Starting from Zero

Vol 17 Chapter 35: Law of salvation

Volume 17 Chapter 35 "Method of Salvation" After half a day of no response, I could not help but open his mouth to help him make a decision, and then drag on this one. Can't be saved!

After being reminded by me, Taishang Laojun also responded to rushing to the most critical ones. The man filled Dandan in his hand. It was immediate to take a pill, and those people who were struggling to die were immediately relieved, because they suddenly lost the huge painful stimulus, and the fatigue caused by the resistance to the pain immediately burst. All of them were paralyzed on the ground like mud, and they fell asleep instantly.

"Huh, finally saved a few!" Taishang Laojun wiped the sweat from his forehead and turned to me: "Thank you so much for your reminder, but this medicine ,?"

I handed the ping-pong-sized pill in my hand. "This is enough for a pill

"Enough is enough. I'll make it now."

After Tai Shang Laojun left, I turned around here myself. Of course, I didn't come to inspect the emergency services in the heavenly courts. I am here just to select members of the Buddhist gate that belong to our guild. The heaven court promised to give me three of the Buddha, I know that the boss of the class like Rulai certainly has no part of me, but I can always choose the next level, now this. At that time, they were doing their best to resist the power of fusion, which just made me see which of them were stronger. This kind of opportunity is usually rare. After this village, there is no such shop.

Passing by the large square where the people in the gate of the Buddha lay, the people locked on the ground were all writhing in painful struggling, from time to time, the heavenly gods fell down because of their collapse, but the heavenly side was behind each god. Two heaven soldiers were arranged. As soon as the **** arrived, they would immediately catch the **** and send it out for treatment and recovery. There are other gods on top. Although it seems to be chaotic in and out, in fact there is nothing in order.

After I walked through the area of ​​ordinary Buddhist monks, I suddenly didn't see Rulai. It should be said that all the Buddhist monks should be here? I quickly grabbed a fairy next to me and asked, "Are all the Buddhas here?"

The fairy first nodded, then suddenly remembered.

"By the way, there are still some elite Buddhists who can temporarily resist the power of fusion, and they are now in the hall behind that."

"Thank you." After thanking me, I hurried over, and after seeing the house, I saw a large hall made of black jade. There was a group of gold armored soldiers neatly outside the hall door. It seems that those in the defense, as soon as I turn my eyes, I understand the meaning of this group of gods, but it is only insurance. The people I walked into outside the hall were not blocked. After I entered, I saw hundreds of futons neatly arranged on both sides of the hall. Each futon was seated by a Buddhist figure, and each of them stood behind them. A **** in heaven is helping them to strengthen in Fabao. I can recognize most of these Buddhists, and it can be seen that there is some popularity. As for the immortals behind them, most of them are superior, at least much better than the dragon-class immortals outside. Unlike the Buddhist figures outside, the Buddhist figures sitting here are not so exaggerated, they still maintain a meditating posture, just one by one. Facial expressions are extremely painful, and none of them are sweaty. They don't look very good, but they are slightly better than those outside. However, not all of them are so painful. According to my speculation, their expressions may have something to do with their strength and their endurance. The strength is high, the resistance is strong, and the pain caused by integration is relatively weak. The person with a strong tolerance will show a relatively mild expression even if he is very painful.

"Zi Ri? Why are you here?" Yi Ruo came around with a red net and a golden net around the reclining chair.

"Where is the third prince? What's the situation here?"

"You have also seen that, although it is barely supported, but if your medicine is not delivered again, it will be at most another one or two days!"

"Is this serious?"

"Tiandao is the greatest, how can it be so good to resist? Fortunately, the Buddha's gate just borrowed some of Tiandao's strength in a way that conforms to Tiandao; if it is confronted with Tiandao, then there is no need to think about it, just leave the dead! "

I nodded and said, "I have brought back some materials before, but unfortunately the **** in India tried to mess with me, and the loss was heavy. The amount brought back was only a few pills. Now I have fed a few The people in the Buddhist gate that couldn't support it ate and the situation was immediately controlled. "

"So at least you can be sure that the medicine is useful! Hey, unfortunately, I can't wait without this Middle-earth land, or hum!"

"Otherwise?" Suddenly a very exaggerated thought flashed through my mind.

Nezha didn't know what I thought of. Just explained: "Otherwise I'll hit Da Lei Yin Temple and kill Rulai Zhenshen, hum, see how they can do bad things then."

"What if I said I might be able to do it?"

"What?" It didn't come out of nowhere. King Tota Li Jing strode over from the side and grabbed my shoulders and asked, "You really have something to do.

"Yes, yes, I'm afraid I can't stick to the throne of the Seal of God that time!"

"Purple" Purple Sun! "A weak voice suddenly came from behind Li Jing. I tilted my head and saw that it turned out to be Rulai.

"Rulai? Can you still move?" Although Rulai at this time had a painful expression, she came over struggling. The immortal behind him stood up and wanted to stop, but he was afraid to startle him and dissipate the power of fusion, so he didn't dare to follow him in steps to help him suppress the power of fusion.

"My situation is not important. Do you really have a way to let Tianting send troops to attack the Buddha's headquarters directly?"

I nodded and explained: "Although Tianting cannot actively attack the power of players in other countries, there is no rule saying that it cannot attack protoss in other countries? The main reason that Tianting does not attack Buddhist gates is that Tianting is under regional suppression and cannot be used against India The Dalaiyin Temple, the old nest of Buddhist gates on the land, is attacking, but I am not subject to this condition. What would you say if my guild would control the area where Daleiyin Temple is located in the Indian War? "My words are like A blockbuster fell in the hearts of all the gods and Buddhas present, and they all thought of the possibility at the same time. Da Lei Yin Temple is the headquarter of Buddha Gate and its location is in India. But in fact, Da Lei Yin Temple is not too far away from China's national borders, so as long as we push our borders a little further, we can enclose Da Lei Yin Temple. As for attacking Daleiyin Temple, I don't need to worry about this. The so-called national boundary occupation refers to the range generated by the player's power under the control of a country, and this does not include power. In other words, as long as I can build a city near Daleiyin Temple, it is closer to Daleiyin Temple than other Indian cities around it. Then Daleiyin Temple can be regarded as being framed into Chinese territory. As for Daleiyin Temple itself, it does not need to be occupied. The occupation rules stipulated by the system are based on the city used by the player. And do not test the stronghold at all, otherwise the player forces are required to capture the old stronghold, is n’t it similar to suicide? However, it is not so simple to frame Daleiyin Temple into the city. Because we are the offensive side, as a native religion of India, Buddhism can actually support Indian players to drive us to a certain limit. The heavenly court cannot intervene until our guild completely stabilizes the city. Because there is still a stable time after the city was established. Only when the attack on the throne of the Seal of God passed this time has not been captured can the land occupation be completed, to that. Only then can Tianting really help guard the city.

Although the conditions are a bit harsh, the Buddha Gate cannot help the Indians to defend the city. They are limited in the system. Otherwise, they will not have to fight in the national war, and no one can attack other cities. So what we really want to play against is only Indian players, it's just that they take a little advantage.

After listening to my words, everyone was thinking. After a while, Rugao asked, "Are you sure you can really frame the Daleiyin Temple into the territory of China?"

"I'm not sure. After all, the battle has not yet started. I don't know what accidents will happen, but I can guarantee a success rate of at least 70%.

but,! "

"But what?"

I stretched out two fingers. "But there is a prerequisite and a condition that must be met."

"Prerequisites and conditions?"

I nodded. "The premise is that you have a way to insist that I put Da Leiyin Temple into Chinese territory. But I see very little hope for this."

"No. Hope is great." Rulai said excitedly: "Those pills can reduce the connection between us and the Lord God, but they can temporarily suppress the fusion process if they reduce the amount of material."

"You mean to dilute the material?"

"Yes ~ ~ I give you a large dose of prescription. If you reduce the dose, one pill is enough to temporarily suppress the melting state of a thousand people for a day.

"Then why didn't you say it earlier?" I said a little bit angry: "I knew that I would use the materials I collected to make some pill that would have a suppressing effect before leaving, and as long as I can persist for a day, I can get more than ten times the material . In addition to continuing to make pills with suppressive effects, it can completely relieve the crisis of dozens of people. Will this not go slowly enough to relieve everyone's trouble? "

Rulai shook his head with a bitter smile and shook his head: "It's not as simple as you think! If this thing is not enough at one time, although it has a suppressing effect, it will have resistance in the future. It will have to be several times the previous amount to continue to suppress it. Effect. And each time the suppression, the resistance will increase a little. In the future, the amount of medicine needed will become larger and larger, and even the amount of medicine with a complete dissolution will increase exponentially. It ’s less sexual. But since you have a way to put Da Leiyin Temple into China, as long as the court completely kills our Lord God, it does n’t matter if we do n’t disconnect. ”

I smiled and said, "That being the case, there is one thing left to be solved now."

"What is it?" Everyone asked together. (To be continued)

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