Starting from Zero

Vol 16 Chapter 123: I am disaster star

From Scratch Volume 16 Chapter 123 I am the Calamity Star

Purple Sun? "Honglian Phoenix has been stunned recently. She just invaded and didn't know who the invader would be. So she took a moment. But the intruder is the invader. Although surprised, it is not incomprehensible. The reaction of Red Lotus Phoenix is ​​also considered. Xun. As soon as he reacted, he threw a long red knife.

when. After tapping the long knife with one claw, I turned around and kicked myself on the wall where a few big cuts had been made. The severely damaged wall drooped a large chunk. But it didn't fall down. At this time, the next red lotus Phoenix had flew up and pounced. No, don't say this woman is really crazy. Actually rushed forward without a weapon. And I was knocked over because she didn't expect her to be so crazy. Honglian Phoenix moved very quickly. Immediately after throwing me out, I pulled a small dagger from my waist and pierced my neck. I hurriedly blocked my left arm. The dagger slipped on the arm of the dragon set. I followed the left arm straight out of her left face and grabbed her neck with her wrists to pull her to the left and lifted her off me. It was this woman who was just thrown away and several other female ninjas have jumped up one after another. The first female ninja jumped over my shoulder like a jump. Step on my arms with both feet. My hands caught my back neck and pulled my head forward. I instinctively reached out to reach her chin to get her down. But another female ninja had already slammed on to my feet and stabbed into the seams of my belly armor with a forward rush. Because my hands are trapped. I could raise my leg to block the blow. But the woman suddenly twisted and swam up my reserve like a snake and walked up my reserve again and stuck it in my neck with a dagger.

"Go to death!" I yelled. Suddenly, after jumping, the face where the brain was located smashed. This is a dangerous move in normal times. But now I still have a ninja behind me. The weight of the three of us slammed on the female ninja behind me. Plus my old one. The sharp barbs on the dragon's helmet were inserted directly into the ninja's chest. This blow is not enough. I used the strength of the backwards belly to force the abdomen upwards. I bounced my legs up and kicked my feet. The female ninja kicking on my face went straight to the ceiling and blasted the whole ceiling. The smashed dent fell and fell down again. I took this time to roll the Throne of the Seal of God to the side. After the female ninja fell down, it happened to hit the female ninja hanging behind me. It's not over. After I got out, I rolled back and wrapped around the eternal palm and pointed it into a sword and stuck it in the female ninja vest on it. The eternally powerful destructive power is not what Ninja's weak armor can stop. My hand easily penetrated the woman's vest and directly into her chest. After breaking through her heart all the way forward, she quickly broke through her chest and wore the female ninja below with great power.

Red Lotus Phoenix turned away immediately after being thrown away by me. But the difference of this second she just saw the scene where I passed her two hands with one hand. In the eyes of this woman, Han Man shouted at the two women and shouted, "Drag him." Then he pulled out the spare knife hanging from his waist, turned the tip of the knife backwards, and swooped in, trying to hit me with a sword. Nailed face. Seeing her actions I immediately understood the attempt. But I was about to dodge my hand and couldn't pull it out.

As soon as I turned my eyes, the two female ninjas who passed through my arms were desperately holding the arm stuck in their chests and couldn't let go. At that moment I was even scared by their crazy eyes. Fortunately, Japanese men are not as scary as their girls! Not to mention that although women are a symbol of weakness for most of their lives. But at the critical moment, some women can wield more willpower than men. This is probably the thing that must be reversed!

Anyway, now my hand is stuck and cannot be taken out at all. But Honglian Phoenix's knife is already in sight. But I would be defeated so easily. "Give me up!" I suddenly turned over and used brute force to lift the two women who were in my hands. The two female ninjas spurted blood because of the shaking of the arms on their chests and dragged their wounds, but they still slammed my arms and refused to let go, but I didn't need them to let go. I lifted them both to myself. Honglian Phoenix stabbed directly through her two men. The flank of the flank stopped in front of me with a minute difference. The inexhaustible Red Lotus Phoenix was almost crazy but couldn't move my arm at all. Now I keep the shape of a werewolf. Although it is more disadvantageous to look at two people. However, the strength of the main battle fighters and the ninja-like occupation can not be compared at all. Of course, Red Lotus Phoenix seems to be a mixed career of ninja and samurai. But it is not difficult to see from the way she attacked that she is not following the line of power. Besides, women's gender plus achievement is only agile. Male gender plus achievement is power. She is definitely not my opponent.

After working hard for a while, Red Phoenix finally realized that his own power could not shake me at all. She quickly let go of the hilt and jumped over the two ninjas I was holding. But she didn't adjust her posture. Instead, he flung the six-handed flying knife directly on his shoulder and immediately before falling. I saw that her flying knife was not much slower than her. I twisted the upper woman to the side, and I bounced a little. Although I am strong. But there are still two people on the body. It's really impossible to jump up. However, the noodles can be done a little bit. The moment I bounced. The six-handed flying knife slid past me from the back of the dragon armor under me. But the attack of Honglian Phoenix also ends here. Because she was not optimistic about 6 when she jumped over. As a result, there was not enough room behind her to turn around. Her shoulders and legs hit the wall directly after holding 6 on her shoulders. Although she responded quickly with the power of the rebound and jumped up again. But this time caused a lot of harm to her.

While she hit the wall. I rolled over and squeezed the two women clutching my arms underneath. Then support your upper body to adjust your posture to an angle that you can use. Followed with a little effort to make myself stand up. But my hands were still stuck in the chests of the two women. But just stand up and be active. I put my foot on the woman's back. Then fierce one

With the hands pulled out from her back, the two female ninjas said at the same time that when my hands were pulled out, their heart and lung systems were completely destroyed.

Get rid of two annoying women. I suddenly heard a shout from the side that the door had risen. The archer rushed in first. I don't know how such a party would be equipped with an archer! As soon as that guy came in, he was a beautiful Sanya serial arrow. But I ignored him at all. He bowed his head and rushed towards Honglian Phoenix. Honglian Feng was not shocked just now. As soon as I walked around, I saw my great close-up. Followed by me and hit the wall together. With a bang, the two of us bumped into each of our previous squares together. The already loose wall can no longer resist my brute force and was run through a large hole. With a bang, I hugged Honglian Phoenix and fell into the back room.

The people outside saw us coming in and immediately came over. But the guy who rushed to the entrance of the cave was the most unlucky. As soon as I fell into the room with Honglian Phoenix, I immediately turned around and faced the Avenger against the hole in the wall. A dozen short arrows would rush to the chest of the guy in front of him like a hedgehog. With that guy in mind, I turned back immediately. At this time, the Red Lotus Phoenix had already sat up from the top. I directly knocked her down with a punch, followed by supporting her shoulders with both hands and legs and bounced up. A front somersault stood up. Shooting a flying knife down the guy who was going to smash a machine part, and then the dragon suddenly appeared beside that guy to catch the falling machine part.

Although I would love to see what this is. But there is really no time for the Seal of Throne.

Four or five people have poured into the big hole in the wall. At this time, the front door of this room also opened, and a large group of guards rushed in through the door.

"Blade storm!" Eternity reunited the sword from my palm. Followed by a sword shadow. The room seemed to have been hit by a metal storm. All instruments and personnel burst into countless fragments instantly. The walls were covered with deep sword marks.

Despite this great move. But there are too many enemies outside. I have no chance to study everything in the room. Besides, the things here have been almost destroyed by me. After quickly analyzing the current situation, I decided to leave here immediately and take advantage of the Fenglong space to appear in front of me. Followed by two metal robots jumped out of it. Although Fenglong Space is often used by me to place magic pets, it is actually not a pet space. Its real function should be the storage space. These two metal warriors are items. Because they are hybrid magic guards. The so-called mixed type refers to the mixture of golem and puppet. Its technical system contains dual technologies of Golem and Golem. The advantages of the two mechanical life forms are combined and the disadvantages of both sides are made up.

The superiority of the Golem is that its defense is stronger than that of the Golem. Good damage resistance. And you can use mental guidance magic. More controllable. The advantage of the puppet is that it can be mass produced. And agility is much higher than the Golem. At the same time, the basic intelligence is better than ordinary golems. Now combining the advantages of both, this hybrid type is already the seventh generation of our guild. Hugh corrected a flaw and strengthened many new technologies. Now these guys just don't think about magic. In terms of physical damage alone, it is more powerful than the high heaven soldiers that Tianting sold to our guild. Of course. Really picking each other up is better than the mixed puppet. After all, Tianbing has magic skills. The puppet can only fight hand to hand. But this thing far surpasses the heavenly soldier in at least one aspect. That is defense.

I was baptized in the room by my blade storm. So no one can stand up now. The enemy behind rushed to the door and saw a big guy rushing forward. Boom. The first guy who planned to enter the house was blasted out. Following the machine, the soldier rushed into the corridor and leaned to the side, rushing forward with a hit arm in front. Although the aisle is full of people. But he failed to stop the puppet's crazy sprint. All the guards along the way were knocked out by this big guy. Or the trampled flesh is blurred. The passage of personnel was too dense, but restricted Wei's swing. And the puppet doesn't care about it at all. Relying on strength all the way.

I let another Queen Doll Hall. He followed the puppet all the way forward. As soon as you see that you haven't lost your breath, go up and make up a sword. In this way we quickly rushed to the goal I had planned in advance. This is the boxed room. What I'm looking for is actually the core explosive of the semi-finished magic crystal steam bomb here. Immediately after breaking the door of the room, I jumped in. All looked at that kind of explosive. What I see is really blooming.

"Zi Ri. What are you doing?" A rushing Japanese player yelled loudly when he came to my center and laughed wildly.

"Ah? You asked me to do it? Of course I did this ~ ~ I smiled and put away the puppet I brought. Then I threw a magic crystal steam bomb in my hand against the wall.

That Japanese responded quickly. Everyone else saw the bomb that I threw. But he jumped up quickly and reached out to catch the bomb in the air. Then he held the bomb and crashed into the middle of a pile of boxes. Although it fell quite miserably. But he somewhat assured that the bomb had not exploded in the bomb-filled room. Others exhaled when they saw that he had safely caught the bomb. But just when the guy was holding a bomb and smirking, he heard only a ding. A short arrow suddenly appeared in the middle of the bomb in his hand. The arrow had passed through the bomb body and emerged from the other side. The smile on everyone's face froze.

What about detonating one of them in a bomb-filled room? Of course only one is possible. boom……

The whole undersea shivered. Then they started shaking one after another. The explosion triggered a chain reaction. There are too many explosives. Tons of magic crystals and countless flammable substances used to deploy special solutions were detonated in a series. The shock wave completely destroyed the structure of the whole base. Large cracks in the outer shell of the steel structure. Seawater is usually poured into the base. Everyone was upset. So what am I doing?

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