Starting from Zero

Vol 4 Chapter 56: Go to sea

"You murder your husband!" I jumped up and rushed to press the roses down on the bed, put my hand on the quilt and shouted to turn off the lights. The voice-activated lights went out automatically, and the roses I controlled stopped struggling because of the sudden darkness. Feeling the trembling of Jiao body below me soothed her: "Don't be afraid, there is me!" The resistance really stopped.

Suddenly there was a huge force in my stomach and I was kicked out. "I'm afraid of you!"

I hurt my self-esteem! Actually got kicked out of bed by his wife, oh oh ~~ faceless! I slowly got up, grabbed the quilt underground, put it back on the bed, and looked at the rose with the most indifferent eyes in my life. "Don't sleep on the quilt alone at night, call me something!"

"You ...?" Rose thought I was really angry and hurried over to pull me. "I'm not……!"

"I know, stop talking, I don't blame you, it's normal for girls to be afraid for the first time. I shouldn't force you, sleep well, and go to sea tomorrow!"

"Husband! Huh ~~!" Rose actually hugged me and cried. "Don't go! I'm not scared, really!"

Hee hee, treacherous! "Then I won't go!" I lay back on the bed holding the rose. "You really……?"

Rose buried her head in my arms and gently nodded. "You have to tap!"

"Rest assured! How can I be willing to hurt you!" Haha finally let me get rid of it!

(The following footage has been deleted because it is not suitable for children! -_-!)

No matter who it is, the first time is always so passionate and uncontrollable! The rose, which was still pure and shy, turned out to be a little **** in need, and as a result, I accidentally overplayed it, and it was estimated that it was almost dawn at the end! Rose and I were both awakened by the butterfly, and it was already 9:50 at this time, and the biological clock that I never went wrong sometimes went wrong.

When Rose and I appeared in front of Ziyue and Lin Yue with a pair of panda eyes, both of them gave me a thumbs up tacitly. When I did n’t know what they meant, Lin Yue said, “ Amazing, do you have four o'clock when you sleep? Four hours! Admire! "

I looked at them in surprise and didn't know how they knew. It turned out that Lin Yue's words made me understand what was going on! "Preparing some more roaring films for Sister Rose, what did it sound like in the end! Really caring for people!"

Rose is not stupid, of course she heard that she yelled so loudly last night that the two sisters of Ziyue Linyue, who were sleeping in other rooms, heard it. She hides behind me now and dares not come out!

Actually I'm sorry to be heard! What a pity I am a man! Can't hide behind women, no! "By the way, did you go online soon?" Hurry up and set the topic aside, I won't be able to stand it anymore, and I'm thin-skinned!

"After a while, I came down again!" Ziyue put away a joke expression. "Everyone is here, waiting for you!"

"All right, let's hurry up!"

Simply dealt with personal hygiene issues and told Butterfly to be on the line as soon as the evening auction.

Appeared in the blacksmith shop offline yesterday, looking at the cannons and shells stacked next to me suddenly thought of something. Quickly contacted the eagle. "Eagle, are we going to have fewer shells if we are going to fight overseas?"

"1,000 rounds per gun is already a lot!"

"But we do n’t have to come back for a long time? If we need to stop there for ten and a half months? If we find a good city and we can take it in, we will need the Biling to provide our city. Fire support, so 1000 rounds are not enough! "

"How much do you want?"

"5,000 rounds per gun!"

"Too much?"

"It doesn't matter, gold is in my hands anyway, and there is no shortage of money now!"

"Then you buy it, I will send the sailor to the smithy!"

"Okay!" I cut off the communication. I asked Ziyue and Rose to wait for the sailors to come here and direct them to move the shells. I quickly turned the teleport ring directly to the Goddess City. There are two purposes here, one is to exchange gold, and the other is to find the red moon. Last time Hongyue made such a big sacrifice for our battleship, I'm sorry I didn't take her this time. Besides, I still owe her a Japanese city!

I went to the bank before I found Red Moon. The city of Goddess is still the main city of the system. The bank storage is larger, but despite this, my gold has not been replaced at once! The bank of Goddess City only accepted half of my weight, and the rest said that it couldn't fit! I ca n’t stand it, I ca n’t help it, and then teleport to Sky City to trade. As a result, I fainted. After the excess of Sky City's gold reserves was exceeded, I still had more than 100 million worth of gold! There was no way to continue to the city of God to continue to faint. I actually ran the three main cities of the system in exchange for gold!

之后 After the transaction was over, I was going crazy, because my character's currency carrying limit is 70 million crystal coins, so when trading gold, I had to run back and forth between the deposit counter and the transaction counter! After a lot of work, I took 100 million cash and went to the smithy in Torrent City to put down the money of the cannonball. Then I started to run between the bank and the smithy. Are you in debt? After paying off the arrears, I asked the Eagles to ship the shells back to the ship, and I came to the city of Goddess again.

Contact Hongyue directly in a private chat, and actually reminded the other party to turn off the call service! I was dizzy and turned off at this time! No way, look for it! Using the star pupil to directly find the coordinates of the red moon, I followed the coordinates, and soon I walked to a huge courtyard. This is a castle-like building that looks a bit like the mages union in Torrent City outside!

I walked to the gate and saw no guards. There was no way. Since no one was guarding me, I went in by myself. Upon entering the gate, the first thing I saw was a central square or the like. The buildings are all around the courtyard, completely surrounding the square in the middle. There is a fountain sculpture in the middle of the square. The sculpture is a beautiful young girl riding on a white unicorn. She still has something in her hand, because I can't see what it is because it is blocked by the fountain near the fountain. I was trying to get closer and heard someone call me behind.

"Who are you? Don't know this is the headquarters of the League of Goddess? Why did you break in here?"


回 When I look back, I see a beautiful cute girl with fair skin and small nose, bright eyes, and a beautiful woman! I would have drooled if I used to, but now I am a family member too, I ca n’t be sorry for my wife!

"I'm here to find someone!"

"Look for someone to look outside, we are not a shelter!" This girl is very pretty. She talks and has a taste of Hongyue! Are all the female players in Goddess League like this!

"I'm looking for Red Moon!"

"Are you looking for Red Moon?" The other party's tone eased a little. "Red Moon's veteran in the peace talks discussed things. You have to wait for the meeting to see her."

I'm so busy now that I have no time to wait for someone! "No, I still have something. Can you bring me a word for her?"

"You say it!"

告诉 "Tell her that Bi Ling will go to sea before 5 pm today, and may fulfill her wish by the way. Tell her if she wants to come to the dock before 5!

"What city's dock?"

"Just say it's the dock, she knows the place!"

"OK! I will tell her!"

"Thank you!"

I turned around and was about to go outside but ran into the three little girls, and screamed: "Sister Binger, there is news! There is news in your cauldron rice!"

"What's my cauldron, don't talk nonsense!" The girl who talked to me just said angrily.

"Second sister, don't quibble. Did you look at others when you fell off the bridge that day?" The three little girls not only did not converge, but ridiculed.

"Who cares about others!" The girl who was called Binger argued blushing.

"Did you fancy others, let us inquire about his whereabouts?" The three women laughed more and more.

"I was looking for him to pay!"

While listening to what they said, I feel like I'm talking about the cauldron rice on time, but it doesn't seem to be the case. If so, I would remind the cauldron rice to be careful, none of the Goddess League can be a mess! I turned around and walked back. "Are you guys just talking about a player called a cauldron on time?"

"How do you know? We just said that the cauldron rice did not say the cauldron rice on time. Do you actually know the full name, do you know him?" Binger is really smart enough, the consistent feature of the Goddess League is that each MM is cunning and sly!

"I just met a player named On Time Cauldron, but just met a few times and didn't know it! I don't know if I'm talking to you. Can you describe what you know and his looks? Say Maybe I have a chance to meet him in the future to help you catch him! "Brother I am not trying to betray you, I'm breaking into the enemy to help you undercover!

"His name is cauldron rice on time. He is a warrior. His weapon is a rake. He has a strange light armor on him, but I don't know if it is replaced now!"

A girl next to added: "By the way, when I saw him, I didn't know where to get the wild boar. It was still gray and very big! It may be a magic pet!"

I'm dizzy, isn't that the big pot rice on time, except for him, I don't think anyone else will ride the wild boar anti-nail rake!

Binger continued: "The day we met him, someone happened to be fighting at the gate of the city, and we were squeezed out of the moat by the crowd. Did you know that the people below were all people? We fell into the crowd, and when I was about to get up, that stink It just fell off! "

"He didn't do anything like that?"

A small MM next to him said, "Where is it? When the man fell, it happened to fall on our sister Binger. Not only did she touch the sister Binger but also took away our precious sister Binger!" Binger immediately started chasing the little girl in annoyance, and another little MM next to him said, "So Sister Binger is so anxious to find a husband!"

"You ...!" Binger started chasing the little girl here again.

I did not expect that the fool of the big pot rice is still a fool, and such a beautiful little MM let him taste it! "Okay, I'll let you know if I see it!" I hurried on the road, and if I stay, I will reveal the filling! When I was out of the gate, I hurried to a corner and laughed. The cauldron rice was so funny, I could drop such a beautiful stunner under the bridge!

I was smiling and suddenly my private chat rang. "Zhuyue, what's the matter?"

"Xiaoyue came out, she said she was in a place called Long Island, and she wanted us to pick her up!"

"Will you go then?"

"I don't even know where to go to Long Island?"

问 "Ask her for coordinates, I will teleport directly!"

"Wait a minute!" Ziyue stopped for a while and reported the data. "The coordinates are XXX, XXX, XXX."

好 "Okay, wait for a while!" I turned the teleportation ring, and the system prompt rang. "The teleportation target is protected by the Dragon's forbidden spell, teleportation failed!" I fainted, Long Island has a protective cover! "Ziyue, I can't help it, Long Island can't go up. You asked her to find a way to leave Long Island first!"

I waited for a while, Ziyue said, "You come back first! You can't get out of Longdao and you can't get out of it!"

"No! What a ghost place! Can't get inside out, can't get in outside, isn't that isolated from the world?"

"I don't know, there may be special conditions required! Anyway, she won't be able to take her with her this time! Come back soon, because we should start early, and open tonight tonight, we can go to the open seas of Japan tomorrow morning! "

"OK! I'll be right there!"

I walked out of the dark corner by the wall and prepared to teleport directly to the dock, but Hongyue suddenly appeared in front of me. "So you didn't leave!"

"Why are you so fast? Didn't the guy named Binger say you were in a meeting?"

"I was in a meeting just now, but it's over now! Didn't you say you're going to sea? Are you going now?"

恩 "Well, go now, we better hurry up, or we have to wait for tomorrow again!"

I took the lead and walked to the teleportation station. I do n’t have a teleportation ring when I have roses. Although I can say that a teleportation ring can carry two people, I ca n’t hold the red moon!

After arriving at the torrent city, we came directly to the port. The Bi Ling had stopped on the pier with great power, and there was still a row of people standing in front of it. "Chuang Wang? Are you ...?" Behind Chuang Wang, there are still Warsong Men and Wu Yu, and a raw face, it seems they are together.


"Zi Ri, we are here to hope you can bring us."

I looked up at the eagle on the side of the ship. The eagle gave me a hand. "They said they would go with us. I want them to ask for your opinion. Are you the captain after all!"

I said to Chuang Wang: "We are only acting personally. Can you wait for your new Haiwei to launch into the water and die again with the Japanese!"

"No!" Chuang Wang said decisively: "Haiwei will never be there again, she is sinking is sinking, I will not rebuild Haiwei! The ship we rebuilt is called Haihun, meaning she Inheriting the conviction of the Haiwei, but before the voyage of the Haihun, we need something to stimulate morale, so we decided to go to sea with you! If you are a friend, take us to the sea! "

"You talk about this, can I take you out to sea?" I patted his shoulder. "Get on the ship! You won't be able to arrive tomorrow morning! It's not cost-effective to fight them at noon, just to take advantage of them when there are few people in the morning!"

"That's it!" Chuang Wang greeted him behind. "Go up! We have to make the Japanese pay for it! The Hiway will not sink in vain!"

"Oh! You haven't introduced me yet!" I pulled the King of Crash to get on board. "Who is this?" I know Wu Yu and Warsong. I don't recognize this face.

Chuang Chuangdao: "Let him introduce him!"

The other person extended a hand generously. "Hello, my name is Blue Wind, a professional hunter!"

"Hello!" I took him to the deck and introduced them to the eagles one by one.

While they were in touch, I began to command the battleship to slowly withdraw from the port. Commanding the sailors to start the thrusters, Bi Ling quickly accelerated. (Yesterday, the chapter actually forgot that high-speed motor boats cannot use sails. I'm really sorry for everyone. From here on, I will take the Biling off the sails! I would like to point out any errors in the future.) It may be the operation of sailors. Familiar with it, this time the launch of Bi Ling is not as shocking as last time. Bi Ling accelerated slowly and smoothly, and soon we left the port. We continued to increase speed, and as the speed increased, the bow began to rise gradually, until the bow completely left the water surface, and two hydrofoils emerged. Due to the role of the hydrofoil, most of the hull left the water surface, the drag dropped a lot, and the speed of the Biling accelerated further.

"When did you pack this thing? Why didn't I know?" I lay on the side of the ship and looked at the waves below to ask Ziyue.

Ziyue said: "Just the last time you said you were going to install hydrofoil, I think you didn't have time to do it today. I told you what you said to the eagle. We went to the dock to change it. I didn't expect it to work! Look, it's a lot faster now! "

"That's it!" I nodded: "Is hydrofoil useful at first! By the way, what happened to Lin Yue? What happened to her Long Island?"

"I'm not sure. Anyway, I can't get out anyway. Maybe her dragon race is different from other races like us! We didn't see any dragon race when we chose the race!"

"Yes, I think this should be a good thing. The more special the Dragons are, the more they have development potential."

"Zi Ri!" Chuang Wang called me behind.

I looked back at him. "What are you doing?"

"Your boat ...?" He pointed his finger at the bare mast. "Where's your sail?"

"Isn't it there?" I pointed to the mainsail rolled under the mast. I plan to keep this spare. The Atlantis thruster is not necessarily safe. If it breaks halfway, I will return it. There is a sail to use!

"But you haven't sailed!"

"I know!"

"How did your boat move?"

"Don't you know that there is a heavy thing called a thruster?" I smiled and said, "I am a large warship, of course, it is going to be nuclear-powered. Your boat is still burning oil!"

"I'm not kidding you, I really don't know how your boat can move without sails!"

"I'm not kidding, I really have a thruster, but I only use magic crystals!"

真的 "Really? You have all this stuff, where did you get it? I want a set too!"

"I have no opinion!" I spread my hand and said, "This thing is as big as a container and weighs about seven or eight tons. Each cost is 5 million crystal coins. You can buy it if you have the money! I only pack four at a time. This speed! "

"5 ... 5 million?" Chuang Wang stretched out his tongue. "I can't afford it! It's too big to say! Although the Sea Soul is a little bigger than the Haiwei, it's still too big for a container! I really envy you for such a big ship!"

"Big big, big small, small small! Look at my Bi Ling, as long as an island was discovered by the enemy, your Haiwei will certainly not be found so easily, right? You can make a U-Turn in the port. If my Bi Ling does not leave the port upside down, there is no way to make a U-turn. Even on the sea, I ca n’t turn around at random. Eight meters high, you say good or small! "

"Listening to you, I really think that the boat is also good, but I still feel that it is bigger! It's the big guys on your boat that made me drool!" Chuang Wang looked at the five-door Super on the Biling Super The magic crystal cannon was drooling. "I'll be able to pack this thing!"

I interrupted him: "Do you really want it?"

"What do you do?"

"I do have it, smaller than this. But this thing is not cheap. The market price is 20 million crystal coins. If you want to give 15 million crystal coins, I will sell them!"

"15 million!" Chuang Wang almost did not memorize. "Do you think I'm worth 15 million crystal coins? If you sell me for a cannon!"

"Ha ha ha ha! 15 million? You are worth 150 crystal coins at the most!" I thought to myself while joking with Chuang Wang: "It seems that this thing can only be sold to Feng Yin Piao Miao, except he estimates that most people buy it Amazing! "

"What time is it now?" Ziyue asked.

"4:37." Chuang Wang answered the system time. "Are you okay?"

"Well!" I nodded. "We are going offline at 8 o'clock at the latest. There are important things to deal with."

Wu Hongyue walked over and leaned on the edge of the boat next to me. "Can you go down first if you have something! Anyway, you won't be able to go to the open seas of Japan tomorrow morning anyway! If you want to fight, you have to wait for tomorrow morning! You do n’t have to go offline now!"

"No, I'm not in a hurry right now, I'll accompany you until 8 o'clock."

"Cut!" Hongyue hummed. "Who is rare! I can admire the beautiful sea without you!"

"Captain!" I was about to argue with Hongyue, and the watchman suddenly called out. "A battleship group was found in front, number 70, 35 kilometers away ~ ~ is heading towards my ship!"

"What?" The eagle ran up. "How did you meet the Japanese here! Didn't they just bombed our port yesterday, don't they want to do it again?"

"It's not necessarily the Japanese fleet. It may be that our fleet has just returned. It's already late. It should be the time for the fleet to return to Hong Kong!" I don't really think the Japanese will be arrogant to this extent. Do they really think that I No one in China!

"I don't know if it is the Japanese fleet, but it is definitely not the Chinese fleet!" "It's very far from the port. The Chinese fleet will not run so far away at such a late time, and I have never seen such a large Chinese fleet. If there are multiple guilds in the combined fleet, there should be people Tell me, how can I say that my anti-Japanese federation is a big guild along the coast! "

"Looking hand, can you see what flag is hanging on the other side's main mast?" I looked up and called to the looker on top of the mast.

Glancing his hand, he raised his binoculars for a moment. "The flag is not clear, but it looks like a bad one. There is a round-like thing on it that is fuzzy and can't see anything!"

"There is a circle above a difference?" Eagle repeated. "What banner is this?"

"It should not be the flag of Japan!" I pointed at the flag on our own mast: "The largest flag hung on the main mast is the national flag, the guild flag on the second auxiliary mast, and the rear sail mast. The flag of the port. The opponent's main flag is a difference plus a circle, so it will not be a Japanese warship anyway. "

"But I haven't heard of any country like this!" Ziyue dragged her head with one hand and thought for a long time there. She didn't think of any country's flag like this!

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