Starting from Zero

Vol 17 Chapter 51: Kashmir real problems

Chuanzong has the surrounding environment! Then I turned my attention back to the sisters. Just this look made me stagger. "You are Chinese? ... Although Kistan is not far away from China, its ethnicity is clearly different from that of the Han people. Although there are many ethnic minorities in China, they have lived together for so many years. Not much. At first glance, the appearance of the two girls looks like a very standard Han appearance, which is very different from Pakistan and even Indians.

"Who told you we're Chinese?" The girl asked indignantly, with my wrist strapped to my wrist.

"Is it Japanese?" I asked, frowning slightly.

The girl with my neck strapped stared at me and asked, "Can't we be Pakistanis?"

I said funnyly: "Don't tell me you haven't looked in the mirror since you were born. Don't you think you are very different from the Pakistanis around you? The genetic mutation is not so coincident?"

"Hum, we are Americans

"American?" I thought for a moment and understood. There is only one true Native American. The Indians and Americans are actually immigrants from outside the country. In the past few hundred years, some people have actually had no idea which race their ancestors were. In fact, American culture has always been more aggressive than domestic. They don't care much about where they came from before, but care about where they will go in the future. To put it simply, there is no ancestral consciousness. The Asian race in the United States is more concerned about their ancestors, but after all, the Seal of Time is too long. The five or six generations are okay to say that after a dozen generations it is completely another matter. Now the younger generations of some Asian races have no idea at all and don't care who their ancestors are. They only know that they are yellow, and others don't. The two in front of me, although the girl is not sure if they are Chinese, but I can be sure that they are of Chinese descent. Although people in China, Japan, Korea, or Thailand are similar in white eyes, the Chinese are still Can be roughly divided.

"Why? We are Americans, do you have an opinion?" The two girls asked in a bad tone.

I smiled lightly. "No opinion, I just finally understand why your surrender is so crisp."

"What do you mean?" When the two girls heard what I said, they immediately changed their expressions.

"Now I'm more sure you are of Chinese descent."

"None of us are sure of what confirmation you have?"

"I naturally have my way, but why should I tell you? Looks like you are my captives now?"

"Hum, the captives are captives, and they will not be killed once. You don't expect to force us to do excessive things. This is not a reality. It will be a level or two if you die."

I was about to continue talking about them, and suddenly I heard Limad's cry.

"Chairman Ziri has a well-deserved reputation, even the twin stars in the fog are so difficult to defeat."

". Limad, don't be complacent. Although we don't know how a master like Ziri was invited by you, I can be sure he won't stay here all the time." The two girls glanced at here A glance at the nearby mining area said: "Sooner or later it's ours."

"That." I ordered one of the girls and said, "Excuse me. I need to clarify something with you. I didn't invite them. In fact, they can't afford me. It's true. But I've already invested in it. So, here is my property in the future. You better do not come to trouble

"It's a big deal. We will see you walking around in the future. Can't you just stay here forever?" The two girls rebelled together.

I shook my head helplessly, and the wrists shook the dragon's tendons to automatically release and retracted. The two girls wanted to run as soon as they were released, but unfortunately they turned their feet and found that their legs could not move. Looking down, I don't know when the feet were completely covered with a large vine, and both of their feet were entangled in the vines. Not to mention that they ran away, they just could n’t lift.

How do you say "this"! Since I dare to accept it, there is of course a way to control it. Don't think you are invincible. Our Frost Rose League is not supported by me alone, except that I can bring you down to no less than double digits in our guild. This is not to scare them. Of course, frost can have the scale it is today. Of course, I have put in a lot of effort, but it is obviously not enough to rely on me alone. Multinational guilds like ours have cities all over the world, and I alone can't be too busy even if I know how to split. Guild leaders such as Hongyue and Eagle, guild think tanks such as Rose and Sumei, guild warriors such as True Red, Ziyue, and Chris Suona are all indispensable. This pair of Gemini's combat skills and cooperation is really good, but in the Big Mac guild like ours can still find a large number of people who restrain them, such as the magic sound team of our guild. The magic sound team mainly based on Bingbing concentrated on the three partial professions of magic sound engineer, magic musician and magic dancer. On the surface, they look like a dance and dance group, but they are even masters like the gun **** I dare not say that I will definitely be able to work under the full force of their siege, and at least not many people can understand their "gongyi" style, and it is easy to be dominated by them.

"Don't think that the two of us are over when we subdue." The two little girls suddenly looked at each other and smiled.

I was confused by their smiles. It seemed that their killer steel was hidden in their expressions. "Do you have anything else left unused?"

"It's not something. There are still people who haven't come."

I immediately looked at Limad next to me. "Apart from the two of them, are there any other powerful experts in Pakistan?"

Limad also shook his head with a questioning head and answered me, "I haven't heard! I guess they are both. Lie to you, right?"

"Huh, you do n’t know if it does n’t mean it doesn't exist." The two girls proudly said, "The sneak attack on you in the mist was originally the three of us, but you only saw us two each time, so we thought we would There are only two people. The elder sister has never been seen, and none of the enemies killed by the elder sister have actually seen her. "

"Just blow it." Limad said, "No one has caught her. I believe it. To say that no one has seen it is a joke. And you said that no one knew her existence, that is even more It ’s impossible. At least there will be a system prompt for killing, and the killed player will not be online forever, and the killed person will naturally see who attacked himself from the system information, and how could he not know who it is Attack yourself? "

"You don't believe it." The two girls said in unison: "You will be unlucky when our older sister comes online and knows we missed it."

For the two, I didn't care about the girls' words, and I didn't care about them after I handed them to Limad. After all, whether it is to kill them or let them pay for their redemption is their business, and it has nothing to do with me. Accompanied by Limad, I visited the main mining areas of the entire Indian-controlled Kashmir area, and the overall impression of these mining areas was one word at a time.

Limad seemed to understand what I meant from my frowning frown. Before I asked him, he asked himself, "Do you think the mining equipment here is in bad condition?" I nodded in response. When Limad saw me admitting it, he explained: "In fact, things are not exactly the same as you think. When the game network was started, the Kashmir area was completely controlled by monsters. Now you see the Indian control of Kashmir. The region is not the dividing line in reality, but it was made by both of us. At the beginning of the net, when we first occupied these mining areas, both of us were very excited to purchase a lot of high-level mining equipment, and then began to engage in fanfare. Construction, hoping to mine more ore to profit from it. But as time passes, the problem of the Seal of Throne is not as simple as we think. The original mining area was indeed profitable and the equipment was very advanced, but because of the control of both parties Area friction, and then began to endlessly attack each other. Whether our mining area is occupied by Pakistanis, or their mining area is occupied by us, when the mining area is determined to be in breach, we will invariably choose to give priority to destroying production facilities. Although these The equipment was bought at a high price, it is very distressing to be destroyed by yourself, but everyone Knowing that leaving the equipment is equivalent to letting the enemy take over to continue mining, then our losses will be greater. So in order not to let the other party use their own equipment to open the ore in the mining area, we will all destroy the equipment and blow up the pit before evacuating In order to ensure that the enemy cannot resume mining in the throne of the Seal of God in a short time. In this way, the high-level equipment is destroyed, because it is not certain that he will be able to control a mine for a long time. In order to lose a little when the enemy is occupied, everyone will no longer I bought the equipment, and later some of the more frequent mining areas even returned to the state of manual mining, and even the equipment was too lazy to use. "

Although Limad said very simply, after listening to it, I deeply felt the hardships. "I thought it was your problem that the mine is so bad, but now I understand. You can actually have the current scale ~ ~ Limad suddenly changed the topic after sinking for a while and asked : "By the way, I heard that President Ziri intends to completely replace the equipment. Now that you know the situation here, how do you plan? "

I nodded. "of course."


"Simply speaking, it's for money. Although your mining method is relatively lossy when it is occupied by the enemy, you must also consider that the output has also become smaller. These shabby equipment and manpower mining in some areas obviously cannot be advanced Equipment compared.

"This is naturally clear to us, but we can't help it! Is it impossible for someone else to occupy us and leave the equipment to them? If it is destroyed, we will buy new equipment back and forth repeatedly. Isn't that even more cost-effective? Could it be that President Ziri has a way to ensure that the city will not be broken? "

"No, I can't guarantee it. But we will have this." I started a video of the game, and Limard almost watched the video in the video, his chin almost fell off.

"This this this," this is ,,? "

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