Starting from Zero

Vol 16 Chapter 178: I'm one, single out all of you

Seeing that I was suddenly alive and lively, Guishou Nobunaga began to regret it. He regretted nothing else, just thinking that he should run farther away. Now I suddenly recovered, and based on his understanding of me, he I am definitely not my opponent. As for the people around me, strictly speaking, as long as they are less than 95, that is almost the same as before me. Now that he was standing in front of me like this, it was obviously the most dangerous state. He would be killed if he hit me with iron, but if he did n’t, he would lose his face. So now the ghost-handed Nobunaga is leaving or staying, and is very depressed.

"It seems that you don't realize you should stand here?" I saw the expression of the ghost-handed Nobunaga and I knew what this guy was thinking, so I was ironic.

Nobunaga's blushed neck was thick but I didn't know how to fight back, but my purpose today is to highlight the importance of Matsumoto Masa, so I took a quiet look at Matsumoto Masa. Although he has been receiving treatment from Nobunaga's hands, Masamoto Matsumoto's eyes have been staring at us. Now when he saw my eyes, he immediately realized that I was asking him to come out, where to lie and enjoy The Matsumoto Masahe of the treatment service suddenly struggling, and pushed away from the hands of Nobunaga's men and walked to Nobunaga's side.

Nobunaga's hand is very different from Matsumoto Masako's sudden run over. Instinctively, he has a defensive posture. Although he can't say that he is in a posture to guard Matsumoto Masagawa, he can see it at a glance. But Matsumoto's next words made the ghost-handed Nobunaga like a clown. Mr. Matsumoto first looked at Nobunaga Guishou with a contempt, and then said to me righteously: "Although I have some contradictions with Nobunaga Guishou, it is after all a contradiction between us and the nation. If you To challenge our interests here, then you must first pass my level. "

Matsumoto's words were grandiose, but the ghost-handed Nobunaga didn't smell it! Just now he was still in a protective posture against Masamoto Matsumoto, but they said that he would stand on the same front with him. This is the typical way to measure the abdomen of a gentleman with the heart of a villain. Those around the ghost-handed Nobunaga heard the words of Masaru Matsumoto, and then looked at the expression of the ghost-handed Nobunaga. His boss is actually such a person, and he is naturally very shameless. However, this little thing is not enough to let them betray the ghost hand Nobunaga, at most it is a decline in his senses, and at the same time look at Matsumoto Masako. However, we did not plan to deceive all of Nobunaga's men to Masaru Matsumoto. It takes only one sentence to make people cry and shout to be the younger brother. It is necessary to have the protagonist's halo and Wang Baqi. It is clear that Matsumoto Masaha has neither of these, so he can only change other people's views on himself little by little and eventually deceive them into his own.

"I didn't expect Matsumoto Masaga to have such a great time." Although I raised Matsumoto Masaga's image like that, I am now standing on the opposite side of the Japanese, so I can't help Matsumoto Masaga to speak positively, counter Come and ridicule him for raising his popularity. "Well, the warrior spirit of our Yamato people is not just brave.,

We have guessed our martial arts by the movies we watched, and that is simply a blind elephant! "Matsumoto's words are ironic on the surface

However, Nobunaga's how to listen and feel awkward, because the martial arts in his understanding is really only brave. Since the Japanese people nearby are naturally instinctual, they hope that the national quintessence of their country will be as good as possible, so Matsumoto said that Bushido is not just pure bravery. This kind of spirit will not be caught by them Opposition, on the contrary they will take the initiative to defend this statement. But the martial arts that Nobunaga Nobunaga usually shows is only brave. This is inconsistent with this view, so these people will feel that Matsumoto Masa is the advanced and powerful Bushido. The Nobunaga's one-sided martial arts approach, so the comparison between Masaru Matsumoto and Nobunaga's Nobunaga was immediately separated. "Huh, Matsumoto shouldn't talk nonsense with him. Even if he is the world's number one, we are not afraid of him." Haunted Nobunaga dare not let Matsumoto Masahe quarrel with me, and no matter how noisy he is, no one inside It's up! In order not to let us have a chance to continue the noisy hand Nobunaga immediately rushed after finishing this sentence. With such a move, Masamoto Matsumoto couldn't keep talking, so he had to follow up.

Although Matsumoto Masa needs to raise his image, but he has done everything. Now it is useless to fight him, so I did not wait for Matsumoto Masa to rush over and threw the crystal bubbles. Matsumoto Masa This was the second time it was trapped. The wounded people around knew the effects of this thing. One of them immediately shouted to the other ghost-handed Nobunaga's men: "Matsumoto is trapped by that thing, It will take a long time for the Seal of Throne to break free. The Ghostmaster is not Zilu's opponent alone, you guys can help! "

When Matsumoto was wrapped up again, he knew that I didn't want him to participate in the station for the time being, so he still consumed the durability of the crystal bubble first. When the last break, he will wait for my signal. Anyway, he will only come out when I need it. Before that, it ’s not bad for the cat to watch the liveliness in it, at least not to really mess with me.

Although he is not inferior to me in equipment. However, he is still not as good as me in terms of personal affiliation, and my fighting consciousness has passed him a lot, so if he really fights, he is still not my opponent. What's more, it's not really hitting now. The real life you want to hit can't really hurt me. This is more tiring than real hitting.

Matsumoto Masako is watching the fun here, but I have already turned upside down with the ghost-handed Nobunaga. There are no rules for Nobunaga's men. They are now a person who thinks more and bullies less. I'm a cow, but I can't reach four hands with my two fists. Naturally, I can't wield all the fighting power in the chaos. But they wanted to stop me, but it didn't work without paying a price.

"With" I screamed and patted a Japanese player who rushed forward with a single palm. Taking advantage of this gap, the wind dragon space that had never been open finally succeeded. The ghost-handed Nobunaga was about to wave and cut it, and suddenly saw a flower in front of him. Following the hemp, the sword did not know where to fly.

"While we are away, do so many of you want to bully the owner alone?" Ling walked out of Fenglong space with a blue fire ball holding one hand.

"Sorry to throw such a small spell in front of us?"

Before Jingjing talked, she saw another angel pop up in the space of Fenglong. Of course it is Linglingke who can have such behavior. Although Xiaochun and Jingjing are both angels, Xiaochun is synonymous with holiness and elegance, and Jingjingxue is synonymous with stereotyped loyalty. Only Lingling has this fierce sunshine.

"There is no real sword to play any spells." Lingling's figure had disappeared at the same time as she finished speaking. The magical player had already lost her body before reflecting on it, and Lingling didn't stop there. Stop. Although it seems to be more urgent, Lingling is actually very clever. On the surface, she is just to promote the concept that weapons are stronger than magic. In fact, she did take the opportunity to sneak into the mage pile. You said that a holy sword angel rushed into the mage group, what's the difference between the hungry lion falling into the flock?

"Stop him! Stop it"

"Hurry ~ ~ Where are the fighters? How are you doing it!"


The screams in the mage group are almost screaming. The combat literacy of these people is absolutely incomparable with my magic pet. After Lingling rushed into the mage group, she did not contact the warrior players at all, and she only looked for mage chops. Lingling's special feature is The attack is high, the mage's special is to prevent low blood and less, so she cut off the mage is basically a one-size-fits-all, with such a good goal not to kill and fight with the soldiers is called an idiot. Even if the holy sword angel is strong, but a warrior must have at least three or five strokes. How can a mage come quickly?

As soon as the crowd was in chaos, my magic pet rushed out one after another. Nobunaga's hand saw that this situation also knew that it would be bad, but they were already fighting. Now it is impossible to run again. The only hope is Can persist until the follow-up troops arrive. No matter how strong I am, it is absolutely impossible to hit hundreds of thousands or millions of people even if thousands of people are killed, so as long as the large army arrives, I will still be finished. Moreover, Nobunaga's hand didn't really intend to kill me, he knew that even if I couldn't handle his large army alone. But if I want to shoot, he can't stop it anyway. His purpose is just to drive me away, but I'm afraid I want to do that.

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