Starting from Zero

Vol 16 Chapter 158: Worm with brain

Hahahaha! "That guy laughed wildly." Is Xinwei scary? " I have only one hundred and eighty grades left. What's the difference between returning to Xinshoucun? "

In fact, this guy is very normal. "Zero" is a game with a limit of one thousand as the base level. The biggest difference from previous games with only forty or one hundred levels as the upper limit is that its level is actually quite loose. The first two As long as you know the correct method, a master can even complete this process in three days, and this is under the premise of no one to bring. If a master takes you to upgrade, as long as everything is planned, then step on the task to do the task and practice a level along the way, then only 24 hours of continuous split-up is enough to rise to 200. When I first entered the game, the reason for the slow upgrade was that everyone did n’t know the game at that time, and they had to explore everything by themselves. In addition, the fidelity of "Zero" was too high. Many people came in for the first time to experience martial arts. Move the gods, make the sacred king, kill the **** of the night, seal the throne, and ask the demon to be proud of the world. The God of the Seal of the Gods asked the demon to be proud of the world Nine Heavens strongest to abandon Shao Zhou the royal family to make a night to kill the God of the God Seal of the Emperor to honor the world nine strong gods to abandon the young Dao Zhou the royal family This game environment was delayed for a dozen hours in vain, and Now that the game has been running for so long, the throne of the Seal of God has been used by everyone, and the best way to do the task has been found by idle and boring players. Crossing tasks under these task chains guarantees you a fast upgrade. Of course, this degree only includes 200 levels before. After waiting for 200 levels, most of the tasks that players take are non-fixed tasks, which are generally temporary tasks generated by the system for each player. You ca n’t take it if you take it over. , So the task clue is simply impossible to talk about.

It ’s also because the upgrade before the 200th level is so simple. This guy does n’t care if I kill him back to Xinshoucun, and now he ’s dropped so many levels. It ’s very exciting and has a meaning of breaking the jar. Inside, naturally there was no response to my threat.

After knowing that this guy won't be threatened by me, I didn't plan to waste time on him. He re-opened the pk mode, slapped him to the ground with one palm, and followed the one who was a little angry to the ground and got up The white soul threw another light bullet in the past and the white soul disappeared.

The player death in "Zero" will not return to the city directly to resurrect, as in ordinary games, but will first become a soul. This soul can decide whether to teleport to the city without returning to the city scroll, and will not be resurrected immediately after returning to the city, but will go to the resurrection hall to find the resurrection mage. The resurrection mage can resurrect the player's soul after the resurrection, but this process may also fail. If the spell is successful, then the player will be resurrected after the spell is completed and lose one level of failure, then they will be resurrected, but the player will be dropped two levels. In this process, the skill level of the revival mage has the biggest impact on the success rate of the resurrection. Generally speaking, the resurrection mage's success rate is generally around 50%, and the advanced ones can reach 80% to 90%, while the resurrection mage occupation among players has an initial success rate of less than 30% and can finally be practiced to an infinitely close to 100%.

Pu Gui herself is a resurrection mage profession, which means that she actually uses resurrection, but she just used another spell, punishment. This spell only works on the soul after the player's death. It will not take effect directly on the living person. Once hit by this spell, the player will immediately drop two levels and the failure rate will be increased by 20% the next time he is resurrected. In other words, if you are hit by this spell, you will pay at least level three for this death, and you will most likely drop level four directly.

Immediately after leaving the player's place, I turned on the number of worms and the ghost beetles swarmed from the worms. I need a scout now. I have to make sure that there are no bugs left in the Seal of the Seal of God in the previous period. If they really run away, they must be intercepted. The defensive line made up of masters like ours before blocking bugs is nothing. Once these guys run into ordinary players, it will be a disaster.

When my beetles searched the nearby area, I was not idle searching for bones in the forest. As an advanced system of evil systems, the simple and practical method of communicating with undead is very good at me. Although the guy just refused to cooperate, there may not be only one dead person nearby. As long as the body of another player or the soul of some creatures can be found, it can help me confirm the situation in the nephew throne in the nearby area for a period of time.

Kung Fu is worthy of care, and after ten minutes of chaos, I finally found a human skeleton in a pile of chaos. This is the dead body of a player. After the player is resurrected, the body will be temporarily given to the soul by the system until the body is completely refreshed. Of course, some undead gathering places have the ability to transform corpses, so the player's corpse will not be swept away in that kind of place, but will become a zombie or wander about. This forest is obviously not a place for the undead to gather, and the corpse is almost on the verge of refreshing, thanks to my timely presence.

And here

After a brief communication, we confirmed that a few bugs did leave without a bite by a player. Based on the temporary description of the land soul on this corpse. There should be more than ten or less insects leaving the ground. And they are all bigger. The largest two of them are between one and eighteen and one and a half meters in length. The smallest is not small with one meter five. These bugs have basically lost their ability to fly. You can only jump forward with a bungee. And according to the undead, they were full.

After asking for the bug to go back, he gave the undead a crystal powder as a reward. Then I and Cathy caught up immediately. Because there is a specific direction. So I concentrated the search range of bugs into a small area. The search range is narrowed due to seeds. Search density naturally increases. Soon those bugs were spotted. It turned out that these guys did not escape. Instead, he found a big tree and dug a hole under the tree and hid. This matter is strange though. But it also proved that Rose and I had guessed before. These bugs should have evolved into advanced intelligence. Actively evacuated than before with other bugs. There is now no place to rush to find a place to hide first. This is all manifested wisely. At least the bugs had absolutely no intelligence.

After the big bugs appeared on our land, they didn't immediately jump on them. But quickly ran back. Because those big bugs can absorb any biological experience points and use them as food to reproduce. Therefore, creatures with a strength below a certain level can only increase their strength. But unfortunately. These bugs are more alert than I expected. Although the ghost beetle ran back in time. But it alarmed those bugs. They quickly got out of the tree hole and started to escape. But this time they did something that impressed me immensely.

These guys would flee. Instead of concentrating and running in one direction. A total of fourteen beetles fled in different directions with an approximately ninety degree fan facing. I was just two of them. All of the magic pets that are suitable to participate in the pursuit are helping the gun gods by the ruins. Summoning things with the ground on them now is not useful at all. I was dumbfounded when I saw more than a dozen beetles running away. Which side should I chase after?

Although Pu Gui is also a little crazy. But she reacted much faster than I did. "Don't think about it. Start grabbing from the outermost area. You and me. Focus on one if you catch one. As long as they don't change direction temporarily, we should still hope to catch them all before they leave the forest. "

I nodded immediately: I jumped out. The worm in front saw me catching up and immediately turned left and right in an attempt to block me with the help of trees. "Hmm. Just a few trees trying to block me?" I jumped up suddenly. Followed with a sharp sword in midair. A red ray of light swept across a large area of ​​land in an instant. Stopped for two seconds. Two hundred meters in front of me from the mainland trees creaked at the same time. Then they fell forward together. There was an extra messy open space in the dense forest, which was originally full of trees.

If the little bugs used to be in this kind of place, they will definitely get lost in no time. The dense branches and leaves of the fallen trees overlap each other on the ground after the fall to form a thick layer of insulation. Below this layer of insulation are all large and small gaps. If it was a small bug before it would be fine. Drilling through these gaps, but now the bugs have grown too large. The fallen tree not only failed to provide cover for it, but also made it difficult for bugs that lost their ability to fly because they were too big.

"Where do you run ~ ~, forcefully throw the eternal sword forward, the sword body in the form of a whip sword instantly disengages and shakes away a huge arc, swiping past, the moment the sword tip swept the insect instantly changed It became a big cage and put it in.

After catching a bug, fix it with a fixture on your body, then quickly change direction to chase the next one. Due to the previous experience, the two of us were very happy, and soon the two of us joined together.

"This is the last one?" Pu Gui said, looking at the bug that was running in front of her.

I glanced at the front. Although I could not see it for a while, the roar in my ears told me that we were almost at the edge of the forest. When we came before, the loggers of our guilds were cutting trees outside the forest. What I heard now was the sound of the large loggers of our guild. To be able to hear this sound means that we are not far from the crowd. It would be troublesome if the bug in front of us rushed into the crowd. "Zoom in."

"It's time." Pu Gui glanced forward, followed by winking at me, and I instantly understood what she meant. Wu Guijia rushed up after the first two steps, and at the same time hugged her legs in the air to form a regiment. I followed the rush and punched out. Yan Gui's legs suddenly straightened, and her soles just stepped on my fists. With the impact of my punches and the reaction of her own kicks, she flew out like a shell.

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