Starting from Zero

Vol 16 Chapter 220: Please God easy to send God difficult

Although Ling said that the other party was not here, it would be a good lesson, but since the other party said so hard to give us medicine, how could he not come? Although we don't need to sleep, we all lay in the hotel to give each other a chance to get started, but our minds were sober. Since the Seal of the Throne was nothing to do while waiting for the other party to come, Skott suggested that everyone play mahjong, so we used your wireless network to set up a small local area network to play virtual mahjong in it. I have to say that our ability is really a double-edged sword. Although we can use this wireless local area network to lay a few tables of mahjong on our respective beds, but at the same time, because our electronic brain has a level of computing power, everyone is counting cards there. In the end, no one can do it except self-touch. Win, because everyone will calculate the approximate face of the opponent based on the playing cards of the other three players, and then they will actively limit the cards they need to play. The result of this calculation is that after eight laps have been dealt, eight laps have been combined. In the end, all the cards on the outside have been captured and no one can win. They can only be pushed back.

"Fuck, what are you guys doing so finely one by one?" I was a spectator at the table Mahjong of Wei Na, Ling, Xiao Chun, and Yeyue, and they couldn't help but say: "The beginning of this game I ’ve turned off my reckoning ability and do n’t count cards. Everyone depends on luck, or else you will see that you are playing in that pile of cards! ”Under my limits, the effect is much better. Basically, some people win and some people lose. At least it looks like a normal game. In fact, this is also a sorrow for our dragons. Too high intelligence is sometimes not a good thing. It is as if a good game played by children feels naive in the eyes of adults. What kind of chess and card games do humans like in us? It seems to be just a kind of application of advanced numerical formulas. In the end, who has what cards are basically figured out. It's almost like everyone is playing cards there. There is no fun at all! However, it seems that compared with Mahjong and poker, Go is also a good form of entertainment, because the rules of Go are relatively low on numbers. Although our powerful computing power is still not the end, we can barely Have fun. If the son-in-law of the main system in the base did not even play Go here, because your first child landed, she had calculated the ending, there is no comparability at all!

Although we played dozens of laps of mahjong and poker there, but because we are using the wireless network established in our electronic brain to play the game, there is no time to play cards. The seal of the throne is quite fast, almost In a few minutes, if the screen of our playing cards is virtually animated and displayed, it is too late for humans to watch the cards, let alone think about it. Just when we had no idea how many laps, Bai Lang, who was in charge of the alert, suddenly intervened. The goal appeared.

The chessboard and the mahjong table in our head suddenly disappeared, and everyone immediately entered a relatively silent state. At the same time, various senses were activated to the best state, and the situation of the entire hotel building was all monitored by us.

The hotel we live in is a very famous luxury hotel in New York. The security measures are also first-class. All public places such as aisles, elevators and rest areas are equipped with surveillance equipment, and these cameras are camouflaged unless you go to find Otherwise, it is difficult to notice these cameras. But now all these things are cheaper for us, because relative to our ability, the hotel's computer system is basically unguarded, all surveillance signals are intercepted by us, and those cameras become our eyes. Our actions are clearly seen by us.

The other party probably realized that it was definitely not a simple role to be sent to the field, so more than 200 people were sent. Most of these people are wearing black urban combat uniforms, which look like urban special forces, and there are seven or eight guys in black suits. It seems that they are not a unit with these urban special forces, but their functions are It's a lot higher, because the commanders in the urban special forces listen to their dispatch.

As soon as these people entered the hotel, they attracted the attention of the hotel service staff. After all, the armed men of such a group did not look like they came to stay, but the other party had official documents. After talking with the people in the hotel, they got the other party ’s Cooperate. Those who negotiated with the hotel staff were the leaders of the city's special forces, while other special forces members took guns to form an attack formation and divided into six routes, two of which began to climb the stairs, and the other four took four elevators to us. On the floor. After these people started to operate, we found several helicopters appearing above the hotel, and then three of them were larger and dropped more than fifty heavily armed special commanders directly on the roof. As soon as they landed, they ran to the edge of the building, fixed a dozen ropes, and threw them out of the building, apparently intending to enter through the window. After releasing the large helicopter, they turned around and flew away from the building, while the other three attack helicopters moved outside the building and began to descend slowly. Although it is night, the sound of the helicopter is also very loud, but a ten-story high-rise building like this hotel is different from our usual buildings. The sound insulation of the windows is extremely powerful, even if the helicopter is hovering over the window At the very least, a bit of low hum can be heard outside. If there is no such good sound insulation ability, the sound of wind alone on such a high floor will probably make most people sleepless all night and all night.

"A lot of people have come!" Yeyue lamented in our consciousness.

"A bunch of waste, no matter how much is still waste," Wei Na said disdainfully.

"These people in suits seem to be looking a little bit." Xiaochun said ridiculously.

Ling felt a little bit and said, "It's very similar to the kind of people with colonized mechanical skeletons we met in China before, but the structure is not exactly the same."

"It's probably a new model. Our technology is improving. Naturally, Americans won't stand still." I said suddenly, "Oh, it looks like they need to act."

While we were talking, those people have reached our floor, but they haven't made any noise. After all, they basically believe that we have all been brought down by anesthetics. The reason why so many people come is nothing more than this. Adding insurance to the foolproof idea, they never expected that we would be completely unresponsive to sedatives.

Those outside the first hands-on window, they dropped to the window above us and gave up the rope. They used a large suction cup to slowly climb to the edge of the window where we were, but in case they did n’t reach us directly. Outside the windows, I was mainly afraid that some of us didn't sleep. They first took out something like a cane, and there was a camera on the tip of the thing. And with a polarizing filter, you can see the inside of the reflective glass. I used the gadget to scan the room to make sure that we were all sleeping. They climbed out of the window and carefully dug a few large holes in the glass of the rooms we lived in using special tools, but they just cut them. The glass was not taken off the glass.

The glass facade of this high-rise building is actually not much worse than bullet-proof glass, so you do n’t even think about entering such a thing with a rope and broken window. Unless you have the same physical strength as us, you are planning to commit suicide. . As for the fact that they don't get the glass cover, the negative pressure caused by the airflow adjustment flow outside the high-rise building. As soon as they remove the glass, the air in the floor will be quickly sucked out of those holes, which will make a lot of Come quietly, unless it is necessary to let them intrude, they will not open the king glass.

After getting ready here, a guy used radio equipment to talk to the people in the building, and we all turned on the radio monitor, and naturally we all heard their words. Two of the special warriors in the building walked out to our door carefully, and then one of them took out an electronic card from the body and locked the lock identifier. This thing is a spare room card in the shop. They are not thieves, naturally they are used directly, no matter how good the unlocking tool is, the door key is not convenient!

After the Fangka door was locked, the red light above the door handle suddenly jumped to the green, and at the same time, a beep sounded. As a result, all the special soldiers were stiffened, waiting until the people outside the window used communication. Device told the people inside that they continued to move after we did not wake up

Carefully pressed down the door handle to open the door, then those people carefully touched the living room. Since we are crowded, we have a presidential suite. Only the outer door of the suite has an electronic lock, the inner door is a simple spring lock, and no one will lock that thing at all. When these people touched the door, they began to unlock the door carefully, and then touched our guns around us in front of our respective beds.

After they had completed the siege, one of the people with them made a gesture to the outside, and then the outside people began to call the people in black downstairs. Those black suits came upstairs immediately when they heard the report, and after entering the elevator they talked, and although we couldn't hear what they said, we could see their mouths through the camera, which was enough. We can easily know their conversations by reading the lips.

"I didn't expect it to be so easy," one of the tall guys said.

A black man next to him also immediately said: "Shang thinks that the Chinese spies are not so good? It really says that the other party is a force beyond the specifications?"

A bald man who seemed to be the leader of them said, "Regardless of whether they are out-of-specification forces, our task has been completed anyway, as long as we hand them over to the base, nothing will happen to us."

A long, beautiful woman sighed, "Hey, I wouldn't have come if I knew it. I didn't even go to Jack's wedding. I don't know how to explain to him tomorrow!"

"Haha, rest assured! They are going out for a honeymoon, and you have at least one month to make a reason for the Seal of the Throne. But I should have forgotten it when they returned."

"Well, let's concentrate on our work." The bald interrupted everyone. "They were all our tasks until they were handed over to the base, messing up no one of us."

When the guys came in, they saw special forces spraying hypnotic gas onto our faces. They were just in case, they gave us more stuff, and we didn't resist at all, pretending to be anesthetized. Due to the problem of neurological reactions, it is not as easy to imagine sleeping as possible, but it is not so troublesome for us. As long as the connection between the brain and the body is cut off, there will be no abnormal response at all. Of course, now Everything they do is under our surveillance. After spraying the hypnotic gas, those people also relaxed some vigilance, and a few guys who came in later began to talk, unlike the previous gestures.

"How is he now? Can he carry it?" One of the black suits who came into my room asked.

Another black suit put a watch-like thing on my wrist, and the front of that thing showed a set of green numbers. The number displayed above is currently ninety-three. That home

The guy looked at the numbers and said, "It has entered deep sleep. As long as this green index does not exceed one hundred and thirty, he will never wake up." Although the guy said this, in fact, it is actually what I am now. awake.

That little thing was n’t really technological, it was just a miniature electrocardiogram plus a pulse detector. Its main function is to estimate whether a person is asleep or awake by their heart rate. Enter deep and light sleep

People ’s heartbeats are different, and of course it is even more different when they are awake, and this thing is to express these data by a simple number. I do n’t have to pay for such a small instrument without technical content at all

God went to study it, and he could understand with a sweep of the electromagnetic field. For us, electronic products are actually the most fragile things, not to mention that this thing is directly attached to my skin, it is simply impossible to find death (I think: find death),

Now I think it will show what number it displays. As for my heartbeat, it cannot be calculated at all, and there is no need to calculate it.

The bell knights and my pets in each room were taken with this thing, and then after making sure we all "sleep soundly" they started to act. First they brought in three from the outside

There are more than ten sets of rectangular brackets made of metal, and there are many fixtures on that bracket. Four special combatants moved one of the brackets to my room, then put that thing on my bed, and followed four people to hold my hand

My feet were tucked into the holders at the four corners of the bracket and locked. Later, someone took a larger holder to lock my waist, and the two ends of the holder were connected to the frame, so I became Large font is fixed in the frame

Frame in the middle. After completing all this, the four special warriors grabbed the four corners of the stand together and tried to lift me out, but they couldn't lift it at all when they tried hard. The four of them took a nap, and then forced again,

It just got the stand off the bed a little bit.

"Is this guy a bear? Why is it so heavy?" One of the special combatants whispered.

"Four more people will help," the other cried.

Soon four other people came to help, and eight people lifted me up with the stand, and it was similar in other rooms. The stuff we have inside our body has greatly increased our weight, so it looks like our body

The materials are very uniform, but the weight is surprisingly high.

We were carried down one by one by those people, and then the door opened with a dozen black armed escorts. We were carried by two people on the escorts, and then fixed in the middle of the car. On the stand,

Following those people evacuated here as quickly as they came.

"Shenlin, where do you say they will take us?" Xiaochun asked in our small network.

"I don't know. But I know that place is about to disappear."

Ling Yi immediately said excitedly, "What secret military base is best to take us to, I want to be a terrorist!"

"Haha, even a laboratory is good." Wei Na is also a character who is afraid of chaos in the world. "Anyway, no matter where we are, it is definitely not a general place. We just need to tear it down and it will definitely make Americans

regrettable. "

Just after shaking in the car for more than an hour, the car finally stopped. I do n’t know what the reason was, the other party pulled us around in the city to pull us to the destination, but With our detection capabilities

It's impossible to get lost, and we can't see the road outside and know where it is.

After the car stopped, it was pulled back and we were all lifted. Although my eyes were closed, I clearly knew that there were live-fire soldiers everywhere, and there were a few infantry fighting vehicles not far away.

The heavy machine gun on the roof always pointed at us. Under such a tight escrow we were transported into a huge cargo elevator, and then we felt weightless. Although the number displayed by the elevator is not visible,

We can accurately calculate the depth of our decline-273 meters. Such a terrible depth, even if our killer satellite of Long Yuan directly hits here, it will take several consecutive runs to get in, but

See the defensive strength here.

As soon as the door stopped, a large group of researchers rushed over as soon as the door was raised. One of the guys with a long white head and a sloppy head asked the person who escorted us excitedly: "How is it?"

"The target state is very stable, and there is only a little sign of recovery when we get off the truck, but we have replenished the anaesthetic again, and it has stabilized now." What the guy said made us deliberately pretend to let them I believe we really slept very much, otherwise how could we get into such a base so easily?

"Haha, that's great. These people are the strongest results of the Longyuan B13 project. As long as I can crack the mystery, we can completely improve your genes, and you won't have to endure the pain of side effects in the future. "After hearing the researcher's words, the black suits that escorted us all showed excited expressions. Obviously, their bodies have many disadvantages compared to us. At least that side effect is by no means a trivial matter, or they are not. Will be so excited.

We were escorted to a huge hall by armed men. The periphery of the hall was a fenced aisle, while the center of the hall was about one meter lower than the periphery. This area was given more than one meter of bullet-proof glass. It is divided into dozens of rooms. Although they can be seen from each other, they are completely isolated, and there are many scientific instruments. We were taken to different rooms, and the equipment was varied. Obviously, they were planning to study different things on us at the same time.

And I was sent to a room by Ling. The two of us were moved from that fixture to a test stand. The edge of this test stand also has a fixed lock, and it is obviously much stronger than the previous shelf. After all, it looks like it is better than that. The thin shelf is much thicker. Previously, the researcher 邋遢 came to our room, but at this time he was fully armed, wearing a fully enclosed protective suit, even with his head tightly packed. Only the area of ​​the eye carried a The huge protective goggles covering half of the face, and the edges of the protective goggles are integrated with the protective clothing, which is obviously also sealed. Since they knew the B13 plan, they should also know that the B13 biological sample was originally a virus, so they did such tight protection.

The old man walked to my side, and then started to cut my pajamas with scissors, but when he was about to start, I suddenly opened my eyes, scared his hands, and almost did not throw the scissors Go out.

"Sorry to scare you, but I'm not used to **** in front of strangers."

"You you you ... are you not anesthetized?"

"What do you say?"

Just as we were talking, a large number of soldiers had flowed into the aisle outside, but now they can do nothing but stand and watch. The one-meter-thick bullet-proof glass was not something that they could penetrate through.

Although the old man knew I was awake, he recovered his courage after seeing my hands and feet locked tightly. "Even if you wake up? I have to tell you that it's really unfortunate to wake up. If you can sleep like this forever, there will be less pain."

"Oh? Why do you think so?" I asked playfully.

"Because I am going to do some experiments on you, and in order not to affect the results of the experiment, I will not give the column a drunk horse."

"Then why do you think I would obediently lie here for you to experiment?" Then I turned to look at the metal ring that fixed my wrist. "Does your confidence come from this thing?" Just as the old man was ready to answer yes, my hand suddenly lifted. The fixed lock made of alloy is twisted and deformed on the wrist of the hand as if it were made face-to-face. Following a sudden noise, the screw holding that thing burst from the metal bed and bounced back and forth in the room. A few times later I broke into an instrument and stopped, and at this time my hand was out of the control of the fixed lock. "So how do you feel now?"

With my questioning, Wiener and they moved together. The metal locks that hold us in place do nothing at all. These things are indestructible to fix humans, but for us they are not much harder than dough. After breaking the control easily, I jumped off the iron bed, walked in front of the old man, tore off his chemical protection suit and threw him in front of Ling. "Look what he knows."

Ling grabbed the guy's neck and brought him in front of him, and then watched him with an unquestionable command: "Look into my eyes." While Ling said this, the other's eyes were involuntary. Looking at Ling together, but looking at a beautiful woman like Ling is by no means a wonderful thing. At the moment of eye contact, the old man began to scream for heartbreaking, his hands were squeezed desperately with his head in his hands, his legs were also unconsciously kicking in the air, and at the same time, his seven tricks began to move quickly Exudate blood, and tend to flow faster. But despite the horror of the situation, his gaze could not move, he could not even close his eyes.

The guy's painful wailing completely disappeared after only a few seconds ~ ~ His hand slipped off his head. Ling threw out the old man who was bleeding from Qiqiao, and the guy was still shaking unconsciously after landing, and several other researchers nearby were fainted by this horror scene. A rare unstunned one has even stood Can't stand up.

"This guy really knows a lot. This is the 6th National Army Research Institute, which specializes in the biological part of the soldier-level plan. I think we should be able to get some good things here and take them back."

"It seems this trip didn't run in vain. But I think we should find a piece of clothing to change." We were all pretending to sleep when we were arrested. Naturally, it was impossible to be armed and neat, so now everyone is wearing pajamas. Although this appearance does not affect the battle, it is too casual. It is said that a few mm's clothing is indeed more transparent, and it cannot be cheaper for those old Americans, even if they can not live long.

Before the soldiers outside responded, we completed the town's work in the laboratory. The research equipment here was smashed by us, and the researchers were killed. The researchers' loss is enough. The US side felt distressed for a while. However, our target is not these researchers. For us, such a base is simply a huge Baoshan. How can I go into Baoshan and return empty-handed because of my personality?

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