Starting from Zero

Vol 16 Chapter 150: Invincible pest

From scratch Volume Sixteenth Chapter 150 Invincible Pest p

"Go through these thirty seconds before talking!" In fact, the bugs did not wait for thirty seconds before the Throne of the Seal of God had given up our two goals. The reason is that eternity has come back with a quick _. After the backward bugs have been wrapped in eternity, the remaining bugs are aware of the seriousness of the problem. It seems that these guys became bigger in the Seal of Throne during this time than just volume and quantity. And their brain capacity. The first worm I saw before behaved like an idiot. You have to double-check before encountering prey to make sure to bite. Now not only has the response become alert. Even learned some simple prediction capabilities. At least they knew that if they were consumed this way, they would all be encased in eternity. So these little guys chose to escape.

"It's great. They seem to have run away." Venus was relieved and said this after the bug was eternally chased away from the encirclement of us.

but. Venus and I reacted differently. Compared to Venus's relief. I jumped straight up. "What a fart! Just run one of those things. Once it is found by other players to breed. What do you think about the consequences?"

"Damn!" Venus realized the seriousness of the problem. Quickly pulled me to catch up. In fact, we are useless to catch up. These little bugs are basically invincible. Chop and chop. Can't touch it. I don't know what to do except the eternal package. Fortunately, eternity is not slow. It now turned into a large hollow ball and rolled forward fast. Once you catch one, you will immediately divide a part and wrap it and toss it aside. The subject will continue to chase ahead.

We don't know the total number of insects that spawned after biting the crow. But the part that ran away was at least three hundred. Escape from any of them would be a huge disaster. Under no circumstances should these things be allowed to run out of any of them.

"Hello. Can you hear me?" I ran towards the graph indicator on the hand as I ran.

"You hear me." A technician at the Ruins Control Center immediately responded to my call.

"Is Taya over there?"

"Yes." The answer was Taya. "Great." I asked slightly happily, "Is there a weird bug on the spaceship?" "Very weird bug ..." Taya said slowly Suddenly speeded up. And the tone rose directly by eight degrees. "You won't be in the seal room? Don't move the bug. In case it's allowed to run out. Then the end of the world!"

"So unfortunately to inform you that today is the end of the world."


"The bug has run out and it just scratched a person. Now it's turned into a bunch of bugs." "What?" Taya's voice almost hurt my ears. Even Venus, who was next to him, could not help frowning.

"Not surprised now. How much do you know about the bug? Tell me all."

After a short pause, Taya said, "The seed bug is actually a weapon. It is a planet-level destruction weapon used by a class that is more powerful than our race. However, this seed was later used by us and several other The seeds were annihilated. This bug is the only thing left. The code name of this bug is the pest. There is no other name. There is only one of their primary individuals but the original energy is stored inside the individual. The more powerful the energy is You are God many times here. "

"Vietnam god? You mean the mountain **** or the next god?"

"Higher God Lower God" Obviously Taya doesn't know about the High God and the Low God.

"Can you give an example? Which gods on my ball do you know? Just find one that I have heard of."

"Like the Statue of Liberty on America's Big 6. It's that kind of god."

"Oh!" I sighed a little. "Also. That's the next god."

"Anyway, the power of that thing is roughly equal to many times the lower **** you said. And because its power is concentrated on the only feature of defense, this east is almost invincible."

"I've tried this." No wonder never cut. Let's imagine. If the power of Di Tans had been doubled several times, they would all be concentrated and used to defend against the area of ​​a small bug. This degree of defense is indeed normal. "What else is special about these things?"

"There is a breeding trait. At first, the Cushings made this thing as a class weapon. After dropping it on a planet, they will automatically find and swallow creatures with energy values ​​higher than a certain standard. Then force a creature Energy degradation. "

It seems that the energy degradation that Taya said should be the reduction in level. "That. Do you mean that it can be absorbed by any creature with a certain level. And it can be absorbed by

Breeding energy? "

"Yes. After absorbing energy, they will be forced to breed because of energy loading. The breeding method will be changed in two ways. New born individuals will surpass the original mother in all characteristics such as volume intelligence. And as long as there is enough food, this reproduction will be infinitely copied. "

"That is to say that the number of this thing will be more and more from one generation to the next. And it will continue to be copied infinitely. Until all the creatures on the surface of the star can be eaten up?" Venus couldn't help but ask Road.

"Yes. That's why they are called planetary destruction weapons."

"Is there any way to eliminate these things" this is the issue that I am most concerned about at present.

Taya thought for a moment before saying: "Of course there are ways to destroy. There are no real enemies in this world. There are two ways to destroy them. The first is to destroy the extreme attack power beyond their defense. Their defense killed it. "

"But you just said that this worm has a stronger defense than God. How is it possible to kill with one blow?" Venus asked anxiously: "Zi Ri's attack power does not work. What level of attack is needed to destroy them? Defense?-Saying that even if you break a defense, what's the use? These things reproduce so fast. Even if you can kill one or two. What's the use of not being able to keep up with their reproduction? "

"In fact, it's not what you think." Taya said: "The defensive energy of the pests is only on the body surface. And the only thing they don't enhance in the first generation is the defense."


"The pest's defense ability will continue to increase when it eats. When its value exceeds more than twice the original total, it will die and produce two offspring at the same time. Although the two new individuals will have a high total defense energy, The previous generation. However, due to the increase in the volume of the next generation of individuals, the surface area of ​​the body will also increase accordingly. As a result, the defense allocated to all parts of the body actually decreased. "

"Ah?" Venus apparently understood Taya.

I reluctantly explained: "An analogy. Think of the insect's defense energy as a soldier. Think of the insect's body as a country. The soldier is used to protect the country. Assume that the first-generation insect's defense is equivalent to 10,000 A soldier. When it eats, the soldier will increase. When the total number of soldiers increases more than twice. That is, when there are more than 20,000 soldiers, the wormland will split into two new countries. This will be divided. The two newly split countries can each reach more than 10,000 soldiers. It seems to be stronger than the original individual defense. However, because the two newly split countries have larger land areas than the original one, it is practical. The soldiers assigned to the border were sparsely changed. This created a decline in defense. "

"Nothing," Venus immediately called out, "you mean only breeding to continue. Once it reaches a certain generation. Its defense will be reduced to let us break the defense, right?"

"Almost! Anyway, the defense of these pests will not be as good as one generation 1. As long as you breed a few more generations, the final offspring will become a very low defense. Only at the same time the defense is reduced. The volume and strength of these offspring But it keeps growing. So it does n’t mean that the more it multiplies, the weaker it is. "

I immediately verified: "That is to say that a balance must be found?" "Yes ~ ~" Taya affirmed "There must be a balance. And as long as you can break the defense. The sooner this balance is, the better. Because the number of bugs will increase in the future. And individuals with high combat effectiveness are not so easy to deal with even if their defense is low. "

Venus said in pain: "Oh my God! Do you have any other way? These things multiply in the form of two, two, and four. After ten generations, there will be more than a thousand. If they reach 100 Only after many generations can we be killed. Then shall we not deal with countless bugs? "" This ... We used to use high-powered war weapons in the thirtieth generation to kill these guys. Attack by President Purple Li Da probably had no hope until the 170th generation! "

"One hundred and seventy generations? I don't even have the number. How can I fight this? Even after breeding to that generation, all these things have become ants-like existence, and it will depend on Ziri alone to kill for decades. ? "

I heard this number also scalp. Because I'm different from Venus. She can't figure out how many two hundred and seventy powers are equal. But I can figure it out. But knowing this specific number makes me more depressed. "Is there another way to kill these Dong?"

"Yes." Taya felt like a gospel, letting everyone loose.

"Come on. What is it?"

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