Starting from Zero

Vol 17 Chapter 38: Heaven's accident

6162 Volume 17 Chapter 38 Accidents in Heaven

The two building materials of the shallow court can be said to be good. It took me a few hours to send all the materials to the gate of the earth, and then bring them back to Isinger. When I arrived at the Tiantian Gate and was about to go out, I suddenly heard someone calling me behind.

"President Ziri walk slowly!"

"It turns out that the tip is too platinum! What's the matter to stop me?"

"That's it." Taibai Jinxing reached out and handed over Yu Jian.

I took it in doubt. "this is?"

Taibai Venus pointed upwards. Then he said, "This is the above intention. I hope you will do more for the cause of heaven this time."

The heaven and earth palace are actually similar. There are eighteen layers of **** below the earth palace, and there is the eighth heaven above the heaven palace. All the gods who can live on it. But if you can say that Taiping Venus is above, then there are only three places left. As for which three, it goes without saying that this should be understood.

Since it was the things given by the three great gods, they would definitely not be ordinary goods, so I immediately and very solemnly put away the jade Jane and asked Taibai Jinxing to convey my gratitude and said that I would definitely try to kill the matter in heaven. enemy. After the chase, I bid farewell to Taibai Jinxing and turned to leave the heavenly court. After answering Isinger, I first gave the materials to the players responsible for the construction work of our bank. Rags and Sumei. After they determined the characteristics of the materials, they could draw the city. Design drawings. It takes at least a month or two from the preparation to the completion of a general urban design plan. The Throne of the Seal of the Seal of God takes at least a month or two. Even if it is planned, the previous year and two years are not excessive. Of course, "Zero" is just a game. It's impossible for players to draw a few years of design drawings and find someone to spend ten years building the city of the Throne of Seals. In the game, the design drawings of a city can be completed in a few days, and the construction of them is usually three to five days to one or two, and the time is the throne of the seal of the month. However, our guild performed well in this regard, and the drawings were completed in less than three hours. The main credit for this is the existence of a computer like the army god. Using the crystal resonance projection equipment and the computing power of the God of War itself, we can basically simulate a three-dimensional graphics data processing device in the game, as long as the designer dictates the parameters and design ideas. God of War can automatically complete the model components, and can also supplement the insufficient data automatically. What's more important is that the output of the military **** is not a graphic design, but a three-dimensional view. This does not require professional knowledge at all. As long as the idiot does not see the three-dimensional view, he knows what the city is going to build. It's hard to think wrong.

After the city drawings were completed, I brought the materials to the construction department, but the engineering staff of the guild had not yet come and transferred them back. There is no way to start construction, but the people in the engineering department have listed the construction plans. They intend to use the Giant Butterfly City in the insect castle held by the Bank to directly airdrop city construction workers, some materials and several transport arrays to a predetermined location, and then start construction with the construction materials loaded in the personal storage space of the entourage. Taking into account the technical strength of the guild and the number of construction personnel, it is expected that the construction of the city can be completed in 67 hours using human sea tactics to speed up the construction. If we are not so moldy, the Indians will have to We can only realize our intention after more than ten hours of construction. As for the effective counterattack organized by them, it will probably wait forty hours later. Although it is estimated that the interior of the city was not perfect at that time, the city walls and defense weapons were probably It's finished.

Although the work to build the city has been finalized, the personnel and materials must be in place to wait for the time. This time, the city was built in a semi-sneak attack in India. Naturally, it is not possible to lay down the ground first and then slowly prepare the materials to build the city like in the country. You must wait for the West and the personnel to be ready to start construction. Once the construction starts, you must be aggressive. .

Before everyone was ready, I first found a quiet place to start researching the jade bamboo slips that heaven sent me. The shape of this thing is not much different from that of ordinary bamboo slips. The only difference is that the material used is not bamboo and hemp rope, but nephrite and gold wire. Grasp the side of Yujian and shake it a little, the entire Yujian Liyou unfolds automatically, and the magic is that I only grabbed one layer of it, but it does not hang like ordinary bamboo slips, but it seems to float It is the same on the water, not only floating there, but also floating slightly up and down. At the moment of unfolding, Yu Jian emitted a light green light, and the light beam came to my eyes as if the target had appeared, but its brightness was not dazzling. When the light completely focused on my eyes, Yu Jian suddenly flashed. Then there was a sudden big explosion, and I was blasted five or six meters away by the sudden explosion, but I got up and touched without any damage. ‘Fuck, heaven is really right. Ca n’t you pass on the outside? Ca n’t you just let me go home after seeing it? It ’s enough to have an automatic destruction function, really when I ’m a robber?’

Although he was scolding heaven. But I'm still very happy "Qin" Qin Gang measured that the jade book is actually a skill. The name is "Heart Sword". I think the name from heaven is too simple and narrow. In my opinion, this skill can be called "Army" according to the naming convention of Chinese skills or "Concept Armed" according to European habits. To put it plainly, this is a skill to attack weapons with intentions, a bit like the legendary Shushan School. However, this skill is not only capable of commanding swords. In theory, any weapon can command. Of course, theory is theory, and the real situation is not completely consistent. This heart sword skill is actually full of restrictions. The most important one is that the weapon being manipulated requires at least the Holy Spirit or higher level. However, the weapon in "Zero" has only the level of the artifact, that is, It is said that the only things that can be commanded are artifacts and holy spirit-level weapons, and the lower-level things cannot be commanded at all. The second restriction can be said to be more difficult than the first, because the second restriction requires that the weapon being commanded must have basic spirituality. This basic spirituality is somewhat similar to the instrumental spirit. For example, the eternally used instrumental spirit is the instrumental spirit extracted from the Demon Blade Thousand Swords, and the instrumental spirit is the product of the basic spirituality of the weapon to a high level. As long as the weapon with basic spirituality is used more and more, the instrumental spirit will evolve sooner or later, and if you do not use it, it will have no effect. As far as I know, more than 80% of the artifacts that have appeared in the current system have basic spirituality. Do not look at this ratio is quite high, but the actual situation is that after the first condition is met, the second condition has to be wiped out. Weapon. This request is too harsh. And this still refers to the level of artifacts. The proportion of basic spirituality in the weapons of the Holy Spirit seems to be less than 10%, and the lower-level weapons are even more said.

Artifact or Holy Spirit equipment. Coupled with the need for spirituality, the two weapons alone, the remaining weapons are already poor.

But I don't care too much about this, because there are only five different weapons besides eternity. Eternal nature is fully qualified. The first of the remaining four is the disciplinary wheel behind me. After dismantling, it is the core of the disciplinary and two and a half months. Half moon itself is an artifact, and it is not an exaggeration to call it an artifact after adding the core of the commandments, and this thing itself can be manipulated by ideas, naturally it has quite strong spirituality and fully meets the requirements. The second weapon is my 368 magic jumping bombs. Although this thing does not meet the requirements for the operation of the Heart Sword skill, it is an automatic weapon that is thrown out and ignored, so whether it can be manipulated or not same. The third weapon is the blade claw that I use more, but the blade claw is actually not a weapon, because it actually belongs to a whole part of the dragon set, just like the wing blade and elbow on the edge of my wings. Back blade. There are also back blades that extend from the back of the foot to the calf and a lot of barbs on the body. These can be considered weapons, but they are all part of the dragon set. The main ability of the Heart Sword skill is to direct the automatic attack of weapons, but they are all mounted on me. Although they are clearly commandable based on the attributes of the magic dragon suit, they are not the same because they cannot fly at all. The fourth weapon is my flying knife. I always prepare a lot of flying knives on my body. This thing is usually not useful. ~ The key Shixuan can help a lot. If you do n’t have any attributes, you ca n’t manipulate them. The last weapon was the Avengers sniper crossbow in my hand. Because this thing is integrated with the magic dragon suit, it can also be regarded as instrumental. In this way, the arrows shot by the Avengers will become guide arrows, which is not bad.

Although the equipment on my body does not need the guidance of the Heart Sword skills, or it meets the requirements, what I am really interested in is eternity. Eternity itself is the main weapon, plus it can be transformed, combined with the guidance of the Heart Sword skill and additional attack power, that is simply an additional helper in battle. In addition to the ability to guide weapons to attack automatically, the Heart Sword ability has been added to strengthen the damage attribute. With the eternal attack power and the additional damage of the Heart Sword skill, it is simply a great killer. Of course, in terms of attack power alone, it can't be compared with the gun of the gun god, so far his gun is still the weapon with the highest base attack power in the game, even when it uses full power radiation, even I can only block one in the front, and I will be seriously injured if I am not killed by the second hit.

After I researched the skill attributes, I started to use the instructions. The attribute is equivalent to the function introduction, and the instructions are completely different. The front part of the description is similar to the attributes I look at, but when I see it later, my brows start to wrinkle and become worse.

"I rely, what kind of ghost skill is this?"

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