Starting from Zero

Vol 17 Chapter 31: Unexpected Wisdom Grass

Volume 17 Chapter 31 Unexpected Wisdom

An alarmed worm swarmed towards me almost crazy. However, Xiang Xiang didn't plan to play a decisive battle with the bugs. With the power of Night Shadow, it is very simple to avoid these bugs.

"Fly up." I patted Ye Ying's back, Ye Ying Li cut off to the ground. A large number of worms flooded the land under my feet like a flood, but failed to hit me. However, this situation only lasted for more than ten seconds and ended. After learning about the bug for a while, I finally realized that it wasn't enough for me, so one of the locust's wings suddenly popped open, and then I heard a buzzing sound coming. The locust actually flew up.

"Fuck, rise quickly."

The night shadow flew me up and the bugs below immediately rushed up and chased us, but a horrible defense line composed of the army of insects comparable to them suddenly closed between us and blocked all the locusts. below. My Candlebee Legion and the Locust Legion immediately hanged together, followed by a large number of tapeworms falling like a rain, and my Candlebee was slightly damaged. The locusts can indeed fly, but in terms of flying skills, the locusts are just that the net has just reached the standard that can fly. In contrast, my candle bee is like a coach from a super-flight team who came across the net to complete basic theoretical studies. Junior flight student. With the good flying skills of Candle Bees, locusts can't take any advantage at all. My Candle Bees can fly sideways and circle in the air. They approached several times as fast as the locust, then stabbed a needle with a poisonous needle on the tail and ran away, while the locust was rare to catch a candle bee or two. Even if a candle bee is caught by the locust, the melee skills of close range are not the dominant locust. Although these mutant locusts are much larger than my candle bee, the locust is not carnivorous after all. The candle bee is a real carnivorous animal. The bumblebee in reality is a famous and ferocious species in the insect world. My candle wasp is ten times and one hundred times stronger than the bumblebee. Even if it is caught by the locusts, it is mostly the locust that finishes after a bite . Even if it can't bite the locust, the candle bee has one last move to explode. Candlebees are standard bomb creatures, and were originally intended for large creatures. Its explosive power is far beyond the reach of locusts. The power of each candle bee blast can basically destroy a spherical area with a radius of eight meters, and absolutely no locust can survive within this killing radius. Less than ten minutes after we were lifted off, a thick layer of corpses had been piled up on the ground below the Throne of the Seal of God, and the candle bees were more insecticidal than the Indians. However, our powerful performance obviously angered the swarm here. The locust is probably the existence of cannon fodder here. After so many locusts were suddenly killed, the big worms were finally hidden.

Grunting, a few black-green bubbles suddenly popped out of the swamp on the face, and then a creature like a toad suddenly crawled out of the bubbles, and I saw that this creature was covered with one A disgusting water addiction, and there are many things like little mouths. When a few of these guys appeared, their mouths suddenly opened, and then a black-green liquid was shot at me in the sky. I do n’t need to say that Yeying knows that these are definitely not good things, and immediately flew away, but the candle bee beneath me was hit a lot. Basically, as long as I touch a little Li Hai, it will turn into a pool of green water. , Even the chance of self-explosion.

"Pull up! Pull up! Small. With my command, Candle Bee Swarm and I flew to the sky with me. Although the shot from the little guy is powerful, it is a bottom-up shot. After all, gravity will slow it down. Flying degree, the higher you fly, the slower it is, as long as the altitude is high enough to avoid it is still easy.

Seeing that the monster we climbed up suddenly changed its strategy. It no longer relied on the small mouth of the body to spray the corrosion solution, but opened the large mouth in front and started to spray the solution. The corrosive liquid sprayed by this big mouth is not only thick. And the shot is much faster than the small mouth spray, and the range is significantly higher. Even if we fly to a very high place, we can still see the huge black solution flying past us. Fortunately, This kind of large group solution is not high in frequency, and because of its large size, we can start to dodge. Relatively speaking, it is not as threatening as a small nozzle solution.

The big toad seemed useless and seemed to realize that it was meaningless to waste ammunition, and then dived back into the swamp, but something more terrifying climbed out of the swamp. I saw a tumbling movement in the soft mud in the swamp, and then a taupe-like fat bug crawled out of the land. I still thought it strange that these things didn't have wings, could they still knock me down in the sky? But my doubts were quickly resolved, and I saw that the bugs first stood on the ground with their tails and made themselves stand on the ground like a telephone pole, and then they bent their bodies again, their heads Biting his tail, his body began to swell like a blow. As their bodies swelled, their bodies gradually began to straighten, but because their mouths bit their belly and their tails only came up. So there is no way to straighten your body. They can only accumulate childbirth "energy. When their mouths are about to bite their tails, all the insects suddenly release their tails together, and then it looks like a rubber stick that pops up instantly, the entire insect It bounced off the ground and rolled up.

"Fuck, can you really fly?" I was shocked by what was in front of me and didn't know what to say, I didn't expect that there would still be such a cow bug, and I could fly without wings! However, although the worms jumped high, I was not afraid. Because the worms bounced by curved tension, there is no point at all, they are just jumping around. Although a large number of worms popped up on the ground, they flew everywhere like flying flowers on the sky after flying to the sky. Yes, the nearest one is more than ten meters away from me, which does not pose any threat at all.

I thought this was the attack of these big fat bugs. Who knows, just when they reached their highest point and went from ascending to falling, those sufficient but suddenly twisted magically in the air, and then all the worms locked their targets on me, and from the worm's mouth for a moment A white silk thread spurted out at the same time. One end of the silk thread was still in the bug's mouth, and the other end flew towards me with a small ball. Night Shadow has a fast response level, and now the Internet is not right, he immediately started his own special skill Dream Jump. I saw Ye Ying and me suddenly disappeared into the air just one step forward, and then suddenly got out from behind an Indian player on the ground. That Indian player was focusing on bugs. I never thought why I suddenly got behind him. But this guy didn't react slowly, and he turned back to be a sword after a big jump. "Unfortunately, it wasn't me who blocked him in front of his sword, but the hoof of the night shadow. Naturally, human arms have no legs. It ’s long, not to mention that Yeying is one circle larger than the war horse. Of course, the guy was kicked by Yeying without a sword stabbing his chest, and then the entire chest cavity was trampled down and killed on the spot. Already.

Besides, those bugs in the sky that lost their targets, because nothing was caught, started to fall down. Naturally, my Candle Bee Unit will not let go of such a good opportunity, and I have to worry a bit about locusts. I don't have to worry about these big meat bugs who are not flying in the air at all. Candle bee swarms swarming up, killing the worms before the worms landed, and by the time the worms have turned into countless pieces of ground meat.

Ziri, you do n’t want to get wisdom grass today.

small. Seeing me kill their companions, one of the remaining Indian players shouted. "It ’s not up to you to say. It depends on your actions. Do you destroy the wisdom grass now? If it has been destroyed, then I admit that you are very good, otherwise shut up. Pollution has been over this year. It ’s serious, so do n’t use your stinky mouth to pollute our precious air! ”

"you". At first, the guy wanted to refute two sentences, but soon realized that no one seemed to be able to take advantage of the quarrel with me, so he changed his words: "Although we can't destroy the wisdom grass, but after seeing it, I think we It's a victory. "He said that the people next to him laughed proudly, and I started to wonder that they were silly there. What a strength, but soon I figured out why, because I have seen Wisdom Grass, but the only problem is that the location of that thing is strange. In-time advertising time

"By ~ ~ Which idiot named this thing Wisdom Grass?"

I have n’t seen it in the sky before, but now I can clearly see where these people are. It turned out that there was a giant monster not far from the front of this group of people. The upper part of the body of this thing was flat and flat, and it looked like a huge umbrella cover covering the ground, slightly protruding in the center of the umbrella cover. Some, there are thirty-six full circles. The eye is almost a 360-degree perspective, and the sky is within its surveillance range. What's more terrible is that there are hundreds of long tentacles on the edge of the thing, which are swimming against the ground. It looks like the octopus's wrists and feet, but its tentacles are standard cylindrical, there is no There are no suction cups underneath. Because this thing was covered with a layer of mud and the surface was covered with moss and weeds, I never noticed this thing in the sky, and now I just noticed it on the ground because of its height. What's more terrible is that the **** wisdom grass that I need even grows on the top of this thing's head, and that grass is more than three meters tall, almost like a small tree. The projection of the wisdom grass I saw in the heavens before was only a grass, and there was no reference object, so I guessed that it was just a grass based on the name. Who knew that this thing would be so big? And it actually grew on the monster's head. Looking at it like that, I wonder if the thing is a plant growing out of the mud above the monster's head, or whether it is itself a part of the monster's body. (To be continued)

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