Starting from Zero

Vol 16 Chapter 208: Really can run!

After receiving my order, King Kong didn't hesitate at all, and all of him (4 words can't see clearly) popped up a crystal-like structure at the same time, followed by those crystals suddenly shone red, and at the same time King Kong's arm The fierce one used to stand and listened only to the sound of clicking, the monster's head was pinched and burst by King Kong, the yellow and white slime was squeezed out of the brain, and it was instantly filled with negative waters.

"Good job." I praised King Kong so that I could flap my wings and leave the water-filled water area, but more black shadows appeared in front of me. "It seems we broke into the monster nest!"

Before my words fell, the shadow in front of him revealed his true colors.

This is a fish of strange hatred. All the fangs in the mouth are obliquely branched out of the lips. It looks as horrible as it is horrible. It is even more fierce than the devil Yu in reality. I wouldn't care if I encountered a few of these rains in general, but now that there are so many, even if it is to deal with it, it is not so simple. What's more, if you look at the teeth between these guys' mouths, it's not good, even if I summoned a large magic pet to help, I may have some trouble.

After weighing the pros and cons, I still plan to eat a **** fruit. After all, I want to upgrade sooner or later. Actually, it is almost the same. "Qinglong turned." Since it was decided to eat the **** fruit for a while, then I don't need to be so careful now, directly start my super skills, so that the green dragon is against the scales and becomes the holy beast Qinglong.

As soon as I was transformed, the fish in front of me turned bad. In terms of the size of Qinglong, this place couldn't fit his body at all. Although I deliberately controlled the volume after transformation, it was still a bit outrageous. The whole water area was instantly pressed into rain and mud by my body, followed by the entire cave, and the huge head of my incarnation, Qinglong, actually penetrated the mountain and drilled to the ground. The water in this underground lake was also They were all pushed out of the mountain like a well, just like a flood.

In fact, so many things have happened so far, I haven't actually done anything, and the reaction just now is nothing more than a side effect of transformation. However, it seems that this side effect has already achieved its purpose, so when I finished the transformation, I put away the Qinglong body and restored it. The underground lake was turned into a surface lake by the next time, and the cave creatures were squeezed to death by me. After I returned to the original shape, I started searching in this cave, but found nothing in the last one. Obviously I'm chasing the wrong direction, or this is not an important channel at all.

In short, I found nothing. But I was downcast there, and suddenly I saw a rock next to it move. Immediately I ran over and turned the fast rock over and over the stones. The battens gradually spread out like a group of entwined snakes to hold a beautiful woman.

"Bingbing? Why are you down there?"

"Yeah? Brother Ziri? When did you come?"

"I'm here early, it's you. Matsumoto is congratulating them and said you didn't eat when you entered the gate. Where have you been?"

"I didn't! I just passed into that passage and was transported to a large desert, but I couldn't find another way. Later, I planned to return the same way but found that the original way was not found. I was chasing there. Turn around, and suddenly found the sky tower, and then a lot of water flowed down from the sky, followed by a pile of rocks. Then I climbed up along the mountain Lushan piled up from those rocks, and then I saw you pulling! Right, do you have"

"Shh," I suddenly signaled Bingbing to silence, and then listened. Suddenly, my entire body bounced off like a lightning bolt toward a huge rock, followed by my left hand grabbing the rock and slamming it upward, and a muffled sound, the big rock was lifted directly into the air by my right hand, while my right hand I inserted it downward, but in the end my hand stopped halfway. "Athena?" The one under Dashi turned out to be Miya Athena. "Why are you down there?"

Miya Athena didn't answer my question, and Twenty shouted anxiously: "Hurry up, Matsumoto-kun, they are all pressing down!"

"Ah? Get out of the way first!" It seems that my destructive king has recently increased his destructive power, so many people can actually be trapped when he becomes a body. After letting Mamiya Athena go away, I started digging down, because it wasn't the dirt, but the broken rock, so no tools were needed, as long as I had enough strength to grab the rock and throw it out. Soon after I lifted a bunch of big stones, I found that the one below was shaking, and I quickly went to try to drag that stone away, but I found that the stone was pressed by the corner of the stone, No choice but to remove the stone next to it. I just opened a few large stones here, and suddenly I saw the rock that was about to sag, and then suddenly flew up and flew out of the big pit and fell to the outside, and under the stone, It was Noreen who was afraid of the dirt on her hands.

"Boss, it's you!" The Night Son cried when he saw me appearing on it.

"Thanks for digging up the stone above, Noreen just couldn't stand it!"

"Ha? Just now Noreen was standing?"

Noreen said indifferently, "Who else besides me can hold such a heavy stone? But thanks to your speed fast, otherwise I can't lift it anymore. There are so many small pieces pressed on such a heavy stone Stone, it almost exceeded my load limit! "

I nodded and asked, "Yes, did you find anything over there?"

Noreen shook her head and said, "No. We searched a long way along the road and found a secret room, but there was nothing useful in it. Later, we returned on the same road. I didn't expect the passage to collapse suddenly, and I didn't know it what happened."

Although I know the reason for the collapse of the passageway, at this time I (the whole text is too small to pick up the text) feel that it is better not to say. So I changed the topic directly: "It seems that only the path pursued by my magic pet is the right one. Wait, I will contact them."

After contacting Hung Hom with personal contact, I immediately asked, "Are you still following that little guy?"

"Yes," Hongying replied, "The little thing is very cunning. We chased him so far, we didn't expect it to be a stand-in."

"Ah? And a stand-in?"

"Yes, that was a substitute, but we found that we were chasing it after we got it wrong. We were already chasing the real one."

"Isn't it fake again?"

"No, this time I've had a spell appraisal. But this little guy is familiar with the road here, and there are institutions everywhere, and we can't catch him for a while."

"It doesn't matter, we'll drive him along the passage, it's best to drive him to the ground."

"This is for sure, no matter how long the channel is, there must be an end. As long as I can drive him to the ground, I can exert my full strength, and I will not be afraid of any more tricks."

The body of Hung Hom is the ancestor of Sky Fox with a tail of twelve rests. Her strength is far above my other magic pets. As long as she is willing to contribute, there is really nothing she can't figure out.

The red cricket was chasing the little guy over there, and I took Matsumoto to congratulate them on the ground to start the chase. Because there is an induction between me and my magic pet at any time, I can always understand where they are. It is much more convenient to follow this induction to chase on the ground than to drill underground, so we are fast Just above them.

We sat on the lucky back to give birth, and lucky took us slowly to fly, Matsumoto stretched his head and looked at the ground below, and looked at the mountain road that collapsed in the distance: "At least from this sitting mountain It's a dozen kilometers away, and that little guy is just counting moles! "

Noreen also asked in wonder: "How could he dig a long passage like this under the ground?"

"You'll have to ask them this." I pointed at Masamoto Matsumoto and Athena Asamiya.

Matsumoto looked at me and said that he immediately asked in surprise, "Why ask us."

"Ah? Don't you know?" I explained when I saw Matsumoto shaking his head: "Japan is on the volcanic earthquake zone, which has caused a lot of

Although most of the cracks are lava pipes, some small cracks still exist. So if you want to dig a large passage under the ground, just connect these cracks to each other and think about it. The actual workpiece volume is not very big ~ ~ Remember that you and we were the enemy before At that time, I dismantled the Yasukuni Shrine that time. At that time, the underground lava river was long enough to run a marathon. In comparison, this one was quite short! "

"That being said, our underground passages are indeed full." Miya Athena also said a word. This woman has been with us for such a long time. This is the first time that she has taken the initiative to speak. It seems that she belongs to the super-recognition type and it will take a long time to become familiar with others. In contrast, Matsumoto Masako is almost familiar, or else they can get together, it turned out to be complementary resources!

We were chatting, and suddenly found a big tree in front of it suddenly fell down, followed by a red spheroid sphere flying from under the root of the tree, and then a white and red two afterimages shot from there . The red ball suddenly unfolded in the air. After landing, it actually rolled at a very high speed, and the red, white, and two shadows were not to be outdone. The red shadow slightly touched the ground and immediately ejected in front of it, and the white shadow turned into a reddish flash and immediately hit the front of the ball.

"Stop the ball." When I saw the three afterimages, I recognized the last two my magic pet darts and red cymbals, and the one in front was naturally the guy, but I did n’t know how the ball returned. thing.

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