Starting from Zero

Vol 16 Chapter 188: Senior ghost?

I walked to the wound that the king found and looked at it. This place is not so much a wound. It is better to say that it is the injured part, because the skin here is still intact, there is no sign of collapse or fracture at all. The wound on the neck of the mountain ghost king was only a little dry and black, and its epidermal tissue was not damaged in any way, and even the other parts of the mountain ghost king's body were not visible.

"What kind of injury is this?" Masamoto Matsumoto also came to see for a long time, and finally asked his question very puzzled. Obviously he had not seen such a wound.

"This is the wound caused by the spirit attack." Although the victims were Japanese mountain ghosts. But Matsumoto Masako apparently didn't know about the creatures of the Undead system, and the Son of the Night was much better, no matter what, they were orthodox spirit mages.

I squeezed the skin on the wound a little harder, and then I heard some sounds like the cracking of the pancake, and then I saw that the area I pinched was powdered into a pile of debris and fell off. "From the burning degree of the wound, this attacker is a high-end existence of the undead system. Only the very condensed **** fire can burn the mountain ghost's skin like a shortbread!"

"That's it!" Masamoto Matsumoto watched as I discussed with the king and the son of the night there. He didn't get in touch at all. The things of the undead are really not his specialty.

After a little analysis, we roughly determined the identity of the attacker. First of all, this attacker is an incorporeal undead. He should be about the same height as a normal human, and it is a humanoid spirit. Not something monster-shaped. Also, the attacker was very fast, because according to the information provided by the mountain ghost we advised to descend. Their boss was killed in the face of confrontation after accepting the challenge, but we didn't find a second wound on the mountain ghost boss. We can only say that the guy is super fast, otherwise it is impossible The fight is over. However, there was a problem in the middle, and the problem was with the mountain ghost we advised to descend. According to his memory, the attacker first came to them to play the war books, and then made an appointment to start the war, and the mountain ghost himself admitted that whether it was the attacker who came to the war books, or they He was present when the boss was killed, which means he should have seen the guy twice, but he didn't remember what that guy looked like. It is naturally impossible for us to play with the ghost's intelligence, and his performance is indeed not normal. He was very sure that he had met that guy, but no matter what he thought, he had no impression, and he didn't even know what the guy was like.

"Don't guess, the memory of this guy's head about that guy was erased." The problem was found after the princess came out. The princess's specialty is charm, and charm can also be understood as a kind of spiritual attack. Therefore, the princess knows more about spiritual things. Besides, I also have a spiritual body magic phantom that can help. The problem is very complicated with the two. Find it soon.

The gold coin asked the princess: "Is there any way to restore his memory?"

The princess shook her head: "No, the entire memory about that part has been burned out. I can only know what memory is missing there, but I cannot find out what it is!"

"The question is so complicated, will the attacker have nothing to do with our task at all?" Asked Miya Athena.

I shook my head. "It ca n’t be okay. The task scroll only gives the simplest information. And the reward of this task is that exaggerated super skill, so the task difficulty must be high and scary. If these clues are too simple, I have to doubt whether I am looking for I went in the wrong direction, and now I find such a mystery so hard to worry about. "

"But how do we proceed to the next task?" Masamoto Matsumoto asked me with some worry.

"It's very simple! Just find that creature. He will naturally take us to the next stage of the mission. If that creature's combat power is strong enough, then he is likely to be the ultimate goal of the mission directly. To kill or defeat him should be I can get quest rewards. "

"Hope so! But how do we find that attacker?"

To answer Matsumoto's question, I turned my wrist over, and then a ghost beetle turned out of the wormhole and crawled onto my palm. "When a person walks through an area, he will leave the smell of the body in this area. Although we can't smell the smell, we can trace the smell to find that person all the way.

High-end ghosts are incorporeal creatures, and they don't drop odor molecules from their bodies while they are moving, so don't even try to track ghosts with the best nose. But ghosts are also negative energy bodies. They can uncontrollably energize the surrounding environment. This is the main reason why if there are many high-level undead gathered, that area will quickly become a negative energy gathering area and form an environment like the fog of death. In contrast to the nose, one of the talents of my ghost beetle is that it can look for weak traces of negative energy. "

"That means you can track ghosts?" Matsumoto Masako asked excitedly.

"Of course, I started as a dark profession, and I see so many ghosts."

After determining the general identity of the attacker, we began to rely on the ghost beetle to track the target. The ghost beetle released by me immediately spread out as soon as it appeared. After a few ghost beetle found the target and started to One direction was concentrated, and the other ghost beetles gathered quickly. The ghost beetles that I released soon gathered on a straight line and started to crawl forward. Seeing this situation, I knew that direction was the direction that the attacker left. Already.

"Everyone keep up." Chasing the ghost beetle left the mountain ghost's hole * and started running outwards. Although the ghost beetle is not large, it inherits the usual characteristics of the insects, that is, it is super fast. Although most of the bugs we usually see are not as fast as ours, that's because the bugs are very small. If you amplify ants and cockroaches to the size of a human, these guys will definitely run no slower than cars. My ghost beetle's statistics are almost catching up with the big apple, plus it is a demon creature. There are wings, and the speed of movement is not slower than that of the war horse. The slowest of them, Bingbing, had to ride on the back of my night shadow to keep up with the speed of the ghost beetle.

Because I was only responsible for tracking, I only put out more than a thousand ghost beetles. They gathered on the ground to form a group of bugs and quickly shuttled through the forest, and soon reached a huge rock. The Bug Team did not then pause. He crawled past the stone, and then walked into the water curtain as if all the ghost beetles had penetrated into the stone.

"Not an illusion!" The fastest-moving Mamiya Athena chased next to the big stone and saw the ghost beetle crawling into the stone and quickly reached out on the stone. She thought that there must be a hole in the hole covered by the illusion Something like that, who knows it turned out to be an entity.

I ran to the stone and released a few more ghost beetles. After watching them crawling into the stone, I explained, "My ghost beetle is also a half-spirit. They can be virtualized into a ghost state. They don't go inside the illusion, but Penetrated into the stone! "

The son of the night looked at the huge boulder like a hill and said, "Will it be the ghost we tracked down that wanted to take a short approach, so we went straight through the rocks and your ghost beetle followed in? Or else we arrived Wait over there? Maybe they will crawl out from the other side! "

The king who had not been taken back by me immediately corrected the words of the son of the night: "The ghost was also a human who basically retained some small human habits before his death, so if not intentionally, few ghosts will pass through obstacles."

The gold coin also confirmed: "Yes, I ’ve been to Ghost Prison before, and the ghosts over there will be used to bypassing obstacles. Although they will not be blocked at all, it is customary that no ghost will cross the obstacle."

After listening, Bingbing said, "Is that there is a reason why the ghost entered the stone? But we won't go through the wall? Is it necessary to knock this stone open?"

"No matter what it goes in, let's make a hole to see the situation before talking?" Matsumoto Masako suggested.

"I can only do this at the moment." I finished opening Fenglong Space and put a Taiwanese doll out of it. Anyway, I will bring a few puppets wherever I go. Sometimes this thing is more useful than living creatures. At first I saw that I released the Doll of the Night, and they were still a little confused ~ ~ But soon they understood my intention, because after I released the Doll, I turned the eternal sword in my hand into a The huge digger's drill bit was handed over to the demon's hand, and the demon took off his wrist, and then mounted my eternity. The biggest difference between a puppet's wrist and a carbon-based creature is that its wrist can rotate 360 ​​degrees, and it is also very fast. Attaching a drill to its wrist is basically equivalent to turning eternity into a huge Drill. In fact, we could have destroyed the stone faster by other means, but the problem is that the movement caused by bombing the stone must not be too small. In case this stone is not the entrance directly, it is the living quarter of the creature. Wouldn't it alarm it directly? Moreover, the creature was obviously intelligent, and you blew up the house as soon as you came up. We dug a small hole in it, and the sound was low. In case it ’s really a family ’s house, it ’s easy to make up.

Cutting the stone with the eternal sharpness is basically the same as cutting tofu. It is fast and there is no sound. After a while, I dug it for four or five meters. Then the puppet stopped suddenly and the wrist began to turn. The meeting retreated eternity. We came together and found out.

As soon as the puppet pulled out the eternity, Miya Athena quickly entered the hole through the hole, and her voice came from within a few seconds. "This is just an entrance, and there is an underground passage below!"

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