Starting from Zero

Vol 4 Chapter 48: Danger

Clark was struggling with those swords over there, and when he saw me moving out a bunch of things, he fell over backwards. "Are you mistaken?"

"What can I do? You also saw those things flying in, and it's time to thank God for not burning a big iron dumpling!" I piled things up in front of Clark. "You bother! Hehe!"

After a couple of hours, I finally got the pile of things, and Clark started researching those things with me. The first is the nine-handed sword. The longest and unique strange sword body is a black sword with a whole body. After our repeated verification, this is a magnetic steel sword. As long as it dances to the other eight-handed sword, it will fly up and crash on its own, but fortunately it seems to only attract the eight-handed sword and not all metal objects as it does in the stove.

In addition, the eight-handed sword is much simpler, and the shape is not much different from the ordinary sword. The difference is that the shape is fancy. But these eight-handed swords are all silver and white, and they are also very light. As long as one finger can easily pull up the eight-handed swords at the same time, according to my estimation, the eight-handed swords are not enough to weigh 1 kg, like foam Do the same!

"This will not be a flying sword!" I held a fluttering sword. "So light?"

Clark gave me the magnetic steel sword. "Look at the properties!"

I took a look at it. "Dragon King Sword, Level-Artifact, One-Handed Long Sword, Growth Equipment (All attributes with * sign change depending on player level), Lasting 1500/1500, * Attack Power 600-700, Rapid Attack Speed, * 10% Enhanced damage, 25% chance to tear wounds, 100 ‰ chance to cause crushing blows (equipment that was directly hit when the attribute takes effect is immediately discarded and cannot be repaired), a certain chance to freeze the target, ignore defense, with 100 lightning damage for 100 seconds, 25 % Drain life, talent skills-Feijian guidance (control Feijian attack within a certain range) "

Clark picked up a flying sword again. "Look at its properties again."

I looked at Feijian again. "Flying Dragon Sword (No. 3), Level-Artifact Attachment, Flying Sword, Growth Equipment (All attributes with * number will change depending on the player's level), Lasting 1500/1500, * Attack Power 200-400, Rapid Attack Speed , 2 points / second speed burns the user's mana, 20% damage is deepened, defense is ignored, with 50 Wraithfire damage, talent skills-flying sword cover, sword body teleport. "

"The 7 attributes on my side are the same, and the one with yours is an eight-handed flying dragon sword. It seems that the main sword is used to remotely control the eight to attack!" Clark finished reading the attribute analysis.


I picked up the Dragon King Sword and started dancing around. As a result, the eight Flying Dragon Swords took off together and started to turn around. Scared Clark avoided it quickly.

"Your boy, be careful, don't tear down my shop!"

"Ah!" I accidentally flew a flying dragon sword past me and wiped my mouth, but because of the pain I lost control of the other swords and began to fly randomly. As a result, my body was inexplicable. There are more N big mouths, oh, just now I forgot to put on the repair dragon suit, this is a big loss!

"Don't fly again, find an empty place to practice slowly next time?" Clark looked at his sword-filled room. "Please, please forgive me! You're going to collapse my house again!"

呜 "Woo! I'm fooled!" I quickly put the sword down. "Look at my injuries! Fortunately, it's my sword. There is no blood loss if there is a wound!"

"This thing is too dangerous, you will find time to practice it later!" Clark drilled out from under the table and took out the iron triangle that he found at the beginning. "guess what is this?"

"How do I know!" I looked at the appearance. "Somewhat like an arrow!"

"Guess right!" Clark threw the arrow over.

I took a look at the properties. "Dragon's Tooth Arrow, Level-Artifact, the arrow only increases its damage by 100% and increases accuracy by 20%. It will explode after hitting the target and cause 500 damage." It feels like the attributes are normal and will be consumed! But if it is mounted on the Avengers' soul-hunting arrows, at least it can prevent the results of being consumed on ordinary arrows!

怎么 样 "How about that dagger?" I asked Clark generally as I mounted arrows on the soul chaser.

"This is not a dagger! This is a dart!"

"Dart? A bit older?" I took a look at it suspiciously. The red short blade with a streamlined grip looks like a flying knife, but it's too big! This is hardly a dagger. How can it be a flying knife? It is more appropriate to call it a short sword in my opinion!

"It's bigger, but it should work, right?"

I look at the dart which is more than a foot long in my hand. "If the dart is out, it must be very powerful, but the problem is that I need to dart out? Why is it so big?"

"Isn't it OK to be a dagger?" Clark came over with a dagger.

I took it and waved. "But what do I need so many daggers for?"

"It's more useful!" Clark started counting for me. "You can use them as backup weapons, or you can use them directly to dart people, or you can take the shaman!"

"Forget it, I'm still pretending, lest you even say why you used to cut the meat for a while! By the way, what are those two things like daggers?"

"This?" Clark took out those two things and gave them to me. "Do as I do."

看着 I watched Clark hold the thing in his hand. It had a short dagger-like blade in front of it, but it was indeed S-shaped, but it was a flat round object where it should have been a handle. Now Clark was pinching the blade of this thing with his right hand, and I did the same. I saw Clark shake his hand and rattle that thing was deformed. Now the things in Clark's hands have turned into a strange look. An evenly distributed S-shaped blade on the periphery of an oblate body in the middle looks like a blade of an electric fan, but the blades of ordinary electric fans will not be so thin!

I shook my hand as I learned Clark, but nothing changed!

Clark squeezed the thing on his hand back and did it again. "Looking forward, work hard!"

I learnt how he looked like he shook his wrist so hard that his hand bounced and turned into a fan shape. "What the **** does this thing do?"

Clark asked in surprise: "Haven't you played this thing in hours?"

"Play?" I looked at what was in my hand. "Is this thing a toy? Why does my artifact turn into a toy?"

"No, no! This is not a toy!" Clark explained: "This is the Boomerang that children often play when they were young!" As he shook his hand from the window, he saw that thing spinning at high speed. After going out for more than ten meters, he flew back and was caught by Clark. "how about it?"

"This thing is also used?" I threw out my own hand too, and sure enough, the boomerang spun out and flew back, but I didn't catch it, and the boomerang flew over my shoulder. In the past, the only vase left in Clark's room was broken and stuck on a wooden board on the gun.

"This thing requires practice to use, not just throw it out and it will come back to you! Forget it, don't understand, say, you follow me!"

I was ran N streets by Krakla and came to a seemingly shabby house.

"What is this place? It doesn't look like a lost architectural style!"

"This is a dangerous equipment training center. Because it often collapses, it is finally changed to this cheap broken house, even if it is often rebuilt!"

I was dragged into the house, which surprised me. At least 1,000 people stood in a huge room of more than 10,000 square meters, and all were knights. "Is this a locked-up army?" I suddenly remembered that I seemed to be greeted by them when I first came.

"Oh, you know?"

"I have seen it once, 诶 Yes, why are n’t the levels of the Miscellaneous Troops? Other cities have 800 or 850 NPC levels. Why do the Miscellaneous Troops even have the 200 Black Knights?"

真的 "Really?" Clark waved to a black knight who was practicing swordsmanship. Then he said to me: "You detect his level!"

I probed in suspicion. "Class 200 Black Knight!"

"How many times do you try!"


I made dozens of consecutive probes and suddenly heard the system prompt. "Successfully removed the camouflage and upgraded the recognition skills." Then the black knight I probed into a monster with a whole body of ghosts and fire, and the data displayed became a level 850 ghost knight! "Are you a ghost rider?"

Clark laughed: "Except for a few commanders who are level 950 death knights, the entire Miscellaneous Troops are level 850 ghost knights."

"No wonder!"

"Well, you can practice here, it is safer here, and there is on-site treatment service for injuries. I have to go back to repair my stove, you destroyer!"

When Clark left, I began to focus on the control of the take-off sword and the use of the boomerang. Of course, I must first inform Rose that they would go directly to the next city, and call me if something happened.

I'll focus on my research skills after handling the work over there, but these two things are really dangerous! The whole practice process is really terrible. Those flying swords have no way to control them at will. They either scratch their hands or hurt their faces. The boomerang is even more dangerous. The thing will fly back no matter how thrown it, so if you ca n’t catch it, you have to hide If I can't hide it, I have to close my eyes and slam it!

After a hard day's training and finally going offline at night, I can finally guarantee that Feijian will not hurt myself, although I can't control it at will, but at least I am safe! As for that boomerang! Basically, I don't plan to use it anymore. I have made little progress except for adding N big mouths to myself in a day of training! Depressed!

"Boss! I'm offline, can't you?" A Wei's voice rang on the private chat channel.

"Next! I'll go down." I reluctantly received the takeoff sword and boomerang original underground line, and it seems that I will continue to train tomorrow. If these things are not practiced, I will only be leveling by myself. The sword is flying all over the sky. I don't think anyone dares stand by my side!

Have a rest and continue to contact the control of Feijian the next day. Now basically I can skillfully control those Feijian to attack the place I hope, of course, sometimes it is inevitable to hit something that should not be hit!

The boomerang has improved a bit today. Although I still can't catch it, at least I won't hit myself again! Zheng Lian's energy suddenly burst into a private chat. It turned out that Rose was looking for me. "My husband, come here, you are in trouble! The coordinates are XXX, XXX, XXX."

"Coming soon!" I have no time to run. I just turned the teleport ring and sent it to Clark's shop to pick up my dragon suit. Clark gave me a large fan-shaped metal box to carry on my back. With eight slots, I can put all the eight-handed flying dragon swords into it, and the hole in the middle can also put my rifle. As for the dragon king sword, it is hung directly on the waist.

之后 After I was fully equipped, I transmitted directly to the coordinates said by Rose, but as soon as I came out, something happened. Immediately after I appeared, I was covered by a huge net mask. "Who!" I screamed that it was not Rose who was joking with me. "I'll do it if I don't say it!"

"Your boy, let me take a look! I haven't run out of it covered by my Tian Luo Di net! Brothers, hit me!"

一 As soon as the outside sound ended, countless punches and kicks fell on me. It didn't seem that Rose was joking with me, but how did the other party know that I would suddenly appear here? No matter how much it is, go out and talk!

"Rose Vine!" I quickly summoned Rose Vine. A large hole appeared on the ground, and the rose vine dragged me into the ground and sent it out of the net to push it out of the ground. "Which **** hit me just now?" I asked fiercely, looking at the twenty or so people in front of me.

"We all hit, what are you doing?" A young man who took the lead came out and listened to the voice. He was the one who just gave the order.

"Is that you?" I raised my hand and the rose vine suddenly appeared under his feet. The rattan entangled one of his feet and quickly pulled over to me, and the guy was immediately whispered and pulled under my feet. As soon as I stepped on his handsome face, I stepped his face into the soil and twisted it back and forth a few times. "I'm so scared! You all fought, what did you say about me? I'm so sad!" I purposely uttered a provocative voice that was simply ironic.

"Boy, persuade you to let him go!" A strong man nearly two meters tall stepped out and looked at his bare arms to know that this was a crazy warrior. "It's never been better to move my brother ...!"

I did n’t let him finish talking and I lost a spear. Although there are darts, I am still used to using spears. After all, this thing is powerful. Riding a gun pierced into that guy's mouth and reached out from the back of the head, taking his body back a few meters and nailing him to the trunk behind him. "I hate flies the most!" Summoned the night shadow and turned over. "Tell me, where did the two girls here just now?"

"What are we going to tell you? Anyway, those two chicks have been pulled to bed by our president now! Hahaha!" One of the rest of the other was shouting and threatening to imitate the unsightly purpose action.

I flung out the dragon tendon flying rope and flew out around his neck twice. I pulled back and he was dragged back by me. Covering his neck with one hand, he curled up in front of him. "You're strong! I'm scared! I dare not ask you, so I ask other people!" Put him down, but I didn't send away the zipline, and he fell to the ground with a shaking hand. The frame drove the night shadow back and forth pacing over him until he became a pile of rotten meat. "Who wants to tell me bravely now? I don't need too many whistleblowers, one is enough, backward ..." I compared the movement of wiping my neck.

The people below me suddenly struggled around. "I know I know!"

"All quiet!" When I reached for my gun and flew back automatically, the mad soldier penetrated by me disappeared. Rub the tip of a gun on a guy. "Just you, tell me!"

"Our guild boss took them away!"

"Caught away? Aren't there nine knights around them? There are two dragons, a phoenix, and a big insect. Can your boss solve them so easily? Is my knight very useless?"

"No, no!" Another guy hurried. "Actually, the heroes' friends were terrific. The nine knights were led away by our cavalry after killing more than 800 of our brothers. Then we drove away the two dragons and the giant insect in batches. Countless brothers, heroes' friends are truly heroic. "

"Say the point!"

"Afterwards, our guild mobilized hundreds of chain hands to catch the phoenix and trapped it in a fine iron cage. Then we caught the two women! But it seemed that they were just before the women were caught. Someone was contacted, so the boss asked us to wait for the ambush here, who knew that the hero suddenly appeared next to us, and then we instinctively reacted to cover you! We are really sorry for the hero! "

"Aren't women protective? How did your boss catch them?"

"The heroes don't know. Our guild can create something called a fine iron cage. As long as they are locked in, no transmission method will be available, including female protection."

"What? Women's protection can't come out?" Oops, that doesn't mean there is a bug, or such a serious bug, the worst unlucky one is actually my own!

I know the situation and I don't bother to care about them. "The demon knight, gather!" I recruited the demon knight who was led away, and then they were lucky to bring them back, but Xiaofeng couldn't come back. Pet calls can be blocked! Pulled a guy. "What is your guild? What's your boss' name?"

"We are the Confederate Alliance, the boss is called the sword to kill most of the rank list, the second best player in the ranking!"

"How many kills with the sword? Really, the enemy has a narrow road!" I flew the guy directly and then used the star pupil to detect the position of the rose and rushed out with the demon spirit knight. My woman also dares to move ~ ~ ready to be killed back to Xinshou Village by me!

According to the results of the survey, the rose ice is not far from me. After a few minutes of running, I rushed out of the woods with a ticket of the demon knight. A medium-sized city appeared in front of me, and according to the coordinates, the rose and ice were in the city.

I rushed to the gate with the demon knight, but unexpectedly, the guard NPC actually stopped us. "Tianjicheng must not enter!"

靠 "Fuck! Is there any city that does not allow players to enter?"

"You are a blacklisted person in this city, this city does not welcome you to enter, please leave quickly, otherwise we will use force!" The NPC fired a gun, it seems that he is about to start.

先 I first exited the city and looked at the gate far away. "Rose, can you hear me?" I contacted Rose with a private chat.

"Husband? Are you here?"

恩 "Eh? I'm just outside the city gate, but I don't know why the NPC won't let me in. I immediately called the eagle and they came back to help! Are you and Bingbing all right?"

"We're okay! Most of the sword killers are guild presidents. This city is a player city established by their guilds. He can choose to prevent anyone from entering. Just now they heard Bingbing said that you would come to save us. Make you an unwanted person! "

"It's okay! Rest assured, even if this heavenly city is flattened, I will save you!"

"It's okay. It seems that the killing of the sword is not going to treat us for the time being. If it doesn't work, I will kill myself with the flame of life. If I become a state of undead, I will not run out. At least the 12 hours before resurrection are safe!"

"Relax, I'll be right there!" After cutting off the private chat with Rose, I started to contact the eagles. It seems that I need to push this heavenly city! The sword is killing many people, you wait!

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