Starting from Zero

Vol 17 Chapter 1: I want to be a crocodile

"Is there something wrong, why do I have to be in trouble every time I go offline? Is it because the Japanese are optimistic that I'm not here, so I'm deliberately making trouble?"

"Boss, this time it was not the Japanese who caused trouble, but the situation in the country!"

"Domestic? What can happen in China?"

"It is the Buddhist power in China!"

"Buddha? Haven't they been kicked out of China by us?"

"The problem is that people have their roots in India! We have destroyed a large group here and there!"

"Did they call back again?"

"Not only did it come back, but it also killed a stronghold city behind our guild!"

"What? Stronghold city?"

"It's the kind of city that hoards supplies." The member who spoke said, "You don't usually care about things in the guild, so it's normal that you don't know. We often come up with some very important things in the guild. It is a bit inconvenient to store all the materials in Eichinger, so some warehouse cities have been established to store materials. Such cities are the base cities. The recently completed city has just been transported to the sky with dust and sand. And refined magic powder, the price is hundreds of millions of crystal coins! I did not expect that the Buddhist monk was given a pot! "

"Why? What time was the billion-dollar supplies being knocked down by the door?" I didn't have any response before hearing the Buddha ’s counterattack against our city. Now when I heard that several hundred million-dollar supplies were thrown away by the pot, I almost jumped. "What about roses?"

"Miss Rose is mobilizing materials in other cities. The supply chain caused by this loss should be broken. I hope to minimize the loss."

"How about the eagles?"

"Neither of the vice chairmen can come back on the front line."

"Frontline? Which front?"

"Vice-Chair Eagle is on the European front, and Vice-Chair Red Moon is on the Japanese side."

"What about the attacked city over there? Did nobody fight back?"

"It's not that no one is weaving, but it can't be organized anymore!" The member said helplessly.

I grabbed the guy's collar with both hands and almost lifted him off the ground. "why?"

"The buddha ’s guys do n’t occupy the leader ’s city at all. After breaking the city, they implemented the three-light policy like the bandits. Now the city has become a ruin. Somewhere to start! "

I nodded and left the member. "Sorry, I'm so excited! I'll go to the army **** first, what should you do yourself?"

"It's okay, President I can understand your mood." I waved my hands weakly and turned sharply, and the cloak behind me shouted. The player watched me go away and shook his head helplessly, and I quickly rushed to the place where the army **** was. "Report the situation."

The army **** saw that I entered the guild general control room of the guild and did not issue a question. After hearing my order, he immediately executed it. The hemispherical Qiongding of the entire room immediately became a huge projection screen. A map of China is displayed on the screen directly ahead. The picture first marks a point, then enlarges it to the point where you can see the mountains and rivers of the city, and then the army **** explains the situation on the battlefield while contrasting the picture. In general, this time Buddhism hit us by surprise, the guild is currently developing foreign battles, and it was never expected that at this time, the backyard would catch fire, compared to those fortress cities like the hedgehog that our guild stationed abroad Most cities in China have built only a simple wall. After all, we never expected that this kind of thing would happen in China at this time.

After reporting the specific losses and battles, the army **** cast out the situation of the Buddha. "This is the information recently returned by our intelligence system. Obviously, the previous actions to eliminate Buddhas were not thorough. Our country still has many hidden forces of Buddhist monks, but this can only be some kind of fire. They caused this. "The big fire", but the "fuel" of the flames is not these "flames" themselves, but a part of our country that is pro-Buddhist or has a variety of interests, even just for ordinary players a little bit of immediate interests. " Here the army has a magical power and looked back at my expression.

"Continue," I said with a somber face.

The **** of war turned back and started to explain, but my face turned worse and worse. I really did not expect that the inferior roots of human beings could be stubborn to such a process. No wonder dads are under pressure from various aspects to carry out the development plan of the Dragon race. If human beings are allowed to continue to develop again, sooner or later human beings will kill themselves all . It sounds like this time we attacked the Buddha's Gate was just a simple time for revenge, but if we take a closer look, we will find that this time has actually caused a lot of problems for our domestic players. Although Buddhism was the lead, the main force in this attack was not Buddhism. They used guò to open a short check and used the guild's hoarding materials as a bait to draw a large group of ordinary players to their chariots. These people obviously knew that our guild was standing in the beginning of the national war. The strongest shield and sharpest sword between China and Japan, and at this time, there are still people who will attack our shield and defend their sword for a little bit of material. This is a kind of What kind of people can do things? This is basically what a group of fools can do, but there are so many fools that they can beat the city of our guild.

Although I do n’t know how much the defensive forces of the captured city are, the guild cities will not be weak enough even if they are second-tier cities. At least the number of opponents must be enough. Otherwise, the level of "Jing Ling", the guardian of each city outside our guild, will not pass. These magical creatures are the first line of defense after our guild establishes a city. Although its level is not high, the number is extremely horrible. If the opponent does not pay some bitter price, it is definitely impossible to break through this line of defense. The fool broke through. What makes me even more trembling is that after the city was looted, there were still a lot of scattered players who came to pick up the tatters, and they also fought with the rescue team that arrived after our guild. When I heard this, I really wanted to grab these people and knock on their heads to see if there was **** in it. This is an incredible thing!

"Can you find out who is participating in this operation?"

"A few can be analyzed, but there will definitely be omissions."

"People who can be found are blacklisted, and these people are set as hostile members of the Bank's Association. Notify all members of the Bank's Association that they will be eliminated immediately upon discovery of any occasion. This kind of precedent must not be set. If we can not withstand this gust, we will treat all Chinese players outside our guild as enemies! "

The **** of war nodded. "My logic analysis unit also agrees with your decision. I will issue an order and activate the information system on each member so that as long as the people on the list appear next to our guild members, even if we Of members ca n’t remember so many people, I can also find those people through guò their personal information crystal. ”

I nodded. "I'll do it right away. I'm going to the scene to see the situation."


This time, it really made me angry. In the case that our guild blocked the external pressure for the entire Chinese players, there were still people who were beating me with a knife behind me. What is the situation? This is even more Han than Han. Although there were many Hans during the Japanese invasion during World War II, they were afraid of death. How many of them had a reason? And these people? Buddhism is not a super force, and it is basically impossible to threaten their security. They would blame our city for that empty check, and I ca n’t figure out how many idiots have been this year!

After appearing in the attacked city teleportation with a breath of breath, I was stunned by the sight in front of me. Looking at this devastated city, I can hardly imagine that this is done by people in our country. What is the right thing to do in the cities of my country? This is even more extreme than the Nanjing Massacre in the past. There is basically no intact building in the city, and there are still ruins that have been blackened by the fire. Although it has been two days, many places are still brazen. Smoke, some of the workers and PC soldiers in this guild are clearing the ruins. From time to time, under the ruins, you can also pull out the bodies of some free PCs. These players have not even let go of the free PCs. You must know that although the players in the game also have Support professions, but in general players are not suitable for production, and "Zero" is a completely simulated real world, where the materials are not changed in the slightest, all are produced through various labor of guò free PC , And free body is also the main source of PC soldiers recruited by the guild. For a country in the game, these free PCs are a resource and the most important resource. I can hardly imagine any normal intelligence People will kill all free PCs in their own cities. Even if we fought back and forth with the Japanese, we never intentionally killed any free PC. Some of our players their own country, not even the city gave us a free kill the PC, these are human behavior? The beasts all know to protect their food resources. These people actually destroy the resources of their country just like playing. Are they still intelligent humans?

"President!" A greeting appeared, and then the surrounding president shouted ceaselessly. Everyone who saw me stopped, apparently many people didn't expect me to appear at this time.

I can only nod my head to the side of the road roughly in response to everyone's hello, but just seeing the current scene really makes me feel bad. Along the way, in addition to the ruins or the ruins, this place is even worse than the new Nanjing that was destroyed by air fuel bombs. I had to return to Isinger in advance because there was almost nothing to see here, except for the ruins. I can't find anything to see! After I returned to the army god, I added another command. "Order all the intelligence agencies to find out the locations of the individuals or guilds involved in the attack and transfer twenty hunting teams to take charge of the eradication of these people."

"The order has been issued." The **** of war quickly fixed the release of the order, and then asked me: "Does the human think that a traitor is more hateful than an enemy?"

"I'm not human anymore, so my answer may not represent human thinking, but at least I think so."

God of War nodded his head and turned back to busy with his work. He seemed to have never spoken just now. I thought about it for a moment because I do n’t think it ’s our own business, because even if Buddha ’s door comes back, it ’s not necessary to set the goal on us. It ’s the Heaven ’s Court and not our guild that really destroys the Buddha ’s door. The trouble in heaven is only a signal to find us. In this incident, we were stricken with a pond fish because of a fire at the city gate. We all felt wronged.

"Huh, how dare you take me as a pond fish!" I thought about it again and said to the army Shinto: "Give me a list of all the possible places where the Buddhist monks are hiding. Let them know that our Frost Rose League is not a pond fish. Even if we are prehistoric giants, we must have the consciousness of being bitten by Lao Tzu if we dare to hit us! "

The speed of the army **** is very fast. I quickly gave a list of possible hiding places for the Buddhist gates after comprehensively analyzing all the information of our guild. After I got the list, I immediately turned around and ran to the teleportation array. . Of course, I'm not going to find the trouble of Buddhism directly, although I'm not irritated, but I haven't reached the point of dizziness. The biggest benefit of the Dragons is that emotion will not affect reason.

Even though Buddhism is no longer the giant before, it was once a surviving zài group that can resist the court of heaven. The so-called skinny camel is larger than a horse, and there are three thousand nails in a rotten ship ~ ~ even now It ’s not that I can run and kick the pavilion alone. Since we are caught in the pond this time, it does n’t make sense for us to bear any losses? If the gate of heaven is not upstairs, we ca n’t really let us ponders go upstairs? Even if we are big crocodile, we can't be stupid, can we help others?

When I arrived at the heavenly court, the Tianbing guarding the Nantianmen saw that I immediately greeted him, and one of the gods would block my way and said, "It was President Ziri, I do n’t know what this time ...!"

"Flash away."

That guy was pulled aside before I finished speaking, but the guy watched me aggressively walked into Nantianmen and didn't catch up, anyway, he just walked through the program. I am now the Tiantingji assassin All kinds of deposits, fools know that they have caused me no good food, anyway, I don't always bother him, so he doesn't bother to care.

"Jade Emperor, Jade Emperor, where are you all? Where are they all going?" I shouted and shouted as I walked to Lingxiao Baodian. Anyway, now I am here to collect debts, and I have a strong attitude. "Hello? Is anyone there? The Buddha doors are all knocked on. Do you guys manage it?"

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