Starting from Zero

Vol 16 Chapter 74: peak

The man who came in looked very handsome, about twenty-three or four-years-old. A gorgeous armor shows that this guy's equipment level is not below me. The equipment attributes of "Zero" are always linked to the appearance. The more gorgeous the equipment level, the higher the level. It seems that the magic dragon suit on my body is decorated with some gorgeous gemstones in the gold thread on the black background, and it looks like it is absolutely overwhelming for everyone ’s equipment. Now that this man's equipment is so swaggering, his level is not destined to be too low, because anyway, such a set of things cannot be worn by ordinary people. Not to mention that it is not possible to get such a low level of equipment. Even if a lazy person gets such equipment and still does not pay attention to upgrading, he will definitely be robbed by others. Therefore, as long as the gorgeous level equipment appears, then this set of equipment must be an outstanding elite figure.

"Holy flame?" The people inside the tent shouted out together.

"Aren't you willing to help us?" Asked one of the first French players who responded, and he asked everyone else's attention.

In fact, a character such as the torch is basically a star character in France, but it is strange that this guy does not seem to like fighting very much. Fighting is, in his own words, a barbaric act, and he is a gentleman who loves peace. However, if you don't like fighting, it doesn't mean you won't fight. At least the position of this guy's total combat power in the ranking given by the system is definitely not fake. In the latest ranking of combat effectiveness, I was the first in total combat effectiveness, second in gunslinger, and third, fourth, and second. I did n’t know each other. The fifth is this guy. I have never seen it before. Just heard about it. It is said that this holy flame's biggest hobby is pickling girls, and this kid does have the capital in this regard. According to reliable sources, this guy's lover can form a strengthened company. I'm ashamed of such a sage-level character.

The holy flame leaned against the pillars in the tent in the eyes of these people's inquiries, and then did not know where to find the root, and the rose played with it. "I didn't want to participate in your affairs, but there was no way, my little Saint Francis had to make me fight with Ziri for her. As a gentleman, how can I refuse the beautiful Taobao women's clothing Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao women's winter jacket m girl requirements? "

The commanders in the tent heard these words and shivered with disgust, but they didn't dare to act too much. Even if the holy fire guy is narcissistic again, after all, he is still fifth in the battle list. Being able to stand in this position means that ordinary people cannot pose a slight threat to him. Let's say that! Like the situation where I went in and out of the chaos before, the top 20 people can do it, and the top ten people can do it easily. As for the top five ... I want to go !!

A British president finally reacted more intelligently. "That being the case, I would trouble you if Zi Ri appears again." The other guys reacted as soon as this guy spoke. "That's it! Anyway, the guy is going to fight against Ziri, we don't have to lose anything, just let them fight!" Such a thought formed in the hearts of these presidents, but no one would say it stupidly. But everyone did.

The torch itself came to challenge our place. He was not unclear about the thoughts of the presidents, but he didn't care, it was nothing to do with him anyway.

At this time on the city wall, I was watching the battle below with Ashford. The enemies were like waves of waves followed by waves without any pause. The arrows above the city were like locusts. But still can't hold back the momentum of the enemy's charge. Players and scuffles rushed up and down on the ladder next to the city wall. Although the Iron Crusaders still have the absolute upper hand at present, looking at the enemy forces still invisible at the rear, Ashford cannot wait for me to call the entire Frost Rose Alliance to participate in the war.

"This is not the way to go!" Ashford said to me, watching the boundless enemies outside the city.

"Don't worry, they can't hold on to the Throne of Seals for too long."

"But I can't hold him to the throne for a long time!"

"Don't I help you disrupt the enemy's command? Don't look at their vigorous efforts, in fact, they are unorganized chaos, and the real threat is not great."

Ashford said with a mournful face, "I know my loss is not great, but my Iron Cross is not Eisinger after all. My city wall is only 64 meters high. So sooner or later I can use the body to give the city wall I'm flat. What will you say I will block? "

"The problem of corpses is actually very easy to solve. Don't worry, I promise that the enemy will not be able to use the corpses to level the city walls."

"Really?" What Asheford saw my eyes clearly said that I didn't believe you.

Believe it or not, Asheford has nothing to do with me now. Combat power is formed by the coordination of multiple services. The combat power of a single service and the combat power of multiple services are completely disproportionate. The restraint of services is obvious at any time. The corpse in front of me seemed unmanageable, but as long as the dark temple promised me to come. It's the British and French forces who should have a headache.

Ashford was complaining over there. Suddenly I saw a small group of black spots appearing in the sky in the distance. I started Xingtong to draw my eyes closer, and now it was a dozen giant dragons flying high. Because the enemy is outside the city. Obviously, those dragons are closer than us, so they also achieved their goals before us. Thousands of white dots flew from the British and French coalition positions and greeted the dragons.

Although the dragon also has a dragon name, it is not a dragon. The dragons in the world of "Zero" are divided into four categories. The strongest is the Chinese dragon series, which belongs to the strong species. The second type is the dragon. Although it has not yet reached the level of the sky, ordinary high-level players do not have three or fifty people who want to get an adult dragon. The third category is Yalong. This sequence includes many dragon-like creatures, and even some of them are not at all like dragons. The dragon in front belongs to this sequence. The worst of the fourth category is the special Warcraft with dragon attributes. These are strictly creatures that have nothing to do with the dragon, but only have the word dragon in their name.

The flying dragon belongs to the sub-Dragon series, and looks similar to the dragon, but the difference is also obvious. The main difference is that the dragon has only four limbs, and only two hind legs in addition to its wings. When landing, he had to use his forelimbs to assist in walking like a pterosaur, and his ability to move on the ground was average. The real dragon has six limbs, in addition to its wings and four legs. Even without wings, it still has the ability to run and jump without losing any Warcraft.

These dragons are clearly not in front of those dragons that fly up to meet them. One is too bad, the other is the best. There are not as many people, and such a fight cannot be fought at all. Seeing this, I quickly noticed Ashoford and jumped on Asuka and rushed over. Those flying dragons were sitting there, but I managed to knock in reinforcements from Di Tans. If they had not been hit before they entered the city, it would be lively!

The level of flying birds made me rush to the flying dragons before those dragons. On the back of the headed dragon is an undead creature covered in a black cape. The reason I know that he is not human is because the breath of death on this guy has become so strong that he can see it with the naked eye. The dark green air mass surrounds his body like a protective cover.

Seeing me coming, the guy talked first, but the voice was with a trembling sound, it felt like an electronic sound, without the slightest anger. "Hello, dear President Ziri. We are ordered to be officially transferred to your guild by the Lord God of Darkness. This is the stone of our soul, please keep it safe." The guy said, reaching out and sending out only a very beautiful Box, the box was slowly held towards me by a black gas.

I quickly reached for the box and shoved it into Fenglong space. The stone of the soul is the imprint of the life of the undead. It is equivalent to the brain or heart of a living being. For an undead creature, it doesn't matter how many times the body is broken up, but the soul stone must not be destroyed. Otherwise, it is really dead and cannot die. Now the environment on the battlefield is very complicated, it is very unwise to open the box to check the soul stone, so I just put away the box.

"You go to the city first. I'll handle it here."

"I am the President." From the moment I got the Stone of Soul, I was their master. Even if Di Tans came to give orders, they would not listen anymore. This is the power of rules, Di Tans cannot change.

Covering the thirteen flying dragons and the undead on their backs is not a simple matter. There are thousands of enemies. I can't be too busy even if I am powerful, and the magic pet's effect is reflected at this time.

First release the bird to let him do it alone, and then I summoned the night shadow to ride up and followed up with all the pets that can be carried around and can fight in air. "Victoria, let me see your capabilities."

The newly acquired magic pet Victoria was a goddess of fate before her captive, and her attributes were very strange. In short, just looking at the attributes is completely unclear how she fought, so I had no choice but to test it in actual combat.

Since she was transformed into a magic pet directly from a captive state, Victoria appeared directly as a complete body, and I did not need me to take her up one level. Just after I was summoned, Victoria did not fall down, but hovered in the air, which at least showed that she could fly. Although loyalty is still relatively low, after all, the main task of the magic pet is fighting. Therefore, the acceptance of combat orders is still relatively high.

After getting my order, Victoria first glanced at the enemy ahead. Then suddenly reached out and drew a large circle in front of me, and a golden roulette gradually appeared in front of us. This golden roulette has a basin-sized circular area in the center. Its smooth surface can be used as a mirror, while the outer area is divided into eight sectors evenly.

"What is this?" I was confused by Victoria. The original plate was carved with exquisite patterns and the edges were wide and complicated, so it didn't stick to the weapon in any way.

Victoria ignored my question, but slowly raised her left hand and stretched it forward to pose a false grip, followed by a sudden burst of golden light in her palm. This golden light split into two and moved up and down from her palm. As the golden light spread, a golden bow gradually appeared in Victoria's hands. When the entire bow arm completely appeared, the two groups of gold light rushed towards the other quickly and eventually hit each other, but they did not explode but formed a bow string composed of golden light, and they merged into the center of the bow string. A golden light group. At this time, Victoria lifted her right hand on the bowstring and pinched the light cluster, then slowly pulled the bowstring composed of golden light completely.

As Victoria sculpted her shape, a few black magic flames suddenly appeared in the eight sectors on the golden roulette wheel in front. After Xiaochun's translation, I learned that the differences were: birth, death, health, disease, joy, sorrow, anger, and fear. Based on these words, it seems that the power of the goddess of fate is likely to determine one's luck in the throne of the seal of God for a period of time.

After these magic texts emerged, Victoria suddenly let go of her right hand, and the group of gold light was shot immediately and hit the area in the center of the gold plate, but the light group did not make the gold plate. Instead, it passed through and shot out from behind the gold plate, and it was countless times faster than before hitting the gold plate. In the eyes of ordinary people, it seems that the gold plate was shot by a light beam and shot a golden laser. In general, only a few people with good eyesight can see that it is still golden, just amazingly fast.

A dragon knight on the opposite side was suddenly shot by the light group, followed by a sound of blew into a cloud of blood mist in the air. "Seckill?" Everyone was dumbfounded! Although I can also drop the Dragon Knight, but that is the key attack. Besides, there is no such thing as dead bones? This is too scary, right?

I was surprised at the power of the arrow just now. Xiaochun suddenly patted me and pointed at the gold disk. The magic text displayed in the mirror-like area in the middle of the cash disk just happened to be "death".

Almost as soon as I saw the runes, Victoria suddenly did something that surprised me. She suddenly turned and aimed at me, and the gold plate followed, and at the same time, a shining golden light cluster appeared on her golden bow again.

"Hey, aren't you? You're going to rebel the first time you fight? Isn't that the case with low loyalty?"

Victoria didn't answer my words but let go suddenly. I saw her putting her arrow to try to flash. Unfortunately, the light was almost light, there was no possibility of avoiding it. I was hit directly by the light group, but the body explosion did not appear to be expected. On the contrary, I suddenly felt that my whole body was full of strength. After checking the attributes, it turned out that all attributes had increased by%.

Victoria was finally explaining when I was puzzled. "The strongest of my fighting abilities is this trick, which can give me one of the eight destinies on the wheel of destiny, but I can't decide which attribute appears specifically. What you just hit is the joy attribute. . "Now I finally understand it, this girl is also throwing arrows at random! "Rely on it. You dare to shoot at me with random attributes. What to do in case of death?"

"You can rest assured. Of the eight attributes, birth, health, joy, and anger are all favorable attributes, and death, disease, sorrow, and fear are all harmful attributes. I can choose two of these attributes will never appear, and I can also choose This shot hopes to obtain favorable or harmful attributes. I do n’t want the probability of attributes appearing to decrease, I hope the probability of attributes appearing will increase. I just ruled out the two attributes of death and disease and hope that favorable attributes will appear. The joy attribute. "

"I was scared to death! Oh, what's the use of your eight attributes?"

"The birth attribute is invalid if you shoot a living creature. Shooting a corpse that has not been killed for ten minutes can revive the personnel. After the death attribute hits the target, as long as the opponent's comprehensive strength is not more than five times my, I will directly erase and ignore all other attributes. . Health attributes can restore a certain amount of health of the target and relieve all negative states such as poisoning, petrification, weakness, hypnosis, etc. Disease attributes can cause all skills of the target to fail and cause attack power and mobility to decrease by%. Joy attributes you have tried , The effect is to increase the total attribute by%. The sad attribute reduces the target's total attribute by%. The angry attribute reduces the target's health and defense by%. The endurance consumption is doubled, and at the same time, the attack power and agility are more than three times the normal. The probability of failure doubles, but the power is four times the normal value after release. The fear attribute reduces the target's attack and agility to one tenth of the normal value. At the same time, the health doubles the defense power, but the blocking probability doubles. This ability, such as a hit or a wildlife, makes it run away. "

"Fuck, aren't you invincible in this way? As long as we are dead, you will be resurrected."

"Impossible. My Wheel of Destiny can only be used once on the same target in one battle."

"That is also very strong!" Xiaochun said with emotion: "Although you can only use the same target once in a battle, you only have a total of eight attributes. In addition, you exclude two of them. That means that there are six left Choose, even if the average enemy still has a one-sixth probability of being wiped out. Besides, you can adjust the probability within a certain range. Moreover, even if the death attribute is not available, the effects of the three negative attributes are exaggerated, regardless of Neither one is a joke! "

"Then you have any other combat capabilities?" I asked Victoria.

"I can do it in normal battles. If I remove the wheel of fortune, I can use bows and arrows to attack directly. If necessary, I can also arouse your luck and other attributes in a small range."

"It really is a very good attribute. Now you shoot all the enemies in front of you."

"Observe." As soon as I got my order, Victoria started using the wheel of fortune against the enemy, and the effect was exaggerated and scary. Birth in four beneficial attributes is useless to living people. Health attributes are also useless to people without blood loss, so Victoria removed the two attributes of joy and anger, and the rest have only four beneficial attributes and two beneficial attributes that are useless to normal people. I calculated that after Victoria adjusted the occurrence probability of harmful and beneficial attributes, the average death probability was about one-fifth of the occurrence rate, that is, the probability of the two remaining beneficial attributes combined is equal to one. Probability of harmful attributes. The enemy on the opposite side was shot by an average of five people in Victoria, and one of them would be blown out. This lethality is really scary. What ’s more terrible is that this attack is still irresistible. Even if you block it with a shield, it is still a hit, and Dodge is even more impossible. The light group shot by Victoria can really flash off before it touches the wheel of fortune, but once the light group touches the wheel of fortune. After that, the degree will enter a matt state, and the human reaction nerve is too late to even react, let alone hide.

Under the cover of Victoria, I rushed towards the dragon group on the night shadow, and the other party was not a fool. A large group of dragons dispersed, and some of them tried to block my way. Others turned around and flew towards the dragon, which was orbiting from both wings.

"Princess, Brigitte, and Emmys. You block the enemies on the left, Xiaochun, Jingjing, Lingling. You are responsible for the right. Yeyue is not good at air battles and stays in Fenglong space. You are responsible for harassment by flying birds. Victoria follows I rushed forward. "

After getting the exact orders, the magic pets immediately separated, and the dragon knights on the opposite side thought that we would definitely not be able to stop them, who knew that they had a big loss as soon as they met.

The cute princess with a long grade blocked a dragon knight alone, and the other side froze when she saw such a beautiful beauty. The game has been playing for so long. Most players have greatly improved their ability to adapt to monsters, at least rarely being scared by monsters that are more than one hundred levels lower than themselves, but beauty is still beauty, no matter how long you watch, men still ca n’t resist The temptation of beauty, especially the beauty of this class.

The princess looked at the other person, and immediately showed a killer smile. At the same time, she asked with a sweet and greasy voice: "This big brother. Can you help others?"

After listening to the princess's words, the other party shivered. I gave myself a slap before returning. "Huh, you idiot. Even the players want to seduce. I'm not those dumb bsp; the princess looked at the proud knight and smiled brighter, but turned the knight to the gods." Hee hee, riding on The guy on the big brother's back, why are you so narcissistic? Am I asking for your help? Are you big brother? "The last word of Princess Land was to the dragon, and the knight finally responded. He is indeed a player. The charm of this ability really has no effect on him, but the dragon he rides is not a player!

Almost as soon as the knight thought about this, the dragon under him suddenly turned over and lifted the knight on his back. Following the dragon, he suddenly caught the fallen knight and said viciously to him: " Hum, it's been a long time since you saw it. If it wasn't for that **** contract, how could our proud dragon race let you humble little bug ride on your back, today I will let you know the dignity of the dragon race. "The dragon said With a bite at the knight, with the sound of crackling bones, the knight's screaming stopped.

When the princess saw this scene, she immediately smiled and said to the dragon, "Big brother, you are so heroic. I don't know who the big brothers are better than you?"

After listening to the princess's words, the dragon immediately screamed at the other dragons. Of course, the princess also had to accompany him. However, there was no such thing as a dragon singled out a dragon knight, but it became two dragons Bully a dragon knight without the dragon. Afterwards, the two dragons went on to attack other knights in partnership, but the number of dragons kept increasing, and finally became a princess who attacked other dragon knights with dozens of dragons everywhere. The scene was extremely chaotic.

Aimenis's fighting method is also similar to that of the princess. She does not directly participate in the battle, but lets two of the dragon knights see each other as me, and then the two knights start killing each other in the air on the dragon. As long as the knight hangs on a knight. Amenis will soon get another knight to join the battle, anyway, from the beginning to the end, Amenis is watching the other person playing.

Brigitte is far worse than the first two. Emmys and Princess are both auxiliary departments. Although the direct combat power is almost zero, the actual combat effect is surprisingly good, but she is different. Thors Brigitte and Everett are the same mechanical life form. Although it looks and has obvious feminine characteristics, she is still a mechanical body.

When a dragon rushed to Brigitte's side, it was a little stunned. Anyway, the machinery in Zero is really very small. The puppet may be the most commonly seen mechanical body by players, but the IQ of that thing is as low as the remote control robot, which is basically not linked to life. Not only can Brigitte in front be suspended, but the whole body doesn't feel a bit modern. Brigitte's body is almost always composed of smooth curves, few flat structures, very complicated shapes, and many patterns. In fact, this is related to her manufacturing principle, because Brigitte basically belongs to semi-magic and semi-mechanical life. So there is a lot of magic text on him.

According to the basic principles of the more beautiful things in "Zero". The Dragon Knight took 120,000 points of care to deal with Brigitte, but did not expect to underestimate Brigitte's destructive power. I saw Brigitte suddenly release a bunch of golden light **** from the back before the dragon knight flew to the side. The dragon knight immediately realized that these were not good things, but the light ball was too fast and he soon surrounded the dragon knight. Up. At this time, Brigitte suddenly pointed forward, and all the light **** immediately formed numerous interconnected golden electric mans. The knight and the dragon underneath instantly trembled in the air like the wind, and the fierce muscle twitch even made They didn't even shout.

The electric light lasted for more than ten seconds and suddenly stopped, followed by the dragon and the dragon knight on his back, and planted the ground like hot roasted ducks.

See companions shot down. The next two dragon knights immediately drove across the dragon and rushed up. At first, a dragon opened its mouth to be a dragon inflammation, but among the golden light groups, eight light groups were divided and circled in front of Brigitte. When Long Yan was about to pass through these light clusters to form a ground disc, a golden light curtain suddenly appeared between the light clusters. Long Yan hit the light curtain and made a crackling sound, while the golden light mixed with the fire light. Flying around, but no dragon can penetrate the light curtain.

Brigitte resisted Long Yan and pointed forward with one hand. Those light blocks blocking Long Yan suddenly converged into a shining light spot and flew past Long Yan towards the dragon's big mouth. When Long Yan hit the light spot, it was like the waves crashing into the reef ground. Along with Long Yan, the light group flew into the mouth of the dragon, followed by a loud noise. The dragon's eyes, nose, and ears spewed flames at the same time, and the flying dragon flames even lit the knight on the dragon's back.

Regardless of the current Dragon Brigitte, she didn't care about it at all, and the light group flew back with one stroke. The nearby dragons suddenly felt dumbfounded when they saw other light groups converging to one side. For this kind of offensive and defensive creatures, they were just tigers, hedgehogs, and they couldn't keep their mouths.

"What are you doing stupidly? Follow me. A magical attack is not the same as a physical attack." Under this heroic knight, a large number of dragons rushed towards Brigitte, but the problem was that Brigitte was known Thor, you know by name, she must have paralysis, and any creature with this attribute usually doesn't mind melee combat.

Sure enough, when the first dragon approached Brigitte, she was about to open her mouth to bite, but Brigitte did something that made all the dragon knights dumbfounded. Only the thinnest part of Brigitte's waist flashed suddenly, followed her body suddenly up and down and flew out in one direction. The dragon originally intended to stop Brigitte's waist and bite the ground, but now the target herself It's gone, is this a fart?

In fact, this behavior is weird. But if you think about it, you should understand that this is actually not a big deal at all. Brigitte is like a mechanical life form like Everett. To put it plainly, it is a robot based on the theory of magic theory. Do you think it is strange that a robot automatically separates part of its body structure?

In fact, Brigitte's separation of her body was not purely to avoid the attack. Only the legs that had just separated from the lower body suddenly broke down again from the center. section. The crotch was a little better. After the disintegration, it was only quickly separated from the battlefield, but the two legs suddenly deformed. First two legs were folded in half with the knee joint as the turning point. Then the soles of the feet were turned backwards and the tops of the thighs were connected together, so that Brigitte's legs became two approximately triangular objects. This is not the end. After folding, a two-foot-long triangular pyramid popped up at the knee joint of the two legs, and then a cover was suddenly opened at the instep of the two legs to expose a sparkling spar. The two spar flashed suddenly, followed by two legs flew out at lightning speed, and the thing was clearly two propellers.

Before the dragons reacted, what happened was that two dragons were pierced by an object deformed by that leg. Almost instantly, the two legs flashed a terrible golden arc. The dragon, together with the knight on its back, suddenly began to tremble with knots. Under the condition of severe muscle cramps, the dragon naturally lost the ability to fly, and the knight on his back trembled while falling to the ground.

"Everyone spreads out, those two legs can discharge." Commanding the dragon knight to say this sentence suddenly planted off the dragon's back. If you look at it yourself, there will be a burnt hole in his forehead, and it is the cross-section that is considered to be no threat to him. That thing is not off the battlefield is not without combat effectiveness, but it is sniper-type equipment, too close to no advantage.

By contrast, Brigitte's upper body is more scary. Without the waist, Brigitte was not only not affected in the slightest, but became more flexible. Brigitte's head flew off her body automatically. Those golden light **** also split half and followed the head and flew out. The two arms stretched out straight and then flew out like missiles to start nailing people everywhere. If they were inserted, they would be hit by a strong electric shock. Basically, they would be troublesome if they were touched. But even more terrible is the middle light that suddenly burst into the upper body. This upper body has no head and hands, but it still carries two weird things on its shoulders. Many people thought that these two almond-shaped objects were just decorations, but no one thinks that now, because it is seven. In eight seconds, the Throne of the Seal of God has brought down more than a dozen dragons. The upper part of the two almond-shaped things originally could be raised to the ground, and then there was a slit in the middle of the thing, and in this slit there was a very terrible system-artificial lightning generator. To put it plainly, this thing can create artificial lightning. And the power is equal to naturally generated lightning. Don't look at the circle of sapphire in that crack, it seems very beautiful, as long as the thing flashes, someone must be thundered nearby, and it is directly struck by the level of carbon burning. The most annoying thing is that there are two sets of this type of lightning strike system. The pair of "big almonds" on both shoulders belong to two different systems completely, so that the lightning strike speed scares people, and no one dared to approach nearby. Moreover, the chest part of that thing is not a simple bracket. In the center of the protruding chest was an oval gemstone shining red. When it was not disintegrated, everyone thought that this was an energy system. Now it seems that it is the laser gun's muzzle. Anyway, anyone who is close to a certain degree will be shot down by the red light emitted from the gem, and so far no one has figured out what the attack is. Anyone who is hit will not damage the blood, but will suddenly faint. It is estimated that it may be some kind of paralysing ray, but it is annoying anyway.

The only way for Brigitte, a monster dragon knight who can be weaponized all over the body, is to destroy the head that may be the core of the command, but this head is the fastest individual in all parts. Although there is no attack weapon on the head, the golden light clusters that follow it are not good-looking, let alone that the thing has a much faster flight than the dragon, it is a headache.

Compared to the chaotic and depressing battlefield on the left, the dragon knight on the right can at least find a target. Jingjing, Lingling and Xiaochun were originally the products of a system. It is very difficult to coordinate the progress and retreat of Zhongguizhong moment. As long as the enemy uses a powerful assault, it will inevitably be blocked by Jingjing, and as long as the other party is not careful, Ling Ling will use a holy sword to hit it. As for Xiaochun, it is even more terrifying. Although she is not close to the front, her attack magic is put away. Endlessly, and the recent large-scale and large-power release, the most frustrating thing for British and French players is that it is easy to grind the blood of the two in the front and the back will suddenly fall into a single level of recovery. Following the two angels, the magic of life was full at once, no matter how long it was cut, it was equal to useless work.

The Dragon Knights didn't think about posting it to Xiaochun first, but the problem was that Xiaochun refused to approach the front line, and even if she rushed to the front, she was not her opponent. Although Xiaochun ’s positioning is to support the shape-spell class, others are retired bright gods, even if the magic power is great, even the melee is also a mess, singled out a dragon and a dragon knight actually prevailed.

The left and right blocking actions were very successful, and the part of the dragon knight who separated the pursuit of the flying dragon group was also completely tempered by the flying birds. Although the birds are not as powerful as the dragons, and there is only one. But they are a group of dragons who can rely on a high degree of strength to have nowhere to go. The birds against these dragons are somewhat similar to the jet fighters against the old propeller-type bombers. Although the old bombers have defensive machine guns throughout the body, the firepower is not as strong as the fighters, but the fighters deal with these big guys like flying flies . The same is true for the bird. His degree allows the dragon's attack power to become a decoration. As long as he approaches from the direction that the dragon can't respond, he approaches and runs. Anyway, the dragon can only smoke behind the buttocks. If you want to catch up with the birds, you don't have to think about it.

The other magic pets are pretty good. I will not be worse than the magic pets on the frontal assault with Victoria. In fact, the enemies who have been baptized by Victoria's Wheel of Fortune are basically not normal players. The direct kill ratio of almost one-fifth is enough to kill people, and then there is the **** three-fifth unlucky ratio. Even if one-fifth draws invalid attributes, that will definitely not escape me. Kill. Although Dragon Knights are considered high-end players, as long as they are not a thousand levels, I don't worry. Every 200 levels in "Zero" is a level, and there is nothing wrong with people between different levels. As long as there are no outrageous accidents, it is entirely possible for a 400-level player to win 599 players. However, players of level 399 who want to win over level 400 players basically need the help of a miracle **** to have hope. I am now in the stage after the 1,000th level. Even the enemy level 999 is not a threat to me.

The enemy's interception operation under the cover of our land did not succeed. The 13 undead creatures who came to the support landed on the city wall. Only when I gathered the magic pet and returned to the enemy position suddenly shot The bright stars are almost one of my thirteen undead creatures suddenly planted from the back of the dragon. At the same time, it is too late to save them. Besides, it may not be possible at the time.

Since the rescue was hopeless, I immediately started to search for its firing point along Xingmang. As a result, I found an empty field in the middle of the enemy army. The enemy's team was lined up one by one. But this place is vacant enough to stand in a group of 90,000 people. And in the center of this place stood a handsome man in a shiny silver armor with elegant gold.

"Holy flame?" Although I had met this guy before. But after all, the top ten people on the battle list are all celebrities. It is impossible to say that you do n’t recognize them. Besides, this guy is wearing a big light bulb. I don't want to recognize it!

"Night shadow, land."

As Yeying descended, he reminded me: "Be careful, that guy's mount is a holy wing unicorn, and I can't take advantage of it."

"I see, I'll talk about it later."

The Holy Wing Unicorn is a very rare breed. Unlike the Flying Wing Unicorn, this creature has an incredible mental attack ability in addition to the dual characteristics of a Pegasus and a Unicorn. The guy is said to have most of the Light Department's healing magic, which is equivalent to a spiritual master plus a nurse and a high mount, so that the three-in-one ability really matches the name of the first bright sacred animal in its mount. Compared to this guy, my shadow seems to have no advantage except that the attack power is higher than it. To be honest, this is the first time I have encountered a person who is better than me.

"You are Ziri, right?" The other party actually gave me a knight ceremony after seeing me landing. Then I said, "My name is Torch, and I believe you have heard my name before. I am challenged here today to trust you, so I have to make a difference with you, please start if you don't have any comments."

I looked up and down the torch, this guy showed a distinguished and luxurious temperament all over his body, and there seemed to be a kind of pride, a kind of arrogance of noble contempt. I'm sure this guy's real identity is by no means simple. This kind of temperament can't change the ground just by changing its appearance.

"Listening to you, it seems you don't want to fight me?"

"I admire the noble code of pride, so I don't like useless fighting, especially against opponents like you. But today you and I have to fight."


"Because Miss Venus said that as long as I can fight with you, I can get her recognition even if I fail, and if I win, I can directly claim myself as the protector of Miss Venus. You do n’t think this Are the conditions worth the effort? "

I have heard about this woman Venus. I heard that it is the first beauty in Europe. In reality, she is a singer. Anyway, she is a celebrity, but why is such a woman having trouble with me? It seems that she does not belong to the British-French guild in the battlefield? Did we offend her before our guild?

"Can I know why Miss Venus is dealing with us?"

"I don't know about this. But Miss Venus said that I would have to do so." The torch said, slamming the epee in the air.

Although somewhat inexplicable, I seem to be unable to get rid of this biting Cheng Chengjin. The only thing I can do now is to flatten the guy in front of me, and then, as for that **** Venus, that's the future. If I let her know of any bad intentions, I would definitely make her look ugly. What is a star? In the eyes of ordinary people, their scenery is endless. In the eyes of those in power, we are just beautiful ordinary people.

"I see. It seems the battle is inevitable, isn't it?"

"of course."

"Let's get started." I'll draw forever. There were suddenly more than ten meters of huge pits on the ground between us. "Finally, I hope to emphasize one last time before the battle. This is an important war in our guild. If you just talk about it for a woman, I think it is very unwise to enter such a battle. Although you shoot down It ’s one of our important fighting powers, but if you are willing to leave now, I can be nothing, but if you have to fight then I have to tell you that our grudges are settled from now on, and you will give what you can. The price to bear, and you may lose what you think is the most important thing. You can think that I am threatening you, but I hope you consider my words carefully. "There is nothing to consider, Miss Venus' words are everything. It is the honor of each knight to fight for the lady with love. "

"Now that you have your heart set, then ..." Yeyue suddenly appeared beside me. "Fight to death." Immediately after I said this, I said to Yeyue around me: "Yeyue, lift the restrictions. This guy is not an ordinary character. If we keep our strength, we may not be opponents."

I dare to shoot in the enemy battlefield without even calling a magic pet, because the players and me are so bad. Any reservations made by a character such as the flame can lead to failure, not to mention my own The magic pets are uneven. In such a case, I can't guarantee who the final winner will be.

Yeyue heard my words and then gently touched them with her hands. The crystal goggles in front of him were immediately put into the forehead, and Ye Yue opened the eyes that rarely opened. The glory of the beautiful Taobao Women's Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao Women's Winter Coat m instantly petrified the infantry front facing us.

That's right, our position is not completely empty. There is a circle of defense surrounded by heavy shields around this square venue, but I guess it is just a display. The destructive power of the top ten of our two teams is really going to affect them. It must be a move to bring down a large area. In addition to giving the nearby troops a psychological comfort, these heavy shield hands are in my opinion. Just meaningless. Now the enemies in this direction facing Yeyue faced all the petrochemicals in an instant, and the terrible power affected the area even passing through the shield array so that some of the petrochemical personnel appeared in the team behind. The killing distance and power surprised the flame, but he himself relied on a layer of white light wrapped around the body to block the petrification effect.

"The top ten of the combat rankings are not fake. You are the first one who can directly bear my petrified pupil." Ye Yue had already held the six-handed snake sword while she was talking.

"It's so beautiful!" The flame stunned for a long time and actually uttered such a sentence. "If you weren't just a magic pet, I would go after you, it's a pity!"

"Just because you want to pursue me?" Yeyue suddenly shot out, and she had rushed to the flame without any precaution.

The torch in the panic did not panic, he quickly changed the long sword in his right hand to his left, and then pulled the sword out from behind. Two swords, one left and one right, just held Yeyue's six long swords.

"Haha. Beautiful Taobao Women's Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao Mall Women's Winter Coat M Miss, your force is not as good as your appearance ... Ah!"

Before the scorn of the holy fire, he was swept away by a dark shadow. The guy fell to the ground and somehow hit him, but when he got up, he finally realized his mistake. tail! When the flames got up, they saw that it was Yeyue who rolled up his mount with a long tail and hit him on the ground. Although he blocked Yeyue's sword, he did not stop her tail.

The level of Mount of the Holy Fire is too high, I know he must not be able to deal with that thing, so I let Yeyue find a way to solve his mount. Although the Holy Wing Unicorn soon brought a bunch of auxiliary skills, after all, it was not a strong race, how could it be better to be approached by a main battle creature like Yeyue? Almost at the same time as the holy fire rose, the poorly sacred winged unicorn was also dropped to the ground, followed by six snake swords to open twelve holes in his body, and the golden blood was sprayed everywhere.

The torch didn't respond yet. Yeyue did another thing that surprised him, only Yeyue suddenly leaned down and bite the neck of the Holy Wing Unicorn, and then saw the Holy Wing Unicorn to the naked eye. Dry up.

"Vampire?" The holy fire looked at the terrible behavior being performed by the strange creatures in the United States in unsurpassed proportions.

How many battles did I fight? How can such a good opportunity not be used? The night shadow took me out of the spot suddenly, and followed us out of the shadow behind the flame. The torch felt that there was a talent behind the hurdle to hurdle the barrier, only to listen to Dangdang twice, the two blades flew into the air. As soon as it took off, there was the head of the flame. thump. I covered the huge wound on my stomach and fell down.

"Surely none of the top five are simple characters!"

"Are you okay?" Yeyue lowered his eyepiece and returned to me, asking me worriedly.

Just in the last 0.1 second I cut off the two swords of the flame. At the same time, he also opened a huge gap in my stomach that almost cut my waist. If it had not been shortened because of his eternal cut, I would have now become two. This is the fifth strength on the combat list. In fact, I don't think the fighting capacity of the torch is in the same position as his ranking. According to my estimation, there is really going to be a round or something. The torch is not even ranked fifth.

The system battle list is actually inaccurate. After all, the system counts numerical data. Although "Zero" also uses an epoch-making combat experience evaluation system, but this is auxiliary data. After all, the actual combat power is converted by the values ​​of equipment and character attributes, which means that this aspect of combat skills has not been equated with other factors. stand up. Let's say that. If "Zero" allows an account to be used by two people, then the Ziri account that I use now is exchanged for a player who has never played a combat career before. In the systematic evaluation, the combat power before and after the substitution will be the same, because the attributes have not changed, but everyone knows that novice operation of my account must not be able to wield my combat power. This is the role of combat experience. Already.

The Holy Fire guy alone is not much lower than me, but this guy is a peace activist, which means that his chances of participating in the pk between players are much less than those of our real top ten, which is decided A huge gap in combat experience. Otherwise, if we just look at the statistics, we shouldn't separate the winners and losers so quickly.

After the flame was down, I was not badly injured. Besides, the people to be covered are all in place, and there is no point in staying here. So I also voluntarily gave up continuing the fight and summoned the pets to return to Iron Cross.

Ashford was startled when he saw me. "Oh my God! How did you do this?"

"It's all right, it's a flame!"

"Holy flame? That dude?"

"I'm not sure if he's a playboy, anyway, this guy's combat effectiveness is real."

"Of course, the combat effectiveness cannot be weakened, but he is the fifth in the latest combat list! Then again, you didn't seem to have been so miserable against that gun **** before? Did that guy seem to be the third in the latest combat list? "

"Not the same. Gunslinger is a gun. The battle results are usually extreme. As long as they are hit, they will lose. So it ’s very difficult for me to fight with Gunslinger. By the way, you have seen Victoria before. Nas? "

"Which Venus do you mean? Beauty or the French superstar?"

"That star."

"See, what happened." Ashford looked at me somehow.

"The Torch said he didn't want to fight with me, but he was pursuing Venus, and Venus said that as long as he played with me, he would give him a chance regardless of winning or losing. Although our guild also has activities in France, But I did n’t do much. I thought about it and I could n’t think of offending her. That ’s probably because you offended her. ”

"What a joke? Although I didn't intend to pursue her. But I still have a gentleman's manner. How could I bully ... she ..." Ashford said that the voice suddenly started to get smaller and smaller, and then suddenly He said to himself, "Isn't it because of that?"

"You did offend her!"

"Shouldn't it be offensive?" Ashford said with some grievances. "I was buying a set of equipment that she also wanted to buy at the auction house at a high price. Straighten me at such times? "

Lu Wei, who was next to Ashoford at the beginning, suddenly interrupted: "Women's weight is very unstable. If they like someone, they can be forgiven even if they do too much. But if they look down on someone, they can ruin your family even if it's something big. "

"The women you hear are almost the same as the devil!" Ashford looked at Lu Wei anxiously.

I pat Ashford. "Don't listen to him blindly, women are sometimes a little cautious, but not so scary. But this Venus is sure to see you displeased, otherwise it is totally unreasonable for her to be a free player at this time. The flame came across the bar! "

"So what do we do now?" Ashford asked me nervously and was confused by Ashford. "What are you doing so nervously? Isn't the flame already defeated by me?"

"The problem is that the crow hasn't appeared yet!"

"Crow? You're talking about the mysterious player who has recently risen to the top of the battle list and the second gun **** has squeezed one back? How did this get him involved?"

"Don't you know?" Ashford said in pain. "It is said that Raven entered the game because he was obsessed with Venus. The first confession was rejected by Venus. Venus said that she only liked A man with ability, so she told the crow that unless he can break into the top ten of the battle list or become the president of any of the world's top fifty guilds, don't bother her. As a result, the crow disappeared until now. The throne of the Seal of God suddenly emerged on the battle list, and it took only two exchanges to reach the second position. "

Night and night patted me on the shoulder and said, "It seems he will come to us this time for trouble."


"Because on the one hand there is a contradiction between Venus and Ashford. So the crow will definitely help Venus. In addition ... Owner, you are the first in the battle list. Since this crow has already reached the second, no Doesn't it make sense to try to be number one? "

"What can I do!" Ashoford heard anxious words from Yeyue.

"What circle do you turn around? Come and come. I'm the first, he's the second, and we're afraid of him for no reason, right?" But the question is what to do with the city defense after you are entangled by the crow? None of your guild reinforcements came. If the city walls were breached, I did not even have a reserve team. What kind of defense did you ask me to take? "

"Are they still there?" I pointed to the twelve undead creatures standing there. Titans sent thirteen undead creatures in one breath, but unfortunately when he was about to enter the city, he was killed by the **** flame. Otherwise, one more can save us a lot of things.

Asheford remembered that I had covered these undead creatures back. The guys in front of him were all wrapped in cloaks. You can't see any part of their body at all, except for senior dark members like me who rarely recognize these guys.

The twelve undead creatures in front of them are actually the creatures with the highest combat effectiveness and quantity ratio among all ordinary arms of the Dark Temple ~ ~ Their race should actually be classified as a large Lich, but their abilities are more concentrated. Compared to the learned Lich, these guys are only good at one kind of magic-death domination.

This magic is basically equal to the entire version of Undead Summoning. It can rely on a spell to summon various types of undead creatures at the same time, and relatively speaking, it has greatly improved the summoning degree and summoning amount. Corpses, these guys can pull up an army of undead within a short time of the Seal of God. Right now, under the Iron Cross City is the time when the two armies are fighting, it is definitely not an exaggeration to say that the corpse is piled up like a mountain, and this environment is what these special Lich need most.

"How come twelve? Is it enough?"

Ashoford apparently doubted the Lich's combat effectiveness. I didn't say a word, and slammed the liches directly. "let's start."

"Happy to help." The lead Lich bowed to me, then turned and walked to the edge of the wall, and the other Lich followed. "Souls who do not want to sleep, now, in the name of the **** of death, I allow you to temporarily stay on this battlefield. Re-dominate your former bodies, raise your weapons again, and fight for me! Domination --- -Eternal Transformation. "

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