Starting from Zero

Vol 17 Chapter 85: Anxious students

Two of the four things extorted by a little lamb were temporarily unavailable. But I also care about Xiao Zuo too. Anyway, it's all extortion. It's not something you buy for money. You get it for nothing. There's nothing to be sad about not getting it.

When I arrived near the contract city, it was already over five in the morning, and the huge isolation hood outside the city still stood there. The only difference was that the outside of the city was almost filled with Buddhist soldiers. Looking down into the sky from the sky, the area has far exceeded the area of ​​the contract city; that is, if all the soldiers sent by the Buddhist gates entered the city, they must be able to stand down, otherwise they would not be connected Can't go in.

Looking at this huge number of people, I really don't know what to say. The Buddha's gate is getting shameless with the passage of the Seal of the Seal of God. The first thing is to provoke others to mess with us, and by the way, send equipment. Attribute points, after which it does not work, then secretly set aside some tricks to us. Later, the Buddhist monks could not hurt us by these small means, so they simply covered their faces and directly participated in the war. Now it is no longer possible to participate in such sneaky warfare, and I am anxious, and I wo n’t even lose my face. What kind of face is not face, and his life is gone, so face has a fart? With the promotion of this kind of psychology, the fighting style of Buddhism is becoming more and more rampant, and now it is completely abandoning all identities as one. The full power of the Protoss forces has weighed on the heads of one of our guilds. This is definitely bullying. But I ca n’t help the Buddhist monks, and who told us to take on such a task!

Fly to that. After the huge protective cover was near, I threw out the borrowed vow, this thing obviously belonged to the advanced magic weapon, and immediately flew to the isolation cover as soon as I took off my hand, and then slammed the balloon like a needle. nailed it. After I broke the passport, I did n’t wait for my response. The fleeter immediately turned around and flew back to the country. At the same time, three bling Buddhas in the Daleiyin Temple of the Buddha Headquarters suddenly sprayed blood together. , And then the whole body suddenly turned green and spit on the ground while spitting. The response of the several Buddhas next to Xiao Shaya quickly stepped forward to help, but the three of them had been discouraged before they could react.

After breaking the protective cover of the Buddha's gate, I started the communication system and contacted Rose. "Where are you?" The anxious voice of Rose came as soon as the voice network turned on.

"Just outside the city."

"Then what do you see now ?.

"Well. Just like an ant, I'm really a bit unsure whether we can block it at night!"

"There are still 19 hours. If you can't stop it, you can't stop it. If you can't stop it, we can't stop it. We and Essinger Mobile Fortress can temporarily save the emergency, but the shooting cost is really."

"Anyway, Heaven Court is reimbursed. We do n’t need to help Heaven Court save money, but the premature appearance of Essinger ’s mobile plug will cause Buddha to use more powerful means to invade. By the way. How is the city now?

"There is not much problem for the time being. Although there are many Buddhist monks, they cannot all fight with us. Those who can participate in the battle are always those in the front row, so I can barely stop them, but there are too many corpses. I am afraid Sooner or later, all roads will be filled, and by then the entire city will become a huge mountain of meat. I really don't know how to stop it! "

"Isn't it for you to summon skeletons and zombies with undead mage to reduce the number of corpses ?.

"Do you think we don't have one? Now the real pile on the ground is not corpses, but minced meat, all zombies and skeletons summoned after being killed are cut into pieces again; fortunately, our undead mage in the guild compares Many, I just discovered that corpse explosion is really the best skill to clear the corpse on the battlefield. Not only can it be completely removed, but it can also kill the enemy by the way? The most important thing is that the corpse becomes meat foam and bone residue after the corpse explosion. Less space. "

"Since I can still live here for a while, I ’ll go and collect the magic pets first. Now the outside, the cover has been broken by me, and I will go directly if there is something.

"I see, you can do it as soon as possible.

Knowing that there was no problem with the contract city, I immediately flew to the place where the buddha's group of ancient Buddhas were fighting with my magic pets. Before I came here to steal something, I fell into the trap of the Buddha. In order to cover the Peacock Pluto and Starfire and return to the contract city, my magic pets resolutely stayed to take on the task of delaying the ancient Buddha. Although all my magic pets are very powerful. But I can insist that none of them have been killed by the ancient Buddha, even I feel quite surprised. Although these ancient Buddhas have not taken back their strength avatars, so their strength is only one tenth of that of the heyday, but being able to fight with them until now can also show how strong my magic pets are?

It was said that when I was killed by Rulai, the Peacock Pluto and Starfire also left, and the remaining ancient Buddhas of the Buddhist gate planned to catch up and left the Peacock Pluto and Starfire. Who knew that when they were planning to chase, they suddenly felt that the surrounding environment had changed. . When the reaction came, but now a large group of people were actually pulled near the sea of ​​silence. You must know that the members of the Buddhist gate are all positive attributes of cultivation. It can be said that the sea of ​​silence is completely suppressed. This environment is definitely As for the last thing they want to see. It is also because of this environment that the ancient Buddhas of Buddhism have managed to kill my magic pet now. After all, it is too bad for them. The strength of the whole body is declining and thrown away. The magic power is less than one tenth of the usual. Some small powers don't even dissipate by themselves halfway through. In this kind of environment, the gate of the Buddha's gate is naturally unable to exert its full combat power. Although it has always prevailed due to its strength, it has been beaten abnormally. Tossing to the present has nothing to achieve. However, unlike the ancient Buddhas in the Buddhist temple, when I arrived at the scene, I saw another scene.

This is the place where I was killed before. The collapsed mountain and the burnt forest are still what they were when I left. The difference is that there was a huge black sphere in the place where we had fought before. The volume of this sphere is almost as large as the original forest. Only half of the sphere can be seen on the ground, and the other half should be underground.

From the outside, the entire sphere looks like black jade, and its surface is not only smooth, but also reflects light. Such a strange thing naturally attracted a lot of players nearby to watch it, and some people have tried to enter it to see it, but the result is no matter how hard they are. As long as you enter from one position of the sphere, it will be teleported from another place, and each time the position is not fixed, there is no regularity to find.

I was not surprised after seeing such a thing because of this. The breath from the black sphere clearly told me its source, Yi Ling. This thing is made by Ling. It is impossible for others to imitate the familiar dark power. No one can make this unique half-space except Ling. In fact, this black ball is not a magical barrier, but an independent half-space or space gap. Yi Ling's ability cannot create her own space, so she can only make a half space instead. As for this one, it ’s obviously not Ling. Human works, because I feel a lot of other magic pets in it. After a little induction, I can roughly determine that this thing is at least Ling, baby, princess, Rebecca, night Shadows, Amenities, and Blood Rainbow Trees work together to make things, and the various mana they mix are just a level of miscellaneous, except for me, their common master, do n’t want to figure out what ’s hidden in it. .

After walking near the huge black ball, I put one hand on the surface of the black ball, and then my thoughts moved slightly, and the whole person was sinking into the black ball. But different from other people trying to enter. Instead of being thrown out from the other side of the sphere, I walked into the sphere. As soon as the whole body entered the interior of the black ball, I immediately changed the surrounding environment. The sky that had gradually started to light up suddenly was replaced by a total darkness. There is a strong cold in the surrounding air. It is not a physical experience of martial arts. The Holy King made the sacred king to kill the gods and seal the throne at night. The proudest Nine Emperor ’s strongest abandoned the Shaozhou Zhou royal family martial arts Qiankun will kill the gods of the Seal of the Night and seek the demon. The coldness of the Dazhou royal family is a cold that can freeze the soul. This strong sense of familiarity Li Xuan made me understand what is going on here. The corners of her mouth rose slightly to reveal a knowing smile; "Smart girls

"The owner flashed around me suddenly, Rebecca appeared beside me, flashing along with the surrounding light, and several other magic pets also appeared.

"How's it? I have a good idea, right? As soon as Ling Gang appeared, he invited me for me.

I immediately gave my thumbs generously. "Exquisite. I really think you can think of this kind of thing." In fact, this thing is more suitable than a phantom space than a phantom space. Common mezzanine space spells are usually used to open portals or create Storage equipment, but Ling has creatively created such a monster-like space. The basis of this space is the space sandwich made by Ling, a half-space completely controlled by Ling. Unlike the Mother Earth's garden, this half-space cannot create space out of thin air. It must rely on the existing space. This is why it is such a **** ball in the place where we have fought. In fact, the black ball is the external expression of this space. It occupies the space that already exists, instead of being created out of thin air. What Ling has done is to exclude the original world laws of the region, making this space a blank world with no rules. The main advantage of this is that Ling can fully grasp this space, because she only ruled out the rules and did not modify the rules, so the relative mana consumption is very low, which also allows her to maintain this magic space for a long time. ; And this. The environment and rules inside the space were all opened to others to manipulate, which is why I felt so much magic power on the black ball. This, the foundation of space was created by Ling, but its law comes from the baby. The baby is good at controlling the rules in the independent space. Although he used to control the rules in his own space before, this time he has more control over the empty space supported by Ling. Because there is no need to create independent space by yourself. The most obvious rule after this space is created is that there is only one opposite property, and the basic environment of the space is set as a sea of ​​silence, which is a completely negative energy environment. All the ghosts know that the ancient Buddhas of the Buddhist gates all possessed positive energy. It is no wonder that it is not depressed to die in such a space full of negative energy. Is the guy who is so strong in the first treasure tree king not finished by the sea of ​​silence?

In fact, in addition to the space and main rules created by Ling and Baby, other magic pets also participated in space enhancement. The princess used her charm ability to disturb the ancient Buddha's detection ability. The night vision's dream-entering ability pulled the ancient Buddha's mind into a state of half dream and awake, which further reduced the ancient Buddha's perception. The illusion created by the combined efforts of Amenities and the Blood Rainbow Tree is the illusion of the baby's rule: the two emerged, which psychologically caused the ancient Buddhas to have a certain pressure on Rebecca. She did not actually Participate in making illusions. She's only acting as a battery, but her humanoid battery is not powering the space. It's charging. The rule specified by the baby is that the positive and negative energy cancel out, but this space is a level illusion. It's just that the baby's false rules and other magic pets make it look real, but the fake is false after all. The magic pets can deceive the ancient Buddha but cannot deceive the law itself. Therefore, the ancient Buddhas thought that the mana that was canceled out did not disappear, but such a powerful energy to dissipate it in space was not only unsafe but it was a pity. The card was taken out. Her ability is to use the fear of the other side to absorb the strength of the other side. The more the other side fears that she absorbs faster, the ancient Buddhas of Buddhism are not scared by my magic pet, but they are abnormal to the sea of ​​silence that will absorb their magic Fear, and this is Rebecca ’s entry point, using this loophole to continuously **** out the ancient mana's mana into their own power and transmit the excess to their surrounding companions. This is what Rebecca is doing. She is like a solar cell that absorbs the mana of the ancient Buddhas and transforms it into the needs of herself and her surrounding companions.

Of course, after the foundation of the space is built, it is impossible for the ancient Buddhas to float around in it. After all, the sea of ​​silence is fake. In fact, it is just a small space. If the ancient Buddhas have been flying in one direction, It's easy to run out of this space. But now the ancient Buddhas did not know that this was actually a fake space, so they did not fly around, after all, the true sea of ​​silence was actually infinite. Don't look at the existence of the coast, it seems to be large or small, but if you are suddenly thrown into the center of the silent sea, you must never fly out in a lifetime. It is also because of the characteristics of the Sea of ​​Silence and the ancient Buddhas' understanding of this knowledge point that these ancient Buddhas did not waste their energy flying around. In fact, if it was a gimmick that didn't understand anything, they would just fly out. Of course, even if the ancient Buddhas did n’t fly around, it does n’t mean they ca n’t come out. After all, the ancient Buddhas are very strong, they can completely break the space to the place they want to go, so just give them enough time to seal On the throne, they can teleport themselves to their designated location. But will Ling give them this chance? Obviously impossible? In addition to these magic pets responsible for creating and maintaining space, all my fighting magic pets are now surrounded by those, and the ancient Buddha beat them in the group, anyway, it is not to teleport them, as long as they are dragged, Erie Sooner or later Becca's ability will **** them all to death.

It is for the above reasons that I exaggerate this idea. If the Throne of Time Seal of God lost five promises, and if they did not come here, it is actually just a phantom space. She could really use this to drain all the remaining ancient Buddhas.

Although the idea is good, we do not have the Seal of Throne now. The ancient Buddhas of Buddha's Gate cannot actually be counted among Buddha's attacking team, because no matter how shameless Buddha's Gate is, it is absolutely impossible for them to come to attack the Contract City. This is why they will try to lead me out to besiege me, because they ca n’t attack me in the contract city, but they can attack me near the treasure house of the Buddha Gate to protect the rights of the Buddha ’s property, which is equivalent to the Buddha ’s gate. Did the ancient Buddha take part in the battle? So I can't let my magic pets consume them here, anyway, they can't go to the contract city to help, if we don't go back, we will weaken our own fighting power.

However, although I plan to take the magic pet to run, I can't suddenly reclaim this space and flash people immediately, after all, those few. Ancient Buddhas are not ordinary characters, as long as they give them a second of the Seal of the Seal of God, I may be killed again. Although it is possible to get back to the level, but now is the time to need strength. I don't want to lose grade for nothing. After thinking about it for a long time, we still decided to make a time for the Seal of the Throne, and rushed in with the pets to give the ancient Buddhas a hard time, and then flashed people while they were calm. This is the most wonderful thing. Method.

After we made the decision, we set about cutting action ~ ~, but when we were all ready to take action, an accident suddenly occurred. I do n’t know if it ’s because of my arrival that the magic pets are distracted, or after the ancient Buddha ’s throne of the Seal of God has finally figured out the true situation of this space. In short, we are not ready to make a surprise attack. Shoot a golden light, and then the surrounding dark space bursts like a balloon that burst, and my devil and pet were exposed to the broad daylight, and even worse, the ancient Buddhas were in front of us. At a distance of less than a hundred meters, this distance is actually no different for them.

Damn, Ziri. You have a lot of tricks? Rulai sneered with an extremely distorted voice after humming twice with his nose. Seeing that he was clearly on the verge of explosion. Think about it, too. Think of one of the seven ancient Buddhas in his grandeur. He had planned to come. Counting me, I didn't expect to be trapped by my magic pet for so long. How could an expert like him have been so ashamed? Now it looks clear that he looks ashamed and angry, and has reached the brink of explosion.

what should I do? Could he be killed again? Although this grade was brushed out by me, I can spit out the meat I have eaten, and it feels different! No, I have to find a way to run.

(To be continued)

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