Starting from Zero

Vol 16 Chapter 132: Ruins under Ruins

Remains from scratch, Volume 16, Chapter 132

Now I don't even know what the northeast, southwest and northwest are. What do you want me to do?

"But with luck ...!"

"Rest assured. The game will not publish impossible tasks. So do n’t be afraid even if you get lost. Just go forward. In the end, you will either encounter a reward or you will encounter it. The reward is the best. If you encounter it, it will not be over .I do n’t have to worry about it in general. If you ca n’t even beat me. Then you deserve it! ”

"You are really Lepai!"

"I'm not an optimist but an actionist. Instead of wasting time on the Seal of the Seal of God, think of a way. Let's do it before I say it." I said while walking to the nearest one | Anyway, luck. It doesn't really matter where you go. I simply don't bother to think about that. Female | The hand slightly hesitated and followed. After all, it was unwise to be separated from me.

The channel here is exactly the same as the one we came before. So the average person simply cannot remember those details. of course. I can remember. Our dragons have electronic tablets in their brains. If necessary, a photo-level archive of what you see can be made. The details can of course be preserved as we think. But there is a premise for this preservation. Then, consciously take the initiative to save. The auxiliary chip in the brain normally only has a fuzzy memory of the concept of the environment. No details are really recorded. Otherwise, my brain will be full one day.

Not far along this passage. A wall suddenly blocked the way. We thought we had reached a dead end. Was going to go back. Suddenly another wall fell in the back passage. The side of our station was closed into a sealed room like the elevator. As soon as the room was closed, the face shuddered. Follow the feeling of weightlessness again. Obviously the room was falling again and the depth of the fall was considerable. Because the elevator has been in a state of weightlessness for a long time before it starts to gradually. However, new problems quickly appeared.

This ancient "ladder" did not stop after a period of reduction, but declined at a very slow degree. Following the gaps in the surrounding walls suddenly began to seep into the electricity. But the degree is relatively slow. It may take several minutes to see the progress to fully fill the place. The female archer began to panic as soon as the elevator entered the water. But she also calmed down after I passed a pendant with breathing function. Warrior helmets are equipped with underwater breathing function. Most non-warrior players will choose to buy water pendants. Because some of the pictures in "Zero" belong to the underwater environment. Therefore, the lack of underwater combat capabilities is a headache.

Amulet protection. The female archer is no longer afraid of rising water levels. Soon the elevator was completely filled with water. But the elevator is still falling. After another ten minutes, the elevator suddenly trembled. Following Ming stopped descending but it didn't stop but suddenly started panning to the side. So taxiing for a while, this small elevator finally stopped. Then the wall on one side suddenly rose. A short passage was revealed. I took the female archer's hand and levitated up the wall in the opposite direction. The whole man immediately hurried forward. After passing through the passage that was only a few meters long, his eyes suddenly opened up. But what I saw shocked me.

We are now at that passageway and on our left and right sides are one-by-one rows of five-meter-wide outlets. And the side that stretched until I couldn't see was not over.

A wall rising straight above these exits. Because you can't see the top. So its height cannot be judged. Below this row of passages is a huge **** that slopes down at a large inclination of sixty degrees. This **** is almost 300 meters. Under the **** is a huge city. Or the ruins of the city.

If you don't consider the rock formations above us and the surrounding water. The things behind us can be imagined as a dam. Below us is that the city protected by the dam just doesn't look very similar to the nearby water and the depth we are in. "!"

"It's magnificent but more concerned about what this is exactly!" I asked the female archer: "How many levels are you now?"

"Eight hundred and three."

I nodded. "Not too low." In fact, the situation of ordinary players. The female archer's level is not simply "not too low". Her level should be "high." Compared with my level, it can only be said that it is not too much.

"You change this first." I threw away a special set of equipment. The female archer looked at me in wonder, and wondered why I suddenly gave her a set of gear. I had no choice but to explain: "Now I can't dominate this task with you or me. So you can't die until you determine this.

| I can determine what dangers I will encounter in the future to give you a better code to survive. Don't be too touched. This equipment is not a good thing for me. "

Although I said so, the female archer couldn't help being excited for a long time. This equipment is really not good for me. But it's different for her. Just like those royal families in Europe do not take ordinary diamond rings seriously. But will ordinary mm not be in the small diamond ring? I am well equipped to look numb. She has never seen such good equipment. In fact, what I gave her was not too bad. This thing was originally a type of sensitive battle suit. But it's okay for archers. Despite the lack of auxiliary attributes needed by the archer to increase the hit rate. But at least the agility of this thing is quite high. So it will increase the hit rate. The most important thing is that this equipment has high defense. After all, it is soldier equipment. By archer's standards, she puts on at least the top three ordinary archers' resistance to attack. At least someone thinks she is almost impossible. The position of archer is destined not to rush too far forward in the combat combination. As long as you pay attention to replenishing blood in time, she is unlikely to hang.

With equipment protection. The safety of the female archer is guaranteed. I grabbed her shoulders with both hands and spread my wings slowly in the water. Although my wings are for air flight. But just fill it up. The propulsion in water is just as powerful. Because there are wings to help. We slipped that **** very quickly to the city below, above the market.

Just can't see it in the distance. The ruins found only when approaching are not really ruins. The whole city can be said to be basically intact. At least it didn't look like it was ruined. And because the air is isolated from the bottom. There is no oxidation effect. The only problem is that the area of ​​the city has been covered by a dense aquatic plant. The underwater world in which the city is located seems to be completely closed. And almost no water flows in the whole environment. Add water itself. So there is not much mud. And because this is a closed environment. So there is not enough sunshine in the lake or the ocean. Therefore, although there are many aquatic plants, they are very small.

But although it is a closed environment. It's not all dark. In fact, I noticed the moment we left that passage. There are many pillars evenly distributed on the streets of this city like street lamps-five crystals of light are hung on the top of each pillar. The blue light scattered by these crystals is the only light source here. But this is a cold light. Little energy is provided by itself. So there are no large aquatic plants here. Large-scale food chains cannot be formed without large aquatic plants. So there are very few small fish and shrimp here.

"What a magical party!" The female archer | the city below sighed.

"Not magic. Different."

"Huh?" "Don't you feel too clean inside?"


"Did you see any aquatic animals for so long?"

"That's not true."

"Such a large aquatic plant. Even if it grows slowly because it is only exposed to light. At least it should be able to breed some small fish and shrimp? So will there be larger aquatic animals on the small fish and shrimp? Any large aquatic animals? "" You mean ...! "

"I mean, something will definitely exist."

The female archer felt that what I said was strange ~ ~ He then noticed that my face was always facing in one direction. Her eyes turned immediately. Just follow what I mean. I saw a huge shadow slowly rising from the ruins not far away. It looks like this is at least the size of a blue whale.

"Ah! Run! There's something strange!"

"It's a good thing to have monsters." I said suddenly releasing the female archer. "You go down and wait for me for a while. Be aware that there may be other monsters nearby. Beware of yourself." Immediately after that I waved my wings and started to rise. And activated a lighting spell. My purpose now is to bring that guy to me. The combat effectiveness of the female archer is definitely not that monster's opponent. So it's best to distance yourself to avoid reaching her.

The fact that the monster will rise up has shown that it is now us. And now my lighting technique is pointing the way for this guy. But after a while, the shadow had a strange change. A lot of dark red areas suddenly appeared on its body. These areas just form a circular pattern. Following these patterns began to become brighter. And soon it got over the brightness of my lighting. So I don't want to adjust the goggles of the Dragon Set to block the light to prevent the strong light.

"Fuck. Do you think you are the sun?"

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