponent's pursuit after the smoke bombs were used up.

I don't know how long that woman can interfere with the ghost dancers, but the delay is one minute. I just have to run now.

"Protein, do you have money?"

"Do you know who I am?" The other person apparently did not expect that I knew her best.

"I already knew when I took the task, but it was limited to the name."

"Oh, this." She suddenly asked afterwards, "Yes, what task did you just say?"

"Protect your mission. Don't you think I just saw justice?"

"Ah? You didn't come out to help me just because I saw a girl being bullied by so many men?" Protein obviously surprised me.

I patted myself in frustration. Now I know why she called her protein. Because this girl is completely a protein (stupid protein plus neuroticism). She even thought that I was a heroic figure who was stubborn, "I was defeated by you. It seems that you have no plans for the future!"

The girl looked at me in surprise: "Plan? What plan?"

"Get rid of those people's plans to reach the destination. Don't you think you can complete the task just by running straight to the destination?"

"Well? Isn't that OK?"

If the Seal of Time and the Throne of Time allow me, I really want to faint on the spot to protest, this woman is really not saved, "Forget it. Now I ask what you say, what I say, what you do, do not do tasks elsewhere Do you understand? "

The girl nodded desperately as soon as she heard me. "Understand." So simple to ask her if I don't understand, I should hit the wall.

"Listen. Tell me where you are."


"Don't tell me you don't remember!" I already had the urge to vomit blood.

"No. I just have no destination!"

"No purpose? How is that possible?" The son-in-law gave the mission to **** her to her destination, but she said that she had no destination, and I was really furious. "Okay. Let's change the method . "It seemed she had overestimated her intelligence level before. This time I intend to treat her in a kindergarten way. "What's in your arms?"

"I don't know." The girl shook her head desperately.

"Then where is this thing going?"

"do not know.

"The girl stared at me with wide eyes.

"Who knows this thing for you?"

"I still don't know." The girl looked at me confusedly.

Okay. After asking a few questions, I was completely convinced. It seems that the level of the kindergarten is still overestimating her level, and I feel that it has once again decreased to the stage of the toddler who just talked.

"Then how did you get the thing in your arms? You don't always carry it when you enter the game?"

The girl started shaking her head again. I was almost frightened, but fortunately afterwards she said, "This is not the land on my body as soon as I enter the game. This is the land I just got this morning."

All right. I already know a lot of information from her answer. The most important thing is that this woman is absolutely immune to any underlying consciousness and cues. In other words, her intelligence is basically equal to a low-level intelligent computer. She can only deal with surface information and has no understanding of any hidden connections. Knowing this is important for our communication, because if she asks complex questions directly with her intelligence, she will never get an answer.

"How did you get it in the morning?"

"As soon as I was online, I saw a **** man holding this and fell in front of me."

"Then this person didn't talk to you?"


"What did he say?"

"He told me not to think about it. He said that he would not hand over the soul of the sea to me." The woman asked me proudly: "Did you say that person is stupid? I don't know what the soul of the sea is, he It's a fool to say he won't give it to me. "

I have now begun praying for the man who has died. I don't know if he knew if he was described as a fool by such a silly woman, would he find a piece of tofu and hit him on the head. but. At least this passage made me analyze a lot of information. First I knew that this thing is called the sea soul, and the task should be to send the sea soul somewhere. It's just that this woman's intelligence is ...!

"Is the soul of the sea?" I picked it up and watched it.

This thing is about one meter long. The thickest place is no more than twenty centimeters, and its main body consists of two perpendicularly crossing metal faces. On the other hand, the edges are irregularly jagged. It looks a lot like the teeth of a cross-shaped key. But this thing is obviously too big as a key. And I don't see anything like grips.

"Did that guy tell you anything else?"

"No!" Protein said with certainty: "He just said this and died."

I nodded and said to her, "Come with me."


Fools also have the benefits of fools. At least it's easier to command. Speaking of which, I have always felt very strange. The beautiful lady who is so beautiful and beautiful like protein is actually a mentally handicapped woman. In fact, in addition to the obvious logical obstacles when speaking. In general, she behaves in the same way as normal people. But since she is the object of my protection. Then I do n’t need to study her thoroughly. After all, I need to find out the content of the mission as soon as possible in order to complete it. According to the son-in-law's meaning, it seems that the task time is the seal of the throne and the land reward can be obtained directly Hooked. In other words, I can do this task slowly indefinitely, but then I may get nothing, and I have to hurry up if I want something good.

I'm too limited by the ground now, despite the powerful motor nerves. Our movement and physical performance are exceptional, but it is limited to motor nerves. Except for the key attack, I can hardly hit the enemy. Because I now lack the vital attack power in the system properties, if not the key. Anyone can stop my attack. Without combat effectiveness, I cannot rely on fighting to fight against the enemy. I can only rely on my brain and my relationship.

This is a loophole in my place. Although the son-in-law said not to let me rely on guilds and strength. But he didn't say that he wouldn't let me go to find a friend I used to know, that is to say, my strong relationship can still be used on the ground.

With protein, I quickly ran to the teleportation team in the city, and then used the funds provided by the previous collaborators to transfer to Coastal City. In fact, I also entered the teleportation hall to know that protein has no money. Otherwise, Keep an eye out for our collaborators to ask for some money just in case, now we can't make it. We have been caught by ghost dancers because they can't afford the transmission fee.

Since being listed by our guild as the first pro-day guild in China, the Ghost Dancer's Bright Alliance has reached the point where everyone shouts in our country. So I think it's very difficult for him to get our specific teleportation location from the Master in charge of the teleportation array, which means that he is unlikely to know that we have reached Coast City.

I came here mainly to find some old friends, this thing in my hand is called the soul of the sea. That is to say, this thing must at least have a certain relationship with the sea. Then you must be right at the beach.

"Well? Isn't this Ziri? How did you dress like this?" When I arrived at the headquarters of the Anti-Japanese Alliance, I was immediately recognized by people who came out of it.

This anti-Japanese alliance was the guild that was formed before the invasion of the king. Later, the invasion of the king joined our guild, and some players who like to be free and unwilling to join the big guild or fail to join our guild remain to support independently This anti-Japanese alliance. Although Chuang Wang is gone. But now the Anti-Japanese Alliance has always been supported by our guild, so the exhibition is not bad. At least the vanguard in the last two types of guilds.

Although I don't know the person in front of me, but since the other person can recognize me, it means that he has seen me up close. Otherwise I won't even recognize such a dress. "Don't mention it. Will you be there?"

"Starfish, Brother is here for you." The player yelled inside.

"Big Brother? Where did I get Big Brother?" The guy named Starfish came out while he was cuddling, but when he saw my place, he stunned, apparently he was also torn down by my body. It turned out to be the boss of Ziri? What is going on with you? Has it recently become popular for beggars? "

"Don't mention it. I'm really down at home now, is it OK to let me in first?"

"Oh, I'm so sorry, I forgot. Come in quickly."

I was kindly invited to the guild headquarters, and the people inside were all in the same place when they saw me, especially those who knew me. Each mouth opened as if it could fit an egg. After we formally entered the reception room at the back, I continued to say to Hai, "I'm doing a task now. Everything on my body has been wiped out, and I can't contact the guild."

Starfish nodded. "Understand what you want, despite saying that we don't have advanced magic pets. Money, ordinary equipment, people, what do you want for you."

"No need to be so troublesome. This is not a multiplayer task, and it is useless for others. I need a set of equipment that I can wear now. This thing is still in a bsp; Holding me: "Did you get burned out and throw it out?"

"You guessed it right, I was thrown directly in the middle of the square. At the time there were at least one or two thousand people on the square, it really scared me!"

"Boss, how dare you streak? I admire you so much!"

"Where did you want to go? Can I let anyone see me naked?"

"Don't you get thrown into the center of the square? How could you run out of the eyes of thousands of people without being seen?"

"Who am I? I can't handle all this. Is it still me?"

Starfish nodded. "I don't believe anyone else. If it is yours, then it is really possible. By the way, what equipment do you want? Do you have special needs?"

"I want two sets of things, one warrior and one mage. The mage needs fire or light to strengthen the ground. The warrior only needs to go to the ground with the basic attributes. Right. The equipment requires strength only 135. Otherwise I can't wear it! "

"Ah? You even washed the attribute points?"

"Do you think I can be so embarrassed if the attributes are still there?"

"That's it, too." Starfish stood up and said, "You wait here first, I'll help you find equipment."

"You ask others to pick up a few more sets for me to choose. Give me some crystal coins. I'm penniless now. I can't even use the teleportation array. You stay and help me look at this thing. Know What is this? "I took the key-like thing from the protein and passed it to Starfish for him to see.

Starfish first ordered me to explain the things to my hands, then carefully looked at this strange object, and finally shook his head, "It looks like it's a part of something. But I'm not doing organ work. It really can't help Get busy. "

"Have you heard of the soul of the sea?"

"Soul of the sea? Is it the artifact that can find marine resources?"

"Is there such a thing?"

"Don't you know?" Hai said, "This thing spreads very well on our side. It is said that a guild took a guild task and failed to complete it. In the end, this task turned into a long-term cloth. The free mission is just that the soul of the sea is said to be in the belly of a deep-sea monster, and that thing is not fixed. So it is difficult to find, and naturally no one can complete this mission. "

"Then do you know where this task is taken?"

"You don't have to pick it up, you can start the quest as long as you can find it. The quest items that are brought back later are rewards. The three functions of that sea soul are really useful for big guilds such as the Frost Rose Alliance."

"Three functions? Which three functions?"

"The first is to search for important resources on the ocean floor. This is not necessarily a mineral deposit. Even fish schools or dragons will be identified as resources. Detailed resource information will be displayed on the soul of the sea. The holder can decide as needed Whether to mine this kind of resource. The second function is to double the resource. As long as you use the spirit of the sea to bless the resource area, you can double the resource reserve here. And the quality of resources such as minerals will also be greatly improved. The third The function is to weaken the obstacles to resource mining. Using this function to bless the difficulty of mining resources in the land will greatly decrease. How about it? Is it necessary for you to have a large amount of resources?

"It's really good, but how wide is that prospecting mine?"

"This is not clear, after all, I haven't seen it before. But it is said that the subsea resources can be found vertically. That is to say, you just need to take the soul of Shanghai from the surface of the sea. If there is anything available below, you can move. I know it all. As for the scope of the left-right direction, it is not clear. "

"Then I understand. By the way, can you prepare a boat for me? It doesn't have to be too big to take two people. And we need a piece of space equipment, enough ground space, two sets of underwater breathing function Armor, but also some food and fresh water and some necessary nautical supplies. "

"I will help you prepare."

An hour later I had gone to the beach with protein, different from when I first arrived in the Anti-Japanese Alliance. Now that I have a piece of gear that I can do, although it is definitely not comparable to my magic dragon suit, it is also considered to be a medium-class and good gear among ordinary players, especially this set of things is not required. Carrying a load can't be better for people like me who have absolutely no attributes.

Based on the information I have recently obtained, this key-like thing brought by protein should have a very close relationship with the soul of the sea. It is possible that it may be the key to the soul of the sea. The soul mission may also be to prepare the land for us. The son-in-law mission to the land cannot be solved. Otherwise, it is not a mission but a pitman. Therefore, I think that this information can actually be considered in connection. If my guess is good, something like this key can have special effects in the sea. Otherwise there is no need to send us such a thing.

After rowing a boat off the coast, I carefully put that key-like thing into the sea. Who knows that the thing suddenly lighted as soon as it touched the top of the seawater, followed by an aperture rushing towards the sea surface along the top of the thing, and then suddenly spread out like a shock wave after touching the sea surface, scared me to hurry it Stung again.

"What's going on?" Protein asked me in fear.

I looked at the sea as if nothing was happening, then shook my head, "I don't know. But it should be a good thing."

"That's a good thing?" Protein shivered and pointed away. I followed her fingers to see that it almost did not faint, and I saw a huge backing straight into the sky on the distant sea. Judging from the size of the backing, the volume of the creature below was definitely not as white How much smaller is the Shark.

I calmed down a bit and said, "Don't be nervous, this may be a turnaround. Maybe this is the beginning of the mission."


"It should be true!" I was a little bit uncertain about being asked by the protein, after all, I saw a giant fish rushing forward aggressively. Not many people can stay calm.

When the giant fish rushed to the ground more than 200 meters away, it all surfaced, but at this time we couldn't be surprised that it was huge because we both noticed that it was opening its mouth Rushing over, obviously this guy is going to swallow us all in one go.

Now we have two options, one is to abandon the ship and the other is to be swallowed. If it is a reality, I would definitely choose to abandon the ship, but this is a game. If there is a mission goal in the belly of the fish, this is not certain. Thinking again and again I decided to stop it, so I not only did not jump down, but also pulled back Haiti protein.

Protein also wants to jump into the sea again. Unfortunately, the giant fish is too fast. Just rushed over and swallowed us together.

Hmm ... "Ah ..." With a loud noise, the small wooden boat below us was hit and smashed. Me and I also fell on a hard ground together. When the protein was still on the ground and was struggling with pain, I jumped up one step first, and keenly told me that I couldn't lie on the ground at this time. Otherwise, you may have to lie down in the Temple of the Resurrection.

After bounced quickly, I watched the surrounding environment alertly, and I was very relieved. It seems my guess is correct, that fish is not going to eat us, but just some kind of transmission device, because we are not in the fish belly at all now. The island in front of me was clearly an island. The fragments of my small wooden boat were scattered on the sandy land of a dozen meters. Behind the beach is a dense tropical jungle.

I went to egg white and reached out and pulled her up. "Don't lie down, we don't have time to delay the Seal of the Throne."

"But my feet hurt." Protein cried.

I looked down at the protein feet, but it turned out that her ankle was twisted abnormally. I really didn't know what to say. The son-in-law is killing me. Not only did I get rid of all my equipment, magic pets, and attributes, but I also lost such a mentally retarded player to drag me down! The distance from being swallowed to the ground just after being swallowed Not far away. Besides, we still land on the beach. If it were ordinary people. As long as there is a sense of balance, there will be no problems, but she twisted her feet like this, you think I can land safely without any attributes. No matter how low she is, can't she be zero? It can even twist her feet. It's completely speechless!

"Take it easy." I squatted beside Protein. Then she clamped her calf with her arms, held her feet with both hands and twisted strongly, only to hear a click, and immediately reverted to the original, of course, the scream coming from behind was directly ignored by me, "I can go now . Hurry up. "

"But we don't take that one?" Suddenly, he stretched his fingers not far away, and as a result, I almost fainted again when I followed her fingers.

"I rely, what do you do to fix my heart? How did this get up?"

A tall coconut tree erected not far in front of us. Well known. The leaves of coconut trees are actually very few, which means that they are basically bare, and naturally they are unlikely to catch anything. Then right now. I am just now still on our boat, the key-like thing is actually traversed on the top of a coconut tree ground, supported by several branches, and I bet it is to give you a ladder for you to place that thing It is difficult not to fall off the tree. I don't know how that thing flew up to the ground.

"Protein." He called the protein. "You climb up and throw that thing down."

When Protein heard it, he shook his head desperately. "I can't climb trees."

"Then put the whole tree down. Aren't you a magic sword profession? Not cut people. Cut trees always?"

"I'm a girl, why did you let me do it?" Well, this will make her smart.

"I don't have any attributes. The tree has no critical attack. It will take me at least a few hours to cut it down."

"Then chop it slowly."

"But we don't have time to seal the throne."

"Why don't you have time for the Seal of the Seal of God? We have not received any missions. No one will chase us later. Besides

"Xing Xing Xing, even if I didn't say it, I think of a way to ok?" The lungs really exploded. I used to think that silly people were good at helping, it seems that it is just some small things that can help. If they do n’t do it, it ’s no use talking about you. What is recognized is that there is no way to come.

The protein can't be counted on. I had to come by myself. Fortunately, we had the brain. First we tore the rotten clothes on our body, made a round stone throwing belt, and then found a few stones and put them on the tree crown and threw them. With the electronic assistance system in the Dragon's brain, I have corrected all the errors after three consecutive misses, and the fourth projection accurately hit the edge of the big key. The key rolled and crashed into the sand below.

"Wow. That ’s great. How did you think of this thing?" Seeing that I could throw a rotten cloth and a few stones on the top of a tree on such a high ground, I was very excited. I guess she used it as a toy Already.

"Okay, don't play anymore." Watching Protein there playing with the cloth strips I made, I suddenly had the urge to choke her. It ’s more tiring to carry this kind of companion than to follow an enemy. If Rose is so good here, she will definitely come up with many solutions, and when things happen, she can work well with me. The two of us can definitely make one. Plus one more than four combat effectiveness. But with this protein. It's just one plus one less than one!

"Where are you going now?" Seeing that I was leaving, it was enough to pick up.

"Go inside the forest first. This island is not very large and you should be able to search it all soon."

"If I searched it all, nothing would happen?"

"I'll talk about future things later." If Rose is by my side, I will definitely discuss the future with her. But explaining the layout of the plan with protein is just a joke about my own life, so I decided not to tell her. If you have a problem, you can think about it, and she can't help anyway.

We went for a while in the jungle so silently, suddenly I felt that the surrounding situation was not quite right, but the silly girl with big protein was still playing there. No sense of crisis at all. When she saw that I was still, she asked, "Why don't you go?"

"Shhhhhhhhhhh!" I put a finger in front of my mouth and made a silent gesture. It's a pity that I forgot that there is a problem with the intelligence around her, and along the way, she seems to have gradually degraded her intelligence. Instead of stopping, she asked more loudly than after playing a banned gesture, "Why don't you let me talk? Is there danger around you now?"

There was a rustling sound almost at the same time that the protein was finished. Followed by a proud laughter came out in front of me. "Hahahaha ... Ziri is Ziri. Even if the equipment is gone, it is not a small role that ordinary people can easily cope with. Now that you are present, we will no longer hide. Anyway, you are now surrounded, even if It's impossible for you to run. "

"Haha. Ghost Dancer. You scum really lived and went back."

"What are you talking about?" The proud dancer wasn't expecting that I was still surrounded by a smile and laughed.

"So many people are going to attack me one by one. Do you say that the more you live, the more you go back?"

"Of course I don't need to do this to ordinary people, but you are different. I have to be careful." The ghost dancer seemed to be afraid of what tricks I would play. A sharp wave of his hand made his men rush up.

I shoved the protein back. She also threw the keys to her. "You run first."

"So what do you do?" The protein not only ran out without the help of my thrust, but ran back, almost did not suffocate me.

"I'm harder to do with you here."

"Then I won't go!"

I'm going crazy. When you meet such a companion, what do you want me to do? If the attributes are normal, I will not be afraid of these people at all. Or I can just stun her and run between her, but now I don't have that ability. It seems that such a task cannot be completed at all, and I once again raised the physical function to the limit. Most of them were excluded in just a few seconds, and the conclusion was that the problem was unsolved. That is to say, death is undoubted, but one of them has a very low probability, which makes me a little surprised. To be honest, I never thought of this possibility before, but at present it is the only one that can hopefully complete the task, so I have to try anyway, I suddenly reached out and grabbed the key from the protein. Then she shoved her into the enemy. "If you don't leave, help me get some time for the Seal of the Seal of God!" I turned and ran out after that.

Both protein and ghost dancers were dumbfounded by my sudden move. No one expected that I would suddenly abandon my companion and run away. This has never happened before. Even when I am with other people, I need to retreat. Also after I pad. I have never heard of any precedents when I abandoned my companion first.

I had rushed out of the encirclement while they were stabbing themselves, and I knew that this anomalous move would not earn me too much time for the Seal of the Seal of God, so I had to move fast. People who ran out of the encirclement immediately reacted to catch up. But at this point we are already some distance away. The road in the forest is not a straight road, and their high ground properties can't make any difference. In a short time, the Seal of the Seal of God must not be able to catch up with me.

In fact, just pushing protein into the enemy was not my turn, but the possibility that I thought of before, the almost impossible possibility, this may be protein, and she may be a cheek. Correct. That ’s right, it ’s a traitor. The protein performance on this way is very abnormal. If you have to use her intellectual problems to explain it, you can barely come over, but it is more likely that she is a traitor. The local dialect was all that easy to explain, and she wasn't on her way at all. It is deceiving me to delay my time. She's not stupid at all. It is intentionally pretending to be stupid, so I will pretend to be stupid after I can't affect my progress.

At first, I always thought that she was the target of the son-in-law. So I never contacted her to the traitor. But once you figure this out, everything becomes reasonable. Now I am betting, as long as the enemy does not really kill her, it means that she is not my companion but an enemy companion at all. By that time, she can prove that she is indeed a traitor. But if she is really killed, it only means that I guessed wrong. If I didn't do that just now, she would still die. So my choice did not lead to worse results.

With the dense environment in the forest, I quickly got rid of the chaser behind them. Although these guys have good attributes, they have never received positive army training, and they have no experience with the movement of jungle terrain. The degree is not my opponent at all. I took all the corners and left them all.

After a large circle, I still didn't hear the mission failed. Obviously my guess is correct, the protein is either a traitor. Either it's not the character required at all, otherwise I've been teleported back to my body.

For a long time, I was fooled by son-in-law from the beginning, so I was so embarrassed. I said how can ghost dancers get stuck in front of this kind of ghost place. This is basically my son-in-law cheating on ghost dancers. Fortunately, I'm not stupid. Even recognizing the traitor of protein.

With the excellent neurological response I was in the jungle like a fish. I quickly touched the ghost dancers by their side. From here, I can see the ghost dancers all together. It seems that they are discussing what is going on, and the protein is in it. The ghost dancers didn't bind her at all. Land treatment.

I almost gritted my teeth and mumbled in my mouth, "Okay. I dare to play with me in infernal affairs, and I will let you know the benefits of messing with me in a while."

Although I have never been a Special Forces. But our electronic brain has all the strategic and tactical technical information. It also includes how to make traps in the forest. I quickly made a large but powerful trap in the place where I was hiding, then turned around and deliberately stepped on a branch to make a crackling sound.

"He's over there." The ghost dancer's ears were pretty good, and his men immediately ran over to me after hearing it. I even saw the protein squatting to the ground in a panic and the ghost dancer tied her up. She really acts!

Seeing that the enemy had rushed over, I turned and ran. Several enemies saw my position and rushed over immediately. But before he ran far, he suddenly heard a scream. The guy was hung up in the air by a plowing rattan and bounced out along the other horizontal branch. He put another rope around his neck, and the others ignored him. Because these people thought it was not fatal to be hoisted alone. In fact, it is true. Hanging is indeed not fatal. But they will kill the guy in a while. With the sound of a slump, these people all hanged into a large pit together, and their falling power was immediately transmitted through the branches to the guy hanging over there. The guy now has a rope around his neck and ankle, but these people step on the rope to connect the guy's neck. So many people pulled their weight. The rope made of rattan was immediately tightened to hang the guy hanging in the air.

It was too late for others to hear the screams. But they still didn't turn back, and all of them quickly climbed out of the deep pit and chased after me. Unfortunately, the time of the Seal of the Seal of God fell into the trap to make them appear for a short time. When they climbed up again, they could not find my place at all.

It is said that with our tactical trap production level, we can get hundreds of people in the forest. But this is a game. Unless the key attack. Otherwise, the damage value must be calculated. I am not a hunter occupation and have no skill damage. Traps made by ordinary power alone cannot kill people at all. Besides, most of these people are soldiers. I use wood traps to make it difficult to penetrate armor with attributes. Not to mention that a blow will kill them, but fortunately, my purpose is not to kill them all.

Just when those people are looking for my place here. I have sneaked back from the top of the tree to the ghost dancer. I picked up the rattan that was tied to the stone and spun it out and threw it out. The stone flew with the rattan for a distance enough for the rattan to tighten. The stone began to turn because of inertia, and instantly wrapped around a tree branch. I used this rattan to easily climb to the trees above ghost dancers and protein heads. They didn't expect me to be able to cross such a long distance to their ground with simple rattan and stones.

When I stood firmly on the tree, I was hearing the protein whispered to the ghost dancer: "Zi Ri is too shrewd. Fortunately this time the mission is special. He didn't think I would be yours for a while. But it seems that he is It has become increasingly reluctant to cooperate with me. I can't deal with him blatantly. It is really troublesome. "

"I wouldn't pay you a lot if Ziri dealt well."

"To be honest I'm starting to regret taking on your task now!"


"Because this time I foresee that my record of the perfect score will be broken!"

When the ghost dancer heard this, he immediately shouted, "You can't do this. If the mission fails, you will not only refund my mission reward. You will also have to pay twice as much as the reward!"

"I know that I won't lose your money. Besides, I just said that it is possible, and it may not necessarily fail."

The ghost dancer nodded and suddenly shifted the topic and asked, "Are you saying that Ziri might turn back to save you?"

"It's possible. He should have been able to evacuate just now. But he ran back again to attract people to step on the trap. This shows that he still wanted to save me. Before, because I pretended to be stupid, there was no way to engage in purple land That ’s why he left me alone and ran. But his job was to **** me to where I was. So he still had to go back. ”

"But how about we deliberately ask him to rescue you?"

"You can try it. But your people may need to make some sacrifice. It can't be too fake, otherwise it's easy to wear out."

"Okay, I see. I'll arrange it right away."

After hearing this, I immediately left the tree where they were. Because I already know what to do next, if the ghost dancers can't be removed. I myself can't reach the point anyway, these guys will definitely follow me like cheekbones. Instead of being harassed along the way. Otherwise, I will solve them all in one go now. They just planned to save me the protein. Then I will simply kill more of them.

quickly. Our plans were formulated on both sides, and the ghost dancers pretended to search deep into the dense forest with the team pretending to be. He also deliberately divided the personnel into disguised search, but in fact, it created a chance for me to attack and save people. If ordinary people couldn't make it, he would be confused by this trick. But I'm not so good at it.

According to the wishful thinking of ghost dancers, I should carefully touch their team and rescue the protein after killing a few people. But I just didn't go to the center. Looked at an enemy in front of him slowly searching. I crouched behind a fallen tree with a dagger borrowed from the Anti-Japanese Alliance and carefully hidden myself.

Of course, this ordinary player cannot receive formal jungle search training. Jumped casually from the trunk above my head. I suddenly shot and pulled his feet as he stepped across the trunk. The guy suddenly lost his balance and threw forward, and he still had good experience. After falling to the ground, I didn't want to get up immediately, but rolled desperately to the side first, but unfortunately he met me. Just as he was rolling, I had jumped up and slid it into his throat. The location is extremely accurate. Just cut off the larynx and aorta.

Since the team was too far away, the guy gurgled with a spouting throat and no one heard it. I quickly pulled the guy who was still pumping under the half-rotten trunk. Then the dead body was covered with fallen leaves and dead branches, and finally blood and drag marks were covered with dirt and freshly fallen leaves.

After killing this guy, I managed to get more than a dozen people in a row in a similar way. Until then, the ghost dancers are not quite right. If I just want to be clumsy. Based on their distribution of personnel. Just killing a few people is enough to clear a safe passage into the center of the team. But more than a dozen people I've cleaned up are still outside activities. This is obviously wrong.

A ghost dancer whispered to the ghost dancer after knowing that the loss was so great, "Isn't that guy from Ziri looking at us so openly and intending to take this opportunity to shoot us all?"

The other guy next to him immediately said, "No, right? This kid is too greedy! Our dozen brothers died too badly!"

"How about we shrink the team a little?" The former man suggested, "So at least Ziri wouldn't want to wipe out all of us. He knows that we should shrink and we should know that we have him now, he You should not dare to take the chance to save people. "

"But what if Ziri doesn't plan to save people at all?"

"It should be impossible, the woman is his mission goal. Unless he doesn't want to do the mission. It's impossible to leave that woman alone."

"So is the ground."

The ghost dancer listened to the conversations of the two subordinates and was inspired. He quickly ordered the team to retreat, and then deliberately kept the rear team to remain as dispersed as before. In fact, he intentionally let me touch them from behind them. Because in this way, ordinary people seem to think that they are more at ease about the places they have searched and deliberately relaxed. So they will not guess their intentions. Although I don't guess their intention now. But I didn't plan to save people at all, so it didn't matter if I didn't know what they wanted to do, even though my attack could not be so bold after the team tightened. But I still brought down seven or eight people with my skill.

Ghost dancers brought a total of fifty people out this time, which will make me half done. Anxiously he could only move around there, and in the end he had no choice but to tighten the team again. He himself ran in to talk to the protein.

The protein woman was stupid when she was with me. In fact, she was terribly terrified, and the ghost dancer told the situation that she immediately suggested: "You divide people into six groups. Make a pentagon, and prepare a group of people at each corner of the pentagon. Will be touched by him, I am still in the center. But there can not be many people holding me. Otherwise, Ziri rushes in and may not save me. If you release the water too much, maybe he can see it. It is best to arrange only one Two people. In this way, Ziri can save me, and others will think that you will not break through this formation and arrange so. You will not doubt that there are too few people in the middle. "

"This method is good. I'll arrange it immediately." After listening to the opinions of the ghost dancers, the ghost dancers immediately ran to the line. But nothing will not let him do it. While they were changing, I touched two more people and almost vomited blood from the ghost dancers.

After finally completing the formation change, the ghost dancer was surprised to see that the protein was gone. The two men responsible for guarding the protein also fell to the center of the team.

"What the **** is going on?" The ghost dancer roared and asked the people around him, but those people weren't nearby anymore, so naturally nobody could answer him.

In fact, the protein is not far from him, and the straight line distance is even less than five meters. However, I believe that ghost dancers would never expect me to be by their side. In fact, I have already scouted the terrain of this area before. Since the ghost dancers' team is always moving, I just need to find one in front of their team. The place was hidden, and I was in the middle of the team when I came out after half the team passed. While the opponent is changing the line, the team itself has a chaotic opportunity to attack this group of people in the center. After knocking out the protein, I hid back to this tree hole again, and it was as simple as saying it. But the ghost dancers didn't know that I hid in the tree hole and waited until their front team passed. So he always wanted to think about how I went through the search range of outsiders. As everyone knows, it is not that I sneak into their team. It was their team that moved me to their center.

Although the ghost dancer was very depressed, he calmed down quickly, after all, in his thoughts, the protein was their native. I saved the protein exactly in accordance with their original plan. After thinking about this, the ghost dancer just pretended to search for a while and then led the team to move forward, pretending to look after us. In fact, the distance is deliberately opened to facilitate the start of the protein.

In fact, I was helpless to knock out the protein. It is more convenient to kill her directly. But the problem is that her mission is currently messed up by her. I have to get as much information from her as possible to determine what the real content of the mission is. The son-in-law told me that the mission was just a cover. There are also fake missions in the mission. But fake missions also have clues about real missions. I know that protein is a spy and can't do anything about it. It is really depressing and depressing.

I was sure to wake up the protein after everyone had gone far. After seeing me, she froze, then immediately pretended to be a fool and asked me, "How did I get outside? What about the bad guys?"

I deliberately pretended to have a weird uncle-like smile and said, "I drove them all away. How about, I'm terrible, right?"

Protein naturally laughed at me in my heart, but exaggerated pretending to be an idiot: "Wow! You are so good!"

"Of course." I sat proudly next to the egg white, and then stretched out my arms around her small waist while eating tofu. "Don't be afraid of protein. Just follow me. I will protect you from the task." Ground. "Hehe. What do you think I should do this time? Activate the female 1 **** protection system, and your fool's disguise must be fully exposed. If you don't start ... Hum! Let's talk about hand addiction first. Not to mention. This woman is abominable though. This little waist is really tender!

Our evil big hands moved freely around the waist of protein. From time to time, she still choked on her tender meat. I could imagine her struggling from the tension in her muscles and relaxation. But on the surface she had to act indifferently. The expression was really a puppet. I couldn't help but almost laughed out. Fortunately, I had better control, and continued to take advantage of her with a grin.

While touching my mouth, I was asking for the information I needed. When protein thinking was in this dilemma, it was impossible to focus on my induced questions. If not, I can tell the truth, "I say protein! We can't run like this! Otherwise, we lie down and rest for a while. We will go later, right? Just happen to be with the group in front Keep your distance a little safer. "

"It's ... whatever you want! That ... Brother Ziri. Could you please put your hand on my waist and touch it?"

"What's wrong? Are you uncomfortable like this?" He also pretended to be with me. Actually playing with me. I haven't used our professional method of dealing with spies at Long Yuan, otherwise we promise you to regret having lived in this world.

Protein was asked by me for a while and I didn't know how to answer it. Although she was spying with me, she played insane. But after all, she only plays spy games in the game. It ’s not a real professional spy, and you ca n’t be a professional spy to betray a professional like a prostitute. Seeing me step by step, she ca n’t refuse like a girl. Because she has previously identified herself as a mentally handicapped person. Suddenly becoming smart is a matter of slap yourself.

"I ... I ... my mother said that girls can't let men touch them!" Well, the kindergarten children's words came out. But when I heard this, why did I feel more and more that I was looking forward to Uncle Long? "Well, you said, what are we going to do this time?"

"Ah? What task?" Protein thinking was confused.

I approached her step by step. The protein keeps receding. In the end, she was tripped by a tree branch and sat on the ground ~ ~ I immediately squatted and climbed to her. As she continued to approach her, she asked, "That's what we have to accomplish now! What the **** are you going to do?"

"I ... I don't know!"

"Oh! Our little protein doesn't know?" I suddenly stretched out a hand and started to untie her breastplate. At the same time, he was still saying, "Are you saying that it is possible to get the soul of the sea? Or to destroy the enemy who hunts and kills us?"

"No, it's not!" He immediately denied this nervously when he heard this possibility. I instantly realized that this was the answer I wanted. She would never have reacted so much under normal circumstances. But now she is in chaos. It is no longer the usual performance.

I suddenly pulled out a dagger and inserted it into her chest without her breastplate. At the same time, the expression of the uncle on the face disappeared instantly. When protein looked at my expression, it still didn't respond, but then the pain made her immediately sober. come. It's a pity that it's too late. The knife was right in the heart. Even if I had no attributes, this critical attack was deadly enough, and I stood up expressionless. Then he said indifferently, "You have n’t been playing home in Infernal Affairs! Next time you want to be a spy, remember to go to a brothel to study for a while before the throne of the Seal of God. Then now. Goodbye, Miss Virgin!" A gentleman ceremony. Then she turned into a white light.

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