Starting from Zero

Vol 17 Chapter 69: Headhunting

benefit? "What good is Peacock Pluto looking at Wei?

"If in case your present body is destroyed, as long as your soul has not been completely destroyed, you can come back here to resurrect. Of course, the strength will be slightly reduced, but multiple opportunities for resurrection are always good ? "

"Wait, wait." I quickly stopped. "Vena, do you say that this thing can regenerate the protoss that store the spirit?"

"Yeah." Wina nodded and looked at me inexplicably. I don't know why I asked this.

I did not explain her inexplicability. Instead, he continued to ask, "All protoss have such a thing?"

Wina nodded again.


"What a mess?" Wei Na looked at me puzzled.

"I say the situation is bad. Since the protoss forces have such a thing. That is to say that the seven ancient Buddhas at the Buddhist gate must also have this thing."

"That is to say, in theory, the sun can come back to life indefinitely?" Hongyue's exclamation almost lifted the ceiling. I was no longer at the Temple of Chaos and Order. Instead, he returned to Covenant City. Rose they almost fell off their chins when they heard what I reported.

"Wait." Cauldron stopped us: "I didn't understand the situation. Will Da Riru's resurrection affect us? Anyway, we won't fight him directly. As long as the contract city completes the territorial confirmation, then Even if Daleiyin Temple enters China's territory, the masters like Da Ri naturally have headaches from the heavenly masters. Does this matter to us? "

"But there isn't only one such Buddhist temple?" Rose explained: "The first-line masters of Buddhist gates will definitely not be dispatched. But this does not mean that no second-class masters will appear. Since the existence of the Peacock Pluto is dispatched, once the Buddhist gates are launched, Now that she has betrayed, then her successor will soon appear, and look at the throne of the Seal of God now. The next time Buddhism will never consider any face issues, they will send the masters they can send out. Sent out, and these people are likely to have the core members of the Buddhist monk. In other words, some of these people can be resurrected indefinitely. With our fighting power, it is not easy to kill a protoss of that level even once. If the other side comes to an infinite resurrection, then there is really no way to fight. "

"I don't need to be so nervous," Sumei said suddenly.


Su Mei pointed to the clock on the wall. "Now it's only fifty-eight and a half hours from the deadline. According to the agreement reached between Brother Ziri and Peacock Pluto, Peacock Pluto will stay in Isinger first, and we will not officially join us until we need her help to fight against the invasion of Buddhism. In other words, Buddhism has not yet known that she has betrayed. If the situation is normal, Buddhism will not be abnormal until the early morning tomorrow, and when they react to make changes, it is estimated that it will be noon tomorrow. At that time there will be Peacock Pluto and Sister Weina, two regular protoss, can help us resist them, and they should still be able to withstand them. Even if some of those people have the ability to resurrect infinitely, they will not produce much in the last thirty hours. Change, as long as the last second persists, the rest is not something we need to worry about. "

After hearing Su Mei's opinions, everyone began to meditate, and gradually began to relax as he thought about his brow. Rose suddenly stood up and said, "Su Mei is right, infinite resurrection is really troublesome, but if it is only thirty or more hours, infinite resurrection is another matter. In addition, according to Wei Na, resurrection once will The loss of three percent of the overall strength before death, although not much. But counting too many revivals like this will seriously weaken the strength of the Protoss. So we don't have to worry too much. "

Seeing that we were all relieved, Su Mei said again, "In addition, I actually have a small idea, maybe it can play a role in reversing the world."

"tell me the story?"

"Hey." Su Mei stood up and said, "Since the Peacock Pluto has a very high status among the Buddhist monks, there are still plans to rebel. Then the Buddhist monks' hearts have actually dispersed. As the saying goes, the tree is a mess. . I think that the clever buzzer should be able to feel that the big tree is about to fall in advance. You said that if we let the Peacock Pluto go back to contact, is it possible to pull out a few more people? "

"It's scary. It's possible. If you can pull a few key characters from the second assault team of Buddhism, it's even better." Rose added: "Since it's going to pull people. I can't look at it for us. Add more foundation. Even if the Buddha's gate fell down, it is estimated that some great gods are not willing to condescend to such a small temple as our guild. In order to weaken the Buddha's gate to the greatest extent, it is better to pull up the heaven and the demons. "

"Do you mean we are going to be a headhunter?" Eagle asked.

Rose nodded. "Whether the other party joins us, the demon tribe, or the heaven, the result is almost the same for us. The six important people being pulled out actually weaken the Buddha ’s power and energy ... training and defense will be of great help. Moreover, The people who pull them out can cause chaos inside the Buddhist gate. Although this position can be adjusted soon, the Buddhist gate may not have the time to seal the throne. "

"Okay, let's do that. Rose, please tell the Peacock Pluto. Let her act now. Let the purple bamboo fairy go to Tianting to contact us, and I will go to the Yao tribe."

With more people doing things, everyone is obviously running faster, and we ran back in less than two hours. This time things are simple. It is our guild to come forward. Dig the corner of the Buddha's gate through the medium of the hole and the bird Hades. So it's a good thing for us, Yaozu, and Heaven. The only unlucky one is Buddha Gate, so the efficiency of all three of us is very high. Shui Xu, one of the four major protection methods of the demon tribe, returned to Essinger with me this time. He is here to keep in touch with us using a crystal communicator. After all, the other party needs conditions to join here. And we can't help the Yaozu mess up the price code, so someone must come to negotiate with the other party. It's convenient for us to stay in touch with Essinger, so it's easier to talk about conditions. same. There is also a person in Tianting who is responsible for negotiating the price, but the wealth of the heavenly courts is not so big, unlike the demons who attach so much importance to this matter. Therefore, instead of sending someone else, she gave the rights to Zizhu Fairy directly and let her make a decision.

After all the contacts were made, the Peacock Pluto had just returned the contact request. For her convenience. We specially gave her a crystal communicator and a space guide. Of course, the communication machine is convenient for digging people to contact us to discuss the price. As for the space guide, Nasuke is used to protect the peacock Pluto. After all, we are in a state of war with Buddhism, and let the Peacock Pluto dig people so blatantly. In case someone refuses to join but tells the truth. The Peacock Pluto is in danger. Although the Peacock Pluto has not yet incorporated the spirit into the light of faith in the Temple of Chaos and Order. But she is already our order person, so we need to keep her safe. That space guide functions like a locator. As long as she is in danger, she can crush the thing. Then the transnational transport array of our bank will start its unique function to pull a small area of ​​the last fragmentation position of the guide back to Isinger to ensure the safety of the Peacock Pluto.

"Did you hear it?" The peacock Pluto appeared in the communicator with a slightly uncertain voice.

"can hear."

"That's great," said the Peacock Pluto. "I contacted seven companions who wanted to leave Buddhism. You can talk about the specific conditions. I'm only responsible for the matchmaking."

"Okay, you worked hard."

The next thing is simple, first those people report some relevant information about themselves. Then we decide who we want, and then discuss the joining conditions. It is just like recruiting by big companies. However, because the fall of Buddha Gate is not far away, the current supply and demand relationship is in the capital market. That is to say, we are not very worried about the other party's refusal to join, even if we do not get people, it is nothing. And for those who want to leave the Buddhist gate. If you don't hurry up, the new owner will change jobs and follow the Buddha door.

So we are not in a hurry. They are more urgent. However, since these are protoss ~ ~ not cabbage or radish. So the conditions we have here are pretty good. On the premise of such willingness between the two parties, the negotiation went smoothly. The only more depressing is us. Because the people contacted by the Peacock Pluto were all divided up by the demon tribe and the heavenly court, none of our guilds caught it. Of course. The introduction fee is indispensable. This year, I have to hire a babysitter to rent a house and introduce a fee! We helped Tianting and the Demons to pull so many protoss to naturally work in vain.

After these seven people were settled, the Peacock Pluto closed the communication and began to contact other Buddhists. However, it will not be pulled like this one by one, but one by one, because these seven are basically identified people who do not want to stay in the Buddhist gate, so they can be pulled together once, but the rest People are not sure if they will join, so it is safer to contact one by one. In case the other party does not agree, it is better to start whether to escape or to control the other Peacock Pluto.

Although the Peacock Pluto worked very hard, after all, digging the corner was very risky, so she had to be careful, so that until late at night, the followers of the Buddhism had already approached the city and she was connected again. Different from the last talk with sound and no image. Apparently, this time, the Peacock Pluto has found a safer place, and even the video signal is connected. The picture flashed on the crystal. The sudden appearance surprised us all.

"Fuck, isn't it? Is Buddha's cohesion so poor?" Read it!

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